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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1965, p. 19

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Thursday, November 18, 1965 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER WONDER LAKE NEWS MART LOU HARTOO 658-7176 TOPS Club Will Elect Officers . Wonder Lake TOPS Club • which meets every Wednesday will have an election of officers on. Nov. 17. New officers will -tee- installed at the Dec. 15 meeting and will start their duties the first Wednesday in January. Members are also reminded that Dec. 15 is "moment of truth" night when your pledges are due. Only 4 weeks, girls!!! Better get with it. If any of you "chubby chicks" are interested in joining this good natured group you've only to call 653-9345, or 653-9195 and you'll be given all the details. They have nine vacancies right now and when they are filled --that's all folks--til someone HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG 885-4672 t*LAN ANNUAL SNOW FLAKE FLOP FOR SATURDAY, DEC. 11 - Tickets will be available this week for the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association annual Christmas dance. 'The Snow Flake Flop' will be held on Saturday, Dec. 11, at the Wauconda American Legion hall. Dancing to begin at 9 p.m. Fun and frolic with a few surprises are in store. Don't miss seeing 'Miss Snow Flake of 1965'. ?T spaghetti supper Saturday evening. Parents Xight The Boy Scouts of troop 132 recently held Parents Night at the .Tnnak home on Hyde Park avenue. The following boys were awarded their tenderfoot badges; Ron ^elpedio. Steve Schmidt, Roy Lundelius, Kurt Thomas. The parents pinned the badges on .their sons during a candlelight ceremony, with. Tom Janak narrating on what Boy Scouting is. A film taken of the boys' recent camping trips was shown along with a sound film on the 1965 Indianapolis races. Christmas Bazaar - Spaghetti Supper The Mary and Martha Guild of St. John Lutheran church will hold its annual Christmas bazaar on Friday, Nov. 26. and Saturday, Nov. 27. The bazaar vyill begin on Friday evening d then continue again at njoon on^Saturday, followed by Jr. High Paper Drive McHenry Junior High will hold a paper drive on Saturday, Nov. 27, with the proceeds to be usefl in purchasing new basketlpll and cheerleader uniforms. If you will set your papers out on Saturday morning, the boys will be around sometime between 8:30 a.m. and noon. Woman's Club The Holiday Hills Woman's Club met at the ranch house on Wednesday. Nov. 10. The women were reminded of next month's Christmas party with two grab bags as usual, one nonsense and other for a dollar. The date will be Wednesday, Dec. 8. Hostesses for the evening were Dot Gabriel, Joan Schroeder and Ph^l Harper. Sympathy Sincere sympathy is extended to Abbie Emerson on the recent death of her dad. Greetings Belated birthday greetings to Jean Catanzaro >vho celebrated her sixth birthday last month, also to Jim Harper, Jr., whose birthday was last Monday. A happy birthday to Jeff Kasparzyk on Nov. 20 and to GiGi Smith and Sally Foreman on the twenty-first. Get-Well Cheerful get-well wishes to little Candy Musolf and to Bernie Cymanowski. leaves because thirty is their limit. Sprains Ankle OK, Mrs. G. -- I won't tell anyone you slid down the stairs and sprained your ankle, or why, but it just goes to show you what happens when you go out without your buddies. Some people never learn! Girls Club Halloween Party On Nov. 1 the Wonder View Girls Club had a Halloween party at the Menolasino home. They made pop corn balls for their treat. Best costume award was given to Kim Vinci. On Monday, Nov. 8, the girls began making things for Christmas. They will work on these gifts every week from rft>w to Christmas. There will be no cooking lessons until all the Christmas presents are finished. All are urged to attend regularly. Girls from 7 years old and up are welcome. Bring a dime to cover cost Sympathy Sincere sympathy to the Lazalde family on the passing of Delores Lazalde on Oct. 29. Hospitalized Vi Borta's mother, Mrs. Hattio Rose, is in the U.S. Naval hospital at Great Lakes, 111., Ward 10 South. She is in f< observation and possible surgery. Her neighbors and friends may write to her at the address given above. Address For Serviceman If any friends of George Smith, who is in service, wish to write to him his address is George J. W. Smith, 182 Capitol avenue, Battle Creek, Mich. He is very busy but still writes to his grandmother, Mrs. W. Haerle, and has asked to hear from some of his friends. Wonder View News t The next meeting of the Wonder View Women's auxiliary will be held at Eleanore Vidovich's home at 2820 Cherry Drive. Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. All women of the subdivision interested in improving where they live are welcome to attend. All members are urged not to miss this meeting, which will be on Thursday, Nov. 18. KIwanis Club Meeting Joe Sullivan" reported on flags for -Boy Scout troop. President Jim Robison read an invitation from the Evanston Club to attend a dinner in ohonor of International President Edward Keefe. Ladies Night Nov. 6 was well attended, j President Jim Robison is working on plans for the installation of 1966 officers. Looks like it will be the first week of January. Bob Myers is planning an interclub with Belvidere for the end of the month. Coming programs: Uninsured motorist and 4-H program. or-.i. lr- <5 Deadline ! ! ! ! ce again we warn you that deadline for next week's news is tom^ht--/Thursday--because my copypjnust be in tomorrow mornirjgf If you have any news items and you do not get them to me by 7:30 Friday morning this week they won't go in for another week. Don't say I didn't warn you. The paper comes out on Wednesday next Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stock of Rebuilt and New Radiators Complete Stock of Original Equip. Heater Control Valves ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. Phone 385-0783 McHenry, 111. Next to V.F.W. 8004 W. Route 120 Your Plymouth Dealer is off to another swinging sales year...and his deals are as popular as the hrifty new ^66 Valiant. Valiant's the car that really lets you live /ithin your budget And your Plymouth Dealer will start that budget off right with big savings on a Valiant, or any new '66 Plymouth. So go ahead, Go-Getter. Let yourself go... to your Plymouth Dealer's VV/^Y/BaVEDEffi/XMMMr/flMtSACtlOA $ CHRYSLER FURY MOTORS, Inc. : 2508 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY. ILL. week because Thursday is Turkey Day. Congratulations To Linda Mansfield and Sam Bruscato whose engagement was announced lajst week. No date has been set as yet for the wedding. er, David Phili Parents tljie young lady Happy Birthday To Beverly J§kn Brod of 5712 Wonder Woods Drive who celebrated her third birthday on Nov. 13. Beverly Jean's parents are newcomers in Wonder Lake and have recently purchased a home at the above address. She also has an 8 month old broth- Philip. of the are "Mr. ( and [Mrs. Richard Brod. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. P. Brod and Mr. and Mrs. J. Matcrien|--both of McHenry. Wonder Lake Garden Club The Wonder Lake Garden Club was entertained in/~the home of Mrs. E. Murphy; 7608 Pheasant Drive, Nov. 10. The meeting was opened with a dessert luncheon. This month's program was Thanksgiving table arrangements, each member brought and displayed their artistic table arrangements also Christmas wreaths which were made of pine-cones, nuts, dried leaves and evergreens. Mrs. E. Fiala furnished an outstanding arrangement made of twelve different weeds and flowers of the season also two figurines made out of gourds for the hostess table. After the business meeting President Mrs. F. Weilock, delegate to the Robert Allerton Park, Monticello, Garden Clubs, Inc., of Illinois Conservation Conference Oct. 27-28-29, gave a complete and interesting report on conservation. Secretary Mrs. S. Johnson being absght, Mrs. Rozanna Vltansky took minutes of the meetingj^Mrs. J. Kinzie was appoint(?d/historian. Guest^ attending were Mrs. M. Poeytke, Mrs. K. Gable and Mrs. WL Carder who presented the Garcien Club/frith a superior citation for the alubs civic COUNTY UCP RATES HIGH IN FUND RAISING At the eleventh annual meeting of United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois, which was held in Carbondale, on Nov. 6 and 7, the affiliate from McHcnry county was again awarded second place in pre-capita fund raising for the state. Mrs. John Boehm, president of the McHenry county affiliate, stated upon her return that this organization raised 10.75 per cent j>er capita, based on McHenry county's 84,000 population. Sangamon county, who. placed first for the second year in a row, raised 16.9 per cent per capita in their county. It is quite ah honor for U.C.P. of McHenry, but it is felt 1 hat this honor could, not have resulted without the full cooperation of the volunteer workers and certainly without the" generosity of the residents of the area, who show a definite interest in the needs of physically handicapped children and adults. United Cerebral Palsy's 53- minute March will take place on Jan. 9 this year, and it is hoped that the same type of cooperation will lie shown. beautifications at our local post office grounds. A warm welcome was extended to our new member Mrs. M. Swearing. Mrs. E. Fiala will again have charge of.., our yearly project remembering^ those at Valley Hi home with jars of jelly, etc., for Thanksgiving. Again the annual Christmas part# will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles A. Kopp, 4317 Lake Shore Dr., Dec. 8. 7:30 p.m. Members will exchange Christmas gifts besides a very delightful program is planned for the eveni^: (Editor's Note -- Due to the press of cither duties, Mrs. Hartog \viU>!)e unable to continue \vpmng the Wonder Lake coIunyfT Anyone interested in taking over this column should act the Plaindealer office, I3X5-O170.) Many volunteers are needed, and since the slogan for the organization is "Happiness is Helping", it is hoped that everyone will again do their part for this very worthy cause. United Cerebral Palsy of McHenry, for its first effort of the year, will sponsor a Teen Sock Hop at the McHenry high school on Nov. 26. This is a national event at which Bernie Allen, WLS disc jockey, will M.C. and a young musical group will play. Don Grady of television fame is the national chairman of the hops, and in a letter received from him this week, Mrs. Boehm was told that he has added two more stars to his committee--Bobby Vinton and Petula Clark. Thes? celebiit ies will telephone each sock hop on that evening to talk to one very lucky teenager. The McHenry High School SecifonThr** BIBl^E LESSON Jacob's struggle at Penii and the conversion of Paul will be included in the Bible Lesson at McHenry Christiab Science church this Sunday tjb illustrate spiritual transformation. A verse from Paul's me|» sage to the Romans will underscore the theme. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God" (Romans 12:2). ments at the dance, since they graciously gave up their prescheduled dance at the school in order for UCP to take part in this national event. The proceeds from the refreshments will be used to help the scholarship fund which the P.T.A. has PTA will handle, the refresh-1 as one of its fine programs. A U C T I O N Located 5 miles West of Wilmot, Wisconsin, 1% miles Soutfivvest of Twin Lakes, 1 mile North of State Line on HM, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th Commencing at 12:30 o'clock 43 HEAD HOLSTEIN CATTLE -- 21 milk cows, 6 fresh, 8 close springers, balance bred; 16 heifers, 8 bred, 18 months old, 8 open, 1 year old; 6 heifers, 6 months old; PRODUCE--4000 bu. ear corn, 10 ton alfalfa hay, 4 ton straw. DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- Jamesway 210 gal. SS bulk tank, 3 single unil milkers, Surge milker compressor, SS wash tanR, strainers and pails; 2 TRACTORS AND FARM MACHINERY -- McCormick M tractor with front end loader with MW pistons, McCormick H tractor with cultivator, Oliver 2 row corn picker. New Holland baler with motor, Gehl chopper, 35' elevator, Allis Chalmers 5' combine, MM 8' grain drill with fertilizer and grass seeder, 4 section steel drag, Mc 8' disc, Mc 2 row corn planter, MH 7' mower, Mc 3/14, plow. Case blower with 45' pipe, corn shelter, RT wagons and racks, JD 3/16 plow, Cobey 10' wheel disc, green feed bunk wagon, Mc side delivery rake, hog feeders and waterers, hammermill, chicken feeders and waterers, quantity of small tools and many other items to numerous to mention. HERBERT PETERSON, Owner Rubers & Dam, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerk Union Grove, Wis., Phone 878-2421 COMFY and Gas room-heaters cost so little to operate, too! A modern wall-vented gas room-heater con make your spbre room, added room, any room comfortable. Even in coldest weather. Compact and handsomely designed, new gas room-heaters are available in a variety of sizes. And all of them cUliver fast, dependable heat--automatically-- w/fh typical gas economy. What's more, it's healthful, safe heats sealed combustion chamber uses no room oxy gen. No flue or chimney is needed! More and more homeowners are installing gas room-heaters in breezeways, basements, garages--in fact, any area not readily served by a centralheating system. What about you? See your local heating eontrae* tor,or call Northern Illinois Gas Company at the number below for details. PhonQs 385-2081 Be sure to watch the JULIE ANDREWS iHOW Stmdoy, November 28, nt 8 p.m, on

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