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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1966, p. 2

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THE McHENBY PLAJNDEALER Thursday, July 7,1W ;f1f - f"" IN ST. JOHN'S CHURCH " i ^ -IS i t&h.*9 W** Kotalik Photo Mi1, and Mrs. James E. Kateel At a ceremony performed in St. John's church, Johnsburg, June 25, Miss Barbara Joan Wilson and James E. Katzel Were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilson of Pistakee Highlands and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Earl Katzel of Chicago. KONECNY-ZANK VOWS REPEATED ON SATURDAY Miss Kathleen Mae Konecny, d ail g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Konecny of 1516 W. Catalpa, McHenry, was united in marriage to Mr. Ronald E. 2ank, son of Chris Zank of 1308 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, at the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church on Saturday, July 2, at 1 p.m. Rev. „D. D. Johnson per • formed the rite for which Mrs. Ctliiat and Mrs. Roadman sahg "Oh Perfect Love" and "Wedding Prayer". The altar was decorated with white gladioli for the double ring ceremony. .The bride was given in marriage by her father. ; The bride was lovely in a traditional peau de soie wedding gown, with full bouffant skirt, flowered embroidered fitted, bodice and portrait neckl i n e a d o r n e d w i t h p e a r l s a n d sequins across neckline, down front of bodice and center and sides of skirt, fitted long button .sleeves, with, chapel swirl train and large bow at center of hack' waistline. She carried a cascade of white carnations with two detachable orchids. Her waist line four tiered net vea fell from a headpiece of C a m i l l a o r g a n z a f l o w e r trimmed, with pearl and rhinestones. . Acting as maid of honor for h e r f r i e n d w a s L i n d a L e e Pierce of Wonder_Lake, Bridesmaids were Judy Lam berg of M c H e n r y , a f r i e n d , a n d S u e Ann Konecny of Wonder Lake, the bride's sister - in - law. Debbie Caley of Sunnyside Estates was the flower girl. The maid of honor wore a green bonded lace, floor length dress and the others were dressed in yellow bonded lace. They all wore long white gloves and yellow net headpieces trimmed with White pearls. Miss Pierce c a r r i e d a b o u q u e t o f w h i t e g l a d s t i p p e d w i t h y e l l o w a n d the bridesmaids carried white glads tipped with green. The flower girl wore a short white dress with tourquoise sash, long gloves, and carried a basket of assorted flowers. The girls all had necklaces which were gifts of the bride. Serving the groom as best man was his brother, David Z a n k , o f M c H e n r y . W a y n e Konecny, of Wonder Lake, the bride's brother, and Dennis Dalby,a friend, were groomsmen. Dale Konecny, brother of the bride, was ring bearer. For her daughter's wedding M r s . K o n e c n y w o r e a l i g h t g r e e n t w o p i e c e b o n d e d l a c e suit with white and beige accessories. Following the ceremony a reception for 150 guests was held at the home of the bride. The young couple will live at 310 W. 8th Street, Junction City, Kansas. The bride is a graduate of M c H e n r y h i g h s c h o o l i n t h e class of 1966 and her husband was graduated from the same school in 1965. He is now serving with the army engineer corps. Out of town guests included the godparents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. O.C.Davis and M r . a n d M r s . G e o r g e Z a n k of Hebron; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Zank and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Zank of Fairchild, Wis.; the grandmother of the groom, Mrs. Jay Vasey, of Libertyville; the uncle and aunt of the bride, Mr. . and Mrs. Ed K o n e c n y a n d d a u g h t e r , D e b o r h a , o f B a n g o r , M i c h . ; Allan Goetzman of Winona, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. William Goetzman and daughter, Barb a r a , R o c h e s t e r , M i n n . ; a n d M r s . F r a n k B e y e r o f G r e e n Bay, Wis. B e f o r e h e r w e d d i n g t h e bride was honored at two showers, one given by her sist e r - i n - l a w , M r s . D a v i d Zank, and Mrs. Frances Havemeyer and the other by the bride's sister - in - law, Mrs. Sue Konecny. MOTOR FUEL TAX Motor Fuel Tax payments for May included $1,456.28 to McHenry township and $1,158.68 to Nunda, and in June, $1,616.32 to McHenry and $1,286.02 to Nunda. Don't put a price tag on your health The medicines your doctor prescribes ore invaluable to you and your family. We work in close cooperation with your doctor and stock a complete supply of prescription medicines. May we compound your next prescription? 4R8 Bolger' We Specialize :-:1 in PRESCRIPTIONS 1IS0 N. Green St. PHONE 885-4500 McHenry, 111. liOVELY WEDDING UNITES MCHENRY AREA COUPLE -A beautiful early afternoon wedding on Saturday, July 2, united in marriage Miss Sandra Marie Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Smith of 1402 N. Green street, McHenry, and Mr. Theodore L. Freund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Freund of 2115 W. Johnsburg road. Rev. Fr. Raymond Hettermann, uncle of the groom, officiated at the 1 o'clock ceremony in St. Mary's; Catholic church, which was decorated with bouquets of white glads and orchid - tinted carnations. The children's choir offered appropriate nuptial music. The lovely, dark -haired bride walked down the aisle wearing a chantilly lace and crepe, floor length gown, of empire fashion, chapel sweep. It was styled with sabrina neckline, fitted bodice and elbow length sleeves, the detachable chapel length chantilly lace train bordered with bouffant silk illusion, three-tiered cake, seed pearl crown. Miss Patricia Weber, of Johnsburg, a cousin of both the bride and groom, acted as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Camille Lopez of Chicago, and Mrs. Patrick (April) Faunt of Sunnyside, both close friends of the bride, Miss Mary Jo Smith of McHenry, her sister, Miss JoAnn F r e u n d of Johnsburg, and Miss Theresa Hettermann of Chicago, cousins of the groom. All were 'attired in orchid - color shan - charm and chiffon, empire fashino floor length gowns and matching petal shell crowns with flattering maline four - tiered bouffant veils. Miss Weber carried a cascade of white roses and orchid carnations and the bridesmaids had cascades of white and orchid carnations. The adult attendants as well as the flower girl Miss Terri Smith, sister of the bride "wore petite strands of pearls, gifts of the bride. Terri wore a floor l e n g t h g o w n i d e n t i c a l t o t h a t worn by the other young ladies and had a similar crown. She carried a basekt of orchid and white rose petals which she sprinkled as she walked up the aisle. Lloyd Smith of Johnsburg a cousin of the bride served as best man and groomsmen were Robert P. Freund of J o h n s b u r g b r o t h e r o f t h e g r o o m T i m K n o x o f W o o d - stock cousin of the bride Mark Hettermann of Arlington Va. c o u s i n o f t h e g r o o m D a v e Smith of McHenry brother of the bride and Bill Jorgensen of Johnsburg close friend of the groom. James Knox, the bride's cousin and Walter Berg brother -in - law of the groom were usners. Dave Miller of McHenry nephew of the groom served as ring bearer. Mrs. Smith selected a Nile green crepe sheath dress fitted lace coat and petal shell half hat with veil. Her corsage consisted of two white cymbidium orchids. Mrs. Freund wore a three - piece pink suit of silkalore with matching accessories and a small pillbox petal hat. She had a similar corsage. A reception for 450 guests was held at the Johnsburg Community club hall at 5:30. Judy Knoxof Rock Island, cousin of the bride was in charge of the guest book. On the holiday Monday the newlyweds left by plane for San Diego Calif, where the groom is serving in the Navy. Both young people are 1963 g r a d u a t e s o f M c H e n r y h i g h school. The groom attended Whitewater State university before entering the Navy in February of this year. The bride was employed at the McHenry State bank. OBSERVE SILVER WEDDING i U ! sir. \ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Homo, 5411 Orchard Way Drive, McCulIom Lake, will hold open house at their home on Sunday, July 10, at 2 p.m., in observance of their twentyfifth wedding anniversary. They extend an invitation to all their friends to join them. Lauretta Larson and Roy Homo were married July 7 in Chicago and have lived in McHenry for 18 years. They have four children. Kenneth, of McHenry, Eileen (Mrs. James White) of Radcliffe, Ky., Judy and Janet; at home; and one grandchild. Pammy Homo. Mr. and Mrs. Homo have been very active in Legion work. He is a past commander of the Legion post and she is a past president of the Legion auxiliary. They Are Taithful members of the Community Methodist church. , KATHLEEN MEINKE, JOHN F. LAVIN WED SATURDAY Rev. Fr. Leonard J. Guzzardo, pastor of St. Patrick's Catholic church, officiated at t h e marriage last Saturday, July 2, of Miss Kathleen C. Meinke a n d M r . J o h n F . L a v i n . T h e wedding took place at 2 o'clock. Miss Meinke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meinke o f 7 6 0 3 L u c y d r i v e , W o n d e r Lake, and Mr. Lavin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Lavin of 1606 Pleasant avenue, McHenry. The pretty bride selected a white, floor length formal gown, with which she wore a ballarina length veil and carried a bouquet o£ white roses. Mrs. Carol L. Smialek of Wonder Lake was her only attendant, wearing a soft blue chiffon dress and carrying a bouquet of pink and white sweetheart roses. Ken Lavin of McHenry served the groom as best man. Mrs. Meinke was attired in a green print crepe dress w i t Ji green hat and corsage of ' a white rose and pink sweetheart roses. Mrs. Lavin wore a mint green crepe dress, a hat of green net and a similar corsage. A reception was held at the J o h n L a v i n h o m e f o r f i f t y guests, after which the couple left on a trip to Wisconsin Upon their return, they will make their home at 120 River side, Lakemoor. The bride is ^employed as an assembler and the groom as an hydraulic engineer. RECEIVES DEGREE Miss Kathleen Anglese received her Master of Arts degree in Latin from the Univer sity of Wisconsin this past week. , BEETLE TREATMENT The Illinois Department of Agriculture will conduct a treating program for suppres sion of the Japanese beetle in the East St. Louis area in cooperation with Ihe U.S.D.A. Plant Pest Control Division. J"he Japenese beetle, one of our most destructive pests, feeds heavily on corn silks, the foliage and blossoms of soybeans, early ripening varieties of peaches and apples, blackberries and raspberries, as well as over 250 varieties of ornamental plants, including shade trees. Day Camp .*"• •- in McHENRY We now have Day Camp facilities here at Fantasy Farm for boys 6 to 12 years old. The dally program will Include baseball, swimming, hiking, gardening and a weekly trip to some point of interest. On rainy days indoor activity will be provided. All activities will be well supervised, and can assure you that your child will have an interesting and rewarding time. The enrollment will be only 12 boys for each week ( so that each boy will get personal attention and supervision. If you are Interested in having your son join our group call immediately for the date you want your son to be enrolled. For further information. Call . . . FANTASY FARM Phone 385-2499 $15.00 W@@k YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED SATURDAY BY FORMER PASTOR In an afternoon service at Community Methodist church, Saturday July 2, at 3 p.m., Miss Claudia Youngnickel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Youngnickel of: 2504 W. Huemann, became the bride of Mr. John Straza, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Straza, Sr., of Fox Lake. Rev. Ernest Carder returned to McHenrp to perform the nuptial rite. The bride was lovely in a white taffeta street length gown with lace bodice and wrap around lace overskirt. Her shoulder length veil was held in place by a pom-pom pearl tipped crown and she carried white carnations. Her sister, Gail Youngnickel, was maid of honor and wore a pink taffeta street length dress with net bodice. She had a pink crown veil and carried pink and white carnations. Kenneth Kaplan of Berwyn served the groom as best man. The bride's mother wore a blue chiffon dress with full skirt. Mrs. Straza was in a lime green metallic shift. Both mothers had white carnation corsages. A reception followed the ceremony for about forty-five people at the home of the bride. After a trip to Arkansas the young couple will live in McHenry. The bride is employed in Crystal Lake and her husband works in Fox Lake. SALLY JUSTEN HONORED AT SHOWER IN DELAVAN Sally Justen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Justen, whose marriage will take place on Aug. 27, was guest of honor at a shower given at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Ben Freund, in Delavan, Wis., June 26, with twenty guests present. The color scheme of pink and white was carried out and-^a buffet supper was served. The bride - to - be was presented with a gift of silver. Shop in •^TEvr." -Freund Vows Repeated - A Wedding of interest to tlielr many friends was solemnized Saturday, July 2, at St. Mary's Catholic church, uniting in marriage Miss Madeline G. Freund, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. YValter J. Freund of 3931 W. Main street, McHenry, and Walter J. Bolger, 1304 South Barreyille road, McHenry, the sort of the late Representative and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger. Before the altar decorated with white and pink gladioli Rev. Eugene C. Baumhofer •mited the popular couple at 2:30 p.m. The lovely bride wore a white embroidered organdy d r e ss with long pointed sleeves, gathered -skirt on fitted bodice, la stand-up collar coming points in the front and forming a square neckline. The sleeves and collar were closed with rows of small buttons. A veil fell to the waist from a pleated headpiece of the same material as the dress. She carried a bouquet of small white phalaenopsis, orchids and stephanotis. - Attending her sister as matron of honor was Mrs. Francis J. -Moran. Her daughter,' Mary Clare, and Mary Jayne Freund, daughter of the Junior Walter Freunds, were junior bridesmaids for their aunt. Mrs. Moran's dress was empire line with flared skirt in a deep turquoise blue with short sleeves, round neckline. The bodice was trimmed with bands of self material ending in small bow and streamers in back. Her headpiece was a cluster of flowers in shades of deep turquoise. She carried a bouquet of turquoise and white starburst mums. The junior attendants wore gowns in similar style except sleeveless in lighter shade of turquoise. Flowers in shades of blue, pink and white encircled their heads. They carried turquoise, pink and white starburst mums. The bride's dress, the attendants' costumes of imported cotton shantung and all the headpieces were designed and made by Mrs. Moran. Richard J. Carey attended his brother-in-law as best man and junior groomsmen were nephews of the groom, John Sullivan of Libertyville, and Thomas Carey of McHenry. The bride's mother was attired in light blue cotton eyelet, two piece dress with flared ACCUTRON "214". Stainless steel case, waterprooft, applied markers on dial, alligator strap. $125.00. Wahi Jewelers 3406 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. 385-2688 Call The One And ONLY utt&nssotfui 385-0723 Vs of a century of Accident-Free Service TRANSPOBTATIOM IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS BAILEY-ROT! VOWS REPEATED IN WONDER LAKE Radio Dispatched 24-HR. SERVICE Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake, was the setting for the early summer wedding of Miss Karen Bailey of 1039 David • drive, Bensenville, and Mr. Thomas J. Roti, also of Bensenville. Father Francis Jerome of Quincy college, Quincy, officated at the 11 o'clock ceremony, Saturday,- July 2, before an altar decorated with white and green flowers. Miss Kenlyn See lye Was soloist. Miss Bailey Is the daughter of Mr. and MPs. Clyde H. Bailey of 2022 N. Orchard Beach road, McHenry,* and Mr. Roti is the son of Mr. and Mrs.. Jtocco Roti of 3617 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. The bride was lovely in a pure white imported silk organza dress, empire waistline, fashioned with sleeveless bodice and straight skirt with scattered appliques and beads. The light fluffy organza coat train had beaded elbow length sleeves and fell from the shoulder. The three-tiered veil was heMJn place by a beaded petal rose. Mrs. Rosemary Lambert, of Palos Park, sister of the groom, was the matron of honor and the bridesmaids, all classmates of the bride, were Miss Nancy Fischer of McHenry and Miss Judy Gacki skirt, the bodice trimmed in plain blue at collar and cuffs. She wore a white organza hat and a white starburst mum corsage. Following the ceremony a reception was held for 250 guests at the V.F.W. clubhouse. After a wedding trip through the midwestern states, the couple will live at 1304 S. B a r r e v i l l e r o a d w h e r e t h e groom is engaged in farming. The bride is a graduate of McHenry high school and completed a year's course in social work at The Grail, Loveland, Ohio. She has been employed as secretary to the Dean of School of Social Service, Catholic University, Washington, D.C. The groom also is a graduate of McHenry high school. and Miss Kenlyn Seelye, both of Bensenville. They woreHoor length dresses of silk blue and green floral print bodices, round neckline and green jshantung skirts. They carriecC.pale green cymbidium orchids "With touches of blue and foliajg£. The best man was Mr. ,Donald Lambert, of Palos "P&rk, brother-in-law of the gj(jbm. Groomsmen were John Bailey," brother of the bride, and; Richard Lochrle of Milwaukee,'3tas.» and Robert Jablon, Libertyville, both classmates df^the groom. - For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Bailey wore a threeJjjece aqua silk ensemble, matching hat and white accessories.^Mrs. Roti. was gowned in a pale mauve dress, lace bodice and crepe skirt with matching accessories. Both mothers wore cymbidium corsages. Approximately 175 guests were present at the McHenry Country club for a 1 o'clock reception. Following a honeymoon trip by plane to Miami and Nassau for 10 days the young couple will be at home at 9514 Lawrence Court, Schiller Park. The bride is a 1960 graduate of McHenry high school, an honor graduate of Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, in 1964, and teaches English to Juniors at Forestview high school in Arlington Heights. ; The groom graduated from Mcr Henry high school in 1959 and , from Quincy College, Quincy, in 1963 and is a sales representative for Lederle Laboratories. Honor Mrs. Powers on 83rd Birthday Mrs. D a vi d Powers was guest of honor at a dinner at a p o p u l a r e a t i n g p l a c e n e a r Crystal Lake, Wednesday evening of last week in observance of her eighty - third birthday. The actual date is July d but d u e t o v a c a t i o n s c o m i n g t h e gathering was held in advance. Present for the happy occasion were her nine children and their mates, as follows: Messrs. and Mesdames S$re Whiting, McHenry; William Powers, B a t a v i a; Leonard Burge, Grayslake; George Freund, George Powers, David Powers and Kenneth Powers, Woodstock;. and Jack and Joseph Powers, Crystal Lake. ixclusively In tMi£K£N in the mim HtN'IMI HMHIU HUM 0SIQMG Vz FRIED CHICKEN SHOE STRING POTATOES JUG OF HONEY --- HOT ROLLS $1.50 TAKE OUT ORDERS -- $1.40 " ee (Country C^lub South End of Pistakee Bay PHONE 815-385-9845 ^6 Get the whole ID S 'with, an account at WALEE-OT & DRIVE-IN WINDOWS OPEW FRIDAY EVENINGS 4s30 pari, to 7:30 p.m. '"Where Family Money Matters" "FHOME 385-1040 r

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