!"*• "/..* v.* SecllonTwo -- Page Tw4 *|*j. RINGWOOD NEWS MSLORES BRENNAN 653-9045 Honor Teacher At Open House ; . All are invited to attend the open house for Mrs. Vanetta Mecklenberg: today at the Ringwood school between the hours or 2 &«d 5 p.m. Mrs. Mecklenberg is leaving liter this month for two week? basic training in Michigan before taking on her new job with the J[. O.. B. Corps. Mr; Mecklenberg has been teaching at our school for the pas1 seven years, and through those years has made many many friends. This farewell tea is your chance to wish her lots of luch in her new field, and to show her we will miss her. -Any persons wanting to" come, please feel free to do so Axel Carlsons Celebrate , 35th Anniversary On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs Axel Carson celebrate:! their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary with theii^friends and relatives gathered \round them. Joining in the happy occasion were; Mr. and Mrs. Granville Carlson of Melrose Park; Mr. and Mrs. William Furman from North Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Dolmar Shook of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Gust Carlson and Dean from Richmond; Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson, Mrs. Gertrude Wilberson, Mrs. Gustie Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carlson and Annett all of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carlson and Mrs. Emma Grady also of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Bruce and daughter Wendy, Mrs. Leonard Ackerman and daughters. Juanita and Cris; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce, Yvonne and Cynthia all of Ringwood. delicious lunch was served tr all. ' Linda Low Graduates On Thursday, Linda Low daughter of Mr. and Mrs Walt Low, graduated from Mc Henry high school, and wa^ honored at a party in her homo on Sunday evening, with a large host of relatives'! and friends attending. > Lunch was solved l;ifer iiv the evening to all. Graduation Party For Yvonne Yvonne Bruce was honored at a party held by her paren. tsn Virginia and Clayton Bruce, on Thursday evening affter her graduation from Mc- Henry high school. Relatives from Belvidere, Woodstock, McHenry and Wonder Lake attended. Lunch was served. Mike Hogan Honored At Graduation Party Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan held a party in their home on Thursday evening following McHenry high school's commencement exercises in honor of their son Mike's graduation. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hogan of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Greenwood; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Parsley of Woodstock; and of course, Mike's wife. Susie, and their little boy, Mike, were present. There were also many friends from the surrounding ai*ea. A Party Hold For Ida Mar \y:ilk:ngtnn Mr. and Mis. Paul Walkingto held a party in their home o Thursday evening in honor r Ida Mae's graduation from Mc Henry .high school. Lunch wa served to many friends and re! atives who attended. Congratulations To All! . Sincere congratulations t< all of our local young peopk who .received thoir Diploma from McHenry high school las Thuisday. Birthday Hays Birthday wishes are in order for Harold Bell, whose 'nata! day is Friday, June 18. Clara Klapperich celebrated her birthday on the 11th. And on June 22, we hope John Skidmore has a joyour birthday. To Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearsen, hope you have a very happy anniversary on June 21. Here 'X* There On Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Siessor of Lake Villa called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were Woodstock callers on Tuesday. Howard Wattles of McHenry called on Will Claxton in the home of Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Wednesday. Mrs. Bob Brennari, son, Bobby, and daughter, Un:la, were callers in Waukegan on Friday. On Thursday, Mrs. L. E. Hawley and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn called on relatives in McHenry. Mrs. Dorothy Kramer and Mrs. Carolyn Rcichow, both of Chicago, spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Harrison. Mrs. Harrison worked in the same -office as the other two ladies, so there were many happy hours of talking to do. Joining them for Sunday dinner were; Dr. Walter Meyer of Chicago and Mary Lou Wett of Woodstock. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Frcund of McHenry called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mra. Joe M. Schmitt of McHenry and her sister, Margaret, of Washigton called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan and family on Saturday afternoon. S, Dad s biggest day. Grandad s too! 3tememSel SolA tvi/fi a by VAN HEUSEN* Dads deserve the best! Compliment their good taste by giving each the gift he'd choose for himself distinctively styled, meticulously tailored men's wear by Van Heusen. STORE for MEN v ..... .... .. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER •fxg~*- v v 1 » % ^ 1 Thursday# June 17, 19G5 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz and Joe Weber of McHenry called on Will Claxton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swan son of Wonder Lake and Mr ;nd Mrs. Ed Swason of Omaha Neb., were callers on Thurs lay evening in the L. E. Hawey home. On Wednesday, Mrs. Ruby >hepard attended a dinner parv in honor of Ella Walkup at he McHenry Country club. , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Maude Granger of VleHcnry visited in the homo >f Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Thursday. Once again, the Ringwood •olumn comes to a close. Sec ou next week???? SHOP* IN McHENRY ?rew PASTOR or MOUNT HOPE TO PREACH SUNDAY Rev. John C. Atherton o .Vic hit a, Ens., newly appointe pastor of M/)unt Hope Meth :d'st. church3fn Piftakee ,High ands, will preach his first ser mon on Sunday, June 20, at 11 o'clock in the morning with coffee hour to follow. Rc\. Atherton was appoints )v t!rx cabinet of the -Rock River Conference of the church Fiom 1952 to 1955 he served in the U. S.; Marine Corpvyith a rank of sergeant. He cived overseas (Japan) for ;• ear .-nd wis for a shirt t:nv '» chaplain's assistant. In 1955. hf enrolled at Flier, i's University,- a Ouaker affiliate! school in Wichita with a degree in' Business. Administration. He was married in 1955 to Marilyn Pietsehman of Waukegan. Both were active REV. J. C. ATHERTON First Methodist Church, Wichita, from 1955 to 1959, teaching in the church school and counseling the MYF. The Athertons moved to Evanston in 1959, where Rev. Atherton was in .residence at Garrett Theological Seminary. For a time he worked at the Evanston Children's Home, a home for emotionally disturbed children, as counselor. In January, 1960, he was appointed as pastor to the Compton Methodist Church, Tampton,^ LI. At Conference •n 1962. "he was appointed a associate to the Grace Meth odist Church in Rockford. Due to the illness of the senior minister, he has led that church since February, 1965. j Rev. Atherton was received on trial in Rock River Conference in 1960. he was ordained decon in 1961 and an elder in 1964. He was graduated from Garrett, in 1964 also. The Athertons have two children, a daughter, Jonalyn Sue, age 8, and' a son, Cale Piet, age 6. I RENTED IT THROUGH THI WANT AOS recruiting hours The Navy recruiter, Rog^r S£ars, announces the new" hours for the recruiting office at 102Vz Cass Street, Woodstock. They are 12 a.m. to 8 'p.m., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and from 9 a.m. to 5 p*n. on Wednesday and Friday;'and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays. * ALUMINUM SIDING Fireproof -- Waterproof -- Rustproof Reynolds -- Alsco ALSCO Premium "30" Siding with the DuPoht Finish 30 Year Written Guarantee Storm Windows, Doors & Awnings McHenry Window & Awning Co. S318 W. Waukegan Rd. McHenry, III PHONE 385-1180 "Full Value for Your Dollar' Says It Best-- #3# IF TOO UK Hi WIS fash tons f « *»« SHE MID SNIPS! BEEF RIB U.S.D.A. INSPECTED Thm specially selected chickens are plump, tender-meated and deep-down flavorful. Whole C AAF'« SUPER-RIGHT 4th and 5th Ribs 1st thru 3rd Ribs....lb. 99c c lb. A&P'S SUPER-RIGHT Boneless Chuck ROAST Specially selected from grain-fed beefl Alf't Super-Right Beef Chuck Steak A&P's Super-Right-FRESH Ground Chuck AtP't Super-Right--FRESH Boneless Brisket 3-lb. pkg. or more S«v« 4c per lb. ovtr leitor qcontifiet Dessert-Time favorites 99c nw Pjc'tRipe-Freestone E|befta PEACHES '"""""(EACH 2ST Syn" A&P's Suptr-Ri(jh»-Fre$h Pork Steaks A&P's Super-Right Sliced Boiled Ham Cap'n John's--Breaded Fish Sticks Center Slice--Silver Salmon Steaks Meaty, Plump--Alaskan Cooked Crab Legs Pan Ready 6-oz. pkg. 10-oz. pkgs. 59* 55' Jan* Parker Reg. 49c Angel Food Cake Sultana Salad Dressing Sultana Salad Dressing 1 -lb. 8-or. Size Fresh Walleye Pike »>• 79* Warm • VAk v i s * • > • > ? . ICEBERG _ ad Lettuce Whole or Point Cut.. (Flat Cut lb. 89c) I • • - v',i' ' Frozen Food Values w I • INSTANT Niagara starch Ceresota Flour Al I sweet Ma rg a r i ne 3 i*. 'I00 Blue Bonnet ^ 37* 12 o i. box 25< Mortons S Pies 5£55e Qt. Jar Vanity Fair Tissue S 2 29c Facial Tissue Wide Mouth Fit All Sizes CREAM ^CHOCOLATE -^STRAWBERRY * LEMON ^BANANA *LIME ^NEAPOLITAN -^COFFEE--REGULAR 39c 14-0Z. SIZE 29 Off Metrecal Dietary Drink Chicken,he Sea Tuna Vanity Fair 200 ct. Regal Print pkg. Morton's Frozen Fruit Pies 3 20-ox. ^1®® 12t;r99« For Automatic Washers J CQC ^ cans VV 35c W light 6'/2-cr. 49-or. pkg. 29e Clapp'i Strained . Baby Food laundry Detergent Ball Jar Lids 12 -29* Nabisco Oreos S 2£' 89c Folger's Coffee X 2£*l™ Ball Mason Jars cig 12J12' Teen Rite Pizza 5 ™"• 59* Heinz Ketchup PATRICIAN--White or Colors Tangy, 20oz. Tasty btl. 35' Bathroom Tissue Each Roll Has 500 2-Ply Sheets Libbys Frozen Fruit Drinks Sausage Pizza Hills Bros. fi-oz. 1 At Can 1V & Chees« l ib.. Combination 11-or. Barras--frozen piZia Instant Coffee 20c Off 6-oz. Maxwell Hse. ,^*145 THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY, INC. er Markets These Prices Effective Thru June 19, 1965 Active "All" Rinso Blue Breeze Detergent Surf Detergent 3 lb p;g 2M' 79e Action Dry Bleach pkCJ:45e Fleecy White Bleach v'[uf 39e Instant Fels Detergent ^' 89' Gentle Fels Detergent "r 65e Silver Dust Blue oh S*124 Ajax Liquid Cleaner "^39* Ajax Cleanser 2«nT33e Plastic Baggies 3-lb., 6-oz. pkg. With Free giant Cannon . Tc acI Inside Pk9- 3-lb., 2-oz. pkg. 8 ct. pkg. Plastic 100 Ct. EC# Sandwich Bags «V FANCY HOT HOUSE TOMATOES . . .39k TEXAS HONEYOEWS . ... 14 size 29' ea. |S45 N. Green 81. Phone 385-0047 McHenry, III RED RIPE WHOLE WATERMELONS . (Cold melons no extra charge) .69*