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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Mar 1966, p. 19

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\ Thursday, March 24,1966 THE McHENRY PL AINDEALER \ Section Three -- Page Three FRETJND NEWS PHONE. DMUi APPLICATIONS FOR MEDICARE AT POST OFFICE " Application blanks are now available at the Spring Grove I*3fct office for supplemental Medicare benefits. The application blanks are being made available as the Social Security Administration seeks to "contact 3.1 million senior citizens before a March 31 deadline imposed by the Medicare J a w . P r e s i d e n t J o h n s o n h a s proclaimed March as "National Medicare Enrollment .Month". He urged all federal Agencies and all citizens to cooperate in enrolling senior cit- ^ens in the program. The supplemental program costs $3 a month and provides doctor bill -and other benefits. Everyone and over is eligible for the basic hospital benefits under Medicare. A copy of the ap^ plication blank is displayed on the lobby bulletin board of the post office.^ Senior citizens who reached 65v before 1966 face a two year delay if they do not sign up by March 31. The ap. plication forms are preaddresaed to the Social Security Administration in Bait imore, Maryland. .-Increase In Special Service Fees March 26 Effective March .26 fees for special services will increase. Special services are money orders, registered, certified, insured mail and COD mail. Money order fees will increase .05. Insured mail with a liability up, to $15. will have a minimum fee of .20, the liability for insured limited to $200 will have a fee of .60. Fees for the steps in amounts "in between minimum and maximum will increase .10. The minimum fee for registered mail with a value up to $100 is .75, other fees are charged according to the value of contents of letter. The fee for certified mail will increase .10, requests for return receipts remain the same. The fe£s for International money orders and registered and insured mail have also increased. Inquire at your post office for this information. Club Meets TheV500 card club met at the home)of Minnie Pierce Thursday afternoon. Winning prizes were Mary Niriisgern, Frances Busch, Mame Tinney, Minnie Pierce and Nora Miller. LCWC The Lotus Country Woman's Club met at the home of Mrs. Frances Heinemaii Wednesday, March 16, with Mrs. Susie Ru- BERNICE WILSON tlHGIE VERSTEGE VISITS HAWAII AND CALIFORNIA : Virgie Verstege got back to the Shores on Sunday after a two month trip to Hawaii and California. She left our cold weather on Jan. 25 and flew to Oahu to. stay with former residents of our area, Captain and Mrs. Miller. After arriving there life was just one big round of luncheons and dinners in beautiful restaurants and seeing the Islands. One day she attended a 'luncheon tea for dentists' wives and it was held at the Governor's home, after which they l)att a tour of the house and gardens and shook hands with the governor's wife, Mrs. jBrown. A Hawaiian revolving1 festaurant and a visit to the Polynesian Culture Center were enjoyed. Leaving the Islands Vergie tapped at Torrance to visit one of her nieces whom she had never seen. The niece, Grace Kidwell, and her husband, Richard, took her all dyer during the next week, Disneyland, Marineland, Knotts Berry Farm, the Wax Museum, Farmers Market, Music Center, a United Studios tour, the Capistrano Mission, Port of Call Harbor Boat Cruise, CBS and TV City, all in one week. It was just go, go all the time and Vergie enjoyed every minute of if. One day she had lunch with another of our former residents,Helen Smith, and they visited a glass church and Fisherman's Wharf. Helen has an aprtment of her own and is working in Torrance and is very happy although she misses the Shores. While visiting Marineland they watched a filming of an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies and got an autograph from Bruce Cabot. Next on the journey was a visit with another niece, Mrs. Roy Kramer, of Pamona who has a plastic factory in that town. Lunches and a visit to the wineries around that area where they tasted all the different wines including champagne were the high points of the day. Vergie got back to McHenry on Sunday 10 pounds heavier and full of enthusiasm over the last two months. During the next few weeks she is going to look over all the literature she accumulated as she didn't have time to do any reading while she was away. She is going to try to get rid of those extra 10 pounds but says now alll her friends and neighbors here are inviting her over for coffee and cake and goodies so: £be is g$- ing to have a tough time losing, anyhow let's hope she doesn't gain any more. Happy birthday to: Carol Olszewski who will be 14 on March 26 and Jeff Mack on March 28. Many happy returns ol the day. WE • Tune-up • Wash • Tires . '•Muffler «> Minor Mechanical \ Repairs c Batteries © Lube Soviet e Towing at your neighborhood. •• {Jim's FS S®r\?ice ; 4002 W. Waukegan Bd. Phone: 385-2640 dolph as co-hostess. Fifteen members and two guests enjoyed a buffet luncheon.' Table decorations were in keeping with St. Patrick Day. The nominating committee presented their slate of officers for 1966- 67. Voted in office Were President Frances Heineman, Vice- President Peggy Buesseler, recording secretary Susie Rudolph, Corresponding secretary Pauline Horak, Treasurer Margaret Sergeant and Auditor Beulah Karls. A donation of $5 for the Bed Cross was voted in. Coming "events announced, an invitation was received from the Pistakee Highland Woman's club to attend their meeting on Wednesday evening, March 30, guest speaker will be Dr. Powell of Chicago who will speak on "Indian Affairs". The Richmond Woman's club asked the club to be their guests at a cooking demonstration in the legion hall on Tuesday, April 12, at 2 p.m. The Marengo Woman's club extended an invitation to their meeting April 20, 2 p.m. The latter part of April there will be an all day meeting at Woodstock of the Eleventh District Federation. The program for the afternoon was a silent auction. The next meeting will be in the town hall April 20 at 1 p.m. A book review will be presented by Mrs. Mae Stinespring. Guests are welcome to attend as this will be a most interesting program. Anniversaries Congratulations to Arthur and Marie Cicchini who will be celebrating their twenty-third anniversary on the twentyfourth and to Dale and Judy Hinspater on March 29. Have a wonderful day. EASTWOOD MANOR Pat Borcovan--885-8812 Richard Hawkins--885-5106 MOURN DEATH OF MANORITE, CARL CRAWFORD It is with deepest sympathy that this reporter has been informed of the very tragic and fatal accident, Saturday, March 12, of one of our neighbors, Carl Crawford, in his home at 2305 Manor Lane. He is' survived by his wife, Dorothy, and two children. The funeral services were held in Louisville, Ky. Carl will be remembered in our prayers. Youth Activity Night This is your last reminder that the youth activity night will be held this Saturday evening, March 26, at 7 p.m. at the barn. I am told that the movies, will be some 0i Disney's best, and the band is all tuned up and ready to roll. So try to make it a gala evening and it's all brought to .you by your Property Owner's Association. Brownies The Eastwood Manor Brownie Troop is again going KENT ACRES PHYLLIS 8CHWEIKERT KATA Dues ire Now Payable The 1966 K.A.I.A. dues are soon to be due. A member of the board of directors will call on you sometime between March 25 and April 15. A card will be sent as an added reminder. 885-6259 Visitors Christian Mothers Meet Members of the Christian Mothers Society of St. Peter's met in the parish hall on Thursday evening for their regular m e e t i n g . C o m m i t t e e r e p o r t s were given by the chairmen. A talk and beautiful exhibit on the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart was given by Spiritual Development Chairman Jean Kagan. A report was given on the hot lunch program. Proceeds for the St. Patrick luncheon and card party was announced and a thank you extended to all who helped make this affair such a huge sucr cess. Guest speaker was Mrs. Charles Wilkinson of Aurora who is spiritual development chairman of the Rockford Diocesan Council of Catholic Women. All present were inspired with her talk on "Woman Involved in Christian Unity". The next meeting will be April 21 at which time there will be election of officers. A lunch was served by the committee ift charge. Mrs. Huff, mother of Betty Brusso, was a visitor for three weeks and returned to her home in Columbus, Ga., March 17. Gilbert and Marsia Mercure and son, Teddy, were the weekend guests of Carol and Moirie Ketchum. Mr. Mercure is the brother of Carol and Delores Sokolowski and was here after a business trip in Elgin. They returned to their home in Boonville, Mo., Sunday morning. Evening Out Marcia Fisher and Eleanor Hushka celebrated their birthdays with an evening out with their husbands and friends from Meadowdale. Firemen Meet The firemen held their regular meeting on Monday night in the fire house. There was a fire call on Wednesday night at 6:30. It was a grass fire and quickly extinguished. Party a Success The committee for the St. Patrick card party at St. Peter's parish hall announced the party was a huge success. Two hundred ladies attended and enjoyed the noon luncheon and afternoon at cards. WATEli SOFTENER ERV E SAME BAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS # Service • Cleaning Out # E&gpair O lestollatton 0 ©veirlhaullng O Removal! # Reconditioning © Rebuilding -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- Puoones 185-5566 WAUR SOiFieNER SALES NEW -- USED -- REBUILT ^ WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES McHenry, Illinois Call The One And ONLY McHenry Cab Co. 385-0723 Radio Dispatched 1/5 of a century of Accident- Free Service TRANSPORTATION IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS 24-HR. SERVICE Janet anci Wayne Frantz went to see the Black Hawks play last week and saw Bobby Hull make his fifty-first goal. I'll bet that was a reeil good game. Bob and Peggy Nyberg and family attended the wedding of Bob's sister, Phyllis, Saturday, March 19, in Woodridge. Birthdays A very happy belated birthday to Marcia Fisher and John Wirfs on March 19. Ed Leska and Grace Layton on March 21 and Janet Frantz on the twenty-third and to Suzanne Tharp on the twentyfourth. Birthday Party Bonnie Hushka had a party for her birthday. Those attending were Susan Hushka, Suzanne Tharp, Linda Fisher, Vickie Williams, Sandy Brusso, Charlene Winegart and Debbie Wolf. After some games they went for ice-cream Sundaes and had cake and pop on their return. That evening the family went out for dinner and a movie. Bonnie, it sounds like you had a very nice birthday. full blast! The children at present are starting their projects for the Girl Scout Fair and under ^he able direction of Betty Rodner and Nancy Martotte. This year's Mother Day presents should be something to behold. Sick List Alberta Sobacki was confined to McHenry hospital for a few days but all is going well and she will be on her feet in no time at all. We are (bappy to hear that Jim BogueV after a very lengthy illness is\on his way to a full recovery. Bunco Club The Bunco Club's lastvme^ting was held most elegantly at Ann Ritter's home. It has been mentioned that the. delectable blueberry cheesecake was the hit of the evening. The big winner for the evening was again "Lucky" Georgia Sigmen, Flo Tucker picked up the equally beautiful bunco prize, and the booby prize went to Pat Coughlin. Mark Neff and their young sons are all members of the Sioux Tribe of the Y.M.C.A. This organization brings the fathers and sons from first to third grade together every other Wednesday of the month. The goal is to become closer and understand your sons more completely at this important age level. The format deals with Indian lore, which all young boys are fascinated with and new projects are undertaken and discussed at the meetings. If there are any fathers interested in obtaining more information, please contact Bruce Graham for a free pamphlet at 385-0915. Odds ft Ends We have a personable and popular young sailor, Ricky Moore, who is taking advantage of a Mediterranean cruise aboard the carrier Forrestal. He is currently in Nice, France, on the Rivera. Lucky boy! Bruce Graham, Ken Koll and Be modern with NEW SHOWER HEAD For Bathing Luxury PUSH ?HE SUTTON 10 CLEAN WEBER Plbg. & Hlg. 2801 W. Lincoln Rd. Phone 885-0855 Anniversaries Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hiederer on this, their most important day. Shop in "FILM OF YEAR" TO BE SHOWN AT r LUTHERAN CHURCH The new feature-length Biblical motion picture^ "The Power of the Resurrection", will be shown in Nativity Lu« theran church Easter Sunday at 9:30 a.m. . "The Power of the resurrection" recently received the National Evangelical Film Foundation award as "The film of the year". This powerful film portrays the life of Peter, one of the most outspoken disciples of Jesus. The camera follows Peter as he boasts and brags--and then denies his Lord to run away in fear. But the living, resurrected Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit changed Peter. The Biblical story has appea) for today's audiences in that it stresses the fact that the power of the living Christ is for all time--and offers hope and encouragement to all people everywhere. This will be a highly inspirational film presentation. §1111 The day the roof fell in Usually happens when folks decide they can't afford homeowners insurance-- until a catastrophe hits. Insurance on your house, personal possessions, for living expenses in case of -loss, and against possible liability claims can provide protection you need. Cover all four with one Mid-America Fire and Marine Insurance Company Homeowners Policy. Let me give you the details. Your Country Companies Agunt coirnmun • omntrmrm • avmr umar Ma-Aw*a mtjue mum . mauuKt atmma LEE Bi KORTEME1ER Off. 888-2000 Res. 888-0975 & r '66 Chevrolet Impala Sport Sedan (going away) and Impala Sport Coupe, raat lay. My a great drive. Impala '66 CHEVROLET NO. 1 BUYS • NO. 1 CARS Now at your Chevrolet dealer's How close are you to your nearest Chevrolet dealer? A mile? A block? Hurry on down! That's how close you are to a Double Dividend buy on a Jet-smoother '66 Chevrolet Impala! It's Double Dividend Days--No. 1 Buys on America's No. 1 Cars. Choose! Rakish hardtops, convertibles, sedans, wagons with the lavish beauty of Body by Fisher. Pick! Turbo-Jet V8 power on order up ' to 425 hp (thrifty Sixes, too). Select! Rich new interiors with any degree of luxury you want to add, from Strato-bucket seats to AM/FM multiplex stereo radio. Act! Double Dividend Days are here at your Chevrolet dealer's! Eight features now standard for your added safety: Seat belts front and rear • Padded instrument panel • Padded sun visors • Outside mirror (use it always before passing) • Shatterresistant inside mirror • Two-speed electric wipers for better visibility in a downpour • Windshield washers • Back-up lights. All kinds of good buys all in one place..• at your Chevrolet dealer's CHEVROLET ° OiEflLLE CHEVY 1* C0E¥AIE*C0RVETTE 12 5318 CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. FRONT STREET McHENRY PHOHE @88-® 77

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