1 .Thursday, July 7.1966 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER f - • Section Two -- Pagt Thrffl APPEAR IN CINDERELLA "i ; Sally Wheelock and Becky Leibman of McHenry, dancers in Cinderella are shown fwith their director, John Monkman. The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical version of •'Ginderella will be presented in the Woodstock opera house July 28-31. It is sponsored • by the Fine Arts association. • Miss Wheelock daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wheelock, is, spending her first year * at the opera house participating in the art, music and drama classes. She and Becky, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leibman read of the activities of the Fine Arts association and decided to give it a try. Another young McHenry actress,, Michelle Henehan is also enrolled in some of the art, drama, choral singing and set design classes being taught by the six instructors. The interest, spirit and talent generated by the workshops and classes held in the past have transformed the students not only into good actors, but into producers, directors, set designers and technicians. MCHENRY SHORES BERN ICE WILSON 880-4S80 VANDALS CAUSE MUCH DAMAGE TO BOATS IN CHANNEL Most of the owners of boats docked at the channel received an unpleasant surprise on Wednesday. morning when they found that during the night covers had been slashed, cushions stolen, gas cans taken and much damage done to the boats. The Quinns' boat was entirely submerged and some small fishing boats are missing. As you can well imagine all were very angry and upset and one wonders why these senseless things happen and what can be done to prevent it; Lights have been installed at the area but that does not seem to deter the ones committing the deeds. While on this subject the SAC club reports that two of their grills from the barbeque pit have been taken and will have to be replaced by the club. Olbinski and Paul Pogor on July 13, Paul will be 7. Anniversaries Congratulations to Martin and Dorothy Koleno who will be having their twenty-fourth anniversary on July 10, and Robert and Dorothy filler on July 13. WfliBiR LA EVELYN RASKE PHONE 653-4362 ALTAR SODALITY HOLDS PARISH BAKE SALE SUNDAY On July 10 the Altar and .Rosary sodality of Christ the King church will hold its annual parish bake sale. Everyorie in the parish will be contacted to bake one of their favorite cakes or pics or what ha,ve you. If by any chance you are missed and you would [like to donate something, j please call Mrs. Charles Pike, 3-4438. She'll be glad to hear ! from^you. You may drop off your goodies at the school hall, Saturday, Julyj 9, between 3 and 5 or 7 to 9. Your cooperation is greatly needed. Kiwanis News .After conducting a short busi- *;litess meeting and reminding •Ihe members to make their {reservation for the playday at gpeKalb, President Bob Jlowe fndjourned the meeting. V The members then retired £.t» the horse shoe court. Phil .^Kinzer had set up outside the ^iiakjevicw Inn. ' Bob Myers headed a group on June 28 which held an Inter Club with the Kiwanis club of Sycamore. Several members offered to assist at the Wonder Lake Volunteer fire department carnival which is to be held on July 29, 30 and 31. All members are reminded to start underwriting on Peanut Day. Ii NEW ACE Watesijisioojj MASONRY COATING KEEPS BASEMENT WALLS VRy Gmrmfoed ?8 2 nm Forms a sipooth, waterproof finish on Interior and exterior concrete, brick, etc. Brush right over damp or uncured surfaces. Fills pin holes, masks imperfections. Contains tough synthetic rubber ond cementitious material. Choose from many interior colors! m Ace Hardware 3729 W. Elm, McHenry 885-0722 COMMUNION SUNDAY Communion will be observed in the McHenry Christian Science church this Sunday. "Sacrament" is the subject of the Lesson-Sermon. The service occurs twice each year, arid is altered from other Sundays t o i n c l u d e r e a d i n g o f t h e church tenets and a period for kneeling in silent communion. This is followed by a second repetition of the Lord's Prayer, which is an integral part of the opening for all Christian Science services. The Golden Text this week is from Romans: "The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." SHOP IN McHEWRY Beach Duty On July 9 Ed Olbinski is in charge of operation clean up at the beach and slated to assist him are T. Burke, A. Egger, H. Miller, J. Reznicek, J. Schmitt and A. Simbourger. The big slide has been put into the water and the kids are enjoying it immensely. Birthdays Happy birthday greetings for this week are going to Bernice Bieritz and Theresa Jonas on July 7, Fred Stark on July 8, Thomas Stark on July 11. Tommy will be 9, Martin Koleno on July 12, and Donald Golf Tournament The SAC club boys had a golf tournament at Chapel Hill on Sunday and fourteen of the men got a work out. Clare Schweikert took first prize, a bottle of whiskey, Ed Olbinski came in second and got a set of golf balls and Tom Burke was third and won a cook-out grill. There were seven other small prizes for the ones coming in after the big three and all came home tired but agreeing it was fun. Sick List Robert Harper has been in the hospital in Woodstock for two weeks undergoing tests and his family are hopeful that he will be back home this weekend. Pat Petersen is in McHenry hospital and had a kidney stone removed, she should be home soon also. Mildred Snively was ordered to bed by her doctor as she had walking pneumonia. She is coming along nicely but must take it easy. Jerry Olbinski entered McHenry hospital on July 5 and had surgery for ulcers. She will be in for 10 days so visitors will be welcome. We hope to hear that all of our neighbors arc woll again in the ne&r future. News Items Irene Mueller sadly reports that son, Jerry, has gone back to Whidby Island, Wash., after his* two week vacation. Jerry has 11 months to serve before he will be released and the family is hoping that he will not be sent back to Viet Nam where he has been for such a long time. All our wishes for a safe return go to Jerry. Well folks try to keep cool in this heat, see you next week. ON DEAN LIST Gary C. Vycital, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital, 3413 W. Waukegan Road, McHenry, is one of 219 students at the College of St. Thomas to make the spring seffi&ster Dean's List issued by the Rev. Robert L. Probst, assistant dean of the college. A 1963 graduate of Marian high school, Vycital is a junior majoring in math at the St. Paul, Minn., archdiocesan college for men. TWO LICENSES ARE REVOKED; ONE SUSPENDED Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced the revocation of the driver licenses of William G. Herz of 410 Fisher road, Volo, and Charles L. Nyert of Kewanee for driving while intoxicated. A suspension was ordered for Roy R. Browning of Cary for attempting to flee or elude a police officer. Probationary permits were issued to Wayne L. Donahue of Huntley, Robert L. Francke of 118 Cedardell, McHenry, and Michael H. Sexton of Cary. Secretary of State Powell has announced that the driver's license division of his office has rescinded the suspension of the license of Velmont A. Hosier, 1217 W.M River Terrace, McHenry. This action was taken following "review „ of record which disclosed that Hosier die n o t h a v e t h r e e o r m o r e offenses within a twelve-montl period. ATTEND CHURCH SUNDAY FREUNPI DAIRY, Inc. Locally Mi Operated -- FREE DELIVERY -- Complete Line of DtlrJ Products Phone 385-0195 or 385-0232 F" ATER SOFTENER SERVICE S DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES & MODELS # Service 9 Cleaning Out # Repair • Installation # Overhauling # Removal 0 Reconditioning • Rebuilding -- ALL WORK GUARANTEED -y Phone: 385-5566 WMER SOFTENlii SAHIS NEW -- USED -- REBUILT WATER SOFTENER SERVICE/SALES KOCmio McHenry, Illinois Model RK301A AIR CONDITIONER * Beautiful Duramold case with new outdoor eye-appeal--made of tough m, ^ , G-E Lexan®--won't rust ever. % V < * Weighs only 59 lbs.- ** " * '4 installs in seconds. * Fits windows 20Vz" to 36' wide. * 5000 BTU/Hr. Quiet Cooling Capacity. CAREY Appliance, Inc. 1241 N. Green Si, McHenry Phone 385-5500 § \ J I GIVE UP! POPGE BOYS PEALS CAN'T BE BEAT! 7 -JM ii. THE COOP GUTS IN WHITE HATS HAVE GREAT YEAR-END DEALS! IHE GHKABDIARID DODGE Bl "K SUMS' ARE HERE! SAVINGS GAIfll DURING 1HHR YEAIHND SALE 0F66 DODGco Those Good Guys are havin' their year-end BIG SAVE DAYS I sale I You know what that means I Lower prices--higher trade-ins--on the Success Cart of 1966. Dodge! see the Dodge Soys Today/ CORONET MONACO - SUNNYSIPE DOVm TJJB SALES -- SERVICE -- PARTS 'UPDGE 4810 W. Route 120 -- MoMenry -- Phone 885-7220 BOYS NO WONDER EVERYBODY LOVeS A GOOO GOYl -v OPEN Sundays 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. re stuffing pi will liftings frai Ik if satest fling PassbookIiady zings! * The dollars to be paid out on June 30th are proof that our savers possess the key to the gratification of any desire that money can buy. \ By opening your savings account here by July 15th you can learn that there is no limit to what can be accomplished through saving. And you will enjoy the plus factor of being paid handsome earnings for your thrift. < Whatever your goal, you can reach it sooner through saving here. You will widen your financial horizon with the greatest thing growing--passbook-handy savings. Current Rate 4V2</( oer annum Marengo SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 N. State Street Marengo, 11L PHONE 815-568-7258 Total Assets Over $20,000,000.00 I