On* 3-Pack Carton Beatrice TAFFY APPLES Coupon faptrM Oct. 30 YOU JUST CANT BEAT THAT NATIONAL MEAT' COLORADO BRAND CORN FED BEEF At National we consider no wle of our' Value Way- Meats complete until the 'tems purchased have .rendered complete satniac*.io.-.. Refund or replacement. National's courtesy wy, if you ire not fully satisfied witn your purchase in ment m Blade Cut CHICKEN PARTS BREASTS b. Blade Cut CHUCK STEAK..... lb. 55c Round Bone POT ROAST lb. 59c Boneless ENGLISH ROAST ... lb. 79c Boneless CHUCK ROAST..... lb. 79c Lean -- Fresh, 3 l^s. or jnlpre GROUND BEEF Less than 3 lbs., lb..5,9c TOP TASTE, Bologna, Pickle, Olive * _ DUTCH LOAF...... 29c BEEF*SAUSAGE... 3 ib*. $1°° Booth -- in Wine Sauce r? HERRING . jap 59c Jooth_-- in Crgam Saute - 59° 12-or. Jar Hawthorn Mellody ICE MILK Vi- gar. Ctn. Hawthorn Mellody 2-lb Cottage Cheese ... Ctn 45' Standrad -*• 3c REYNOLDS FOIL m Roil Orchard Freih -- Grape, Pineapple-'. Grapefruit, Pineapple-Orange or Hl-C ORANGE 46-oz. Can NATIONAL FOOD STORES 9 Jast pwk np yoir Free Copy of the Bonus Bingo Game Book it your National Store ALL BONUS BINGO Game Books are identical and contain 8 games. The indi vidual game layouts and the simple rules on page 3 of the book will show you how to win priz^s-of up to $1,000 in ca^tffNothing to write! Nothing to buy! There is no limit to the number of times you can win! Adults Only! All Program No. 25 Bonus Bingo Prize Slips, including all nows pap.r Bonus Bingo Program No. 25 Prizo Slips, are valid ONLY In the National Food Stores ini Illinois Counlitst Kankakee Kendall Will Cook McHenry Boone Grundy LaSalle DuPage lake Kano DeKalb Indiana Courtliest St. Joseph LaPorfe Lake Porter These Program No. 25 Bonus Bingo Prize Slips are not valid or acceptable to be played in National Food Stores in any other counties or states. <f* START PLAYING 'BONUS BINGO .96 WAYS TO WIN! PLAY ALL 8 GAMES AT ONCE WIN EARLY AND OFTEN ON EACH AND EYERY GAME £«ch time yoVvitit your Nation*! Store, you wiH receive ABSOLUTELY FREE a BONUS BINGO PRIZE SLIP having a "waihoff" patch on tha front which conceals the identity of the game to which the slip applies and the number and lettar of the specific box you can score on that game. Remove the "wish-off" patch by holding tha slip undar running wafer and rubbing VERY GENTLY thus revealing thtf^am^nd Box Number. Locata the designated game in your BONUS BINGO Game Bool and mark the box specified on the slip with an "X'\ There are 12 ways to win on each game ... so HOLD ALL SLIPS. You win the prize shown fori any game just by scoring any 5 boxes on that game in a straight line either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. All boxes containing a printed "X" in your Game Book are FREE boxes . . . and count as scored ... to help you win. When you have collected the necessary slips to win a prize as indicated in your Game Book, bring them to your National Store and receive your Cash Prize! No mutilated or alterad prize slips wiH be accepted. We rasarve the right to verify winning Bingo Slips. WIN ONE OR MORE PRIZES OF $1,000 • $500 * $100 $50 *$20 *$10 *$5* $1 !! IN CASH!! START PLAYING TODAY! WIN EARLY! WIN OFTEN! CLIP THESE SUPS TO HELP YOV EXTRA BONUS! Each week we will print EXT$A BONUS BINGO prize slips in our newspaper ads. Watch for these ads! Cut out and use these EXTRA prize slips together with all the prize slips you receive at our stores to win your share of prizes. Start with the extra prize slips in this ad! Enter all in your BONUS BINGO Game Book and you are on your way to winning Cash Prizes! IXrWATION DATE WILL IE ANNOUNCED IN NEWSFAPEt TWO WEEKS TO ENDING OF THIS CAME. BOPms BINGO P R I Z E S L I P PROGRAM No. 25 'VALID IN GAME BOOK i No. 25-A ONLY 0-3 PROGRAM No. 25 VALID IN GAME BOOK AH Prize Slips Used Our Present Bonus Bingo Game (PROGRAM 25 A) Which Started Monday. October 18th, 1965 Must Carry the Notation: PROGRAM No. 25. No Other Bonus Priz# Slips Acceptedl Naas TOMATO JUICE W. 3. itAtty 1144--AB Rljfch llmmJ S*r«f»jie Mtrt&an&hg C«rp. Ill Rftfc Arc, N.Y.C. I Frozen -- Banana, Lemon, Neapolitan Chocolate, Lime, Strawberry MORTON CREAM PIES 14-oz. Box U.S. No. 1 RED POTATOES bag Michigan Fancy Apples Jonathans . . bag lb. OOC Michigan Sno-White Large QQq >g /-7 Cauliflower ... Head Z./ 29 Fancy Flavorful A /™\ Mushrooms.. it. 4V Goiden Ripe Bananas Vegetable CAMPBELL'S SOUP 10-oz. Can Qh « TOMATO KETCHUP MAXWELL HOUSE or NATCO COFFEE.. 2 For Household Cleaning 60 PEEP AMMONIA. Facial SCOTTIES TISSUES. Family Size ^ HEINZ KETCHUP... So Fresh -- Twin Pak POTATO CHIPS .... Half- Gal. Btl. 2-pty 200-Ct. Box 20-oz. Btl. One 2-roll Pkg. White or Yellow 3 EASY LIFE TOWELS 1""^ Coupon Expires Oct. 30 I'JMU.IH: v^j . One 1-lb. Pkg. 3 PRINCE MOSTACCIOLI . "g Coupon Inpir.1 Oct. 30 • c [i J < ( I J c 'Square ^ POUNDCAKE Coupon Expires Oct. 30 Coyp* One Quart TOP TASTE OIL Coupon Expires Oct. 30 y wmwmm cf4 14-oz. Pkg. Assorted _ GEORGE INN COOKIES OJ* Coupon Expires Oct. 30 $mmr Save TcFCash^lJ a • .«?.nihePurchase of One 8-oz. Btl ALICE HOWELL FAMOUS DRESSING GREEN STAMPS wmwms mwrM Coupon Limit One Coupon Per Customer. Coupon Expir.i Oct. 3 Qilibiajuute. P@SSsav>si s&sSS&s I CoupoA i Pu'f "oj * One Btl. Any Srze MICRIN MOUTH WASH mwmvm Coupon Expires Oct 30 One lb. Pkg. Bird Fa rm Roll PORK SAUSAGE % % mm/mmiz ^ Limit Qw> C»upO" t*t Cwi»®mtr J 1 One 1 8-oz. pkg. Top Taste BEEFSTEAKS Coupon Expires Oct. 30 wmwm One 6-oz. pkg. Mickelberry SLICED HAM 3705 WEST ELM ST. Coupon 1^'?I,