Thursday, March 10,1966 THE MeHENRY PLAINDE ALER Section One -- Page Three MEHENRY WOMEN ATTEND "SALUTE TO JANE ADDAMS" The Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs sponsored "A Salute to Jane Addams" program from 10 a.m. to noon on March 2 in the Great hall of the Pick Congress hotel. Art Linkletter was a special guest at this reception which climaxed the Women's Federation Hull House Restoration program, initiated two years ago through the efforts of the groups's state president, Mrs. James M. Segraves of Belleville. Special guests at the program were Maj. Lenox R. Lohr, formerly of McHenry, chairman of the restoration committee; Russell W. Ballard, former director of the Hull House association; and W. Clement Stone, who has given funds for the restoration. Mayor Richard J. Daley was also on hand to say a few words to the women. Some 2,000 federation leaders gathered for the reception. In attendance from the McHenry Woman's club wore Mrs. Richard Anderson, Mrs. Paul Jessup, Mrs. George Kleinhans, Mrs. Hugh Locker, president, Mrs. Carl Rietesel, Mrs. Frank Steffek and Mrs; Vincent Weyland. The Illinois Federation group's 70,000 club members have participated in the restoration project. MAKES PLEDGE Miss Catherine Ruth of 112 W. River Terrace drive, McHenry, has been pledged to Phi Theta Kappa, national scholastic honorary for junior colleges. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Ruth, she is a first year student at Cottey college, Nevada, Mo. The area of Louisiana has been increased some 50 square miles in the past 35 years by the Mississippi's deposit of silt. 1BIRTHSJA McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leone are parents of a daughter March 3. On March 2 a son was born to Mr. and^Mrs. David Chafee of Crystal Lake. A daughter was born March 4 to Mr. and Mrs. David Humphrey of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peterson announce the birth of a son March 6. An Ingleside couple, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fischer, are parents of a son March 6. A son was born March 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schroepher. Memorial Hospital) Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Paul Heber are parents of a son born March 6. A daughter was born March 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Powers of Wonder Lake. On March 7 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark. Harvard Hospital • On March 5 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sagel. Other Births , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wohnrade of Crystal Lake announce the birth of a son, Mark Robert, March 2, at Sherman hospital, Elgin. The young lad weighed 6 lbs., 10 oz., and has three sisters, Wendy Ann, Mary Beth and Susan Marie and a brother, Stephen. Mrs. Wohnrade is the former Ruth Schaefer, daughter of Mrs. Herman Schaefer of McHenry. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wohnrade of Wonder Lake. ON HONOR ROLL Among 450 Northen Illinois university students who made the honor roll for scholastic achievement during the first semester were Carol „J. Anderson Smith, Michele Dougherty, Susan C. Farr and Jean M. Liptrot of McHenry. MeHENRY MEDICAL GROUP announces the association of H. MARTIN SNYDER. M.D. in the Departments of Thoracic, Cardiovascular and General Surgery -- HOURS BY APPOINTMENT -- Office: 1110 North Green Street MoHeW-y, Illinois PHONE: 815-385-1050 MeHENRY MEDICAL GROUP announces the association of ARNOLD S. CURNYN. M.D. in the Department of Ophthalmolgy -- HOURS BY APPOINTMENT -- Office: 1110 North Green Street McHenry, Illinois PHONE: 815-385-1050 GAY GIBSON LIKES COFFEE BEAN TOPPED WITH CREAM Coffee bean with cream ... latest wake-up colors for Spring. Ftooi a group of Daaxm and cotton voiles fined with Dacron and cotton voiles. Sizes 5 to 15 $18.00 Many others to choose from sizes 10 to 20 JUST ARRIVED NEW SHIPMENT SPRING SHOES V ^DHE ^A&H ion SL oppe Route 81 (1007 N. Front Street) 1 Block South of Overton Cadillac Showroom McHenry, Illinois (FREE PARKING) "HUMORIST IN ACTION" WINS WSCS AUDIENCE The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Community Methodist church entertained a large, captive audience at a benefit tea on Wednesday afternoon, March 2, at the V.F.W. clubhouse. Guest speaker was J. D. McCartney of Long Grove, known as a "humorist in action". Mr. McCartney talked of the great importance of laughter and love in our world, and stressed the virtue of being able to laugh at one's self. He is a director of guidance and counseling for the Adlai Stevenson high school in Prairie View. Mrs. Vaughn Jones and Mrs. Lisle Bassett presided at the te^ table. McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Jerry M. Simpson, Anthony T. Fino, Thomas N. Trask, Pamela R. VanHorn, Michael Van Horn, Elizabeth C. Mathis and James P. Dopke, Crystal Lake; Walter Hamberger, Jr., and Barbara M. Busch, Ingleside; Paul Bastie, William Portalski, Thomas S. Kavonras, Ingrid L. Blankenberg, Gladyce E. Pechtel, Edgar W. Wright and George Kolian, Jr., Fox Lake, Also Gail Brod, Wonder Lake; Daniel MacDonald, Mt. Prospect; Esther B. Ziolek, Camp Lake, Wis.; Louanne Tegtmeyer, Clara L. Koch, Mary C. Carolin and Richard P. Gutowski, Wauconda; Howard H. Ritzert, Solon Mills; Mary March, Elpha L. Leigh, Catherine C. Bajorek, Round Lake; Charles W. Cochran, Lake Villa; Jack S. Hamilton, Elgin; Charles W. Dawson, Portage, Ind.; David Smith, E. Dundee. Also, Eric Swanson, Gwendolyn E. Wilson, George M. Glosson, John F. Rudolph, Mark W. Webber, Marjorie L. Webber, Olof Nord, Owen Lloyd, Charlene Kraus, Madelyn Carlson, Paul J. Doherty, Nellie Czaplak, Herbert Zabroski. Alpha O. Schreiman, Janet Walters, Kevin E. Drochner, Lisa Heinzelman, Bruce C. Thacker, Rev. John Atherton, John J. Markwart, Kenneth M. Roby, Kenneth W. Beckelman, Bernhard Schwanke, Mathias J. Woolfe, Charles W. Diedrich, Robert D. Gipson and Charlene D. Meyer. Memorial Hospital Woodstock Admitted to Memorial hospital in Woodstock during the past week were Bernice Jerls, Valerie Robertson, Mrs. Bernie Smith, Gail Rada, Frank Wendt and Billie Williams, Wonder Lake; and Leo Sales, Dorothy Atkins, Baby Sandra Johnson, Baby Roxanne Osterby and Mel Major, McHenry. Harvard Hospi Edgar Woger and /'Annie R^l- March 11 Mctteflry Woman's Club -- 1 -- Community Methodist Church. > March 15 St. Patrick's Luncheon and Card Party -- Noon --St. Peter's Hall, Spring Grove -- Sponsored by Christian Mothers. Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's Card Party - 7:30 p.m. - Church hall. Royal Neighbors of America Riverview Camp 6818 - Anniversary pot-luck dinner - 6 .m. - K. of C. hall. March 17 Joyce Kilmer Court 573 C.D. of A. Business Meeting. March 17 Joyce Kilmer Court 573. C.D. of«., Business Meeting. March 18 Job's Daughters Chili Dinner -- Acacia Hall -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. March 22 Panhell^nic Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- Mrs. George Stilling Home, 1914 N. Orchard Beach Road. March 23 Salad Luncheon --McHenry Country Club -- Noon -- Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. March 25-26 Ringwood Rummage Sale -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday -- Ringwood Church. March 26 Fourth Annual Spaghetti Dinner Mt. Hope Methodist Church, Pistakee Highlands -- Sponsored by W.S.C.S. -- 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. March 27 Pancake Breakfast -- Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary of Lilymoor -- Legion Home -- 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. :-- Proceeds to Road Fund. "On Guard" Color Guard Contest -- 1:30 p.m. -- McHenry High School. March 30 Lakeland Park Woman's Club Salad Luncheon and Card Party -- Legion Home, McHenry -- 11:30 a.m. April 2 Bake Sale -- Sponsored by Millstream Campers -- Justen's Furniture Store -- Starts 9 a.m. April 3 Broadway Miniatures -- 8 p. m. -- McHenry High School Auditorium -- Presented by MCHS Vocal Groups. April 12 St. Patrick's Mothers Club -- 7:45 p.m. -- Church Hall -- Fr. Filas, Guest Speaker -- Public Invited. April 17 Valley View Girl Scout Neighborhood Fair -- 1 to 4 p.m Valley View Girl Scout Neighborhood Fair -- Junior High School -- 1 to 4 p.m. McCULLOMLAKE GIRL GUIDE FOR NEWS CONFERENCE ek, McHenry; Mrs. Justus Kellner and Mrs. Carl Ottoson, Wonder Lake; and Mrs. John Hogan, Ringwood, were patients during the past week in Harvard hospital. www N ' <•', For the past 30 years I have been an Issdnas- Irial engineer. I am now with Collmgbourne Buick-Olds and am a McHenry resident of 15 years. If you are in the market for a new Buick, Olds, or a fine used car, please call on me any time. 1962 4 - Door, Full Power S BY THIS WEEK ONLY 39C88 108! COL! JL IS. INC. ' 907 FronS Sfi. MeHanry 385-7200 OPEM WEEKDAYS TILL 9 PJM. SATURDAY TILL 5 SWMMY 11-4 Chrys Levesque, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Levesque of 3011 N. Spring road, McHenry, served as a guide for one of ' the many distinguished editors, writers and journalists who attended the thirteenth annual MacMurray college newspaper conference on March 4 and 5 in Jacksonville. This project was coordinated by student committees and administration and faculty members of the college. Hold Card Party At St. Patrick's St. Patrick's church Altar and Rosary sodality will sponsor a card party on Tuesday, March 15, at the church hall at 7:30 o'qlock. There will be prizes for each ta'ble. Men are cordially invited to attend this special St. Patrick's day card party. Refreshments will be served later in the evening. Money raised will be used for the upkeep of the altars. John Reed Surprised At Birthday Gathering John Reed was pleasantly surprised Saturday evening when old friends and new dropped in to help him Celebrate his birthday anniversary. Among the guests were Joe Williams and daughter, Virginia, Louis Stevens, Carol Kucharski, Mr. and Mrs. James Van Fleet, Ann and Jon Jon, and Walter Bolger. John blew out all the candles on the cake, which according to hjs---family and friends, mak^s himJeligible for another twenty-five fine years ahead. COURT BRIEFS Appearing before Judge Kaufman in Branch 3 court last Thursday, Gerald Bogseth of Fox l^ake pleaded guilty to illegal parking in the village of Richmond and was fined .$15 and paid $29.50 in costs. v Daniel Yl. Ambrose of 1119 S. Barreville road, McHenry, pleaded guilty to unnecessary noise. His fine was $5 and $5 costs. A $10 fine and $5 costs were assessed Doris M. Kretzschmar of 1019 W. Ringwood road, who WSCS Presents Program March 17 The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the McHenry Community Methodist church will meet on Thursday, March 17. Prayer service will be held at 11:45 a.m., prior to the noon luncheon. The program will consist of a play, "The Trial of Mary Ellis," performed by Woman's Society members and directed by Mrs. Ernest C. Carder. This is a most thought-provoking drama which should prove of interest to all. Mrs. David Dolby will lead the worship service. • Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; argument, an exohange of ignorance. Postpone .Meeting Of Johnsburg PTA <r T h e r e g u l a r l y s c h e d u l e d Johnsburg school PTA meeting has been postponed until March 29. A special measles vaccine program has been set up at the Johnsburg school starting at 9 o'clock Thursday, March 10. Mrs. Lois Perrewe, health chairman, urges all first to fifth grade students who are not immune to be included in this year's program. Communion Sunday For Lady Foresters St. Clara's Court, No. 659, will hold Communion Sunday. March 20, at the 8 o'clock Mass at St. Mary's church. Breakfast will follow at the Le gion home. Juniors also are invited to attend Mass and breakfast.* There will be a hat judging eontest at the Legion home for the prettiest hats. Lady Foresters and Juniors are asked to meet in St. Mary's hall at 7:45. pleaded guilty to not having a valid registration. Wilbur W. Taylor of Roselle, 111., paid a $10 fine ad $5 costs for ^speeding, to which he pleaded guilty. Lewis Blomgren of 3207 W. Fairway drive, in a trial, was found guilty of parking on a highway and paid $5 and $10 costs. Dennis J. Jackson of 4213 W. Crestwood drive, McHenry, paid $15 and $5 costs in a trial which charged him with speeding. Steve C. Wolfgram of Des Plaines was found guilty of speeding during a trial and his fine was $14 and $10 costs. _ - -EXCEL IN STUDIES The dean's list for the first semester at Illinois State university honors under-graduat^ 0 students with grades no lower than "B". Listed from this area are Linnea Larson, daugh- , ter of Mr. and MrS. Arnold Larson of 3907 W. Oak, McHenry, and Judith Prokop, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Prokop of 8512 Memory trail, Wonder Lake. TOP STUDENT Gary Lockwood of 1710 N. Court sreet, a student at Iowa Wesleyan college, Mount Pleasant, earned a straight "A" record for the last semester and has been named to the dean's list. Now In Stock! English Leather and at least 50 others in our Men's Scenter I® JR<K McHenry's Most Complete MEN'S SCENTER 1S25 X. Riverside Dr. Phone 885-4436 Own the GARAGE Neighborhood BRICK m FRAME MARCH in your We don't think we can be undersold on quality or price . . . try us and see, OVER 50 STYLES! -- NO MONEY DOWN -- Terms to suit your budget • Black Topping • Concrete Work LOOK! With Every Garage During This Sale! • CONDUIT PIPE • WINDOW SHUTTERS • FLOWER BOXES • PAINT NO MO HEY §0WN PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOU! Over 30 Years Experience Our Representative Will Call Day or Night -- No Obligation -- SPECIAL L©W • RECREATION ROOMS • DORMERS • PORCHES • BASEMENT ROOMS • ADDITIONS • ATTIC ROOMS Complete Remodeling & Repair Service Wonder Lake* ill PHONE 815-653-6161 ALL REMAINING GLIDDEN STOCK VE AWAY" P GLIDDEN ^xterior Spred Satin Spred Lustre iMmels & Varnishes >2.00 50c perqt per gal. GLIDDEN Cr $1.00 PAINT per gaL per qt. -- HURRY TO -- ALEXANDER LUMBER CQ. 909 N. Front SL Phone 385-1424 McHenry. I1L