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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1965, p. 6

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ig* Six THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER r* ;. . ; f; •- / EATBS "" " iftrst Insertion --" 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. Repeat Insertions -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum 25c Service Charge on All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. CLASSIFIED C 01UMNS OF 0PP0R TUN IT IBS • .jr.; > a r ^ v FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 3S5-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD Thursday. October 2ft J a/ RATES - Display Clawifiefl First Insertion -- --- - $1.30 Per Col. Inch _ • 2 Inch Minimum , Repeat Insertions -- $1.15 Per Col. Inch d .... 4 Lines 8 pt Type Per In. with 18 pt Signature. COPY DEADLINE -- Classified Display -- Tuesday, 4 p.m. Regular Classified -- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. OFFICE HOURS -- Daily -- 8:30 to 5:00 Saturday -- 8:30 to Noon Replacement Parts For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF AUTO RADIO REPAIRING ADAMS REPAIR SHOP 3102 N. Chapel Hill Road 385-0434 6-17-65-TF FOR SALE or trade -- 1956 Ford % ton pickup. Excellent condition. Call 385-4832. 10-28-65 '59 BLACK Thunderbird Con vertible. Motor, transmission, rear end very good, $400 or best offer. 2914 W. Route 120, McHenry, after 6 p.m. 10-28-65 1952 CHEVROLET • SEDAN. Cheap. Phone 385-6479. 10-28-65 1964 CHRYSLER 300, 4 door, 12,000 miles, like new. $2478. Call 385-2500 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., ask for Pat. After 5 p.m. call 385-1168 10-28-65 1957 PLYMOUTH, V-8. $85 or best offer. Phone 385-0769 10-28-65 301 C.I. CHEVY Engine--complete with clutch, 1,800 on engine, engle cam and kit. Original cost $585. Runs perfectly. Phone 385-0415. . 10-28-65 '53 FORD, V-8, '2 -dobr sedan. Brand new tires. 2 Carbs. Call 385-9780. 10-28-65 1955 CADILLAC. Excellent condition. $450. Call after 4:30 p.m. 459-4081. 10-28-65 1959 EDSEL. Runs good. $75 or best offer. Call 385-0915. 10-28-65 1965 BUICK Skylark -- Grand Sport. Going into service, take over payments only. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 312-639- 4827. 10-28-65 1952 FORD. Radio. New tires. See to appreciate. $65. Call 385-7472. 10-28-65 T R I T O N Marine Service • Johnson Motors • Skiff Craft Boats • Trail car Boat Trailers COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES for Boats -- Motors -- Storage Gas & Oil -- Rest Rooms 1208 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry PHONE 385-1076 2-4-65-TF TREES AND bushes trimmed and removed. Call 385-3560. 8-12-65-TF PIANO LESSONS -- Degreed College Music Major. 20 years experience teaching piano. Ph. 385-7103. 10-7-65-TF CLEANING • CARPETS • RUGS • FURNITURE -- Call 385-2050 -- Krestbrook Carpet 1330 N. Riverside Dr. 4-22-65-TF fCictxoCux Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHenry, 111. 385-6027 2-4-65-TF • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FREE Estimates Phone 385-4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 8-5-65-TF eg ^ Serviee* $ 43r ' JLBlacktopping Concrete Work Remodeling Garages Alum. Siding No Money Down Terms To Suit PHONE FOR FREE ESTIMATES DUKE CONSTRUCTION CO. WONDER LAKE, ILL. Phone 653-6161 7-29-65-TF UPHOLSTERY 1635 N, Park St. McHenry. Illinois ART'S Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 2-4-65-TF 24 Hour Oil Burner Service Furnace -- Hot Water Boiler Floor Furnace -- Space Heater Water Heater -- Pot Type and Forced Air -- All Makes A-l Furnace Cleaning & Repair Since 1949 BERNARD J. SCHALL Combustion Analyzer Phone 385-3122 if no ans. call evenings 385-3122 10-14-65-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF OAK FIREPLACE WOOD Split and delivered $17 per ton McHenry Fence Co. Specialists in Fence Building of All Types _ -- SNOW PLOWING -- ~ Call 385-1469 1007 N. River Road McHenry, Ill.inois 10-28-65-TF CONTRACTOR WILL BUILD HOMES AT COST on your lot or his -- Choice wooded, hillside waterfront lots, horse facilities available. In McHenry -- can finance -- no obligation. Quality Construction Co. 385-1912 10-28-65 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ & Accordion Rental Instruments Available. McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 10-7-65-TF WINDOW W A S H I N G Wash and Put Up Storms -Scrub, Wax and Buff Floors Wall Washing Weekly or Monthly Services Free Estimates Insured Phone 385-7710 day or night, McHenry, 111. 9-30 thru Nov. 11-65 McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE CUT, STYLE, PERMANENT & SET Complete $5.00 and up Manicure Included With Better Permanent Work done exclusively by students under supervision of skilled instructors. No appointment necessary. -- OPEN -- Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Saturday -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- Closed Mondays -- 3031 W. Lincoln Road 385-2290 McHenry, 111. 9-16-65-TF UPHOLSTERING dinette sets cin,l all typos ol 'urniture. Free estimates. 385-35B0. 2-4 65-TF Reliable DRIVING SCHOOL Insured -- Bonded Licensed Instructor Free Home Pickup PHONE 815-338-3537 10-14/11-4-65 McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65-TF COMBINATION WINDOWS $10.00 -- MANY SIZES -- Hundreds to Choose From Brand New, not seconds or rojocts Perfect for enclosing: • PORCHES • RRKKZEWAYS, ETC. -- Also -- Used Comb. Alum. Doors Some Jalousie Doors 4' CHUCK'S G1 •ass & Mirror 4304 W. South Street Cooni-v Heights 385-3560 9-.10-G5-TF F A T OVERWEIGHT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrinex. You must lose usjy f;it or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex .costs $.'U)0 and is sold on this t/uaranleo: If no1 satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and gel your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: Holger Drug Store, 1259 North Green St. 10-14-21-28-65 40" HOT POINT Electric range with large oven and rotisseric. Excellent condition. $75. Phone 385-2809. 10-7-65-tf NAME BRAND S H O E S WOMEN'S & TEEN'S • Values to $24.95) A to AAAAA Width B and C Widths FLATS -- $3.88 Stack Heels Mid-Heels High-Heels $5.88 NEW SHIPMENTS WEEKLY The Fashion Shoppe Route 31 (1007 Front St.) McHENRY, ILL. Free Parking Lot OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY 10-28/11-1S-65 SHOP IN McHENRY 1ST CUTTING Alfalfa and Alfalfa mixed hay. Phone C75- . Hla/el & Stahl. Inc. Newburg, Wis. 10-7-65-TF • COMPLETE DOUBLE BED with solid mahogany-headboard. • including taffeta bedspread. • 2 NIGHT STANDS • 2 TABLE LAMPS good condition • ELECTRIC GOLF CART, reasonable • LIVING ROOM CHAIR • FLOOR LAMP CALL AFTER 6 P.M. 385-1109 10-28-65 REFRIGERATOR, $25. 2 beige tone barrel chairs, $35, like new. Electric stove, $35. Phone 385-0233. 10-28-65 POOL TABLES, Brunswick regulation. Call 385-5448. 10-28-65 MAHOGANY DINING room set, table, six chairs, buffet, china cabinet. Electric dryer, good shape. Phone 385-1063. 10-28-65 1958 MORRIS Minor, runs good, 35 miles per gal., all new tires. $125. Oval walnut leather top cocktail table, $10. Call 385- 1189. • 10-28-65 COCKER SPANIEL Puppies, male and female. Call 385- 0829. 10-28-65 GUITAR with amplifier and 3 pickups. Call Patrick Musick at McHenry Plaindealer, 385- 0170. 10-28-65 CAST IRON gas heater -- six room capacity $65. Good condition. Call 385-5348 or see at 2420 N. Spojnia Road, McCullom Lake. 10-28-65 KEEP carpet cleaning problems small use Blue Lustre wall to wall. Rent electric shampooer $1.. Ace Hardware. 10-28-65 LABRADORS -- Black. A.K.C. Excellent blood line. Call 385- 3734. 10-28-65 TROPICAL FISH -- "Portalegrensis" -- Cichlid family, 25c each. Bring your own container, weekends only. 385-2470. Anton Rebel. 4409 Parkway, Lakeland Park. 10-28-65 REFRIGERATOR, good condition. Two early American double-bed bedsteads. Complete dressing table. Call 385-0566. 10-28-65 GARAGE SALE -- Air conditioner, wrought iron dinette set and miscellaneous items. 614 S. Hilltop Rd., McHenry Shores. 10-28-65 40 IN. MAYTAG gas stove "Dutchmaid Model". $35. excellent condition. 653-4325. 7709 Deep Spring Rd., Wonder Lake, III. Sat. and Sun. only. 10-28-65 1954 CHEVROLET. Handy Man Wagon. Excellent condition. Needs little paint. $125. 3907 W. John St. 10-28/11-4-65 A.K.C. Registered miniature poodle. 3 years old. Chocolate brown, male. $50. Phone 385- 0903. 10-28-65 2 SNOW TIRES, mounted on wheels. 6:50x13. Phone 385- 3270. 10-28-65 COIN-OPERATED pool table. Two-drawer pizza oven. Both new Jan. 1965. Route 31, Richmond. 815-653-9300. 10-28/11-4-65 RCA WHIRLPOOL electric dryer. Excellent condition. $40. Call after 6:00 p.m. 385-3646. 10-28-65 SENSATIONAL FUR AUCTION -- Sunday afternoon 1 p.m. October 31st. 300 pieces of new and used mink, muskrats etc. Stoles, capes, etc. Also new Christmas merchandise. Volo Auction Barn, Route 120, Volo, 111. 10-28-65 APPLES, Jonathan and Delicious, $1.25 bushel. Also small apartment gas range, $^5. Hotpoint automatic washer, $30. Call 385-4219. 10-28-65 TWO 7:10x15 Snow tires with wheels, narrow white. Good Year nylon, $25. Call 385-1782. 10-28-65 PUPPIES of A.K.C. Registered Labrador. Black. $10 each. Call 385-3927. 10-28-65 USED FURNACE for 5 room capacity, with oil drum. $40. Call after 5 p.m. 385-5817. 10-28-65 6 YEAR CRIB, stroller, boodle buggy. Elect lie tiller. Phone 385-5739. 10-28-65 FULL SIZE bed, davenport, refrigerator, oil stove, kitchen chairs, lamps, wicker porch chairs. Call 385-1510. 10-28-65 Help Waato* BABYSITTER for 3 children, Saturdays only. Call 385-7770 after 6 p.m. 10-28-65 CABLE SPINET Piano. Reasonable. Phone 385-1832. For Rent MODERN OFFICE, space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McIIenr, Phone 385- 0184. 10-7-65-TF FOR LEASE -- 6,000 square feet commercial building. Rte. 120 East. Call 385-0742. 10-7-65-TF STORF] for rent in bakery building, Lakeland Park. Approximately 450 sq. ft. Ideal for barber shop, delicatessen or specialty house. $90 per month. Stop at site or call Arnold N. May Builders, Richmond 815-678-2861. 10-7-65-TF OFFICE SPACE in new modern building on Route 120. Heat, air conditioning, and ample parking included in monthly rental. Phone 385- 0343. 10-21-65TF 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743. Dr. Goetschel. 10-7-65-TF NEW 2 BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR APARTMENT New RCA refrigerator, range and air conditioner. Carpeted living room. Ceramic tile bath, colored fixtures. Extra storage space in basement. Sound proof walls. Garbage removal. Hot water and heat furnished. One year lease. References required. Rent $135 month. PHONE 385-5324 10-28-65 3 BEDROOM ranch, full basement, hardwood floors, Eastwood manor. $100 month. Available Nov. 1st. References required. Call 385-5448. 10-28-65 2 BEDROOM apartment, unfurnished. Occupancv November 1st. Call 385-1115. 10-28-65 WINTER STORAGE space available for two large cruisers close to river. Call 385-5883. 10-28-65 5 ROOM HOUSE. 2 bedrooms. Carpeted living room. Gas heat. Attached garage. Stove, refrigerator. washer and dryer included. Edgebrook Heights. Available December 1st. $105 month. Call after 5 p.m. 385- 5817. 10-28-65 LARGE 2 bedroom home on Griswold Lake. Partially furnished, includes stove and refrigerator. Gas heat. Immediate occupancy. Very good condition. 385-3779. 10-28-65 3 ROOM apartment and bath, electric and heat furnished. Partly furnished. McCullom Lake. Gate 3, 1st house on left side. Call 385-3457. 10-28-65 COUNTRY LIVING" -- 3 room house. Utility room, breezeway, attached garage. Call after 7 p.m. 385-3831. 10-28->65 tod to Beat m SMALL furnished apartment in or near McHenry. Call 385- 0170 between 8:30 and 5:00 o.m. 10-14-65-TF YOUNG COUPLE desires small furnished apartment in or near McHenry beginning in December. Call 385-5279. 10-21-65TF Own Your Own Business Get paid weekly, healthful work. Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative for Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery, established over 55 years. No delivery or collecting. Liberal guarantee. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wisconsin. Write: McKay Nursery Company, Waterloo, Wis. 10-14-28-65 BABYSITTER for four Children, to live in. Light housework. Call 385-3796. Matthew Florek. 10-28-65 WOMEN start now for big Christmas earnings as an Avon representative. Write Avon District Manager, P.O. Box 302, Libertyville, 111. 10-28/11-11-65 WILL do ironing in my home, $1.35 per hour. Phone 385- 6156. 10-28/11-4-65 WAITRESS wanted. Sundays. Hettermann's Tavern. 385-1787. 10-28-65 HOUSEKEEPER For General Cleaning In Hospital -- Apply in person at -- McHenry Hospital 385-2200 10-28-65 WHEN WAS the last timfc you saw your rug? Rent a Glamorene electric rug sharhpooer for only $2 a day - at. Main Paint and Decorating. It'll bring back fond memories. 10-28-65 SHOP IN McHENRY BABYSITTER--live in. Phone JUstice 7-0213. 10-28-65 WAITRESS wanted. Hours 5 p.m. to 12, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday. Ap" ply in person, Dusty's Pizzeria, 1507 Meadow Lane, Lakeland Park. 10-28-65 ACCOUNTING MACHINE - N.C.R. Interesting work in modern office for a girl with experience. Training consideration will be given to a girl with an office machine operating background. . ., J Many fine fringe benefits such as Free Group Insurance, Profit Sharing, Cafeteria, 9 Paid Holidays, etc. ( An equal opportunity employer ) FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7th and Sunnyside Libertyville, 111. 10-28-65 G I R L S ! G I R L S ! G I R L S ! Want to work in the factory known for the best working conditions in the area, and receive free benefits, such as Life and Hospitalization Insurance and Profit Sharing? OAK N E E D S M A C H I NE O P E R A T O R S FOR FULL TIME DAYS OR NIGHTS I M M E D I A T E L Y -- Apply at Personnel Office -- Oak Manufacturing Company DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS CORP. S. Main Street Phone 459-5000 Crystal Lake, HL (An equal opportunity employer) 10-28-65 Help Wanted Help Wanted MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED Men needed primarily for 1st shift, 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Women needed primarily for 2nd shift, 3:30 P.M. to Midnight. Minimum age 17. Paid group insurance and other employee benefits. APPLY BETWEEN 7:00 A.M. AND 4:00 P.M. Or Phone Personnel Manager 815-385-3964 or 653-2841 Modine Manufacturing Co. RINGWOOD, ILL. "An Equal Opportunity Employer" v*-.r wr-w • L " 10-28-65 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTicE" GEORGE'S CITGO 4302 Wilmot Road Special for October • GREASE JOB reg. $1.75 99c WITH OIL CHANGE • OIL CHANGE & FILTER 79c -- Come in and get acquainted -- PHONE 385-9761 10-7-28-65 I

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