-ALL\ n&a Barbara Meure rass Carole Humann--385-1605 THE MrHENRY PLATNDEAT.En Thursday, Anijnst li; 1968 Next Friday, • 8 p.m. at the VFW^flBmwtttMd in McHenry, tUfflj&Sfcill a rematch of a donkey baseball game between Lakeland Park ball tean^j i^nageFS" and coaches and th# bonder 'Lake managers and coaches. The © first game betwegnt,,the two teams had the _ Lake team beating ^Kgy^afedlapd Park team and«3'm ^ure'ljc^r boys are going "to come "Back and (try to) take this one. This is an evening of fun and enjoyment for ,tvhe< whole family and very reaBtfrtabty priced. The proceeds ivrii]?gq : to the Lakeland Park Boys Baseball club. Tickets wjj^'be sold at the gate as w^p^^r-rjidyance from the ^Lakeland Park. f Anyone . whet would like to participate in lithe game can call Jack Oakf|rd at 385-53?,4 for inforrnatiort&^e you there. All Sta^B^Aies Our Lakelan^^^k all star team is really in the tournar ?at guns •ighwood having lost onl^' QQe, ggme. and that one to Nil^-^i|^Tuesaay. Aug. 2, the ten^i .played Lake Zurich in t tuornament against the same- pitcher who had pitched a _shut-Qyt to us the Friday bel^e ^jp ^eame. up in the sixth Sfitnifjg -"With1: two runs to win 2 ff>s 0; Orr Thursday, the boys last ; first game, playing™ $il«; wftH- k 7 \ to 0 score. THT§""fs*~ a~~ double elimination tournament, so we came back ort^Sunday to play against Zion. \ife wish the boys wouldn't wait so long in the game before they get their hits, but that is what they did. They came into the top 6?~the fifth inning losing 8 to 0 with time running out on them as tljere is a 1%-hour time Bfhlt. Believe it or not, they got ten runs and held Zion to only one run in their h'alF ending the game with a 10 jto 9 seore. Apdloglfeg I would like to apologize to those non-baseball fans who have to put. up with all of the news on what oun teams arc doing, but I feel that it is something we should be proud of and it does keep our boys busy for the summer. Minor Lqague _ Last Sunday, ^the ©H&Ies and Pirates ended the season by playing off a tie, with the Pirates coming up the victors with a 7 to 6 score. This makes the standings.-. EJ«:4te$ first place; Orioles,rT-secohd place; Tigers, third piace.-^ and Braves in fourth placed ~ t .**: - - In the Major league, the Tigers were in first -t h e Pirates came sec^nd-r the Braves third ££S Orioles were in fourths- . - 4- Hllub - j Saturday, Aug? -the "lakeland Merry Maljfrs-.^-H* club met at 9:30 a.rrf," at- the Community house. 2" Marie Galie ifcp^Sgifted our club on the radio Aug. 5 on Station WKRS.; The boys made Wre flower boxes for the Community house. All they have to do now is paint them. There will be a 4-H picnic Aug. 21. More about it in the next article. Birthday M ishog - Belated birthday wishes go to Lee Mai, who colebralod on /he sixth of August, and to ' Dolores Selzer jjSSdrd another year on the-tSnth, Today Aug. 11, JacquettnerR-ichardson is 5, Keith Stol-r-fs 9, Jimmy Hansen is 16. and- K«ren Crook adds another year. The twelfth of .-August has Todd Stolz turniflg 6, Chris Rogers celebrating his eighth birthday and Rnpdy Fergen his fourth. The thirteenth of August will see Denise Bucaro celebrating her eleventh birthday, Jimmy Oeffling':.!»?•, fifteenth birthday, and Gffcorge Hendle adding another Mai will celebrate her fourth birthday on the fourteenth of August, sharing it with Glonu.Flannigan and Jerry Rogers".' On the fifteenth of AugusTT "Margie Becker will be 4 and Rosie Grey will be 8. Augr 17 has Jill Wohnrade celebrating her fourth birthday and AJ^jry Mueller her second, with Margo Schaedel adding anothef '^ear on the same day. Many happy returns of the day to.'.'alh" cof these people and to tfese ,we missed. Get Well W inlip# We are happy tou^ay .that little Diane Crook" is recovering very nicely from the surgery she had on het' head last week. She was uLiie home some time the beginning of the week. They discovered it would not be necessary td ptrt a steel plate in her headr_and everyone is very th a n kfBF thtMV Mrs. Anna Hanson is home recuperating from her heart attack she suffered three Weeks ago and cannot do anything for at least two months. She would probably enjoy a visit from her friends now that she is home because she will have lots of time on her hands. We also want to add get well wishes to Marie Matchen, my next door neighbor rwho fell down an open elevator shaft last week while attending a rummage sale. She had several stitches put in her head. Belated Anniversary Wishes Belated anniversary wishes go to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peters who celebrated their thirty-eighth wedding anniversary on the sixth of August. They enjoyed a steak dinner with their son and daughter-inlaw, Harry and Judy Peters, in Crystal Lake* before going to see a stage play in Marengo. Hope you enjoyed your day and will have many, many more of them. ( Welcome NeiKhliors We want to extend a welcome to Dolores and Frank Woolwine and their three boys. Rick. Dennis and Terry. These folks have previously lived in Eastwood Manor and on Idyll Dell road and are now living in the West home on Shore drive just east of Meadow lane. The boys all attend St. Patrick's school, with Rick going into eighth grade, Dennis into sixth and Terry into third. Another couple who have moved into the subdivision just recently are Homer and Melinda Bassett and their 3-year old daughter. Lisa. They are residing at 4815 W. Home avenue. We hope you enjoy our fine community and will participate in our many organizations. Strolling Through The Park Four brave souls. Mrs. Hahn, Mrs. Meyer, Mrs- Hendle and Mrs. Hanson took their children to the zoo for the day several weeks ago. Jimmy and Lee Hahn and their cousin, Mitch from Florida, Doug Meyer, John and Marty Hendle, and Bobby and Robin Hanson all enjoyed the day. George and Kitty Hendle had a family reunion a week ago last Sunday with about thirty relatives coming from many different suburbs. Some of Kitty's aunts had never been out to their home. Wally and Katheryn Kozicki had a gathering of the Kozicki clan on Sunday. My three sisters and their husbands and the combined twelve children all enjoyed a day of games, eating and more games along with my four children. Grandma and Grandpa M e u r e r a n d G r a n d m a a n d Grandpa Miller and my Great- Aunt Sarah. It was our annual summer gathering of the clan with a couple of birthday celebrations thrown in for good measure. Grandma Mai and Uncle Ray were out to visit with Jo and Lee Mai Sunday and to watch Michael play in the minor league game. It must have been Grandma's rooting that cheered the boys on to victory. Another Grandma who was out rooting for the Pirates was Grandma Peters, who had two grandsons playing as well as her own son-in-law, Bob Moore, as manager. Mike and Steve Mai spent the last week of July in northern Wisconsin with their Grandma and Grandpa Mai and their cousin. Dougie Mai. camping in a tent. The middle of the week. Ix>e and Jo and daughter, Terri, joined them for two days. David George spent a week in Chicago with his grandparents and when he comes home it will be Debbie's turn to go. Visiting our household for a few days this week is my niece, Janice Kllis. and her brother, Wade, and my nephew, Rich Sandeen. from Wisconsin. Somehow or other. I was only GR©@yiK!G (All Breeds) • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TRAINING • BATHING Rudy Seeker's tenuis 1018 W. Lincoln Rd. McHenry s Phone 885-2456 (1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) able to trade off one of mine, with Shirley going with her Aunt Jo ahd Uncle James Kllis. Bill Hendricks was treated 1o a birthday dinner in Crystal Lake on Saturday evening *by wife, Jean. They ate Chinese and had a marvelous time. After the play-off game on Sunday afternoon between the Orioles and the Pirates, the Orioles had a cook-out at the east beach for ihe boys and their families. Th^y played another softball game with patents and kids teaming up and finished off the day with swimming and more food.. Max Koch's brolher. Bill, and wife, Shirley, and their three daughters spent two days with the Koch family and enjoyed the country summed.' Last week Max also treated Shirley and h i s mother-in-law, Gertrude Meilahn, and sisters-in-law, Fran Meilahn and Ruth Lafreiiiere, to a sumptuous luncheon at a St. Charles restaurant. Cathy Humann is spending the week in Chicago with her grandparents, Mr: and Mrs. Humann. They planned on a shopping spree " in the Loop whicV should be exciting for my country girl. We dropped hef- off on Sunday and stayed for supper. Also on Sunday we managed a visit to Grandma Neuenfeldt's new apartment. H o l l y A r i ' e n t i s h o p p i n g around on one foot this week after a fall which resulted in six stitches in her foot. She fell down the bank of Boone < reek and cut her foot on a rock last Friday. Big brother Don came to her rescue and applied a pressure bandage with a handytowel and was able to stop most of the bleeding. The best part of the whole trip was the used syringe from the tetanus shot which makes a terrific squirt gun much to Holly's delight! Alan a Hendricks drove home from her visit to Muskegon, Mich., in her dad's pop truck. She had been spending a few weeks with her cousins and grandparents. Her mom is really happy to have-her 'helper back again. Rormy Kamp is sporting a cast on his poor old foot after a fall from his twelve foot stilts. Three bones'were broken and this was the same foot which had blood poisoning two weeks ago and stitches - earlier in the summer. Dennis Druml is a little under the weather with a throat infection which kept "him under wraps for the better part of last week. Hope he has it beaten. Mike Harrison from Carpentersville is visiting with the Harrisons. Bob and Diane Miller and their family have moved to a new home in California, where he has a new teaching position. Jack and Edith Lavin's older children have been very busy lately. Son Jack and his" new wife Kay, have moved into a house on Oak drive . We exlend our "best wishes to the newlyweds in their first home. Pat Lavin Schaller has become the mother of a bouncing baby boy last Wednesday. Aug. 3. The little guy, who has the honor of being the first son and grandson, weighed a husky 9 lb. 1 oz. at birth. He has two older sisters at home, Becky and Rita. Congratulations to Grandma-and Grandpa. Bill and Julie Perry and son, Billy are back from a trip to Mackinac Island with Bill's folks and sister Betty. They enjoyed their trip and rode the bicycle tandem style around the island, which is closed to cars. Before returning home they detoured to Detroit where they toured an auto plan and he museum at Greenfield Village. They also went to Battle Greek, where they toured the food plant and saw their favorite cereals being prepared. They returned home on Friday and after a brief rest took off for the county fair at St. C h a r l e s . T h e y w e n t w i t h friends, Norm and Karen Koerner and Harold and Charlotte Powers. This may be considered locking the barn-door after the horse gets out,' but anyway, maybe we should take warning from the fires that have occurred lately in several garages. It might be a good idea if we all took a look in our own garage and check fgr oily rags and other combustible material. If it burns, toss it out. Attends Convention Leonard Hodgson, Leonard Studio, 902 N. River Road, McHenry,is attending the 75th annual convention of the Professional Photographers of America, Inc., in Chicago, The convention which runs from Aug. 6 to 12, is headquarted at the Conrad Hilton Hotel. VETERANS' DAY In recognition of their contributions to America's defense, Sunday, Aug. 14, has been designated as Veterans' Day at the 1966 Illinois State .FUir in Springfield. Highlighting the day's events will be competition for drum and bugle corps, drill .teams, color guards and bands. all manned by members^ of 13 Illinois veteran organisations. They will he vying for $15,000 in prize money to be divided up among the class winners. Shop In McHenry ELO' Special 12 noon to 2 p.m. FINE FOODS -- COURTEOUS SERVICE 1 Mile North of Wauconda on Old Route 12 Phone JA 6- you cant make a mistake atAP Ever pick up a "bargain" somewhere.. • only to discover later it wasn't a bargain at all? Well, you'll never make a mistake like that at A&P. Because... 1.7k don't sell "bargain" goods.. • ' 2. We never misrepresent Never. & Everything yon boy at A*P is guaranteed to please. Everything. So, you can even shop carelessly at A&P if you like.Of course you won't. But isn't it nice to know we take care for you. Because we care about you. Is protection like tins a good reason for shopping A&P? It's one of many. - s COPYRIGHT© M66.7HC CHEAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA CO, INC. A&P's BLABS GUT Round Bono Chuck Stooki GhocEi Blcsdo Ctst fc. 4|( lb. 4fC AAFs SUPER RIGHT Beef Rib Roast 4th & 5th Ribs 3rd Rib* AWs SUPER RIGHT iltss Chuck Roost A&P*s SUPER RIGHT Bon Fres Slict is Strip StewA" i9Srr *• 4?c O Bg!g£M! o PkM« lo«f 8-ox. • 0ll*« Loaf • Hmd CKees* pkg. 89,1 d Chuck » 69< Liver Ham, Turkey or Corned Beef Buddig's Brand 33-or. pkg«. Hickory n Smoked DO (Oil Chipped! 39< All-Meat Franks 2„?9. *1" Center Ham Slices *8* Pork Tenderloin 99< Fisl Sticks E& '£"• 39c Fresh Fryer Legs AlP'i Swptr Riflit lk- 59( Fancy Deep Sea Scallops 69( A&P's SUPER RIGHT Fresh 69 AAP's SUPER RIGHT Oven^iii icks».« 6 avg. y Dependable Groceries! Tasty Pickin's--Fresh Produce FRESH For Canning 3 pts. for 98c $369 Case Crisp Fresb Carrots 2 14b. c*llo pl(9«. 29* fc59c / «Mi 99c Sit Twin Dairy Food&! rllAACA Md-O-Bl? o Stvlca 6-ox. WII60S0. PJe»iorEo citfj. «« A&P BRAND SLICED Amor • PiraonEo pitg, Slices Mcl-O-Bft Brand * Frozen Foods! Cheese Pizza libby's Lemonade Limeade A 6-ox. Fruit Drink* can frawibenry, Lemon and Others 9c - SAVE 11c OUR FINEST QUALITY" VACUUM PACK Crtamy or 13-oz. Chunk jar Salad Dressing •MO* • IMI Inii urn $>m WOMNABE AMH PA6E JAK3 CHERRY PRESERVES STUFFED OLIVES "\ 3'S»I OUR OWN BUCK TEA 59- **»• White Nmn Mdi pfc|. QO* Irntoat nak* 12 qta. 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