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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1965, p. 2

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taction One -- Parjp Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wed Fifty Years >IR. AM) >IKS. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Khrc'd will celebrate ,their l i l i i f ' i ] wedding anniversary t their farm home hear Volo on lit. 59A and Rt. 120. Open In nix1 will be held Sunday. Aug. l"i. from 2 to 5 o'clock, to which their neighbors and friends ar>' invited. 'The Ehredts. were married at Mt.(Carroll on Aug. IT. 1P1.\ and iVioved to the present t a i i n near Volo four wars l i t e r . Kola I St in 1 i» > 1'hi ib) I'lJ ANK KilKKDT With the exception nf nine ycais spent mi a Tanu -mill of Crystal I.ake, they have' resided in tin" same location all (il the years since' Mr. retired from farming sixteen years ago. The couple has seven children, all living, twelve grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. They are members of St. Paul" Lutheran church ol Round I.ake. Observe Anniversary MK. AM) >1KS. K. PKITZ Mr. and Mrs. R. Kdward lYil/. ol olii S. Emerald Drive. McHenry. celebrated their f i l t y - seventh wedding anniversary at a family gathering Aug. 7 at the McHenr\ Count r\ Club. NUN RECEIVES DEGREE; GIVEN TEACHING POST SISTEIt MARY CIIAKI.ES Sister Mary Charles, U.S.F.. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund of 130S N. Park street, graduated from college on July 31. She received the degree of Rachel.n of Science in education in commencement exercises held o.. the campus. Following graduation. Sifter Mary Charles retailed to McHenry with her parents 1 <>r a visit at home. Op< n house was held for relatives and friends. During the coming year. Sister will be teaching • in St Theresa school, Aurora. PLAN CLASS RKI'MON The M.C.H.S. class of 19BC is planning it's five-year reunion picnic Sunday. Aug. 2H at 1 p.m. at Veterans Acres. IN MKMOR1AM In loving memory of our beloved wife and mother win passed away 10 years ago on August 9th. You are not forgotten loved one Nor will you ever be, As long as life and mcmoiy last We will remember thee. Dan Kennebeck & sons S-l 2-(i."i FASHION REVUE OF DELTA ZETA AIDS RETARDED Local Delta Zeta alumnae wid sponsor a fashion show and fall tashion sale on Aug. 2H. These fall fashions will be on sale to the public audi all proeeedx will be given to! the Mcllenry County Associa-1 lion lor Retarded Children, loj aid in the operation of tho j lia.nng center and workshop' located ,at Wonder Lake. : Marilyn Truckenhi od and , Ferol Tonilinson aie co-chair-' men of the event, w Ir.cli will i held at the M'Hcniy Aim'i'- i 1 .egion home. 1 _'iip Nort h ' • en. a t 7 ) |• m. M: s . I ' i c l i - liema of i ; i g i : . i , is presi- 1 it of the licit.i Z>'ia oi'gan- !/ation and M:s. .la.mes Rumsa of Algonquin, is' the philan-| thropy chaiiman tor IPti."). The cii'e! tainment of the evenitl : w II lie p i ' o \ ; i t e d by tile Valley Relic Ladies. This group specializes m harher shop mil- : sic and will sing group selec- , ROOM and BOARD for Elderly People • MODERN HOME I 8715 Memory Trail Wonder Lake, Illinois Phone 815-653-7926 11 ins hers. as weli as quartet num- C'AKI) OF THANKS . | We want to take this way • f th i-nking McHenry Mecre- j 11 iin I. .]• pr,>\ ahng two buses | "" t ra n ; > •. ' 1> >< m I children • t o ( ; he Shi.tie cavils perlormanee ; in Rockfoid recently. The, i l: 111; ell thon .uglily enjoyed 'lie . i u * i: vg. and uc are most ;rateful lor you:- interest in providing them a wonderful day. The Mcllenry County, Shrine Club 8-12-6.) : ('AltI) OF TH AN KS | To all my 11 ien Is neighbors: M.iny thanks for gifts. I lowers. card~ and ail kindness- ; es show n dur: n g my recent in-j acti\itv. S-lL'-ti.l Mi Thomas I'halin READ THE CLASSIFIEDS Freund-Ash Vows Repeated One of the lovely, late sum-i mer weddings to take place in this community occurred last , Saturday, Aug. 7, uniting in marriage M i s s Charlene Freund and Mr. Calvert' L. j Ash. The bride is the daugh-i ter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Freund of 3302 N. Chapel Hill Road. Johnsburg. and the! groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Ash. Sr.. of 2S01 X. 77th "Avenue, Klmwood Park. Rev. Fr. Hording officiati>d at the 3 o'clock double ring nupt i a l r i t e . The church altar was 'decorated, with bouquets of white glads for the ceremony. Pretty. dark-haired Miss Freund approached the altar wearing a-"-floor length, gow^i bf silk, organza over bridal taffeta. The bodice was fashioned with scalloped neckline and long, t.qieied sleeves.' while the slim line skirt featured a detachable lace, chapel length train. Miss Freund's headpiece was a forward, lacepearl trimmed orchid with imported illusion, bouffant veil. She carried a bouquet of white glamellias. Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Diane Neiss, sister of1 the bride, of Johnsburg, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Carol Kohl of Homewood, sorority sister; Miss Ruth Ash of Klmwood Park, sister of the groom: Miss Donna Jean Underwood and Miss Marina Fabbri, both of Oilman, III., friends of the bride. All were attired similarly in floor length dresses of poudre blue, long sleeves and bodices fashioned of lace and the empire line controlled skirt of' chromespun taffeta. They vw^ie headpieces of forward petals in I matching color, with blusher i veils, and had Cascade bou-| quels of white carnations and j light pink roses. | Dennis Ash. brother of the groom, of Klmwood' Park served as best man. Oroomsnien were Louis Fahrberger; and Charles Walle of Chicago, Oeorge P.uchinger of Franklin J Paii< and Roger Wiclunan of Klmwood Park, all friends of t he groom. Mrs. Freund selected for her, d a u g h t e r ' s w e d d i n g a n o l i v e j green, street length dress. | matching accessories and at corsage of white carnations and light pink roses. Mrs. Ash wore a turquoise chiffon dress, corsage of white carnations matching accessories and a corsage of white carnations and light pink roses. A reception followed the wedding for 2o0 guests, held at the Johnsburg Community Club hall. The couple left on a trip to Florida by plane. Upon their return they will make their home in Deerfield. The bride is a graduate of | M c H e n r y h i g h s c h o o l a n d N o r - j thern Illinois university, where she received her RS degree in ! education. She was affiliated! with Alpha XI Delta social sor-i ority. serving as president her ; .junior and senior years. The) gi oom graduated from Proviso | high school and attended the' • Navy Pier branch of the I'ni-j v e r s i f y o f I l l i n o i s . T h e n e w j Mrs. Ash has been teaching! business education for the past ; two years in Oilman high! school and next fall will assume new duties in Lake For-j est higlr school. Her husband is an electrical design drafts-! man. IT'S CURLS FOR GIRLS THIS FALL, SAY BEAUTICIANS Oirls will have curls this fall. What's more .they'll be lively curls. This . is the word coming from the official hair fashion committee of. the National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Association, the hair fashion authority of the beauty profession. | The name of the new look is "The Lively Curl Look". It is, a complete swing away fronij the severely slick and plaster-' ed down hair styles seen in j other seasons. Now, the hair, is a soft and airy curly top. j lively, young and free, but also! highly feminine. Hair at the nape is shortest i in length, increasing gradual llv at the back of the head 'to its greatest length at the top. SHOP IN MfHENB? LYDIA KOTIW, J. H. MARSHALL EXCHANGE VOWS Obituaries Thursday, August 12. 1965 da, officiated at last rites. Burial was in Acacia Park, Chicago. Announce >Iarriau<* Of Beverly Sesko Miss ReVei ly Joan Sesko. flau'ghter of Mrs Carrie Sosko of :;s<is W. Maple Avenue, McHenry, was married July 21 to Mr. Man.el Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. \\\ A. M ller.of Zei- <cn»|.""«ijS MKS DAN I EI MILLEl t ger. III. The young couple will make their future home in DuQuoin. III. The bride is a 1H61 graduate of McHenry high school and a 1%4 graduate of St. Anthony school o| nursing in Rockfoid. (iurrien I'arty Is Successful The old prediction of "rain before seven, sunshine before ele\en", came true last Wednesday. making the day beautiful for the annual garden party luncheon at the home of the Island Lake'den club president. Mrs. Andrew A ill - rich. Mrs. Vivian Benson was in charge, assisted by board members who prepared the delicious food and served. More than fifty members and guests attended to en.iov the repeat and the afternoon of cards 011 the lawn. Mrs. Lorraine Rem is was surprised to meet an old friend, Mrs. Helen Allen of Chicago, a guest of Mrs. Heisc, mother of Charles Heisc of Holiday Hills. They, had' not seen each other for thirty years. Only three board members' were absent, Mrs. Johnke. recuperating from a recent accident; Mrs. Kosian, who is abroad; and Mrs. Krickson. Frances Mayficld Honored At Shower . A personal and linin shower was held Sunday afternoon at the Legion home honoring Fiances Mayficld who will become the bride of Donald Herdrieh on Scot. 1 at St. Man's church. Hostesses were members of I he hri ;al party. Mary Ann W:ies. Rarbara Williams. Joan Miller, Oail Marquart' and Linda and Judy 1 ierdrieh. A delicious dessert luncheon was served to twenty-five guests. McHenry Hospital Admittances.. to "McHenry hospital during the past week mcluded Oeorge. Vincent, 0.enoa City, .Wis.; 'Milan Surlek, Pell Lake, Wis.: -Robert Floyd and Harold Mavin, Crystal Lake; Jonathan Fisher and Kninla Sutton. Richmond: Stephanie Skierka and Alan Dussfnann, Ingleside; Mija Jane Martin,. Lake - Villa; Martha .' iayford,- L'.ilie Harris and Emily Muska, Algonquin; Ksther Nightengale and Louise Szydio. Harrington; Daniel Laini, Cary; Catherine Noble, R. Del- :»at Skaggs. and Kileen Brusca, o. Wonder Lake; Lorie Beil- U Union; Lisa Oolx, Island i.ake; and Mary Brandt, Olen- \ i. w. Also, Angeline Corsello. Terry Barber, Jeffrey Hansen. Kvelynne Walter, Rose Keller, ! )i.i l* Anderson. Robert Nabors, :'dna Ayers. Doris Hansen, lames Stilling. Werner Henneherg. Juli'a Hanson. /Anna Oilligan and James Hester. McHenry. " .Memorial Hospital Woodstock Patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, during the past week included Margaret Reid, Lola Schiller. Master. James Caley. Mrs. Santa Lorio. Joseph Rando. Herbert Freund and Anna Garcia. McHenry; Kathy Pierce. Wonder Lake; and Clara Shot 1 iff and Ail bur Oxtoby, Spring (h ove. Harvard Hospital During the past week parents admitted to Harvard hospital included Mrs. John Freund, Mrs. Kric Bohmeier. Mrs.-Theodore Voight and Mrs. Karl Stueben. McHenry; and Linda Fit /el. Wonder Lake. ELMER WINKELMAN Klmer Winkelman, 67, of 715 St. Mary's Catholic church, Center Street, McHenry, McHenry, was the scene nf h i died in McHenry hospital Tuesprettv wedding last Saturday, j ( jUy evening. Aug. 10, about Aug. 7, when Miss Lydia R. n o'clock. He was taken to Kotiw was martied to Mr. | the hospital only ten minutes hall. The bride | previous to his death, after becoming ill in his home. James II. Mai is the daughter of Mrs. Emily Kotiw of 212 N., River Road, McHenry, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Le- Roy H. Marshall of Jill W. Fairvicw Avenue. McHenry. Rev. Rndden officiated at the 3 o'clock cer'anony. -The children's "civil1 offered appropriate music in a chinch' decorated for the oceasi m with an archway of flowers. , 'Miss Kotiw.was radian!, in a floor lenglh gown of silk, organza embellished with reembroidered lace. The -bodice was fashioned with an - oval neckline and' long, lapered sleeves, and the slim; line skirt had a, detachable oh;i|ie'i 1 engt h I rain. Her headpiece was a crown; type of lace and pearls. with| impoited illusion fingertip veil. Miss Kotiw carried :1 ' bouquet of orcha a smaller bouquet Mr. Winkelman was born Jan. 6, 1898. in Arlington Heights. He had resided here for twenty years. The deceased was a retired employee of the Illinois Bell Telephone Co. His wife, the former Anna Knox, fjreceeded horn in death about two years ago. He is survived by a son. James, of Ter:ytown,* N. Y.; five grandchildren; two brothers. Klroy of Arlington Heights and Harvey of Wadsworth. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen funeral home after :* pan. Thursday. Services will be held Friday afternoon. MRS. WM. AEfclSCHER Mrs. William Aebischer, 7R, , of Palos Heights was found an(i' placed j dear! in bed Tuesday morning, on the altar! Aug. ip the Louis St of I el )f Ihe Blessed Virgin. j home on Court street, where Miss Camille Lopez of Island j she had been visiting for sev- Lake acted as maid of honor j oral months. and bridesmaids were Barbara Mrs. Aebischer was born in Smith and Sheila Mai shall of Johnsburg. They wore apricotcolored, floor length taffeta McHenry Feb. 2, 1889, and lived her early life here. Her husband died in 1957. dresses with straight skirts ! She is survived by two sons, and small bows with short; Kdward of Westchester and streamers in the back. Lace | W'illard of Palos Heights; five tops featured boat necklines j grandchildren; three brothers, and long sleeves and were se- j Charles J- of Milwaukee, Louis mi-empire style. Thev had mat-land William of McHenry; and ehing orchid-shaped headpieces one sister, Mary Steber, of trimmed in pearls, to which Milwaukee. were attached blusher veils.' The body is ait rest at the All carried bouquets of eym- George R. Justen & Son funebidium orchids. ral home. Funeral services Ron. Marshall of Johnsbur will be held at 10 o'clock Friserve'd as best man and grooms-1 day morning from St. Mary s men were Bill Jorgenson of; Johnsburg and Rich Kotiw of! McHenry. Ushers were Tim j Marshall of Johnsburg and Roman Kotiw of McHenry. I Small Holly Marshall wasj Announce Marriage Of Mis* Susan Low Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low of Ringwood announce the marriage of iheir daughter. Susan Klaine. to Pvt. Kdward Kruiii of Spring ('ii'oye. The wedding took place at the Ringwood Metlvdist church on Aug. 2. wi'h Pew Ronald Ander-on ofl ie:.:t itig. Pvt. Krwin is stationed at Fort Knox, Ky.. awaiting overseas orders. The new 'Mis. Krwin is living w iih her parents at pie-. : 11. jfrUMUII McHenry Hospital Mr .and Mrs. Albert Householder of Wonder Lake became parents of a son Aug. 4. On Aug. 2 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Johnson of Waueonda. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tonvan .announce ihe birth of a daughter Aug. 2. A daughter was born Aug. 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hay-- ncr. Memorial Hospital On Aug. 7 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Rode. C'AKI) OF THANKS Wo wish to express our heartfelt appreciation f r the many acts of kindness, cards. Tloral offerings, spiritual bouquets and donations received during our recent bereavement and wlrle our family was hospitalized. We are especially grateful to Fr. Kugene Parker and the staff of the McHenry hospital. To all you kind people we say "thank you". Herbert Ficken and Children S-l 2-65 STYLE SHOW One of the summer's most anticipated events is the style show sponsored by St. Mary's Home and School association and presented by Oenevieve's dress shop. It will take place Wednesday, Aug. 18. at 12:.'50 o'clock at the V.F.W. clubhouse. the pretty flow \ id Kotiw th. bearer. Mrs. Kotiw d quoise, 'ace slv she wo'e matcl and a whiti Mrs. Marsha! beige sheath, sories and a ate old Da- !v ring •h -i dark n " ' - " : t! : . w i t h which •liing accessories orchid corsage, was attired in a matching accessimilar corsage. A reception was held at j Czecho Lodge, Crystal . Lake, with 175 guests in attendance. | Later, the eounle left on a trip! bv car to California, where 'hey will mai<e their home in i San Diego. J Both young neoole received^ their education '.n McHenry i high school. The bride also j attended Moser Secretarial j school and has be.-n employed i as a' secretary. Tlv groom at-j tended Wisconsin State university. Whitewater. and is • now j ser\ ing w:'h the Mai :ne Corps. | DIANE KOTALIK ] IS MARRIED TO DONALD RIIFFIN I In a double l in performed iiT '/A" church last uiv Miss Di;me Kotali of Mr.- and M> Koialik . >f -".'il Mrllenry, l i e c . Mr. Donald R W ceremony n Lutheran lay. Aug. 7. k. d.augditer Oeorge W. -Anne st root, the bride of son of Mr. and M; N. Kn< P;istor at the rite. -. Kugene K. »:i a\enu<\ Car! I.obit/ o ' c l o e i! of 1619 McHenry. . ifl iciated < e\(:ning Attending the couple were the bride's """sister. Oeorgette Marzano, of Wonder L.ake and a nephew oT Ihe gro.m, Richard Lynch of Chicago. A reception followed Ihe ceremony at. Mart inot t i's in Crystal L.ake, after which Ihe couple lelt on a I rip to Wisconsin. They v. ill make their home in Mellcnrv. Over 21 Dance ^JnmaseJJo's at EVERY F R I D A Y 9^00 p.m. till ? ? ? 3312 N. Chapel Hill Road Phone 385-1475 Johnsburg, 111. ..r'J-X'M: l»iing Tliis Ad in for FKKK (.IIT With Any Heel- Purchase NO PAYMENT 'TIL SKPTEMBEK Id") Days Same as Cash or Take"(5 Months Bar - B - Que Treats BEEF 99c HALVES lb. - si ? I'.S.D.A. Prime BEEF HIND EXAMPLE: 300 lbs. at ">9c lb. Total $15.98 a month for f> months. All 'prices include cutting, wrapping and free/ins;. BEEF 37 c lb. For Your Cook-Out Other BEEF EXAMPLE: 150 lhs. at 37c lh. Total $55.5(1 <>i SMil! a week for 3 months. No carrying Charge. Available IC from 37' 69» Call 815-3&5-3550 Collect For Information or Appointment McHENRY MEAT CQ. 3910 W. Main, V2 Blk. S. of Hwy. 120 McHenry, 111. Open Moll. Thru I'ri. !> Id 8', Sat. f) til 'J; Closed Sunday Catholic church, McHenry. with interment in St. Marys cemetery, Chicago. C. STL"ART RODE Masonic funeral services were conducted by McHenry Lod.<;e No. 158, AF & AM. on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock for C. Stuart Rode, TH, of 800 S. Riverside Drive, McHenry Shores. Mr. Rode died on the evening of Aug. 4 ot an apparent heart attack, only a short time after leaving a Pistakee Bay hotel, where he and Mrs. Rode and some friends had enjoyed dinner. The deceased resided in McHenry Shores tor the past ten years. He was a native of Chicago, where he was horn July 21. 1887. Mr. Rode was a retired salesman for the Steel Sales Corp., Chicago. His only survivor is his widow. Nell. A brother, A. Maxwell Rode, preceded him in death. Burial was in Acacia Park cemetery. Chicago. LOTTIE Tl'ERK Mrs. Lottie Tuerk. a resident of 1214 Midway Drive, Island Lake, died Aug. 3 at the Villa Nursing Home, Pistakee Bay, where she had been a patient for three months. Mrs. Tuerk was 81 years of age. The deceased was born Sept. 17, 1883, in Milwaukee, Wis., and had lived at Island Lake for twenty-eight years. Mrs. Tuerk was a member of Humboldt chapter. Order' of the Lastern Star, Chicago. Survivors are the widower, Krieh: two daughters, Mrs. 'Joseph Barnett of Waueonda and Mrs. William McDonald; seven grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. The body rested at the Island Lake funeral home until 1 o'clock Friday, when Rev. William Green of the Church of the Holy Apostle, Waucon- - LILCIAN ORLOWSKI Mrs. Lillian Orlowski, 71, a resident of Pistakee Highlands for the past seven years, died Sunday, Aug. 8. in McHerrry hospital. • Mrs. Orlowski and her husband, Leo. observed their golden wedding anniversary last Aug. 19- She was born March 24, 1894, in Chicago. Since coming to I his area, she became at filiated with St. John the Baptist "church and the auxiliary of the Lake Region Post, No. 703, Fox Lake. She was also a member of the Altar and Rosary society of St. Hyacinth's church, Chicago. Survivors, besides her husband are a son, Richard and a sister, Nettie C.alkowski, of Trevor, Wis. -A brother, Frank Kr/ykowski. preceded her in death in November' of ' 19G4 and a daughter. Florence, died in 1941, at- the age of 22. The body rested .at the K. K. Hamsher funeral home in" Fox Lake. A funeral Mass was sung at 10 o'clock Wednesday at St. John's church, with- burial in the church cemetery. August. 17-18 Tryouts for. Play. "Remains To Be Seen" McHenry High School Auditorium 7:30 to 9 p.m. August 18 Yearly Outing of Riverview Camp, No. 6818, R,N,A, -- 6 p.m. Martinetti's. Crystal Lake Meet at K. of C. Hall at 5:30. August in Installation of Officers -- Legion and Auxiliary of Richmond 8 p.m. Richmond Legion Home. August 20 Style Show Legion Home - 7:30 p.m. Benefit McHenry County Association for Retardeci Children. August 29 McHenry Choral Club Picnic - City Park. Breakfast and Bake Sate -- Legion Home - 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. M.C.H.S. Class of 1960 Reunion - - 1 p.m. - - Veterans Acres, Crystal Lake. September 1 Young Democrats Meeting-- V.F.W. Hall, Marengo -- 8 p.m. September 14 "Medicare" Talk V.F.W. Clubhouse, McHenry 8 'p.m. - Open to Public Sponsored by Young Democrats of McHenry County. September 23-24-25 "Remains To Be Seen" -- McHenry High School Audildr- Sum Presented by Ann Varese and Company. VISITS I NIVERSITY Harriet Jane Macdonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macdonald, Jr.. 3904 West Avenue, McHenry, was on the campus of Ball State University two days last week attending a freshman orientation program and enrolling for fall quarter classes. Miss Macdonald is a 1965 graduate of McHenry Community high school, where she was student band director, French club secretary. Student Council representative, Illinois Summer Theatre j alternate, and she was active j in Girls' Athletic Association, band, chorus and class plays. SHOP IN McHENRY POWER in a will 1 THE SITUATION: Happy, carefree youngsters growing to a normal, secure life. THE REASON BEHIND IT: A thoughtful parent planned for the future--had a lawyer draw his Will--named us as the executor. AN OPPORTUNITY: Why "not ask one of our officers how these important steps can benefit your family in the uncertain days ahead. McHENRY STATE BANK "Always Serving You -- All Ways" Since 1908 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System Phone 385-1040

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