Thursday, July 1.1966 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Section One -- Page Three ' • - - - • - *• -• MeHENRY PLAINDEALER »n« West Elm Street ; Phone,, S85-91t0 McHenry, IHfnotS --. 00080 NATION At C O I t O i O \ WEW8MPEM / Subscription Bates 1 Yea* .. $5.00 1 Year $&50 6 Mos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.75 6 Mcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.00 3 Mos. $2.00 3 Mos. $2.25 In McHenry County Outside McHenry County Established 1875 Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Hfirtols by MeHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E: Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehliclt, Editor GLENN GATES CLAIMS BRIDE IN KENTUCKY SERVICE The F a i r view Christian . church, Louisville, Ky., was the scene of the early evening nuptials, Saturday, July 2, uniting Miss Donna Jean Houtchens, Pern Creek, Ky., and Mr. G l e n n B . G a t e s , F o r t K n o x , K y . , 5 2 0 8 W. F o u n t a i n L a n e , M o C u l l o m L a k e . S h e i s t h e d a u g h t e r o f M r . a n d M r s . . George W. Houtchens, 5012 Roman Drive, Fern Creek, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin I. Gates of the McCullom Lake address. 'The Lord's Praye r", " C l i m b t h e H i g h e s t M o u n t a i n " , a n d " M o r e " w e r e t h e special music offered as the -Jack McComas before the al- - young couple met the Rev. tar trimmed with summer cut flowers and banked with palms for the double ring ceremony. As Miss Houtchens came down the aisl e escorted by her fathe r, her chapel train flowed softly from her floor length white silk organza gown over peau de soie. The gown was C hantilly lace . The brides four tiered veil of silk illusion featured a crown of roses and she carried a complementing bouquet. The bride's sister, Mrs. Edwin R. Smith, witnessed as matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Coral L. Sabiston and Linda Miller. Flower girl was Anita Pulliam. The matron of honor and the flower girl wore yellow gowns while the bridesmaids were gowned . in green, with matching acces sories and bouquets. Serving in the capacity of best man was James Hammont r e e a n d g r o o m s m e n w e r e Fred Ehlers and Steven Watters, all of Ft. Knox, Ky. Four year. old Timmy Troutman, cousin of the bride, served as ring bearer. For her daughter's 7:30 p.m. wedding, Mrs. Houtchens chose a costume of blue crepe with lace jacket, small pill box hat trimmed in the same material, blue shoes, white lace purse and gloves. Mrs. Gates wore a pink lace sheath, pink shoes, white hat, and white accessories. Both women wore corsages. T h e r e w e r e t w e n t y - f o u r guests present for the rehearsal dinner. Over 200 persons attended the wedding reception following the nuptials, at the Fern Creek Community Center. Y e l l o w f l o w e r s w i t h g r e e n leaves adorned the three tiered wedding cake, prominently displayed on the bridal table. Following their wedding, the newly wedded couple returned t o M o C u l l o m L a k e a n d t h e McHenry area to the groom's home and familiar surroundings. At the end of the groom's furlough and the couple's honeymoon, they will reside in Fern Creek. A graduate of McHenry high school, Glenn is presently serving as company clerk, First United States Army, Foft Knox, Ky. The new Mrs. Gates is a graduate of Fern Creek higfh school, also a graduate of Glamour Girl Beauty College and Etta Hart Academy of Advanced Hair Styling. LADY FOBSSTERS PLAM COOK - OUT; SUMMER TOUR St. Clara's Court No. 659 of the Woman's Catholic Order of Foresters met on June 23 in St. Mary's meeting hall at 8 p.m. A summer toUr is being planned for the first week in August. It will be to a television station in Chicago where the members will watch a TV p p r o g r a m b e i n g t a p e d . T h i s will be followed by a tour of the Merchandise Mart where lunch will be enjoyed. Reservations must be made with Mrs. Leonard Freund, Mrs. Roert G. Miller and Mrs. George .J Freund before July 21. On July 28- the Court will h a v e a c o o k - o u t i n t h e c i t y park at 1 p.m. for free hot d o g s , a n d h a m b u r g e r s . E a c h person is to bring her own table service. The committee will serve the other goodies. Following the lunch the regular meeting will be held, after which there will be games and prizes. Chief Ranger Martha Freund, as delegate, and Mrs. Kate Worts, as alternate, attended the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters' state convention in Peoria on June 20, 21, and 22. It was held at the Pere-Marquette hotel in Peoria. The Most Rev. John Baptist Franz, D.D., bishop of the Peoria diocese, was the honored guest. Shop In MeHaary tiJ 4 Remember gas fs a Hon wilft lamb cbops. New fctin-fediacftant broiler seals m natural jtnces and cuts time frvftich means less shrinkage! Food broils to perfection the smokeless way; stays flavorful sad nutritious. Ssa the many niadern features of gas cooking at yocD- Esse!) K&rfesja Mitisis Gas Company stessoom or yov dssjar*&. VTSURv 385-2081 H O S P I T A L NOTES McHenry Hospital Those admitted , to McHenry hospital during the past week i n c l u d e d A n n a A g g e r a n d James C. Shoop, Spring Grove; Cheryl Cox, Sophie Bartlett and Ahgefine Krause, Round Lake; Deborah Musak and Christine Moltfret'er, Woodstock; Theresa Heidgen, Elmhurst; Virginia Karpawich arid Ernest Wilewski, Wonder Lake; John S. Wenzel, Jerome Gurewitz, Matthew O'Keefe, Janet A. Nelson and Edward Biskey, Jr., Ingleside. A l s o , L o r r a i n e K. B a c o n , Winona Hutchinson, Alice C. MacIuTe, Wanda Sfidharii, Terry Beard, Jeffrey Mengler and Haris Reinhardt, Crystal' Lake; Eugene Slotowski and Joseph Barnett, Waiiconda; Milo Carlson, Barrington; George Chud* zik, Darrell Selby and Arthur Oman, Island Lake; Alberta Holland, Elk Grove; A d d i e Stone, Marengo; Richard Ernest, Chicago; Ann Reuter, and Jacqueline V. Tonyan, Fox Lake; William E. Weiss, Cary; Billie Sue Beech, Fox Hills. A l s o , D o n n a L . M a s c a r i , Catherine Chrisman, E r i c k Kentzel, Sara H. Koffski, Anton F. Blake, David Coleman, Leonard W. Medley, John B. Sirticin, Emma Rivest, Gail J. Engstrom, Dale W. Schweikert, Richard Dehn. And Eleanor Mangold, Jill Doherty, David J. Miller, Gertrude Freund, Esther Ketcham, Ernest Muzzillo, Virginia Schubert, Margaret Stowell, Matt Schulein, Maurice Granger, Mary C. Arseneau, Michele Ippolitp. Mary Stiller and Laura E. Straus, all of McHenry. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included H e r b e r t B u r t , D o r o t h y S a r d , Lena Gordon, Master Glenn Gondeck, Eugene Messina, Robert Engels and Master Thomas Whitman, Wonder Lake; Josephine Swanson, Baby Patrick Cameron, Wanda Maness and Nancy Sale, McHenry; and Marion Peet, Ringwood. Harvard Hospital Frances Blair and Dennis Huff of McHenry were patients in Harvard hospital during the past week. Shep In McHenry WOMAN'S CLUB WELCOMES NEW MEMBERS AT TEA A lovely tea honoring the new members of the McHenry Woman's Club who have been welcomed into the membership over the past year was held at the (immunity Methodist church on Wednesday, June 29, at 1 p.nt. The tea table, with its beautif u l a p p o i n t m e n t s , a n d l a d e n with dainty finger sandwiches and cookies, became the focal p o i n t o f i n t e r e s t . M r s . E l m e r Starige, hospitality chairman, was on hand as tea hostess. Mrs. Clyde Bailey and Mrs. Carl Reitesel, the two outgoing officers, poured. An honored guests was Mrs. William R. Jones, president of the Eleventh District of the Illinois Federation, who conducted the installation of officers for the coming year. These include Mrs., Hugh G. Locker, president, Mrs. Donald Gerlitz, first vice - president, Mrs. F r a n k G a n s , s e c o n d v i c e - president, Mrs. Harold Padgitt, treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Flicek, recording s e c re t a r y, Mrs. Frank Blake, corresponding secretary, with Mrs, Wallace Doby n s , M r s . F r a n k S t e f f e k a n d Mrs. Robert Thompson as trustees. Nine new members were welcomed into the club by Mrs. Peter Justen, membership chairman. They include Mrs. Lawrence Bartelt, Mrs. Joseph Etten, Mrs. Jacob Kantorski, Mrs. Ann Levi, Mrs. Leonard J. Nelson, Mrs. Charles E. Prokop, Mrs. Bertel Swanson, Mrs. John D. Sylvester and Mrs. Stephen Wijas. Each was p i nned with an attractive corsage. HOLD TEENAGE DANCE The members or the CYO Pat club of St. Patrick's church, McHenry, extend an invitation to all teenagers in this area to attend a teenage dance, Hawaiian style, on Saturaday, July 9, from 8 to 11 p.m., at the church parking lot. Girls are asked to wear shifts or muu-muus and the boys are to wear bright colored shirts. BE WISE USE THE PLANS FOR OPEN CLASS IN FLOWER SHOW UNDER WAY Plans are in full "swing for the annual open class flower show to be held Aug. 5 at the M c H e n r y C o u n t y F a i r . Any person between the ages of 9 and 21 is eligible to enter an exhibit. There will be a class for specimum blooms. This will include such favorite flowers as g l a d i o l u s , z i n n i a s a n d m a r i golds, In the flower arrangem e n t c l a s s e s , e x h i b i t o r s may show a decorated picnic basket or an arrangement illustrating a favorite sport. There will be a class for "young men only" and a "novice class" for exhibitors who have never won a blue ribbon for flower arranging. For those who enjoy the unusual there will be a "Kazamm" class for flower arrangements based upon the Batman theme. For further details and a free Fair book, write to McHenry County Fair association, P. O. Box 375 .Woodstock, 111. wrr snctstfme -- OPEN -- CsS3 DCtUVATMl Buy Swing Ow July Tire Sale lsi LINE PREMIUM 4 - PLY - TUBELE9& BLACKWALLS 6.00x13 e.saKia , $17.40 4WOX15-T.Y Whitewialla -- All Prices Plus Tax 8.00x14 8.28x14 7.50x14 7.75x14 0) M (8.50x15 tlSises 8931 W. Main St. 8.50x14 8.55x14 Up iofSJO Trade-In Tire Mart PHONE 88S-02M McHenry, DL MARRIAGE LICENSES The following marriage licenses were issued by Cqynty Clerk Vernon W. Kays: David Brodie Gardner of Solon Mills and Miss Cynthia Marie Jackson of Richmond. John R. Straza of Fox .Lake and Miss Claudia F. Youngnickel of McHenry. Ronald W. Fuhler and Miss Carol A. Winkowski of McHenry. William E. Watts of Solon Mills and Miss Mary R. Lennon of Spring Grove. Donald R. Iannelli, Jr., of McHenry and Miss Linda M. Hemm of Ingleside. Raymond W. Irvin of McHenry and Miss Catherine T. Trkowsky of Spring Grove. Thomas J. Roti of Wonder Lake and Miss Karen E. Bailey of Bensenville. Walter J. Bolger and Miss Madeline G. Freund, both of McHenry. Robert James Allison of McHenry and Mrs. Carol Rose Goodwin of Round Lake. 1 BIRTHS A McHenry Hospital Mr. a nd Mrs. ©arret F*. Oman, Ingleside, are parents of a sbn June 27. A daughter was bom June 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rufo, Crystal Lake. On June 28 a daughter Was born to Mr. and Mrs.. Donald Finney of Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Roscop of Lake Villa became parents of^k son June 29. A Barrington couple, Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan, are parents of a son June 29. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Olson, Round Lake, Welcomed a son July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Winkowski announce the birth of a son July 2. A son was born July 2 to Mr. and Mrs. WiBSam Smyth of Wauconda. On July 2 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. David Mehevic. • Memorial Hospital On July 2 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Killan of Wonder Lake. FEDERATION OF ... WOMEN'S CLUBS PLAN CALENDAR The executive board of thd McHenry County Federation of Women's Clubs held its semiannual board meeting recently at the home of Mrs. Frank Hein* emann in Richmond. Plans for the coming year were the business of the day. New members on the board are Mrs. Gordon Sergant, filling the" president's chair; Mrs. Lauren Smith, vice-president; Mrs. Frank Heinemann, secretary; and Mrs. Edward Buedseler, press relations and publicity. The next regular meeting of the federation will be held Oct. 12 at Richmond and die spring meeting is April 12 at Cary. The Eleventh district federation meeting will be held at the Hunter Country club in Richmond Spet. 22 of this year. Registrations will be between 9:30 and 9:45, with the Lotus Country Woman's club as hostess group. tHREE SHOWERS HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE Miss Kathleen Anglese, who will be married in late July, w a s h o n o r e d a t t h r e e r e c e n t bridal showers, all in Barrington, where she has taught for several years. The first was given by junior and senior girls of her Latin III and IV classes, held at the home of Kathleen* Heinemann. Recipes were presented to her, as well as miscellaneous gifts. Underclass students in her c l a s s e s a t B a r r i n g t o n h i g h school gave the second party at the home of Margo Sloan. They enjoyed a picnic outside at this "gadget" shower. Miss Bea Kollias and Miss Joan Lubinski, roommates of Miss Anglese at Barrington, were hostesses at the third, a linen shower. Twelve teachers from the school were in attendance. Following her wedding, Miss Anglese will return to Barrington high school, where her husband - to - be is also a teacher. Be Wise Shop In MeHENRY EITE1IOR FLAT HOUSE P« White and Colors $ 44 GAL. MAIN PAINT 3819 W. Main 385-1115 AQUANAUT The Newest and Most Exciting of Water Sports ® Designed for the SjjH^sgl Beginner as well as , fhe experienced diver. • Simple and Economical to operate. • Twin air compressors plus two 25-foot leinigSfes of vinyl hose • Tw@ ifoH-faee maslzs, Iback harnesses asad diver's Slag„ • Simple easy to understad instructions. Made by EVINRUDE K ONLY $27900 Now OH display at N@K¥H iili©i IMllMi East End of Old Bridge -- McHenry PHONE 385 336a LOCAL GIRLS STUDY ARTS IN BANFF, CANADA Susie Uftek, daughter of Mf. and Mrs. Walter Ulick of 1117 Rocky Beach, ajhd Cathy , Francke, daughter of Mrs. B. G. Fraftcke of 29fl£ NV Wooded, are attending surrimer courses at the Banff School df Fine Arts in Banff, Canada. Miss Ulick is studying rtiusicaj theatre and dancirig and Misjj Ffancke is an art student. The girls will be there all summer . Following the completion of the course Susie Will go on tour for three weeks with the musical theatre group id Canada. She will be a senior this fall • at Marian Central high School, Woodstock. Miss Francke will be a junior at McHenry high school. NAMED TO DEAN LIST Names of 880 students are contained in the Deans' list for scholarship during the spring quarter at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa. Students attain the Deans' list by earning grade-point averages of 3.5 or more while carrying at least 15 credit hours during the quarter. Included in the list was Arthur C. Eberhardt; architectural engineering, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Eberhardt, 2017 Regner road, McHenry. REE shoes i Dor DL &U* )5 TUB HOOTER YI If the bridal party buys their shoes (4 or more pair) at: 9 N. Sfe McHenry •CUDDLES loop knit two piece gw!teassjli? made of elefes, acrylic, Hylott and fyem jpancfexwdh contrasting txiMU 41&09 The New . • . 385-0182 Ask Our Charge AcooMlW 1210 N. Green St.