Section Two -- Page On THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER s'* Thursday, July 8, 1965 EASTWOOD M Pat Borcovan--385-3812 Frieda Durldn--385-5072 Manor Holds Open House Saturday, July 24, is not too far away. I hope you are keeping it in mind. Mark it on your calendar. It is the night of the "Meet The Manor" open house at the Eastwood Manor barn. Church News On Sunday, July 11, Rev. Jack Mclntyre will give what he termed to me as a surprise sermon. July 12 Youth Fellowship meets at the home of A. C. Jackson. July 12 The Presbytery of Freeport will the First Presbyterian church of Harvard at 9:30 in the morning. Besides Rev. Mclntyre, George Colette will be present. Sympathy Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to the Radner family on the death of Betty's father, Mr. Lightholder, Sunday, June 27., And to the Masshiemer family on the passing away of Kenn's Aunt Florence Maxwell from Roselle, 111. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday to Bernadette Hoppe on July 9, to Tommy Salo who will be 10 on July 10, and to Anne Meyer on the 10th. Happy birthday to Willard Barnes on July 13, and to Mark Borcovan who will be 13 on the 14th, and to Howard Booster on the 14th. Anniversaries Or^ July 11 Mr. and Mrs. John Coughli.13, will be celebrating an anniversary. On the 12th of July Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Richly and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Neff will celebrate Meet The Schaefers On June 5 a new owner took over the house at 2303 Manor lane. They are Joann and Harvery Schaefer. Harvey is a local boy being born and raised in McHenry. Joan is originally a Chicago girl who moved here a few years ago and met Harvey through a mutual acquaintance. They married and are now the proud parents of two fine boys, Mark, who was born in October of 1961 and Paul who was born in April of 1963. Harvey is employed as an instant coffee processor. Joann has a part-time job. They both enjoy the hobby of fishing and Harvey uses his spare time for photography. On Sunday, June 27, the Schaeffers had a very special day. Harvey's sister took her final vows in the order of St. Francis and is Sister M. Idelle, a registered nurse at St. Mary's Of The Hill hospital in Milwaukee, Wis. A family reception was held in her honor at Twin Lakes, Wis. After which Harvey and Joann entertained her with a cook-out. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schaeffer, Jr., Harvey's mother and father, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schaefer and two children, Gary and Sharon, and special guests, an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huff, from Palmyra, Wis. Airplane Flight Highlight Of Visit Uncle Jim Wilson took niece Linda Grimm for an airplane ride while she visited here last weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Grim, and her brother, Jeff. They are all from Indianola, Iowa. Georgia prepared pizza burgers and received raves from the teenager. When they left for home on Tuesday morning they took Debbie back home with them for a few weeks visit. "Ouch" A sunburn is the one thing Patty McHale would like to forget about her birthday outing tjiat took place Sunday, July 27. Grandma Helen Nelson came out from Chicago to help celebrate with a family picnic at Twin Lakes. Besides the sunburn she received some lovely clothes. Gerry Biederer is hobbling around on crutches this week after suffering a broken foot. The big break occurred whale Gerry was playing baseball with fellow workers at the airfield. Gerry, I think you better leave the base running to your little league team. Shinny Bike A new bike was the big gift to three year old Todd Huemann on his birthday last week. A party was held in his honor and the guest list went like this, Grandma and Grandpa DiCicco from Lakemoor, Grandma and Grandpa Huemann from Johnsburg, and Godparents, Vivian DiCicco and Don Huemann and family. Picnic Sendoff Janet Long, Bob Mitchell's young sister, has been visiting the Mitchell family for three weeks. She left via jet for home on Wednesday. Before she left the Mitchells took her to a company picnic at an amusement park in nearby Dundee. Evening Out Pat and John Coughlin and Lois and Tim McCormack accompanied Helen and Tom Birmingham on a night on the town to celebrate Helen and Tom's anniversary. They had a nice time in spite of the fact that the place they originally headed for was closed on Mondays. Next year things will be different, Helen, your anniversary will be on Tuesday night. Bridge Learnings Marilyn Salo invited Gall Crokin and myself, Pat Borcovan, to sit in on her bridge club last Thursday night. We are both learning and she hopes to get another table going in the future. The players were Terry Kaufman, Joan Albrecht and Joan's cousin, Jean Thompson. Marilyn served dessert and' coffee. Busy Weekend This past weekend has been busy for Mark Borcovan. On Friday he left with the Viscounts to go to Chicago for a parade. On Saturday he again went with the corps to Park Ridge and on Sunday they traveled by bus to Cedarburg, Wis. which is about 90 miles from here. Mom and Dad decided if they wanted to see him much this summer we would just have to go too. So we packed a picnic lunch and drove to Cedarburg on Sunday. It was a very lovely show with bands and drum corps from all over the area. It is a big thrill to see your own son on a field with so many boys and girls all working hard and loving every minute of the hobby of Drum Corps. There are several other children from the subdivision who are also in this corps. A very fine bunch of kids. Theresa Birmingham, Gail McCormack, Mike Sobacki, Denise Dethlefson and Dennis Moore. Get out and give them , your support on .Fiesta Day, they will have an exhibition then. S'Long For Now Well this is all the news that was reported to me this week and by having to get it in early due to a holiday I didn't make any calls. I'm sure hoping to hear from more of you in the week that is coming up. Remember any news is good news (to me anyway) and to all of the Manor as welj. Bye now. Let us brighten up your printing . , . Even a business card or a billhead can be given a fresh, bright new look when imaginatively designed and crisply printed by us. You'll appreciate the difference ... so will your customers and prospects! If you have an idea that "it's time for n change" in your forms or literature, get our ideas on the subject' Come In Or Call . . . McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 West Elm Street 385-0170 Ask for Bill Moore Head Medical Assistants Pictured above are newly elected members of the Medical Assistants of McHenry County. They are, left to right, Dorothy Stoffel of McHenry, treasurer; Judy Keim of McHenry, secretary; Evelynne Walter of McHenry, vicepresident; and JoAnne Houghton of McHenry, president. The latter is shown receiving the gavel from out-going president, Pat Manuel, of Woodstock. Dae Nelson, district counselor, acted as installing officer,at the meeting held recently in Crystal Lake. McHenry Boy Cited At Roosevelt Academy Cadet Michael Boskelly, who is a student in the Roosevelt Military academy, Aledo, 111., was cited for excellence at special ceremonies honoring award winners for the fourth quarter of the school year. Cadet Boskelly is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Boskelly, 2610 N. Lauderdale Drive, McHenry. Cadet Bcskelly was presented an award for excellence in beginners band and bugle roster. Cadet Boskelly was also promoted to the rank of private. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG 385-4672 BEGIN SWIM LESSONS AT LAKE BEACH Swimming lessons began at the Lake beach last Tuesday, with junior life saving classes beginning at 8:30, Swimmers and Intermediates at 9:30, Advanced Beginners at 10:30 and Beginners at 11:30. Girl Scouts See Colorado Three Holiday Hills girls, members of the Cadette Girl Scout Troo$? recently returned from a "most interesting and exciting trip to Colorado. Betsy, Haufe, Bonnie McWilliams and Pat tie Schmidt left on Monday, .June 1.4, heading for Colorado Springs. On their trip some of the sights they took in were Cheyenne Canyon, the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, the Seven Falls, Ghost Town, the Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak. The trip home was decayed due to tornado damage, and the girls made excellent baby sitters for the distrought mothers on the train. They arrived home on Friday, June IS, twenty-seven hours late to the distress of their parents, but all had a good time. More Girl Scout News The Girl Scouts of troop 47S and these gals of the Cadette Unit are enjoying the Valley View Day Camp which began on Monday, June 28, and continued through Friday, July 2. Phyl Harper i§ camp director this year and had her home full of supplies for the past several weeks, as well as spending endless time prepaiing for it. Local Talent Quite a number of our young people from Holiday Hills displayed talent when they participated in a recital at McHenry junior high on Sunday, June 27. They were Judy Abbink, Torh and Ricky Ary, Roy Breede, Janet and Nancy Harper, Leslie Jende, Bonnie and Jim McWilliam,-;, Debbie, Ohlsen, Vickie Prince, Linda Belrrian and Wendy Young. Farewell Parties For Mrs. Pat it Elizabeth Patz enjoyed a round of farewell parties before she moved to her new home last Thursday. The Bairds took her on a family picnic to Devil's Lake for one day. Her sewing class tr.cked her imo going over to the home of Irene Weiss on the pretense that she was having trouble with the dress she was sewing. When she arrived she was greeted by Loretta Nelson, Irene Weiss, Jimmie Justes, Chady Ary and Bernice Malstrom. Earline Mettelka was missing because she was vacationing. An extra guest, Mrs. Weiss, Carl's mother, was on hand and enjoyed comparing notes on places of employment with Elizabeth. Most exciting of all was the 'watermelon party' with all 'her' children in the neighborhood joining in to reverse the procedure to give her a party. Taking charge of the entertainment were Patty Baird Linda Uelman and Bonnie McWilliams. The little ones entertained her with an elephant walk, the boys played basketball for her and the older girls did the twist and wrote the farewell song. 'Her' children present on the Baird lawn for the watermelon party were the Arys, Tom end Ricky, Linda Uelman, the Bairds, Patty, Buddy, Michael, Billy, Regine and Bridget, the Ohlsons. Debbie, Paul and Danny, the McWilliams, Bonnie, Jimmie, Bobby and Wayne, the Princes. Vickie, Wendy and Sherri, the Hedgepaths, David, Floyd, Philip and Debbie, and Roger and Nanette Mroz. Rev. Lundquist arrived just before the end of the party to bid his farewell. Most of her meals the last week were with her very dear friends the Arys, who also helped her with a good deal of her moving chores. Malstroms Go Camping Bernice and Dick Malstrom just recently returned from a camping trip way out away from everything but the beauty of nature. Camping with their son, Dick, Jr., his wife, Lynn, and four daughters, the youngest of which is just one month old. All thoroughly enjoyed the vacation, even Dick despite the fact that the trip had to be delayed for a week because of a painful injury incurred while trying to protect Bernice from a dop who was loose. Landis' Return From San Francisco Herb and Lois Landis, and the four children Tom, Joey, Susie and Kenny, returned to Holiday Hills last Week following a three week trip to San Francisco where they also took in the sights of Yosemite National Park. Only mishap on the way was a sprained arm for Joey. Woman's Club Don't forget the Woman's club meeting next Wednesday, July 14, at the ranch house. Golf Enthusiasts There has been a recent outburst of enthusiasm for golfing in the neighborhood. The gals have been going out and taking lessons and all this T can understand -- but -- two couples who play all morning in the rain, come home for an hour and go back for another couple of hours in the rain-- really, how enthusiastic can you get ? ? ? ? ? jw^Ben Franklin a' It'jLJttl -- 1 ,V. ^ > / W* ' 4 ^ BOOK SALE Reg. 59c Boy's - Girl's Books 0 Donna Parker # Bohhsey Twins # I)r. Kildare # Eight Corespn 0 Janet Lennen # Many Others NOW THIS WEEK 2 t 88 SPECIAL PURCHASE! SAVE ON SIX! MEN'S Hanivay UndeYiveffl Buy 6 Pairs Save up to 90c Save now, save big on pre-shrunk, guaranteed quality Hanway undies sale priced for oncea- year special savings! NE W! Tapered Shape ICE CUBE TRAYS • Holds 14 CubesI • Non-Stick Coating Anodized aluminu for quick freezin flexible poly grid for easy removal ef one cube or all! Reg. 79c ea 8* Dual Pail Reg. $1. \ Rectangular Wastebasket Reg. $1.59 Long-Wearing ^ VfifclJE DtNIIVI; ? DUNGAREES • Western "Dogies • For Cowboys 6 to 12 Coarsely woven SanforizedH denim, with nonscratch rust-proof copper riveting at strain points; zip fly. HANDY HELPERS MAKE WORK LIGHT! Reg. 6/4.17 BRIEFS Sizes S-M-L-XL SAVE 90c Stacking Bins Reg. 51.49 A bright array of colorful new Linear plastic accessories! Divided pails, pans, stacking bins, waste and Laundry baskets, all designed for space-saving! 2 PAIRS 1.09 6/387 Reg. 6/4.77 T-SHIRTS Sizes S-M-L-XL SAVE 90c 2 PAIRS 1.29 Reg. 6/4.17 BOXER SHORTS Sizes 28 to 44 SAVE 90c With Zip-Off Hood 6/327 Divided Dish Pan Reg. $1.49 a «: Li*1' Laundry Basket Reg. $1.59 • Full Cut, 6 to 16 * Blue, Charcoal, Green Cotton sateen shell, rayon lining filled with quilt acetate batting. Laminated knit buttondown collar, zip front SPECIAL LAY AWAY SALE OF BOY'S JACKETS RE<;. VALUES -- BUY IT NOW Reg. $7.99 FOR ONLY $1.00 down -- 50' a week 2 PAIRS 1.09 JULY SALE of Women's Dresses Reg. $3.99 DRESSES.. Now $1.99 Reg. $5.99 DRESSES . Now $3.00 McHENRY, ILLINOIS