Section Two --Page four '.Wui.iir rmrr *7 r r* • I^NllillHWUHiy THEMcfcENtttkLA^EALEIl ThiirSdslj^ Marsh 24. Idfifi, The Guardsmen from Mt. Prospect will be among leading color guards participating in the annual "On Guard" contest to be presented in McHenry high school auditorium on Sunday, March 27. Girls range in age from 12 to 16. In 1963, just three years after being formed, the guard placed sixth in the Madison Scouts Spring Spectacle in Wisconsin. Or. SIMS *ays... SAFEGUARD YOUR HEALTH " ruBLlt SERVICE OF THE I1IN01S SIATE MEDICAL SOCIETY FACTS ABOUT HEADACHES Did you know.... The older you get, the fewer headaches you are likely to have. Single people have considerably more headaches than married people. Mental patients rarely have headaches. The severity of a headache is not a reflection of its seriousness. At least 85 percent of those suffering from recurrent headaches can be helped. These are only some of the many interesting facts learned about man's most prevalent ailment through intensive research in the past ten years. Research also reveals there are many kinds of headaches stemming from a variety of causes., Most of them, however, can be classified under three headings: occasional, chronic tension and migraine. The short-lived occasional headache--with which most of us are familiar--is usually the "result of excessive food or drink, eyestrain, excitement, fatigue, poor ventilation, a blow on the head, susceptibility to certain foods or exposure to certain chemicals. Best home remedy? Aspirin. Some people find that two aspirins with a cup of coffee is even more effective. Why coffee? Because caffein has a tendency to keep the blood vessels in the head from swelling and pressing on the nerves. (That's usually what produces the pain in headaches.) If that doesn't help, try taking a nap or holding an ice bag on your head. The chronic tension headache --which accounts for 65 to 75 percent of all headaches--results from muscle contraction due to tension. Best homo remedy again is aspirin. It i this doesn't work, take a bath or have someone massage your shoulders and the back of your neck. Whether you find relief or not, however, you'd better see your doctor because -- though the chances afce small -- your chronic headache may be caused by a disease or organic malfunction. Of course, the worst of all headache agonies is the migraine, which occurs in five to ten percent of the population. Unfortunately, its cause is still unknown. How do you differentiate between migraine • and chronic tension headaches? If you're smart, you'll let your doctor do the diagnosing. However, it's generally known that migraines are usually preceded by a short period of depression, ir- /ritability, restlessness or gas- Ob?^ upset, which may disappear shortly before the headache appears. Sometimes the> accompany the head;" he. OBSERVE "QUIET DAY" Episcopal Churchwomen of the Waukegan deanery (Antioch, Crystal Lake, Deerfield, Grayslake, Harvard, Highland, Lake Forest, Lake Villa, Libertyville, McHenry, Wauconda, Waukegan and Woodstock) will be attending a "Quiet Day" at The Church of the Holy Spirit, 400 Westminster road, Lake Forest, on Tuesday, March 22. The conductor will be the Rev. Robert G. Ruffie. The day will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and Holy Communion at 10 a.m. followed by meditations. NEW TOURISM DISPLAY The Tourism division of the Illinois Department of Business . and Economic Development unVeiled its new 40-foot display at the National Boat, Travel and Outdoor show last week in Chicago. Questions pertaining to scenic, historic and recreation sites in Illinois are answered as buttons are pushed on a panel. Answers and full color transparencies appear on a 23-inch screen. People who have eyes for figures seldom have heads for them. The Driverr Seat Thousands df peo$e a: e serious collectors of .license plates, according tb Keith Marvin, a New York state newspaperman and author of a book titled "License Plates of Jie World. "4 "It's a hobby that has a lot 3f fascination of stamp collecting-- the objects collected are colorful and interesting, there's satisfaction in building a complete collection, and you learn something about other states and nations in the process," says Marvin. His own collection gtew\rs0 large he finally stopped acqjihv ing license plates and 'concentrated on classifying licenseplate data. Going after such "information can be a stimulating arm-chair adventure, Marvin has learned. For example, when he wrote for information on license plates in the remote Himalayan nation of Sikkim, he received in return a letter from the nation's ruling prince. Communist officials proved far less cooperative. Of fifteen officials in the Soviet Union to whom he wrote for license plate data, only one replied,, and his letter was delayed and censored by a senior official*- In spite of this lack of cooperation, Marvin has learned that the Soviets issue a variety of, license plates, some white on black, s ome black on white, and that special tags are issued to certain classes of people, such as foreign newspapermen. Here at home, Marvin is hopeful that more states will issue reflective "safety tag" plates, now adopted in twentyfive states. "Studies show that these safety tags, after dark, cut down rear-end collisions and accidents involving parked cars," Marvin says. He explains that reflective plates are fT Mocfii' Cykd'S&iiafeAt Gofifee Beautify Your Home SHADE TREES Gpod recipes never disappear. Revised and refurbished, they remain popular over the years -- like this wonderful Scandinavian Mocha Raisin Cake. In the old days, when breakfast boasted many coifrses, the Norwegians enjoyed this delicious cake after breakfasting on porridge, fish, potatoes, bread and lots of steaming coffee. Today, the cake is a kaffeeklatsch favorite, dressed up with a lacy taping of confectioners' sugar. Serve it in the company of your finest coffee, full-flavored and freshly-brewed. < Mocha Raisin Cake 2 cups strong coffee beverage 2 eggs, unbeaten 1 cup sugar 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons breakfast cocoa, % teaspoon baking soda not instant 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup seedlessraisins, cut up y2 teaspoon salt /2 cup shortening 1 teaspoon each cinnamon 1 cup sugar and nutmeg 72 teaspoon vanilla teaspoon cloves Combine coffee, sugar, cocoa and raisins in saucepan. Bring to boil.and simmer 10 to 15 minutes. Cool. Cream shortening and add sugar gradually, creaming until light and fluffy. Add vanilla. Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Mix and sift remaining ingredients. Add, alternating with coffee mixture and stir thoroughly. Bake in greased, floured pan 10 x 10 x 2 inches in moderate oven, 350°, about 1 hour. When cool, Elace lace paper doily on top. Sift confectioners' sugar on doily; ft off carefully. Cut in squares to serve. visible at 2,000 feet in the headlights of a car. Marvin also favors the use of front license plates by the sixteen states which now issue only one license plate. He points out that the use of front tags greatly increases the number of cars that law-enforcement officers can check as they cruise down the highway. They can check the front plates of on-coming cars as well as the rear plate of the car ahead. b«ti l«» iBtlliniirt cm •w ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY 1i * 1 DON KINTZEL i f For the past 80 year* 1 have been an Industrial en- • giiitoer. I" am now with Col- | Itngbourn'e Buick-Olds and am a McHenry resident of 15 years. If you are in the market for a new Buick, Olds, or a fine used car, please call on me aiiy time. in iu{ . 1963 CHRYSLER HMOTOP 2-Door, Beautiful Maroon color, £ low, low miles. Full power, owners name on request. 1995 COLLINGBOURNi B.UI6IC - ©LPS, INC. SATURDAY TILL 5 SUNDAY 11-4 907 Front. St. „ McHenry 385-7200 OPEN WEEKDAYS TILL 9 P.M. 'n Save Daily 9 to 9 Sundays 9 to .6 Tag The SHADE TREE of your choice WOW in our nursery. THEY SHOULD BE PLANTED BEFORE THE 1JSAVES HAVE , OPENED. 3-STEM CLUMP BIRCH SCIENC E TOPIC A petition for growth in grace and spiritual perception will open the Lesson-Sermon on "Reality" at McHenry Christian Science services this Sunday. The Golden Text is from Psalms: "Blessed art thou, O Lord: teach me thy statutes....Open thou mine eyes, that X .may behold wondrous things out of thy law." Come out and look at these beautiful shade trees. Clump Birch - Graceful Ornamental tree with delicate green foliage. Very showy. Norway Maple -- Favorite residential shade tree . . 0 Moraine Locust -- Seedless, Thorn l@ss, Podless • . • Most popular Locust. P i n Oak -- P y r a m i d a l Head with Red Autumn Foliage. These are only 4 of 32 varieties we have •available. The largest selection in Northern Illinois. Fertilize your SHADE, TREES now with Milorganite. Contains 15 elements essential to natural growth -- 75% of its weight remains as humus after nutrition is expended. ALL ORGANIC -- NON BURN V iv AJ covins 2voo«RMiiffir IILORGAK tOMG iWWMO C " Dcfj soTiiJ Hjy A*" "Get to know a Garden Expert" woe Rt. 14 at 176 Crystal Lake PHONE 459-6200 Open Mon. thru Sat. 8 to 5 -- Sundays 9 to 5 We Deliver BLOOMING SPRING VAULES WIN CASH! PLAY HORNSBY'S LUCKY BUNNY GAME s fun and easy tto -pjay, simply pick up your- Lucky" JBunny Coupon at HORNSBY'S. If the number. on the coupon matches the number on one -of the banners posted in the store, you Jhave won yourself one dollar' in cash! Easy, isn't it???? No obligation Play LUCKY BUNNY COUPON today !!!! Win Cash! That Make Fpr "BUDDING" Savings Looking for a fresh new way to save money? Try Hornsby's exciting sel^ tions soon, and see how "green" your savings will grow Flowerwoods clean-ot Nursery V*." *. - . * it l <Ak * H k#* v? *...j BRACKS DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE COVERED 49c Heavy 1Hlt> OUulo*- Household sr~ Peanuts Reg- to size T'X4"x2" 69c lb. wSf lb. MEN'S WHITE ?Ii-S Long Wearing Cotton Knit Sizes S-M-L Reg. $1.00 Val. 39c Value pant* Loads of Play Value! BAHtilL of Reg. 98c Polident ¥ S i R ' b 40's - Individually Wrapped Test your nerves, balance, dexterity and skill. Can be played by any number of players. eg, $1.00 alue! PACKAGE OF 30 13" x 115 ft. CLOTH PINS WHITE SHELF PAPER Top Quality Heavy Ply Reg. 69c ^ WWt Value Top Quality Round-Wood Reg. 29c Value FREE PARKING IN OUR STORESIDE LOT OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 -- SUNDAYS 9 to 6 Shop 'n Save At Hornsby's Here in McHenry Buffalo Grove