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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Oct 1965, p. 2

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\ -•*.. Bridal Couple THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 14, 1965 MR. AND MRS DONALD HERDRICH St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful wedding on Sept. 4 when Miss Frances Mayfield and Mr. Donald Herdrich exchanged nuptial vows. They are residing in Milwaukee, Wis., where the bridegroom is attending Marquette university. Married October 2 ' Bailey Photo MR. AND MRS. TERRY M. CROSS Miss Eleanore Wirfs and Mr. Terry M. Cross of Ottawa exchanged nuptial vows in a beautiful wedding ceremony solemnized Saturday, Oct. 2, in St. Patrick's Catholic church, Ottawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex W. Wirfs of 314 W. South drive, McHenry. SUE BRALICH Announcement was made this past week of the engagement of two young people well known in the McHenry community. Sue A. Bralich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Bralich of Cary, will become the bride of Curt A. Royal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ora J. Royal of Woodstock. Both are graduates of Crystal Lake high school. Miss Bralich is employed in secretarial work and her fiance works for an electric supply firm. No definite date has been set for the wedding. For! DRAPERIES SLIPCOVERS SHADES SHUTTERS WALLPAPER Picture CALL OR SEE McHENRY TAILORED DRAPERY 8717 W. Elm 885-7531 'I^REE ESTIMATES iw irom the Jewel JOHNSBURG COUPLE TO CELEBRATE 50 YEARS MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Freund of 3705 N. St. John's avenue, Johnsburg, will be guests of honor at an open house to be held Saturday, Oct. 23, at the Johnsburg Community club hall at 8 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited. Mass will be celebrated that day at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, followed by a reception for the family. Emma and Peter M. Freund were married Oct. 27, 1915, at St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, by Rev. Edward Berthold. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund, Anton H. Freund and Catherine Freund, with Mrs. Ben Blake (Florence Freund) as tlower girl. The celebrants have five children, Alvin of Chicago, Mrs. Leroy (Rita) Miller and Mrs. William (Lorraine) Rutzen of Johnsburg, Howard of Palatine and Lloyd of Johnsburg; also fourteen grandchildren ind one great-grandchild. Gail Marquart Lovely Bride Miss Gail Marquart was a beautiful bride on Saturday, Oct. 9. when she exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Thomas F. Burke. Rev. Fr. Harold Nilges officiated at the solemn high Mass performed at 11:30 in the morning at St. Mary's Catholic church. Miss Marquart is the daughter of Mrs. Jean Marquart of "3009 W. Mary lane, McHenry, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Burke of 109 Little Melody lane, Lake Forest. Altar bouquets were made up of white glads with a touch of rust. The radiant bride approached the altar wearing a high fashion gown of peau de soie and Venice lace,' with detachable, full sweeping chapel train. Her sleeveless gown had a fitted bodice with scoop neckline and sheath skirt. The removable jacket had £>ior sleeves finished with a deep border of lace, which also was appliqued onto the edge of her jacket. A full chapel train was fashioned from the shoulders and was completely bordered with lace, which completed the beauty of her gown. She chose for a headpiece an open pillbox of peau de soie highlighted with lace and tiny seed pearls which held her cathedral length" silk illusion veiling. Her crescent bouquet had a shower of phalaenopsis orchids and camellia foilage. Attending Miss Marquart were Mrs. Thomas Parsley of Woodstock as matron of honor and Miss Ardis May of Johnsburg, Mrs. Robert Cable and Miss Debra Varese of McHenry and Mrs. Donald Herdrich of Milwaukee as bridesmaids. They were attired in emerald green, empire sheath dresses, the skirt in crepe and the bodice of brocade. Their headpieces were fans of petals in brocade with small silk illusion veils and they carried crescent bouquets of rust pom poms and crotan leaves. S m a l l S a r a h P e a s l e y o f W o o d s t o c k w a s t h e p r e t t y flower girl, wearing a dress styled similar to the older attendants and carrying a small nosegay. Harold Burke, Jr., of Lake Bluff served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Robert Davis of River Forest, Thomas Kane, Jr., of Lake Forest, Paul Day, Jr., and Frank Rogers, Jr., of Chicago, all friends of the groom. Tim Marquart, brother of the bride, and Frank Reilly, Jr., friend of the groom, served as ushers. Jeffrey Sek of McHenry was ring bearer. Mrs. Marquart wore a yellow- gold crepe sheath with matching shoes and pillbox hat. The groom's mother chose a c h a m p a g n e - b e i g e c r e p e sheath, jacket dress with fur collar and brown accessories. A reception was held at the McHenry Country club following the ceremony for about 200 guests. Later, the young couple left for a two-week trip to Jamaica. They will reside at 609 Stratford, Apt. 2-D, Chicago. The bride is a graduate of McHenry high school and attended Northern Illinois university. She has been employed by a public relations firm. The groom graduated from Loyola Academy high school and frofoi Notre Dame university. He is in the marketing department of Motorola Communications. FORMER CLASSMATES MEET Mrs. Norbert Yegge joined former classmates, Mrs. Darlene Besley of Freeport, Miss Pearl McNett of Woodstock and Miss Esther Siegmeier of Crystal Lake for dinner at a restaurant in Crystal Lake Sunday. It was the first time in thirteen years the group had been together. THOMAS DIEDRICHS TO OBSERVE 25TH YEAR OF MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Diedrich will observe their silver wedding anniversary on Saturday, Oct. 23, when open house is held from 8 to 10 o'clock in the evening at the Legion home. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Marie Nett and Thomas Diedrich were married Oct. 26, 1940, at St. John's Catholic church. Their attendants were Catherine Diedrich (Mrs. Michael ThilH of Aurora, Arline Nett (Mrs. John Scott) of Phoenix. Ariz., and Louis Diedrich of McHenry. Donna Adams (Mrs. Lowell Anderson) of Johnsburg was flower girl. All are expected to attend . the party. Mass in honor of the Diedriehs will be sung at 3 p.m. on Oct. 23 at St. Mary's church, followed by a dinner for relatives at the Legion home. The Diedrichs have three children, Vicky, who is a high school teacher in Belvidere, Tom, Jr., a junior at Marian Central, and Anthony, a third grader at St. Mary's parochial school. McHenry Couple Engaged To Wed Elect GOP Officers ?nding the 12th Congressional District Women's Repub$c6n club luncheon at the Biltmore Country club in Barrington are (1 to r); Mrs. Henry Nell, McHenry county chairwoman; Mrs. Adeline Geo-Karis Lambros, newly elected president of the 12th District club; Carl Pape, Boone county chairman; Mrs. J. Ralph Peak,-1 Republican National Committeewoman from Illinois; and Mrs. Richard Reed, Lake county chairwoman. PATRICIA HARBECKE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harbecke,' 1909 West Ringwood road, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, P a t r i c a C a r o l , t o R o n a l d Schmitt, son of Mr. and Mrs Henry Schmitt, 1606 North Court street, McHenry. Miss Harbecke, a 1964 graduate of McHenry Community high school and a graduate of Moser Secretarial college, is presently employed in McHenry. Mr. Schmitt is a 1962 graduate of McHenry Community high school and is presently attending DeVry Technical Institute in Chicago. Information Class At Richmond Church St. Paschal Fraternity of the Third Order of St. Francis is sponsoring a Third Order information class for interested parties at St. Joseph church, Richmond, Sunday, Oct. 10, at 2 p.m. This will be followed by the regular monthly gathering of the members, known as Sunday with St. Francis, to discuss the question: "Is Love a Many Splendored Thing?" Cake and coffee will be served. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my beloved sister who passed away one year ago on October 13, 1964. I miss you now, my heart is sore, As time goes by I miss you more, Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. Your Loving Sister, Myra Zabroski BEST SHOW EVER! THE KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUS present Radio star MIL0 HAMILTON and TV Star CAP'N STUBBY and HIS BUCCANEERS OCT. 16 - McHENRY COUNTRY CLUB DINNER 7 TILL 9:00 -- SHOWTIME 9:00 No Speeches -- Public Invited -- Tickets At Door $6.75 person At the membership business meeting preceding the annual luncheon of the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican club, held at the Biltmore Country club, Barrington, the slate of new officers was elected. They include: Mrs. Adeline Geo - Karis Lambros, Zion. president; Mrs. Frank Lettow, Belvidere, Boone county vice president; Mrs. George Lilley, Highland Park, Lake county vice president; Mrs. Arthur Jenner, McHenry county vice president; Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, McHenry, corr e s p o n d i n g s e c r e t a r y ; M r s . Robert Peterson, Wauconda, recording secretary; Mrs. Henry Nell, McHenry .treasurer; Mrs. Walter Dobbins, Lake Zurich, assistant treasurer; Mrs. Wreather Osorio, Waukegan, sergeant at arms; Mrs. Thomas Davis, McHenry, parl i a m e n t a r i a n ; M r s . A l b e r t Wrate, Belvidere, Mrs. James McCauley, Harvard, Mrs. Raymond Craig, Deerfield, Mrs. Robert Badber, Libertyville, Mrs. Ford Gibson, Waukegan, Miss Eva Palmer, Ingleside, board members. Mrs. John W. Wawirka, 12th Congressional District State Central Committeewoman, introduced Mrs. Len Jordan, wife of the U.S. Senator from Idaho. Mrs. Jordan began by saying that this area is "lucky to have Robert McClory representing us in the (U.S.) House (of Representatives) and Senator Dirksen in the Senate." Referring to Congressman McClory, Mrs. Jordan said that he has "training, experience, patience and understanding, liking and great respect." Her three tests for elected officials are: "Is he (1) able, (2) honest, and (3) a glutton for work. Bob McClory and Senator Dirksen meet these tests." Mrs. Jordan's theme was based on women's part in politics-- having coffees, planning banquets, addressing envelopes, ringing door bells, making phone calls. During the last election some workers spent time stressing the philosophy of conservatism instead of selling the candidates. Just as a "multiplicity of churches in a community is not bad", so members of a political party can have differing opinions on subjects and yet agree on the basis of republicanism. CHARM CLASS, RECORD DANCE IN YMCA PLANS The Lake Region YMCA announces the beginning of a high school girls' charm class on Oct. 25 and a seventh and eighth grade record dance for boys and girls on Oct. 29 as the remaining new youth activities in the YMCA fall schedule. The charm class for high school girls will have four sessions on Monday evenings at the Lake Region YMCA program center, 65 N. Williams street, Crystal Lake. Make-up, clothes, hairstyling and posture will be thoroughly discussed in the charm school which is free for YMCA members. There will be a small cost for girls who are not YMCA members. The junior high school record dance will be for boys and girls on eight Friday nights, once a month beginning on Oct. 29 and continuing through May. Dances will be held at the Lakewood village hall. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Simons, planners of the program, have asked for interested adults to help chaperone the dances to call the Lake Region YMCA at 459-4455. The possibility of similar record dances for seventh and eighth graders being conducted in McHenry, Woodstock and Algonquin, on other Friday evenings is being explored by the YMCA program committee. Remember HER on wmmm SATURDAY, OCT. 16th with that Really FRESH... SnnnkcMyau CANDIES J FROZEN FRESH the day they're made! B01CERS McHenry, Illinois 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 Lead Legion Kick-Off Drive / • . / ?. > .k*'V • »> >>l ' *3 Approximately 130 persons attended the kick-off dinner last Saturday evening, Oct. 9, marking the annual membership drive 6f the McHenry Legion post and auxiliary unit. . , Pictured, back row, left to right, are Richard Pickett, captain; Evelyn Ficek, captain; Commander A1 Bianci; Dottie Messer, chairman for the unit membership drive; and Shorty Miller, captain. Kneeling in front are Francis Pickett, captain; and Senior Vice-Commander Frank Ficek, Sr., Chairman of the post drive. 200 Open First High School PTA Meeting Of Fall Season Mrs. Howard Weiss, president, sounded the gavef calling a group of approximately 200 parents and teachers to order for the first meeting of 1965 of the McHenry Community high school P.T.A. last Thursday evening. Carmen Hodges was presented with a Past President's Pin for his service to the P.T.A. in 1964. Mrs. Alford Johnston, membership chairman, announced a membership of 149, with her goal of 700 for the school year. Mrs. Alan Kreimeier, vicepresident, presented Marvin Martin, principal, who in turn introduced the faculty members, and finally, Carl Buckner, superintendent of schools. Mr. Buckner stated that the public will vote on the bond issue of $3,100,000 on Saturday, Oct. 30th, from noon till 7 p.m. at seven polling places in the school district. A total of 41.2 acres has been purchased in the Boone Valley subdivision. The high school is planned for an eventual enrollment of 2000 to 2200; but will initially house approximately 1,200 students (freshmen and sophbmores), with juniors and seniors occupying the present high school. The building includes plans for thirty-nine classrooms, eleven teaching stations, cafeteria, auditorium, gymnasium, library and swimming pool. Practice fields for football, baseball and G.A.A. activities are included, but there is no bleacher area or enormous outdoor lighting area to contend with, as present facilities are adequate. The building itself will present a single roof line, through it will be two, and two and one - half story at several points. Because of the topography at the site, the single roof line is possible, which will provide a great savings. The estimated cost of the building per square foot will be $14. The average cost to the taxpayers will be 11 cents per $100 assessed valuation per year for the duration of the issue which is twenty years. The board of the High School P.T.A. announced its support of the bond issue and urged its support by members of the P.T.A. The next P.T.A. meeting will be "College Night" at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 18. Church Host To Marcy Youth This Sunday, Oct. 17, should prove both interesting and exciting to many persons in McHenry. The Community Methodist church has invited a group of young people from Marcy Center in Chicago to be their guests for the day. The youths will attend the 11 o'clock worship service, after which they will be taken to the homes of various member families for dinner and an afternoon of fun and fellowship. In the evening, the young folks and their hosts will return to the church, where a supper will be served by the Woman's Society of Christian Service, with Mrs. Samuel Winters in charge of the kitchen. At 6 p.m., a program will be presented by the Marcy Players, to which the public is invited. The elementary school group will present a musical number called "The King's New Clothes" and the Junior high group will give a short play including a few black-out skits. Rev. James E. Jones, director of drama .states that "through these visits they seek to stimulate the children to seek high goals, to know and appreciate how other persons live and work, and to teach them to express themselves in a more positive manner." Marcy center is a project related to the Board of Missions of the Methodist church. It was established in 1883 and now serves a largely negro population in the city. The Commission on Education of the church acts as sponsor for the visit and Mrs. Edwin C. Wittrock is coordinating chairman. on MIGHT DEPOSITORY IS Of Ei it,410 every ity seeoiit } That's 24 hows9 «r®rfk «f seconds... and It seaas yn cai do yoor baakhtg aay ttM •f day or night with m Depository Senrfea. McHENRY STATE BANK Where Family Money Matters' McHENRY, ILL. i :?r

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