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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1966, p. 16

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THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Thursday. March 24» 1966 GOAL FOR COUNTY S£T AT $15,000 Mrs. Lu Pierce of Woodstock, speech therapist, who will direct the speech clinic fof the Easter Seal society for seven weeks this summer. The 1966 Easter Seal campaign is now in its second week to meet the $15,000 goal. There are many programs operated by the McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Association for the Crippled that draw heavily on the organization's operating budget. One of these projects is the summer speech clinic operated each summer at the therapy center in Woodstock by Easter Seal. This program will operate seven weeks this summer starting June 20 aiid continuing to Aug. 5. Two speech therapists have been hired to operate this program, Mrs. Lu Pierce of Woodstock, the director, and' her assistant Lenore Mika of Cary. Mrs. Pierce, who for-the past four years has been employed as the speech therapist in School District 72 in Woodstock, received her bachelor's degree from Northern Illinois university. Prior to her four years in District 72, she worked as a counselor and therapist for children from 5 through 12 in the division, of Services for Crippled Children summer camp at N1U and as a counselor and therapist for the hard-of-hearing young adults in the division of vocational rehabilitation 'summer camp at NIU. * With this background of therapy work, the board of the Mc- Kenry county chapter is con- •; . • • ' PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in dur community. Our only request is that writers: limit themselves to 300 words or less signature, full address and phone number. W<? ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider "ibelous or in objectionable taste.) fident that this year the speech clinic will have special meaning and that an over-flow of students will be registering at the Easter Seal therapy center in Woodstock. Mrs. Pierce makes note of the "fact that the clinic will consist of intensive therapy for some of the following types of speech problems : Articulation, stuttering, cerebral palsy, delayed speech and language, voice, asphasia and hard-of-hearing. "This program" she asserts, "affords an opportunity for pre-schoolers to get' speech help if necessary, parochial school children who are presently receiving speech help and need further work through the summer months in order to progress in reading and speech." The fees for this service arc contingent upon the ability of those receiving help to pay. Some of the campaign's funds are used' to support this program that brings those with speiech difficulties from , every township in the county, according to past attendance records. CANCER CRUSAl KICK-OFF DIJ SET FOR MARCH » A fast-moving program to remind Cancer Crusade workers of the mission they must accomplish during April, will launch McHenry county's allout Cancer Crusade this Sunday evening, March 27. The 7 p.m. dinner meeting at the Timbers restaurant will br» the signal for more than 750 volunteer workers to conduct a two-pronged program in this 1966 "Tell Your - Neighbor" campaign, Arnold May, Cancer Crusade chairman, said this week. More than 100 key leaders will attend the dinner, obtain workers' kits and hear a message from Roger Reichert, who heads the county's American Cancer society unit. Kick-off sneaker will be Dr. Armiger H. Sommers, research chemist and head of the science information department fnr Abbott Laboratories !n North Chicago. Mrs. Nancy Gormle.v, district director of the ACS, will take part in this county-wide kick-off, and Wayne Phillips, state director for the 1966 Cancer Crusade, has been invited to attend also. r May said the month long program to contact businesses and individual citizens is twofold: To distribute literature on how to recognize the seven danger signals and to obtain money for the 1966 ACS program of research, education and service. One of the little known services right here in McHenry county is under the direction of Mrs. Carle Young, service chairman and a volunteer worker for the ACS for fifteen years. Often called the heart of ACS activities, the service program offers direct help both to cancer patients and to their families at no cost. The help may consist of many things: Visiting nurse and housekeeper service, loan and gift services (hospital beds, for example), and free dressings. ^ Volunteers staff the service center, located in the front of the Woodstock VFW post home at Throop street in Woodstock. "Often the help ofr.these service volunteers is tp show cancer victims that someone cares about their efforts to whip the disease and get. well," observed May. Dr. Sommerg; featurertT speaker, ;has an outstanding background in research and has been active in the work, of the American Cancer socidfy for many years. May said three new short film strips will be viewed at the kick-off meeting. Goal this year is $20,000, an increase of $2,000 over last year's collections. An improved industrial solicitation program^ spearheaded by Charles Itidgeway and Harold Wold is one reason for optimism concerning Ifhe higher target. Candidate How Can I? THOMAS J. HANAHAN State Rep. Thomas J. Hanahan, Jr., of McHenry has announced that he is going to file for re-election to the Illinois General Assembly. He has withheld his announcement in order to receive indications from Democratic precinct committeemen throughout the 33rd Legislative district. Mr. Hanahan said he has met with overwhelming support from the 170 committeemen and now promises a vigorous campaign. Ever wonder how much juvenile delinquency there Jvould be, if we could live our lives backwards? Q. What is a good tip for the touching-up of interior j paint jobs ? A. Whenever you do Any painting inside the house, fill an empty fingernail polish bottle With some of the leftover paint. The small brush in this bottle is just right for touching up the chips and scratches that almost inevitably make their appearance on walls and woodwork, and the paint of course matches perfectly. *.Q. How can I perk up some lifeless-looking cloth artificial flowers? A. By dunking them Into a starch solution. You might add some cake coloring or dye to the starch and, after dipping the flowers, hang them headdown to dry. Q. What's a quick and easy way to lubricate a stubborn zipper? A. An ordinary wax candle, stroked over the teeth on both sides of the zipper, will give it the necessary lubrication for easy operating. Q. How can I remove ballpoint ink stains from materials? A. First put a good absorbent material under the fabric, then lubricate the stain with a little petroleum jelly or white mineral oil. Flush the lubricant and as much of the stain as possible with carbon tetrachloride, and repeat until the ink stops "bleeding." Q. What is a good way to warm up leftover meats? A. Place them in a pressure cooker, add three tablespoons of water, let the steam build up to the starting point, then remove from the fire, and let the pressure go down. Q. What causes meringue on pies to become tough? A. Meringue will be tough and will shrink when set away KUBY BECKER'S KEMNELS 1 Mile East of Skyline Drive-In PHONE 385-2436 BOAHDING ;AND TRAINING ' Obedience -- Hinting and Retrieving . (Large. Heated Kennels) -- GROOMING -- AID FOR EIDERS "Dear Sir : "To the candidates seeking the office of state Senator and Representatives from McHenry county, please publish your answers to the following: "There is a good reason for the state of Illinois to grant low-income elders ari1 exemption from property taxes, expec i ally since the plumpest piece of the tax pie goes for schools, serving those at the other end of the age scale. "Older property owners have been paying real estate taxes for years,' and since their incomes are now reduced and they haven't had any children in school for decades, it's logical that they should be given a tax break. "I believe those senior citizens over 65 years and an income of under $4,000 should be given a tax relief. Our sister state Wisconsin gives their sen-1 ior c i t i z e n s a break. Why c a n ' t j the state of Illinois, a rich j -state, do the same "Paul Kocan "7508 Center Drive "Wonder Lake, 111. 60097" AIDS TELEFUND Partial results of Northern Illinois university's Telefund campaign in McHenry county brought a 64 per cent favorable response to message- urging participation in the current alumni giving program. Among Voltinteers placing alls in the fourteenth* 'NIU TeiQfiftfd df the,, Pn;ri Ji., of McIIenry. WALL PANELING Pre-Finished from Birch io Walnut This Paneling has that "Look of Luxury", but most important . . is "BUDGET PRICED" STOP IN TODAY AT... % Alexander Lumber Co. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois PH0ME 385-1424 We have just taken on a NEW NE Of to coolif it has been baked in an oven tliat is too hot. Q. What can I do ab&ut bottles that have becojne badly discolored inside? A. Try filling them with water and borax, then allow to stand awhile. If this method docs not clean them to your satisfaction, add broken egg shells or BB-shot to the borax solution, then shake the whole 'business Well. Q. What is the best way to clean glazed tile? A. Don't use harsh, abrasive cleansing powders on gls»:ed tile or brick, since you could damage the finish beyond hope of repair. Instead, use soap and water, and if necessary, a non-abrasive cleaning powder. Q. What can I do if I have inadvertently gotten too much bluing into some of my wash? A. Jist rinse the articles in clear water to which you've added a little vinegar. Q. How can „ L clean white sweaters at home wjthout washing? A. Rub a mixture of. one part salt to two parts cornmeal into the sweaters, let this stand overnight, then brush out thor- 'j' uj.. i u11 ^ . .1 overnight, tfieh brush out thoroughly. , , .r Q. How can I reiftoVe acid stains from fabrics? A. Dampen the spots, then cover- with salts of wormwood, let this remain for a few minutes, then rub the stains with a dry cloth. Q. How can I mix my own cement for mending crockery? A. Here's one which, although it usually takes a long time to dry, is well worth the trouble, for it will stand up under heat and water. Just mix a little pure white lead with linseed oil, and use this very thickly, oil the broken edges of your crockery. Let it set for at least a week. Q. Please tell me how I can clean ' such plaster ornaments as small statues, busts, va&es, and the like. A. One easy way is to dirt them Into a solution of starch and water, let them dry, then brush them off. Q. How can I make brown sugar syrup? A. To make brown sugar syrup, use one cup of brown sugar to 1-8-cup of water, and let it come to the boiling point. Q. jHov? can,«I rpake, myself:, r~ some "dustless* dustcloths? A. Prepare a mixture con*;, sisting of one pint of very hot water and V* cup of lemon oil. Then into this press four or five pieces of cheese-cloth cut to the desire size of dusting cloths, squeeze them dry, and hang up to dry. And incident* ally, it's a good and practical idea to hem your dusting: cloths. Q; What is the best way to deal with lipstick stains oil fabrics? A. If the stain is fresh, car-, bon tetrachloride is often e* nough. Otherwise, lubricate the stain well with white mineral oil pr petroleum jelly, and flush with carbon tetrachloride* Q. How can I prepare baked grapefruit? A. Halve the grapefruit and, after putting cinnamon, sugar,' and butter on it, place in the, oven. Serve hot. It's, good! Q. How can I remove dried paint spatters from my window panes? A. By snaking them with hot vinegar, giving this a few minutes to soak in, then rubbing or scraping off. ai MILLSTREAM DRUGS II On Where Your Dollar Buys More!" e'-"Stars* Fri.f Sat. & Sun. March 24-27 YOUR EASTER SHOPPING HEADQUARTERS • Easter Baskets, Bunnies & Gilts '• Easter Candies, Bunnies, etc. COSMETIC SPECIALS NEW DAWN TONI Permanents Reg. $2.00 Storing H@g» $2.00 ADORN Htilr Spray Reg. $2.25 NICI'NiMY Hair Coloring Reg. $2.00 PermE&ffi@Efts Reg. $2. DIPPITY DO with this coupon itS©HT G Spray Deodorant Reg. p (Q\ with this $1*00 coupon $1.00 without eoupon -- Limit % HAIR COLOR ECRET BATH Roll On TENDER TOUCH 3V2-OZ. SUDDEN BEAUTY Reg. $1.50 Spray Deodorant 77 HAIR 7-oz. $i <*g Reg. $2.50 & .Special! On 'lAJined an j ^ (fyuord 'Where Your Dollar Buys More!' PAUL MASSON CALVERT Stock Vermouth BitAMiY Sweet or Dry s $yi Fifth 0 0 . *rNC XBe $137 $1.79 | PARK & TILFORD Reg. $3.8? PRIVATE STOCK $ 8 yr. old - straight 5th PARK & TILFORD Reg. $3.89 SCOTCH $350 Sth MILLSTREAM DRUGS (Walgrfeen Agency) 3720 W. Elm Street Jewel' Shopping Plaza PHONE 385-7030 Ciin IIACJGENJOS, R.P.H. JERRY TOIISSAINT, R.P.H,

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