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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1966, p. 5

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• Thursday, July 7,1966 THE McHENRT PLAINDEALER Stciion Ont -- Pag* Fhre fjrst Insertion -- •»* 7c per word -- $1.40 minimum * No ads counted less than 20 'Repeat Insertions -- ^ f ; 0 ... 6c per word -- $1.20 mfahniw -ir.-... r 25c Service Charge on All Blind Ad*. "Situations Wanted, Wanted' to.,Rent ffrt Ciard of llianks must be jj&id Is advene?. The Plaindealer Is not responsible ttr/iy 'rot's In classified ads after tiki first sertion. Check your ad the first week ••ami call our attention t&s any mistakes. <>&«*% * - Ml* :t.mxr *.1 : • r ..f itf" • , BATES imlt Insertion - . . $1.30 Per Got Inch . • .4,, 2 Inch Minimum 11 ? % . ^ 1 * *9# COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD Repeat Insertions-- $1.15 Per CoL fix* 4 Lines 8 pt Type Per In. with 18 i t Signature. COPT DEADLINE -- Classified Display -- Tuesday, 4 pjo. Regular Classified -- Wednesday, 10:00 ajn. O^HFICB HOURS Daily -- 8:30 to 5:00 Saturday -- Closed. AUTOMOTIVE _ .Replacement Part# f For Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6p.jn. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.H &-4-65-TF 1961 Cadillac Coupe DeVille. Excellent condition. Full power, new tires, low mileage afid factory air conditioning. $1500. Call 385-7462. 4 7-7*66. 1959 V.W. Sedan, radio, new tires, new rebuilt engine. Excellent condition. Call after 6 p.m. 385-2817. 7r7r66 1959 Bonneville eonvertiljle. Reasonable. 385-2389. 7-746 1948 ChevAero Sedan. G op d condition. Phone 385-1261. 7-7r66 1957 Oldsmobile convertible. Needs some work. Call 385-3457. 7-7-66 1959 Chevrolet 6 cylinder stick shift. Call 385-3616. 7-7-66 1964 Pontiac Bonneville station w a g o n , a i r c o n d i t i o n e d , f u l l , power. 6,000 lb. trailer package. Excellent condition. Must be seen to appreciate. Mar Deu Inc., Highway 176 at 31 Crystal Lake, Illinois 7-7-66 BOATS MOTORS TRITON Marine Service • Johnson Motors v" y*J • siciflf 'Craft itoatr • Trailcar Boat Trailed ^ COMPLETE SERVICE FACILITIES for Beats -- Motors ?-*- SttflNjgs Gas & Oil -- Rest Lte-nr. 1208 N. Riverside Dfc PHONF 385-10f6 v) 2-4-65-TF 100 BOATS AND. MOTORS. Newused, all types .at bargain prices. Buy with confidence. Top line brands--Johnson Motors. Specials. 12 ft. aluminum boats, $129.00. Trailers $99.00 Pontoon boats $489.00 etc. Ed Wendt, "Complete Marine Center", on Highway 12, north end Richmond, Illinois! We buy cleat} used boats. Open daily 9-6 Monday. Wednesday, Friday 9-8 Sunday 11-6. Closed Tuesday. 6-2-66TF 15' Aluminum 'Loan star.. 35 h.p. Johnson motor.1 Gator."'Hit wcnch" trailer. Call 385-0346. 7-7-66 14' diving board made by Keefer. Pair of centcr-boards, lightweight with rudder for class "C" sailboat. Wicker lounge. 385-1886. 7-7-66 315 h.p. Cadillac Crusader Marine racing engine. Reasonable. Call 385-7860 7-7-66 SPORTY looking 14 foot fiberglass boat with 30 h.p. John son motor. Fully equipped, including trailer. 3203 W. Fairway Drive, McHenry, Phorte 385-3579. 7-7-1 16' 1965 Switzercraft. 80 h.p. Mercury 1961. 1965 Sportman trailer. All extras. Good ski boat. Price $1475. Phone 385- 2510. 7-7-66 ' feUSMESS SERVICES fjbudxokvt Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin Rd., McHapx, HI 385-6027 2-4-65-TF BUSINESS SERVICES JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center O Wheel Alignment • Brakes • Mufflers • Shocks • Accessories • Gas for Less • Complete Tire Line Passenger A Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1-20-66TF FOR SALE - TOP SOIL, ALSO CLEAN FILL, Phone 815-675- 2064 i 6-2-66TF 'Ace Home Delivery" Peadock Beverages Soda Pop Mixes Diet Pop Delivery to your door. Enjoy the convenience and economy. Robert L. Peisert Distributor 924 River Terrace Dr. McHenry, Illinois •PHONE 385-3380 after 5 p.m. 6-16-23-30/7-7 CARPENTER WORK Remodeling, Roofing, Etc. No Job Too Small Vern The Carpenter Wonder Lake, 111. 653-4593 6-16-23-30/7-7 BUSINESS SERVICES • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOIST^ .1 ' • SEA WALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding . , FRF^" Estimates Phone 389-4929 or, 385-3920 McHenry Welding Service Route 120 (% mile east of bridge across from Dog & Suds) 3-3-66TF FOR SALE William Fandre Insurance • AUTO •^IEE '•FifcE • COMMERCIAL Phone 385-2467 6-16-TF ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial; commercial and domestic. KICkePt .Electric; • 48C Center St., Graysiake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF CONCRETE WORK. Reasonable. Garage and basement floors. Driveways, walks, patios. Also colored concrcte work. Phone 385-3596. 7-7-66-tf DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • BLACK DIRT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS .Phone 815-385-3704 (•' 6-2-66-TF sPBdrAusrem" FENCE BUILDING OF ALL TYPES ft«rRoad fcfr'F&CEK FOR SALE COMBINATION WINDOWS $10.00 _ -- MOST SIZES -- Brand New Top Quality Large Selection of Ranch Type and Slider Windows USED COMB. ALUM. DOORS CHUCK'S Glass & Mirror 4304 W. South Street Cooney Heights 385-3560 5-12-66TF * C»: all 3a*8 5-1469 - £ 4 v 6-2-66-TF McHenry Disposal Service PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 5-6-65-TF UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St / McHenry, Illinois-- ART'S Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 2-4-65-TF RHOTON SEPTIC SERVICE Elect Sewer Redding Pumping Septic systems installing and repairing. Basement? and foundation excavating. 1 385-8445 6-2-66-TF SAVE xk or more during our once a year July clearance sale of floor samples., $300 Spanish break front $89.00 $100 Dillingham Tea Cart $39.00 $200 Colonial Sofa $89.00 $495 3 piece custom sectional $299.00 $160 Walnut bedroom set $89.00 $ 50 Mis Matched qui.ted Mattresses or Box Springs $29.00 $ 80 5 piece Douglas dinettes $39.00 200 Lamps 2 for price of one. Drive out and save LIBERTY FURNITURE Rte. 176 1 block east of Rte 45 Mundeline, Illinois 7-7/7-14-66 COMPLETE Farm Pond Service Illinois Licensed No. 1 Hatchery Phone 815 - 675 - 2064 JOE MORREALE 7-7-66 Summer Clearance Sale 20'/o - 25f/o off ' Boys thru size 7 Girls thru size 14 Tcddler Shop 3430 W. Elm St. Open All Day Wednesday >7-7/-14-66 » t.. US$E$tiu,, thru"6x24. 24 feet long. Dean Cunat 815-678-2861. 4-14-66TF ?er^ fot; sale: 6x14 1 fi BEDDING PLANTS,; flowers, tomatos, vegetables, Geranium and potted roses. Schlesser's Green House, 211 Route 120, Mcftenry, Illinois. East of Lakemoor. 6-2-66TF AUCTION 2 days Welcome's Country Store. July 9th at 11 a.m. July 10th at 12:30 p.m. Over 3,000 items all to be sold. PLEASE NOTE WE ARE NOT CLOSING OUR SHOP, but making room for a luncheonette. Located in Ridgefield, 111. 1 mile north of U.S. 14 on blacktop between Woodstock and Crystal Lake, I l l i n o i s A u c t i o n e e r : H a r r y Henderson. 7-7-66 GARAGE SALE Starting 10 a.m. July 9th and JUly 10th' Furniture, dishes, odds and ends from attis to basement. 1 block east of McjHenry bridge. 1204 N., Charles St. 7-7-66 HANDYMAN'S Special house consisting of" two bedrooms, kitchen, bath, large living room, full basement, gas heat located on about one acre of land with a variety of trees. Phone 385-0224. 6-30/7-7-66 TAVERNS--Va price, sanitizer liquid or powder, odorless with this ad and one Riesen Clear Glass. McHenry Eby Brown, EV 5-0153. 5-9-66e.o.w. MUST SELL * HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS . including Davenport, kitchen set, beds, dressers, : richest of drawers, etc. Phone 385 - 0937 or 8403 W. Fairway Dr. FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St, McHenry. Phone 385- 0184. 6-2-66TF 2 BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, carpeting, range, refrigerator and gas heat included. Concord Manor. Manager 3611 James St., Apartment C. Call 385-2260. 6-2-66-TF 1 AND 2 BEDROOM modern apartments. Ideally located in Hillview Shopping Center, Richmond, Illinois. Heat and hot water furnished. §90 to $95 per month. Call 815-678- 3581. 6-30-TF Dalmatlon. Male, 5 months old. All shots. A.K.C. registered. Loves children. $50.00 Call 385-0869. 7-7-66 Brittony spaniel 2% years old. A&-C. registered. May be pregnant. Will sacrifice for best offer. Call any time 385- 2749. 7-7-66 1965 travel and camping trailer. 14 ft., Arrow. Sleeps 4, sink, ice box, 2 burner gas stoves, gas bottle. 7-7-66 Male collie puppy, 4 months old.' Had permanant distemper shot .$10 or best offer. Call 385-2228. 7-7-66 % h.p. bench saw $50.00, Florescent lights $5.00 each. Garden ; and carpenter tools. Formica top breakfast set $15.00 Misci Call 385-2885. 7-7-66 MayTag Wringer, Washer, $35. Gas Range, $10. Dinette Set, $10; 2 stuffed chairs, $1Q. 9x12 rug, $15. Child's playhouse, $50. Can 385 - 0233. 7-7-66 Coldsfiot chest-type freezer. Excellent condition. $85. Call 385-7360. 7-7-66 2 bedroom house (Island Lake) 2 lots, garage, partial basement, gas heat. Phone 385-6013 or 526-8474. 7-7-66 Would you like to save $125 on a 1966 100 cc Rex motorcycle? 300 miles. Must sell, need money. Call 385-5041. 7-7-66 v German Shepherd puppies. A. K.C .registered. Rin-Tin-Tin line. Black and silver. Call JJ15>r3$5-7648. 7-7-66 Pool table, 3V2'x7', $75; Also Gas dryer, $50. Phone 3S5 2088 7-7-66 Upright piano, $50.00 Call 385- 0511. 7-7-66 lyear old Norge gas refrigerator freezer. 15.5 cubic feet. Excellent condition, $200 or best offpr. Call 385-4401. 7-7-66 STORE -- 800 sq. ft. undivided. 5317 East Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake. 653-7331 before 7 p.m. 653-9200 after 8 p.m. 6-2-66TF 3 ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor. 3325 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743 Dr. Goetschel. 6-2-66TF All Luxurious New 2-Bedroom Air - Conditioned APARTMENTS 2 More Buildings Now Completing August 1st Occupancy Inspection Invited Office: 235 Evergreen Pkwy. (at Route 176) CrystaTLake, Illinois Telephone: 459-1660 These are luxurious apartments - with features usually found only in the high rental bracket. Here is a partial list of FEATURES: •Engineered for soundresistance •FIVE CLOSETS (including two huge wardrobes) •Carpeted wall-to-wall (even the closets) with high quality Imperial Mills carpeting • F l o o r p a d d i n g i s t h e new Chris-Craft foam -- it's like walking on a cloud •Kitchens are covered with Tapiflex to make it easy on your feet and ankles •Fine DRAW DRAPERIES in living room and dining area. •12-cubic foot HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR •ROPER STOVE with hood •DISPOSALL •Double stainless steel sink with spray •Laundry Room -- with Washer and Dryer--ample storage •Space for TWO cars with every apartment •MASTER TV ANTENNAE BOTH VHF and UHF HEAT, HOT WATER AND COOKING GAS INCLUDED IN RENTAL RENTALS $160 PER MO. 7-7-66 HELP WANTED FARM COUPLE • Man far far« and gardening work, general housekeeping for wife. Spacious 3 bedroom house. Must be familiar with farm machinery. Able to operate equipment. See or call Arnold N. May Richmond, Illinois, 815-678-2861 or evenings 815- 678-6681. 549-66TF WANTED trained lab technician for busy medical office in Woodstock area. Write to Box 392 in care of McHenry Plaindealer. 6-3/7-7-66 DELUXE 2 bedroom apartment at 3705 W. James St. Airconditioned & Swimming pool. For information call 385- 0923 or 385-5478. 7-7-TF 5 rm. Duplex apt. 2 bedroom. $80 per month. Phone 385-6598. 7-7-66 WAWTE3D TO RENT 3 bedroom ranch. Lake, McHenry counties. Reasonable. Will lease. Quiet, careful adult couple. No children or pets. Excellent references. YVrite Box #397 McHenry Plaindealer. 7-7-66 I want to rent or buy on contract the best house in the McHenry Area, for $150 per month (P.I.T.I.). Must have IV2 bath and 4 bedrooms, or write box 417, Winfield, Illinois. 60190. 7-7-66 BdSLP Families need dependable Ralwigh service in City of McHenry or Wonder Lake. Many earn $3.50 hourly an. up. Write Rawleigh Dept. IL G 52 177 Frecport 111. 7-7-66 Part time evening delivery service. Boy, girl or man. Must have car. Phone 385-4853. 7-7-66 FemalelJel^JVante^ Waitresses-^wanted. Full and part time. Evening work only. Good pay. Chez Francois Restaurant. Call 312- JU 7-7320. 7-7-66 Dishwasher 4 p.m. to mdnigiht. Every Thursday and Friday night off. Furnish own transportation to Hartland or may live on premises. Apply in person. Valley-Hi Nursing Home, 2406 Hartland Road, Woodstock, Illinois. 7-7-66 Mai® Mathews Co. • Assemblers • Welders • Spray Painters • P,unch Press Operators • Press Break Operators No Experience Necessary Apply in Person. Mathews Co. 500 Industrial Ave., Crystal Lake, Illinois "An equal opportunity employer" 6-2-66-TF Bass guitarist. Preferably one who sings, high school age. Call 385-2683. 7-7-66 Dish washer. 4 p.m. to midnight. Every Thursday and Friday night off. Furnish own transportation to Hartland or may live on premises. Apply in person. Valley Hi-Nursing Home, 2406 Hartland Road. Woodstock, Illinois. 7-7-66 Work on a dairy farm. Milking in the milking parlor. Call 338-3218. 7-7-66 S H E E T M E T A L H E L P E R • Some knowledge of welding necessary. • Steady work. • Excellent Company benefits -- Call -- MR. BECK Major Corporation . Crystal Lake, Illinois V ' 459-6300 6-30-TF Man wanted for plant - and route work. Permanent position. Mu?t have good references. Apply in person. Freund's Dairy Inc. 3916 N. Richmond Road, McHenry. 7-7-14-66 Kitchen help wanted. Full or part time. Evening work only. Chez Francois Restaurant. Call 312- JU 7-7320. 7-7-86 Waitress work. Evenings, 5 o'clock on. Club Alabi. Apply in person. 1233 N. Green St. 7-7-66 Mature, responsible woman who is neat and accurate. Should have some experience in short hand, typing, correspondence and phone communication. 5 day week. Write Box #396 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 7-7-66 WOMAN with experience in double entry bookkeping system- to take care of office in retail store. Must be dependable, neat in appearancc, preferably with older children if any. Convenient hours, pleasant working conditions and good salary. Write Box No. 385, c-o McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry giving full particulars. 6>9-66TF Truck mechanic. Evenings and Saturdays. Althoff's Inc., 903 Front St., McHenry, 111. 7-7-86TF CARPENTER for year around employment. Vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond, 111. 815- 678-2861. 5-19-66TF LICENSED plumber, electrician. Year round employment. Call A. N.May Supply 815-678- 2861. 4-7-66TF FO R GENERAL Contractor junior estimator. Will teach estimating to young qualified man. Industrial, Commercial, and Heavy Construction. Construction background necessary. Call Dean Cunat, 815-678- 2861. 4-14-66TF PAINTER year round employment. Vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold May Builders, Richmond, 111. Phone 815-678-2861. 6-30-66TF Insurance Inspectors * Full time or part time. Excellent benefit program including Sears Roebuck profit sharing. Call 312-383-5950 Service Review Inc. 146 Harrison Oak Park, Illinois 7-7/7-14-66 PART TIME evenings 6 to 10 p.m. Welders Shear Operators Press Brake Material Handlers Excellent working conditions. Good pay. Call Mr. Hahn Major Corporation. 459-6300 7-7-14-66 F©m&!@ Vwt@d Double entry bookkeeper. Must be able to handle monthly financial statements. 5% day week. State salary desired and age.- Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box #395 7-7-66TF -FEMALE ASSEMBLERS WOMEN aged 19-35 for electrical assembly work. Some experience required,.. Permanent,^ full time employment with good starting pay and excellent company benefits. CALL MR. BECk Major Corp. Phone 459-6300 6-30-TF REAL ESTATE Secretarial Position General office work. Must have bookkeeping experience. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications may be picked up at High School. 1012 N. Green, from Mrs. Meyer. 7-7-66 REALSSmTE WONDER LAKE We have organized a new FARM SALES DEPARTMENT. Are you interested in buying or selling a farm or acreage? Call Allen A. Phillips -- at -- McCafferty Realtors 7508 Hancock Wonder Lake, Illinois 653-7876 or evenings 653-3957 7-7-66 .McHenry Area For Sale By Owner Two 3-Bedroom Homes All with modem kitchens and baths, gas heat, Prices > reduced for quick sale. For particulars: ^Phone 312-SH 1-3900 6-2-66-TF Worthmore Estates 3 BEDROOM RANCH 1,750 Sq. Ft. Family room with fireplace 1% Baths Basement 2 car Garage On lake. Boat pier aa* beach right. BY OWNER $27,500 Call for appointment 815-385-6170 6-2-66-TF For Sale HOMES -- FARMS CHOICE LOTS BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Roarl PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 8-5-65 TP 6 RM. HOUSE 2 bedrms. Garage. Must s ell. Leaving state. Outstanding investment. $10,000. Outri ?ht purchase only or 25% d( wn and will handle. Includes natural gas, alum, siding, l ew water softener, nice locat on, good sized lot. 385-0986 6-16-23-30/7- '-66 HOUSE FOR Sale by Owner FINANCING AVAILABLE 5 rooms, brick veneer and aluminum siding, Attached garag. e Finished paneled basement with fireplace and full facilities. Fox River water rights. $16,000. Ill Sunny Dr. Algonquin, Illinois. 7-7-66 WATER FRONT 6 room home. Pier. 510 Country Club. Drive. Can be used year around or summer only. Open house Sunday July 10, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 7-7-66 COONEY HEIGHTS: 3 bedroom home, panelled basement, large fenced patio, garage, gas heat, excellent condition. $16,- 300. Telephone 385-0883. 6-30/7-7-14-66 WONDER LAKE--3-bedr< om Ranch Home with spacious 10 Xl9 kitchen with natural o;rch cabinets, built-in range, breakfast bar, exhaust fan. H; rdwopd floors. We.l insula ed. Gas heat (Extra lot available.) TERMS $11,000 WONDER LAKE -- LAKE FRONT -- Cape Cod Style 2- bedroom Home with firep ace ih living room. Enclosed sun porch facing lake. Ceramic tiled hath. Plastered w ills. Plenty of storage. Gas li ?at. Basement for storage. One car garage. Sand beach with Ipier. Wooded yard. TERMS $19,900 McHENRY AREA -- 3 bedroom Ranch Home with large carpeted living room, tiled bath, stainless steel oven, range and sink built in kitchen. Attic storage. Gas heat. City water. Combination doors and windows. Beautifully kept inside and out. A STEAL AT $13,000 McHENRY SHORES -- BEAT THE HEAT -- Air conditioned house, READY TO MOVE IN. Carpeted living room with fireplace, thermopane picture windows, fully draped. Beautifully landscaped. River rights and boat docks. Attached garage. Gas heat and city water. MUST BE SEEN! TERMS $18,500 T.P.MATHEWS REALTORS 7314 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake PHONE 815-653-2061 Open 7 days a Week. Immediate Occupar ey OWNER TRANSFERR ED WORTHMORE ESTAT :S 3 BEDROOM RANCH Family room with fire; >1 ace. 1 Vs. ceramie baths, base1 rent, 2 car garage, disposal, c ishwasher and stove built i Over $25,000 385-0216 6-:C-TF 4 ROOM HOUSE large f *ont porch. Centrally gas hu ted. 136 ft. water front on :ver. Double pier. Selling for f.ll,- 500.. Call 385-0430. 6-16-35TF «r )'•

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