Thursday, October 28. 1965 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Section One -- M HOSPITAL NOTES McHenry Hospital Admissions to McHenry hospital during the past week included Betty J. Leppek, Cary; Russell D. Perkins, Richmond; Catrin Tetzne^ Wonder Lake; Helen Packet, Island Lake- Gary Grant, Spring Grove; Edna DeGennaro, Florian J. Brady, Mary Ann Vogelman and Charles A. Gorndt, Crystal Lake; William Lester, Florence K. Stallsmith and A'vlis Aho, Irigleside; Craig Kraeplin, Huntley; Richard W. Krcmar and Lydia Gallagher, Barringtori! Also Dennis A* Lebrecht, Algonquin; Henry Lindsey, Sylvia A. Miotke, William L. W^Sselhoff and Ann Matovich, W a u c o n d a ; M a r g a r e t R o s e Werrbach, Fox River Grove; Chester R. Matson, Naperville; Marion M. Davis, Round Lake; fcfclen O. Arendall, Buffalo Grove; Clarissa H. Hagen, Pis- Makee Hills. Also, James M. Smak, Eldrie H, Verlinde, Gabriell Braem, Mark A. "Porter, Donna Chester, Oscar Cedarquist, George H. Wood, Helefi Brunhofer, Jacob W. Morris, Everett Brown, William Colman, Charles W. Heinmiller, II, Martha Reijner, John H. Vefstege, Beatrice Theis, Bernadine M. Wemken and Lucille Fergen, McHenry. Sick Mrs. Alvin (Lena) Dowell is recuperating at her home on Crestwood drive after undergoing surgery at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. T" . ' i ; i Obituaries RUTH SMITH A former business woman in McHenry and former resident of McCullom Lake, Mrs. Ruth A. Smith, 57, 2939 W. Balmoral, Chicago, died in Passavant hospital last Monday morning, Oct. 25, where she had been a patient for several week. She succumbed to a malignancy for which she had undergone treatment and surgery for many years. Ruth was the wife of Robert Smith who died in December, 1961. The Smiths who came to McCullom Lake from Crystal Lake were very active in civic affairs during the fifteerf years they lived there. Mr. Smith served a term as village trustee and both of them were instrumental in obtaining incorporation for the village. H W \BIRTHS A McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. James Ellison of Wauconda announce the birth of a son Oct. 23.^ Memorial Hospital Woodstock . Puring the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Helen Phillips, Virginia Hodges, Kenneth Schopp and Eugene Rodde, McHenry; Richard Calliger, Spring Grove; Jean Berline and Christy Nolan, Wonder Lake. . On Oct. 20 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fish of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peters of Wonder Lake are parents of, a son born Oct. 20. Harvard Hospital " Edward Storrs, Solon Mills, Alma Diesel, Wonder Lake and Mrs. Earl Hansen and Julia Varese of McHenry were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. Honored On Nineteenth Birthday - Oct. 23 was a joyous occasion fpr Miss Beverly Block of 5214 S. Menard avenue, Chicago, When she, with her parents, $lr. and Mrs. Frank G. Block, and brother, Gregory, celebrated her nineteenth birthday at the home of her great aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dreyer, of 2402 N. McArthur drive, McHenry. A delicious meal with candlelight and the proverbial birthday cake was enjoyed. Beverly, a granddaughter of the late Frank F. Block, an old time McHenry resident £nd later of Marengo, a graduate of the Thomas Kelly high school in Chicago, is presently deployed in that city. I CARD OF THANKS • We wish to thank all our friends for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes feceived on the occasion of our fortieth wedding anniversary. You have helped to make this $ne of the most memorable days of our lives. Leslie and Susan Olson " No two snowflakes are ever Qlike, but notice how beautifully they cooperate -- like flocking traffic. October 28 Tour and Card Party -- 1 p.m. -- Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club -- Meeting at Community Methodist Church at 11 a.m.--Public Invited. October 30 Halloween Costume Party - Legion Home -- 9 p.m. Woodshed Whirlers Square Dance, Halloween Jamborette 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Round Lake Consolidated School Costume and Other Prizes. November 2 Women's Panhellenic of McHenry County Work Meeting- Mrs. Chris Jepsen Home, 3212 W. Fairway Drive, McHenry-- 8 p.m. Meeting of Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., Susan Olsen Home, 808 Center Street -- 8 p.m. November 4 Regular Monthly Meeting of St. Paul's Episcopal Church Women -- 8 p.m. W.S.C.S. - Sponsored Roast Beef Dinner -- Serving 5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. -- Tickets from Members. November 5-6-7 Boo k I-liTr-- St. Mary's Church. November 10 Dessert Luncheon-Card Party -- Sponsored by Riverview Camp, R.N.A.--1 p.m.--K. of C. Hall. Women's Panhellenic of McHenry County "Dollars for Scholars" Card -- Dessert Party and Fashion Show -- 8 p.m. -- V.F.W. Clubhouse. November 12-13 Christmas Bazaar and White Elephant Sale -- Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary of Lilymoor-- Justen Furniture Store, Mctlenry. November 13 St. Patrick's Mothers Club Bazaar -- Noon to 9 p.m. -- Church Hall. Annual Harvest Hop--Johnsburg Community Hall -- Sponsored by McHenry Shores Club -- Starts 9 p.m. Ringwood Church Bazaar and Dinner. November 17 McHenry Garden Club Meeting -- Mrs. G. T. Snively Home, 709 S. Riverside, McHenry Shores -- 1 p.m. November 20 Bake Sale -- Justen's Furniture Store -- 9 a.m. -- Sponsored by Millstream Campers. Christmas Bazaar -- 3 to 7 p.m. -- Mount Hope Methodist Church, Pistakee Highlands. November 26 United Cerebral Palsy Sock Hop -- 8 to 11 p.m. -- McHenry High School. December 4 Smorgasbord and Bazaar -- St. Paul's Church, Edgebrook School -- 5 to 8:30 p.m. December 4-5 Twenty-Fifth Year Anniversary Christmas Program-- McHenry Choral Club--8:15 p.m. --McHenry High School Auditorium. We are pleased to announce our re-location to: 4410 WEST ROUTE 120 McHENRY. ILLINOIS We wish to thank all of our clients and customers who, through their continuing patronage during the last ten years, have made larger quarters both a necessity and possibility. PAUL A. SCHWEGEL and Company McHenry Accounting & Tax Service 385-4410 385-0343 ' ' r ' 'Mrs. Smith was one of three women who chartered the Lidies of the Lake, a local women's group which is still active. The couple also operated the Lamplighter restaurant in McHenry. Playing the organ in many of the local bistros was a favorite pasttime for the deceased. After visitation at the Tohle funeral home, 4325 Lawrence avenue, Chicago, services were held for Mrs. Smith at 9 a.m. this (Thursday) morning in St. Hillary's church, with burial in All Saints cemetery. She is sur.vived by two brothers and one sister. JAMES; HARRINGTON James T. Harrington, 79, of 7416 W. Birch drive, Wonder Lake, died at his home last Thursday, Oct. 21. A retired office clerk, he had resided in Wonder Lake for the past twenty years. Mr. Harrington was born in Chicago May 31, 1886.- He is survived by his widow,. Marie; three grandchildren; six sisters and a brother. A son, James T; Harrington, Jr., preceded him in death. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son chapel. A funeral Mass was sung at 10 o'clock Monday morning at C h r i s t t h e K i n g C a t h o l i c church, Wonder Lake, with interment in Calvary cemetery, Woodstock. CECILIA BELL Mrs. Cccilia M. Bell, 56, of Ringwood, died unexpectedly at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Greg (Mary Jane) Nowak at 3707 John street, McHenry, last Friday afternoon, Oct. 22. Mrs. Bell was born Aug. 13, 1909, in Menominee, Mich., but had resided for the past sixteen years in Ringwood. She is survived by her husband, Harold L., former McHenry police officer; two daughters, Mrs. Peter (Patricia Ann) Olson of Topeka, Kan., and Mrs. Nowak; a son, Harold L. Bell, Jr., serving in the Army at Fort Knox, Ky.; four sisters, Mrs. Anne Sheridan of Chicago, Mrs. Margaret Pepper of Menominee, Mich., Mrs. Mary Ellenbecker of Sturgeon Bay, and Sister M. Joel, OSA, Fond du Lac, Wis.; and two brothers, Nicholas and Joseph Bartl, Menominee, Mich. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home prior to the Mass, which was sung at St. Mary's Catholic church Monday morning. Burial was in the church cemetery. Originally, 50 million acres of the 53 acres in Arkansas were forested. P»g«Tto*r •im» •)»M t.iii11nfBfo Jane Weber Crowned Queen Of Marian High Homecoming Mike Reagan, Marian high school Student Council president, is shown placing crown on the pretty head "of Jane Weber of McHenry, who was this year's homecoming queen. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard" "Wcbcr of 3708 W. Maple street. A highlight of Marian high school's homecoming last weekend, especially for McHenry residents, was the crowning of Jane Weber as 1965 homecoming queen. The festivities began on Friday night with a pep rally and bonfire in the school parking lot. A large crowd followed the "Beat Joliet" cheers led by the varsity and junior cheerleaders in front of the burning pile of wood. Folliwng the rally, students and alumni proceeded to the gym for a mixer. At this time, the five homecoming queen finalists were named. They were: Mary Sue Weyland, Jane Weber, Marilyn Marke, Julie Sladek, and Kathy Deane. During half-time in Saturday's game, results of the float competition were announced by the judges -- Mayor Frances Kuhn of Woodstock, Ed Buckley, Dorr Township supervisor, Sister Kathleen Dolores C.S.C., John Conlin and Miss Louise McCormick. The sophomore class won first place with their float and were followed by the junio^fe, seniors and freshmen, respectively. Despite the efforts of the "Hurricanes", Marian was defeated by Joliet Catholic high school by a score of 28 to 6. Students and alumni were well entertained at "Grid-Iron A-Go-Go" on Saturday night. A huge football helmet served as Queen Jane Weber's throne, and was the focal point of the dance decorations. PLEDGE FRATERNITIES Five Carroll college fraternities pledged 150 new members during the fall rushing period. Among them were Ronaid Zicco of Pistakee Hills, Beta Pi Epsilon, and John Nelson of Rt.^S, McHenry, Phi Theta Pi. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS OPEN BANK ADDITION The McHenry State Bank announces that the new addition to the building will ^e opened for business on Thursday, Oct. 28. The old section of the bank will be closed temporarily for remodeling. It is expected that the entire building will be completed by Dec. 15. Customers are asked to use the now west entr^ariice to the hank. Safely depositMjbx patrons are requested to use the elevator to the new safety deposit box vault. The elevator is located in the lobby to the fight of Ihe new entrance. I^Thc'lwo walk-up windows in the vestibule of the new entrance will be in-service and .will be equipped to handle everything except savings and note t ratisactions. The three drive-in windows will be open to handle the same types of transactions as: the walk-up. I'pon final completion of the bank, both Ihe walk-up and the drive-in windows will be equipped to handle savings transactions by use of the pneumatic tube system. The new night depository located on the west side of the building is now in operation. Patrons may use either of the night depositories. DECLARE DIVIDEND The boa id of directors of Modine Manufacturing company has declared a quarterly dividend of 40 cents per share on the outstanding capital stock, payable Dec. 11. phone Co., which he serves as c o m m unications mantenanceman. He began his career in Elgin, and after various plant assignments in Elgin and McHenry, was transferred to Woodstock. He has held his present position since 1956. Knox and his wife live in Woodstock with their five children, Thomas, 19, Timothy, 17, James, 16, Judith, 13, and Jack, 4. LONG SERVICE Friends in McHenry will be interested to learn that Gordon Knox, a native and long time resident of this community, is observing twenty-five years with Illinois Bell Tele- SERVE TURKEY DINNER NOV. 6 AT GREENWOOD The Greenwood Methodist church will hold its annual turkey dinner Saturday, Nov. 6, with seatings at 5, 6 and 7 o'clock. Dinner will be served family style, including choice turkey, dressing, gravy, squash, cranberry mold, relishes and homemade pies. There will be no ticket sale at the door. Reservations should be made by calling Lottie Hallstrom at Wonder Lake. 653-5304. W OUR BIG ^ [•}* STORE WIPE A RED DEVIL LAWN SWEEPER 89 CAULKING GUN & CARTRIDGE 10 hours rotting aeeom* plithcd III 1 hour. Cleans loaves* grass dippings# twigs paper and all other yard dobris. Lift out baskot for easy dumping. Oilito, lifetime bushings. 10" semipneumatic tires. 24" sweep. TRUE TEMPER SPRING BRACED LAWN RAKE CARTRIDCHI Natural color, complete with spout. W i l l f i t drop In caulking gun. SPECIAL 4/98° OUN It's easy to stop draft* and heat lost with this gun ... Ratchet a c t i o n k e e p s caulk flowing a t a s t e a d y rate. SPECIAL 84" WARP'S STORM DOOR KIT WARP'S STORM WINDOW KIT Reg. $3.99 k»» Reg. 32e SPECIAL SPECIAL Hex ectfen natty fiogs the ground and saves faking time. £fre>hard- ®ned handle b smooth and long wearing. Each M* conshte ofi 36"x84" plastic sheet, 21 fe fiber moulding, enough naits for the lob. Full instruction and uses of the kit ore enclosed* Gon»a!m two full size storm win* dows, 12 ft. x 3 ft. sheet of tough clear plastic--36 ft. of fibre moulding and 70 nails. Enough to cover two full size window" emwsueme DRILL SPECIAL *12 (MNd Bver fuJJ torque. Greater ability for drilling operati gapaetty steel W, hardwood amp» 1/6 MOO RML H5Y A+U HOLD-AIL MULTI-USI CONTAINER Reg. $4.69 $£98 SPECIAL O May be used as a rubbish burner* also a pet cage, storage bin, live fish box. Folds flat for storage--strong, •\. easy to assemble. GIANT FLOWERING TULIP BULBS 5 for 59* TULIP PLANTERS 98' ANCO WEATHERSTRIP 18 ft. length, 100% SPECIAL v i r g i n v i n y l , w i l l not crack or peel, stays pliable. Complete with tacks. only w ROSE COLLARS •2 a 99« VYCITAL'S 1228 N. Green St. McHenry Phone 385-0098 KO-K-O MULCH 25-lb. bag only %= *229 iiMiviirons / h JIM WALLACE The grand opening of Jim's FS service station is scheduled foPthis Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and Jim Wallace, manager, will be on hand to welcome guests and tell them about two special'gift offers. The FS service station is operated by McHenry FS, the farmer-owned cooperative affiliated with the McHenry County Farm Bureau. The station is located on Waukegan road, on Route 120 near the railroad tracks. Ho will carry a complete line of auto products, including batteries, FS oil and lubricants, gasoline, oil and air filters, tires and tubes. Legals NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October 11th, A. D. 19(i5, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as OLD SPOT INN, located at 1103 West Rocky Beach Road, McHenry, Illinois. Dated this 11th day of October, A.D.,^1965. VERNON W. KAYS, County Clerk. (Pub. Oct. 14, 21, 28, 1965) by Marie Schaettgen About twelve years ago, when I decided that I'd had enough commuting, the "girls" in my office thought that I'd lie bored with just cooking and keeping house, so they decided that if they all contributed their favorite recipes for my Cook's Corner, I would have an "outside" interest. Since most of them were city-bred, they didn't know how "involved with activities" one can become just being a suburban housewife. Some of the men contributed recipes too -- a few rather weird ones -- the recipes I mean. At any rate I am grateful and have used many ol" the recipes in this column. Here's another. By ihe way, there are a few men from the office living in McHenry now who didn't contribute. How about it? IVcan Fingers 1 cup butter cup powdered sugar 2 cups flour 2 tsp. vanilla 2 cups finely chopped pecans. Cream butter and add sugar 1 tbsp. at a time. Cream well. Add flour gradually and mix well. Add vanilla and nuts. To shape, take teaspoon full of dough and roll until finger length, or in halls. Bake 12-15 minutes at 325 degrees. Roll in powdered sugar while still warm. NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that on October 6th, A.D., 1965, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and postoffice addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as KNOLLAND FARMS located at 7210-C Keystone Road in the Township of Richmond, Illinois. Dated this 6th day of October, A.D. 1965. VERNON W. KAYS, County Clerk. (Pub. Oct. 21-28, Nov. 4, 1965) MAIlItlAGE LICENSES Edward R. Draper, McHenry, and Jacqueline H. Durbin, Island Lake. Richard Walters and Margie L. Hager, both of McHenry. Stop in and see ^ Personalized £ Christmas Cards by A£*T£RiP,EC* Top quality, distinctive design, budget-priced and luxury-class cards (and everything ia between)... That's why you'll find it saves time and rffort to leaf through the Masterpiece Albums first. STOP IN SOON! McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois MEDICARE IS NOW A "Fad of Life" Are you acquainted with its many benefits as well as its shortcomings? Will your present insurance program fill in the "Medicare" gaps in coverage? r / Our t r a i n e d s p e c i a l i s t s are available to assist you in discussing these matters. There is no obligation of course. Call or Write Today! POLLOCK INSURANCE AGENCY, Inc. 3412 W. Elm St. McHenry Phone 385-2500 1 S