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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1966, p. 6

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Pag# ffl* REAL ESTATE THE McHENBTPLAINDEALER McHENIT? criad LAKE AREA Year Round Books. Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Ham* Bites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE ' in Jobnsburg "T 3301 Johnsburg lUt . McHem-y, I1L Ph. 385r0O37 1 2-4-63-TF ESTATE home with acreage. 15 HillRd,, Richmond, Illinois. Large Living and dining room with marble -fireplace, 2 full baths, large spacious kitchen, "sun porch, large bedroom, hot water heat. Beautifully landscaped. Immediately available for occupancy. Added acreage if desired. By appointment. Call 815-678-2861 or evenings 678-6681. NEW 3 BEDROOM 1% Baths Residence Ranch type, full basement. Immediate occupancy. First addition to Hillview- Subdivision. E>ays-stop at Arnold N. May Builders office, Richmond, 111. or call 815-678- 2861 for evening or week end appointment. FOR SALE Spacious 3 br. bi-level in Mc- Henry, 111. on large hooded lot neSr golf course and Fox River. Large rec. room, financing, immediate occupancy. $29,850 POWERS LAKE, WISC. 3 bd. house on 63'xl30* corner lot, spacious. Kit. and dining room. Immediate occupancy and financing. $14,750 Large spacious 3 bedroom brick veneer residence. Hillview Sub. Richmond, 111. Adjoining golf course. Activity room, fireplace, carpeted living room, 1% ceramic baths. $21,000 terms. See or call. Arnold N. May Richmond, Illinois EVENINGS 815-678-6681 OFFICE 815-678-2861 6*30-6£ 3 Bedroom ranch home. Pistakee Terrace across the? street from P6x River an (J beach. Unusual interior features. Panel.ed den, ceramic! kitchen and bath, counter bar, living room. Breezway, garage. Appliances included. Hot air oil furnace. xk acre lot. Price $15,500. 3 apartment building. Living room, kitchen, bath, bedroom. One 3 ear garage. Basement. Lot 180 x 147, second lot available. Price $24,000. KNOX 2 BEDROOM brick ranch. At* tached garage, full basement, bright rooms, gas heat, lot 120'xl25', beautifully land* scaped, 5% years old. Beach privileges. 385-5447. 6*30/7-7-66 2 BEDROOM home. Garage and enclosed porch. BAseirient. Includes 4 lots, located on blacktop road. Priced under $10,000. Phone 385-2091. 6-30/7-7-66 FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 3 bedroom home. EdgebiOok Heights. Phone 385-0568 for appointment. 7-7-66 2 or 3 bedroom home in excellent condition/ on 2 large wooded lots. Baspment, garage, gas heat, combination storms and screens. Beach rights. Priced for quick sale. Call 653- 7000. 7-7/7-14-66 REAL ESTATE 1513A N. Richmond Road PHONE 385-0421 McHenry, Illinois 7-7-66 NEW 3 BEDROOM 1% Baths Residence Ranch type, fu^ basement. Immediate occupancy. First addition to Hillview* Sub-division. Days-stop at Arnold N. May Builders office, Richmond, 111. or call 815*6781 2861 for evening or week end appointment 5-19-66T? 6 ROOM cottage, hot water heater, oil furnace, on three lots. Utility house can be con* verted to garage. Phone 815- 459-6207. 6-2-66TF HERE FROM Florida to make quick sale on our 4 bedroom year 'round home on two lots near Pistakee Lake. Garage attached, natural fireplace full basement, rec. room, beautifully landscaped. Priced low for quick sale. JU-7-0482. 6-16-66TF ESTATE home with acreage. 15 Hill Rd. Richmond, Illinois. Large Living and dining room with marble fireplace. 2 fuH baths, large spacious kitchen, sun porch, large bedroom, hot water heat. Beautifully landscaped. Immediately available for occupancy. Added acreage if desired. By appointment $29,850. Call 815-678-2861 or evenings 678-6681. 6-9-66TF 3 BEDROOM HOME Panelfcd basement recreation room --- fireplace -- lot and a hall. Edgebrook Heights. 2 car garage. $21,800 -- terms. Call 385-4595. 6-23-30/7-14 Will trade or use as down payment 3 BR house, full basement, attached garage for 3 BR house with 2-5 acres of land. 385-0346. 7-7-66 PUBLIC NOTICES RUMMAGE SALE, Friday and Saturday, July 8th. and 9th. Also $350 set of Encyclopedia and dictionaries. Best offer. 8717 Ralmble Road. Wonder Lake, Highland Shores! , 7-7^66 BY OWNER. 4 bedroom home in Cooney Heights. 1% baths, full basement, large kitchen wi,th built in range and oven, gas heat, furnace humVifier, water softener, fenced in patio. Call 385-1953, 7-7-66 3 BR brick, 2 baths, fu.l basement, heated garage, carpeting, gas heat, 2 blocks from school. Edgebrook Heights. 385-0769. 7-7-66 For sale by owner. 3 bedroom brick water front home. Gas heat, pier, garage. Call 385- T456. 7-7-66TF House for sale. $ll,50o. Including furniture and other useful items. Double lot. Double garage. Write Box 384 in care of McHenry Plaindealer. 7-7-14-21-66 LOT FOR SALE -- 100x215. High and dry in Orchard Heights. Will sacrifice -- $1,- 000.00. Owner 385-6262. T-7-66 PUBLIC NOTICES COMPLETE LAMP SHADE and LAMP SERVICE by GRAMS formerly of Fox Lake Volo Auction Barn Rt. 120 near Rt. 12 Open Thursday and Friday 12 noon to 10 p.m: Saturday and Sunday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. 815-385-3896 5-12-66TF 2 BEDROOM brick ranch. Attached garage, full basement, bright rooms, gas heat, lot 120'xl25\ beautifully landscaped, 5% years old. Beach privileges, on 2722 W. Heezada. 385-5447. 6-23-30/7 7-66 APPLICATIONS will be taken by School District 15 for bus owner^drivers any time between now and July 15. Applications may be secured at the administrator's office, from Mrs. Lombardi, during any working day between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, or by dropping a card asking for same to 1012 N. Green St., McHenry. 6-16-23-30/7-7 Pick Your Own STRAWBERRIES at the VINCENT STRAWBERRY FARM Daily 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 3% miles north of Richmond, Illinois on Highway P. 414-279-6691 6-23-TF-66 TAVERNS--% price, sanitizer liquid or powder, odorless, with this ad and one Riesen Clear Glass. McHenry Eby Brown, EV 5-0153. 6-9-TF YARN BARN Is through remodeling. Come to our open house. First showing and sale of our hand knitted garments. Numerous prizes. Refreshments and sou viners for all. Discounts on yarns . Join in our celebration Friday Jaly 8th 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday July 9th 9a.m. to 5 p.m. 1804 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry 7-7-66 GET Weather-Blended Premium Power -- FS Premium Plus Gasoline from your FS "Power Partner" Service Station. Jim's FS Service, 4002 West Waukegan, 385-2640, McHenry, Illinois. 7-7-66 NEW fashion colors are Sue's delight. She keeps her carpet color bright -- wttft Blue Lus* tre! Rant electric shampooer H. Coast-To^Coast. 7-7-66 ANNOUNCING . - tfie Yeofjening of the OLD CLIPPER SHOP Expert haircutting on menvwomen- children. RAY'S BARBER SHOP 3017 R.R. 120 7-7-66 WANTED TO RENT GUNS--For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center. 3323 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF TO BE GIVEN AWAY ftesdty, Jaly £ CARD OF THANKS We wiSh to thank the Johnsbtttg Rescue Squad* W. War I Barracks, McHenry L e g i Post, McHenry legion AuSrflary, McHenry Rifle sqUad and the S.A.L color guard and Reverend BaumhOfer, friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness daring recent bereavement. . \ The family of James R. Carroll, Sr. Wish to thank the Johnstavg Rescue Squad for sucn a prompt response, kind end considerate attention. To rtiy many dear friends for visits, lovely cards and gifts during my recent stay at McHenry Hospital. P^arline M. Rowland 7-7-& LOST & FOUND A 1-Year Old Puppy. Call 385- 7366. 7-7-66 DOG To Give Away. Any time during day except Sunday. Friendly outside dog. Dark brown. Call 385-3682. 7-7-66 LOST -- Boy's bike. Mustang, banana seat, long handlebars. Red and hasn't fenders. If returned, a reward. Call 385x1461. 7-7-66 REAL ESTATg REAL ESTATE APPIif Rtfftt TO PURCHASE OF HOTvfff VP $100 down will buy a 3 bedrm. ranch home with or 2 daf g&f&ge $12,900 Approximately 10% down , will buy rtpOss^sr^igd & beeffoom fanch; H&900, ftiih attached garfige $15,500., ' ^ ; 4 bedrm. ranch with full basement and 2 car garage may be purchased on contract from owner, $14,900 EXCELLENT BUt Completely furnished 2 bedrm. home with panelled bteet^my, tiled kitchen and bath, aU in excellent condition; attaehed garage, beautiful landscaping. Retired couple want to raove to Florida. $11,900. ' McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main Street 385-5922 days 3854071 eyes. 7-7-6$ FOUND -- A boy's bike, Owner must identify. Call 385-4735. 7-7-66 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES WINDOW WASHING Wash and Put Up Storms Scrub Wax and Buff Floors Wall Washing Weekly or Monthly Services Janitorial Services Free Estimates -- INSURED -- Phone 385-7710 day or night McHenry, 111 6-2-66TF Business OpporSimi&ies Business Opportunities McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE CUT, STYLE, PERMANENT & SET Complete $5.00 and up Wigs and all types of wig care. TUES., WED., THURS., & FRI. ONLY Work done exclusively by students under supervision of skilled instructors. -- OPEN -- Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday -- 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thursday and Saturday -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. -- Closed Mondays -- 3031 W. Lincoln Road 385-2290 McHenry, HL NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 5-12-6tft? McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, TlHnnln 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available 1-6-66TF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Financing Available TRAINING YOUR OWN BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL GUIDANCE All available to man interested and willing to invest his efforts as an American (Standard) Oil Dealer. Service center available immediately: Please Call: Mr. R. Langton DesPlaines 312-SP4-4836 6-2-66EOW B® Wose Sh >p in M ~-ie (Near McHenry) 3 BR Home, 1 ear garage, built in range and oveft. Tile foftth. Owner will sell oh contract to right party. See today. (Retirement Special) 2 BR home with attached garage, cleagi. $10,50© of fcesf ©ftfcr. (On channel in Mc^enfy) 2 BR $ tftory home, large garage. 2 baths, city sewage-walking1' distance to shoeing, etc. Only: $18,750. (Edgebrook Heights> 3 BR brick & stone ranch horhe. 1 ear' attr garage. Full base-' ment. Fireplace priced at only $J2iSQ0. See todty -- showifc by appt. only. "" (On Fox River<> 3BK 2 stofy house, hew heating plant. Owner transferred. Priced at only $16,900. THE KENT CORPORATION MeHenry's Oldest KealEstate* Office Established Since 1923 PHONE 385-3800 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, Illinois) 7-7-6$ BAIRD & WARNER, INC. Established 1855 Fox River front. Very clean year round Redwood Ranch. 2 large BRs. Large LR. High lot. New sea walL Fox River rights. Contemporary with large LR with fire place. DR. Family room- and bar room. Attached garage. Reduced to $2?, 500. 8 acre farm with 2 homes. One with 4 BRs. Full basemeflt. 2 car garage. Brandenburg Lake, fishing rights. 135,000. Luxurious stone and brick ranch on F6x river. Large sunken LR with fireplace. 2 oversized BR. Built in garage, AU fenced in $75,000. Mr. Heinen 385-2527 . 1-7-60 To Sell Boats Tents Books Plants Trunks Pianos Stoves Radios Jewelry TV Sets Bicycles Clothing Furniture Antiques Cameras Livestock Diamonds Auto Tires Used Cars Golf Clubs Fish Poles Typewriters Used Trucks Sal 3t J-011J McHENRY PLAINDEALER SERVING THE M<?HENRY AND SURROUNDING AfcEA • ,'tf •'.v -* •'i R E S u L T S DIAL -0170 -0170 -0170 385-0170 385-0170 385-0170 ASK FOR A CLASSIFIED AD TAKER V McHINRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY, 7LU

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