s 4 V f - Y*'* P \*< f'f • ; . •• v?-., ,-r. Section Two -- Pag© Two THli McHENBV PLAINDEALEB ••'•wA La k e l a n d Pa r r News; Carole Humann - 885-1605 -- Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 WET BEACH CLOSED DURING SWIM CLASSES We are now almost half way through our swimming lessons 'and we ftope that everyone is co-operating by , staying off the beach from 9 a.nv< to 3 p.tn. The East be^ch is open for swimming all day long. Blrthda.v Wishes Happy birthday wishes go to Charles Campo who will be 1_ on July 8. and t6 Turn my Gerambio and Terry Miller who both share Jfefly 9 as their natnl day with Tommy turning- 4 and Terry becoming ?> years old. On July 10 Greg Wopfri will be 9 and on July 11. Jiiri B'ohl adds another year and Teresa Kroening -becomes 11. Celebrating their forty-first anniversary on July 13 are Rosemary and Art Tiffany and we wishe to extend our heartiest congratulations <;n This happy occasion. Community House Schedule Please contact MrvJo Ri/zo for all reservations and cancellations. Monday. July 11- Boy Scouts-8:15 p.m. Little League Schedule Major league games: July 7 - Braves vs. Orioles, July 8 - Pirates vs. Braves. . Sunday. July 10 - Tigers vs. Orioles. July 11 - Orioles vs.-- Braves. July 12 - Tigers vs. Pirates. July 14 - P raves vs. Tleer*. Minor league games: July 7- Braves vs. Orioles. July S - Tigers vs. Orioles. Sunday. July 10 - Pirates vs. Braves. July 11 - Tigers vs. Pirates. July 12 - Orioles vs. Tigers. July 14 - Pirates vs. Orioles. Major league scores: Monday. June 27 - Pirates ?, over Orioles 1. June 2S - Tigers n over Orioles 3. June 30 - Tigers 12 over Braves 3. Minor league scores: June 21 - Tigers 21 over Orioles 1. June 24 - Orioles 2-4 over Braves 2. June 26 - Orioles 17 over Tigers 5. June 27 - Braves 4 to Tigers 20. June 28 - Braves 6 to Pirates 15. and June ?,Q - ' Pirates 18 over Orioles 3. . Birthday Doings David Quast was guest of honor last week at a party to celebrate his third birthday. Donny Humphries, Susie Bar- Wig and Terri Nuss helped him celebrate with ice cream and cake. The fun part was blowing babbles with a bubble pipe out on the patio. Also celfebrating;^'last* w6ek was Cheryl Nuss£.' who celebrated her eleventh birthday Which was on Thursday with a party on Friday after daycamp. The motif wn? "bunny rabbit" and she had a special b u n n y c a k e m a d e b y h e r mother. They wer*e also served ice- cream and kool-aid. The girls helping her celebrate were Barbara Tiffany, PvObby and Wendy Quast. Alana Hendricks, Chris Jaenicke. *Mary Johnson, Karen Ruepken.-' Peggy knottier, Pam Ryden and Annette Cooper.." ^ . (Jet-Welt Wishes Get-well wishes go td Marty" Sjwto who is in the hospital recup^Pating and to Tommy Wagner wtio \w^ aho in the hospital for surgery. ] Cei-woll v«?is)>es also go to La Verne Mihnlek who fell down ago and is "still very stiff and her basement stairs Uvo weeks sore. We hope that you will soon be back on your feet again -LaVerne. Darlene Licastro had her l arm c:;ught in the v. ringer of a washing machine last Week and .we hope; she doesn't have •any trouble -.with-, it. ••, . , j Also to Ronnie -Kamp who I had to -haye .stitches in his1 toe i last week ha\ ing' r"v: oived a cut at the beach, and to Tammy Cole who als.j lv.d stitch.es. four of them in her chin. We certainly hope tint we haven't got a contest going to see who can get the nio^t stitclvs this summer, enough is enough. Strolling Through The Park I Our congratulations to Bud : Pnanl who has been pr m >ted lo Airman 1st Class. . He is -•t;itioned in Cam Raim Bay, \'iot Nam. .Mr. and Mrs. Oswald t.>ok a trip to Decatur, last weekend land then went over to P.M-ohori- I tas where they visited with some old frienris. Mark Webber and Kenny Quasi are enjoying, several weeivs at a day camp. The Osmons lvd as their guests last week, Ev's sister, Kileen Vogel. and lur son, Gregg. Her two daughters. Patty and Christy, have bo"^n out here since school recessed. On Wednesday last week the family were off to O'Hare airport to give their farewells to Jay's sister. Marilyn, and sop* Sammy, who were returning to their home in California. Enjoying a nigiit on the town last Saturday evening were Bob and Jessie Mattews. Marv and Shirl George and Ron and Barb Meurer. They had been looking forward to this evening since last March when they got the tickets for a poDular stage play. Visiting Cheryl Nuss last week was her cousin, Carol Jean, from Chicago. Bev and Jim Wickenkamp took their children, Robbie, Dave, Steve and Susie to the i Brookfield Zoo last Thursday J and then had dinner at their ; folks. This was Stevie's first | experience with the Zoo and he really enjoyed every minute of it. The porpaise show was ^ of p',i>p5e the mair at .faction bat the . monkeys and gorillas really put on a show. ( Robbie Wohnrade is spending several weeks in Davenport, Iowa, witii the Reed family^ who returned there after spending several days with her mother, Pfcyliss Hintz. Kamps atvd Drumls were off again on a, weekend campout la^PWeekeniS to Devils Lake whete I'm .^ure they had a devil of a tiroe. We want to welcome the Drum! family back to our subdivision. Ihty have moved into Floreks' home at 1716 N. Lakewood. This column KS rather short this week because of the earlier deadline and also because my-co-hurt Carole has been at Girl Scout day camp all week long. ~ : • RECEIVES APPOINTMENT Mrs. John H. Wawirka of Lake Zurich has been appointed state central committee woman to the 12th. Congressional District by newl.V elected State Central Committeeman, State Senator Robert «Coulson of Waukegan. LAKEMOOR- LlLYiiOR SHIRLEY SCH17ERR 885-2645 TWO SERVICEMEN TAKE BRIDES WHEN HOME ON LEAVE Two of our servicemen were married while home on a-furlough. They are Ray Smith and Ronnie Fuhler of Lilvmopr. Ray Smith took as his lovely brid" Miss Mf.rgaret Buxton of Zion. Ray and Margaret exchanged 'marriage vows .at St. Patrick's church in Mc- Henry.-Saturday Juno 1;5. Maid of honor was the bride's sister. Miss Elizabeth Buxton of Zion. The best man was Jim Arbogafet of Lakemoor. Others in, the bridal party were /Beverly Mensching and Richard ISebesta. The wedding reception, was held at Club Lilymoor attended by fifty guests. Ray is the grandson of Mrs. E 1 h e 1 Edwards of Lilymoor. Ray has returned to Indiana where ho is stationed. Ronnie Fuhler took 'as his lovely bride Miss Carol Winkowski of Lakemoor. Ronnie and Carol exchanged m a*r r i a g e vows at St. Patrick's church in McHenry. Tyesday, June 28. The bride's father, Paul Starzak, gave her away. Maid of honor was "Miss Connie Segermark of Lilymoor. The best man was Tony Taneredi of Chicago. Others in the bridal party were Collen Starzak of Lakemoor and Fred Schmidt of McHenry. The reception was held at Club Lilymoor. Sixty guests attended^ the reception. Ronnie is the son of : Katby Fuhler of Lilymoor. ftonn?*? returns July 6 to Fort Ord, C a l i f ; i f , . , To you all Ray and ftfrarge, Ronnie and Carol we say, congratulations on your friarriage | and 'may you celebrate many ! years of wedded bliss. j Home . I am happy to report that -*Ta?" % I Thursday. July 7, 1966 ~^L- 'Theebn Youing} is IJOW home itrpfi#i ,t#ieJ&EJ&iry^jfespj^,, V.1 14 .« O4n ste•.i t itd4iit -»i f\tj f ; « Mary Schiavone is still in the McHenry hospital seriously ill. Although she can not have visitors, only her family, it would be nice if she could hear from her many' friends by cards. A1 Stineman has been home from work with a bad virus cold. Here's hoping you are just fine now Al. Lost Then Found \ If you ever have been at O'Hare airport you know how large the buildings are there. The Schuerrs were there to see their"son,- Skip, off, hut son n u m b e r f i y e , T l j c h a r d , w a s there one second and gone,the next. His sister, Mary, brother, Skip; and mother tried to find him. After'abotit ten minutes (which really seemed like hours when someone is lost) FMehard was lotkid crying " his little eyes out, looking for someone he knew. How a mother can get an instant headache when your five year old son disappears in a, place like GOLF PLAY PAY | RAISES $500 FOR MENTAL HEALTH More than $500 was raised for the1 Mental Health Center for McHenry County through the golf play day held last week, Don Cooney, chairman, reported. Cooney expressed apprecia- O'Hare field. Or how to gray hair mighty fast. tion to the participants^affflj iaid fqnjjs will be used to .sufi^ ,j!)ort the program of health?, care carried out at the cQUflt||| wide non-profit organizationuaki^ A total , of fifty-one gcJfS participated, enjoying ton* and dinner and taking pSVIT- 18 holes (or more) of golfthe Woodstock Country Clubr^ • " " ~ .. Attend EVERY SUNDAYS™ - • -X3 OUR BINGOBUG SPfeGIAL 000 M Green Stamps JI Each week that the winning' Bingo'. Card comes from here. Complete Automotive • Mechanical Service Morris': 4303 W. Rt. 120 Lakeland Park Service McHenry, III. Phone 385-2260 DID YOU KNOW? FREE LOCAL DELIVERY Is Di It Does - Try NYE DRUGS Your Friendly "Walgreen Agency" and See! N. Kiventide Or. Phone S8ft-44-26 V w • 1 ^ • when ire amertim a methil, we always have an Sometimes... not often, but sometimes, j ^ the special is more popular than we imagined. * So we do run out But if we do, please / • ask the manager for a / . . t / / Imii I s % An A&P Rain Check entitles you to buy the item,; at Hie same special price, the following week. / We try never to disappoint you ,..d we always want to be fair. Js this a good reason for shopping A&P ? U / It's one of many. I ig week, i / ' . / COmtCHT t IMLTMr CUtirT *TUWTIC A MCtflC TCftCO. WC A&P's Super Right --Top Quality Meats1 I* IV MP's SUPER mm - .FRESH mv°5 sypER mmi - BEH1 GHUCK MP's Super Right -- Top Quality Va PORK LOIN SLICED Cadi Posted# Cenffo!K3. f »• B B CbcjiH PORK CHOPS Alp's Super Right CHUCK STEAKS Blade Center Cut Ham Steaks Boneless §SrSg,$tfW - Fresh Ground Chuck Frozen Chides Livers MP's Swpw Aight AITiSwptr ligiil Mi. » k> B MPs Super Right -- Whole or Half ib. 89c Stnii-Boneless Ham All-Meat Franks l£'i"l Oscar Mayer Skinless Franks Dressed Whofiif „ 69c »{>¥ 39' A&ft SupM- tight Pidil* leaf, pkg. BOIOSH OIIh Uef/NMrfCliMtt «r Meiii loaf each Sfed ieef liver ». 39* PorEi ferfgrfain " %. 99' Cap'n John's mners ffiresfa F@i liiif Mifefish . I 9C ii: 59* £65' 5 99e 2 ^ 99c S£39* fc.59* California Grown--Green SEEmiSi GRAPES Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 lbs i4 qaflitifipfcQuolity and be Thrifty, too--Grocery Values! Regularly 39c--Save 10c! Wehade iirtu* Buy Now ai^d Save! lo ' Tom Reg. 3/49c--Save 13e en 3 Cans! AWP Apple Sauce 46-ot Reg. 2/35c Save 7c on 2 16-or. tan 16-oz. can Barbecue Sauce Rep's? Puddings {£ 4 29 Ann Page Ana btl. 29" 3Vi-ox. nHe M 12-o*. ieaSemon Lemon Juice b.V 59c Alisweet Margarine [^] 3 pkfls. 94' And iruge oedervesfcwphMiiN ,or Ann Pagi l@lish "aV 39c Ann Page Mustard 15e Iced Tei MixWi.hu!S ^Jiysuge'tT" 59c Instant Bry Milk S: M.SX. 95c f Eiglf (D'Cbdi £@fc 3 bo9 $1" ^ Mott's Apple Juice 39c Hunt's Tomato Sauce Hunt's Tomato Catsup 2 Regularly 19c--Save 3c Cfiipbell's' Special lew Price! FBiw®f Kisf Super Right Luncheon Meat P CHICKEN . NOODLE SAITINE CRACKERS Reg. 57c lOVi-oz. cen Mb. pkg. i^-oz. can 16' 26' 49 S'oz. 14-ox, blls. JANE PARKER-FRESH CHL.1RY P Dated for Freshness REG. 49c 8-ineh Jane Parker »». 49c Thrill iisguid Mergent 45c Egg Noodles 29c Hunt's Tomato Paste 4 59c 49° King Oscar Sardines 3 $1°° Salerno Butter Cookies X 22c 35c btl. 69< for. 3-lb., 1V4 QC( Laundry oz. pkg. OD By 1.1b. Nabitco box MORTON'S FROZEN Pll • Lemon • Chocolate • 14-ox BORDEN'S CHOCOLATE Frosted Ball Donuts ttZr is 35 Angel Food Cake Parker each 45c Coffee Cake "H£" .^45c Premium Saltines --Gold Medal Flour w 5u. 55c All-Butter Pound Cake "L ",V 59c Gold Medal Flour 25 ^ $229 Hot Cinnamon Bread ^ X. 59s [)ove Liquid Detergent US "T 616 Joy Liquid f« ^ 59c [5 aissss X 45e '>eter8ent 79* fefe Sfcsese Z. X' 55c Blue Cheer Detergent 37e ! • s tt: K««SS»bi • Fo<^jS PLAY AWAmS t, PRIZES a IQ PLUS 1,000's OF A&P PRODUCTS CLIP THESE COUPONS TO HELP YOU •r a Faciimile of Thete Newspaper Coupons GRAPE JELLY Pick Up Your Card at AAP for Complete Details $20.00 AWARDS & PHIZES WINNER 1 Mrs. Theo. Miller > 3606 W. FREUND AVE. j McHENRY, ILL. | I a terOODDa 0 q I Calif. Long While Potatoes 69 Iceberg EACH Head Lettuce 19 California Vine Ripened Tomatoes LB 39*