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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Nov 1966, p. 14

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THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875" HOLIDAY HILLS NEWS INEZ YOUNG 885-4672 NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED AT AUXILIARY MEET Thirty-eight women from Hollday Hills turned out for the Woman's Club membership kick-ofl dinner. Held at the community house, Wednesday, Nov. 9, the women enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner served by Vi Abbink, Mickey Walters, Phyl Harper, Midge Teuber and Helen Boettcher. The .dinner was preceded by a cocktail party and all agreed this affair was so enjoyable, it should be an annual event. A short business meeting followed the dinner with an announcement that the December Christmas party will be held at the home of Mary Mahon on Dec. 14. Two projects are now under way with Gerry Breede in charge of the sale of Christmas candles and Mary Mahon in charge of candy sales. A social hour, under the direction of Dot Gabriel, concluded a most enjoyable evening. Orchids to the committee along with Dot Gabriel and Eunice who gave a helping hand. No Column With no column in last week's paper, many of this week's news items are several weeks old, however, I felt some of them still needed to be reported. The reason that my column did not appear in last week's paper is because early Friday morning, Nov. 4, my Dad was called to the hospital for his second corneal transplant. My deadline is 1 p.m. Friday so I was unable to get the column in. That same day, my uncle, Walter Wilier, passed away and the next several days were spent between St. Lukes Presbyterian hospital and the funeral lor. Spooky Shenanigans Three cheers for the con> mitee in charge for "AM the time and effort invested in a highly successful Halloween party. A good sized group gathered at the community house on Saturday, Oct. 27, to attend the party sponsored by the Holiday Hills Property Owners Association. H i 1 a r ity reigned as Donna and Con Kasprzyk won the prize for FAT Available to you without a doctor's prescription, our product called Odrinex You must lose ugly fat or your money back. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Get rid of excess fat and and live longer. Odrinex costs $3.00 and is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with this guarantee by: B o 1 g e r Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street, having the most photogenic knees. The Downhins and Youngs received first prize for the best costumes and the committee deserves a prize for a great" party! Bill and Vi Abbink were chairmen, with Carol and Joe Hoffman, Midge and Don Teuber and Irene and Carl Weiss. Others who contribuled were Phyl Harper who drew all the spooky figures on the windows and John Jeschke and Clar Young. Welcome Blue Bundle A warm welcome to a tiny blue bundle that arrived at McHenry hospital on Wednesday, Nov. 2, and to his proud parents and family who are new residents here in Holiday Hills. Pat and Jim Colbert, who live on Poplar street, announce the arrival of James Edward, who weighed in at 6 lbs., 4 ozs. He has three sisters, Debbie, 10, Jean, 8, and Nava, 4. Our congratulations to the entire family. •Cub Scout Meettag Tonight. The Cub Scouts will meet at the community house tonight, Nov. 17, at 7 :30 sharp. New members are still welcome, with applications for membership available thru Bill Krause at 385-6329. Celebrate Silver Anniversary Congratulations to Joan and Lou Laskowski who celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Enjoy Long Weekend Lorraine and Dick Bern is enjoyed a long weekend recently when they just picked up and left for Terre Haute, Ind., to visit Dick's daughter and her family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pounds, then went on to Paris, to visit his sister, Mr. Mrs. Newland Howard. trees down south were in full color which added to the enjoyment of the trip. • Oet-WeH A long list of get-well wishe&\ this^week Dean Heise, who week in McHenry hospital, Janet Szamblewski, ccafined to McHenry hospital after being injured on the playground at Hilltop, to Frank Konecny at Woodstock hospital, Pearly, Bough not feeling well home, GiGi Smith just recu^ era ting from the mumps last but not least to Jim Harper confined to McHenry hospital. Hurry and get well! Greeting* Birthday greeetings to Jim Harper, Jr., on Nov. 14, Christine Walters on Nov. 19, Jeff Kasprzyk on Nov. 20, and GiGi Smith and Sally Foreman on Nov. 21. and 111., and The still QftGADY UPWARD 3PESEBID Mustrlal development In Ilteois has maintained a steady, upward trend during the first nine months of 1966, Gov. Otto Keraer has an- EuiMcei. The Governor said praMmlEary figures complied by the Department o£ Business and Ecaitomic Development steow thai 107 proposed new asial expanded plants and 213 are for expansions of present Illinois facilities. S We all appreciate admiring: glances. At Mlllstream Drug we will help you to select the cosmetics to best enhance your appearance. JI 3720 W. Elm St. 385-7030 JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA Gib Haggenjos, R.Ph. Jerry Toussalnt. R.Ph. TWICE TOLD TALES LAKEMOOR - LILYMOOR rove 'r vS tate^ bank. thieves walked • Forty Years Ago . (Taken from the files of Nov. 18, 1928) Lloyd Weedin, 14 years old, was killed when he fell off a wagon on the James Frisby farm about two miles south of McHenry. The boy had been employed by Edwin Fischer, who lives on the farm since last July, when he was sent there from the St. Charles ."cjjool for boys. nk robbers again invad- McHenry county last Satirday and^hfld up the Springy T out -of 'the bank with a little more than $2,000, but owing to the bravery and quick action of two young men from the village soon had the robbers behind bars. Miss Loretta Steffes delightfully entertained the telephone girls at her home. Bunco was played with Agnes Steffes winning high honors. Excavating was begun Tuesday morning for the house to be built by Henry J. Schaffcr on the lot on Main street which he recently purchased iron: Henry Dowe. The nouse will be in the old colonial style. Albert Barbian returned to McHonry Monday from New York City where he witnessed , the Army-Notre Dajne football game. He made the trip with Leonard Frett and the Notre Dame rooters boarding the special train at South Bend. Twenty-Five Years Ago (Taken from the files of Nov. IS, 1941) During the past month rain fell on fourteen days giving this community its wettest October in 22 years. The amount of rainfall during the month for Northern Illinois was set at more than 7 inches, which was the greatest since 1919 when 6.60 inches of rain fell during the month. Death came unexpectedly Nov. 9 to Mrs. Anna Dosch at her home in Lily Lake following a heart attack. Mrs. Dosch had been a resident for fifteen years. Arnold Davis of Marengo has purchased the; Raymond Colby place near McCullom Lake where he and his family expect to make their home. Mrs. ^Arnold Larson, the former Lillian Nordin, a recent fcride was guest of honor at aj miscellaneous shower in her honor at the Llpyfl Benwell home west of >wn. The DeKalb-Waukegan bus line has been granted their franchise and operation will be resumed Nov. 14. Word was received here this week that Martin Cooney, Jr., of this city is one of eight, soldiers at Scott Field, Bellville, 111., to be made a corporal. A sale of machinery, feed and grain and 100 head of livestock was held on the Lesl i e T h o m p s o n f a r m n e a r Greenwood. Orrin Tucker, noted orchestra leader, is the present owner of the farm. Ten Years Ago • (Taken from the files of Nov. 8, 1956) A bright sky in the Edgebrook Heights area Monday evening brought out many curious people who thought the new school was afire. It turned out to be an old building which was destroyed by the fire department at the request of the school board. Gerald J. Bleecker, 13 month old son of Mr. and Mrs. William Bleecker of Main street, died Nov. 1 in Mount Sinai hospital after an illness of four months. Walter Carey and Donald Weingart of Carey Electric recently returned from an interesting trip to the General Electric company's "Appliance Park" at Louisville, Ky. McHenry friends of Mrs. Maurice Clark have extended congratulations this week on the e.^ction of her brother, Vernon Thompson, as governor of Wisconsin. 8HIBLEY SCHl/ffiKH 380-2*46 WOMEN'S CLUB HOLDS DINNER, BUSINESS MEETING The Woman's auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday, Nov. 7. The forth coming Christmas bazaar was discussed. After the business on hand was taken care of the meeting was turned over to t he installation chairman Pearle Stineman. At this time Pearle installed the new officers and trustees for the forthcoming year. Those installed were Lee Bassi, president, Lil Wijas, vice-president, Lill Neumann, treasurer, and Shirley Schuerr, secretary. Trustees i n stalled were Diane Fuhler, Alma Hueckstaedt, Marylyn LoPresti and Eunice Tobey. After installations the women enjoyed sandwiches and goodies prepared and served by the hostesses, Helen Rodde and Pearle Stineman. Winner of the monthly prize was Pearle Stineman. Guest for the evening was Val Fradinardo. The next monthly meeting will be held Monday, Dec. 5, in the dining room of Club Lilymoor at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the December meeting are Eunice Tobey, Ruth Young and^ Lil Wijas. At this time the auxiliary welcomes two new members, they are Ann Erismon and Elsie Metz. Beaich Pcojacft • Marty Wrublewski, chairman of committee for teach and park improvement! reports donations to help' improve the beach is very Igratifying. There* were 330 letters just sent out and he has received seventeen returns, which amounts to $285 toward beach impingements. As the returns come into Marty they will appear in the column. The goal is on the estimated cost of necessary improvements has been set at $5,100. Christmas Bazaar • Items are coming to the chairman Alma Hueckstaedt for the Christmas bazaar. It will be held Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2 and 3, at Justen's furniture store on Green street. The deadline for having the items and white elephants to Alma is Monday, Nov. 28. This will give the pricing committee three days to price all the items and white elephants. Any white W PILLAR Lousie & Delicatessen FISH FRIB elephants brought to Alma after the twenty-eighth will be held over to next year. Passes Soap out for Candy I received a phone' call from Millie Kunz and a few others on what their children received for trick or treating at Halloween right here in Lilymoor, soap wrapped up in candy wrappers. How lo^ can a person stoop? If you don't want to give the children candy or anything else why don't you just tell them no and be done with it, and not pull a dirty thing off like that. To a pre-school child candy is candy and they can't read, so therefore they put it right into their little mouths. Instead of making the children sick from eating this so called candy which is soap the party with the warped mind should eat it and get sick, not the little children. Anniversary Greetings go to Vern and Toni Ehredt who will celebrate their wedding anniversary tomorrow Nov. 18. Congratulations and hope you celebrate many more together. Sympathies Our deepest sympathies go to Emil Novak on the loss of his brother who passed away Monday, Nov. 7, in Chicago. Birthday Pafrty Was held for Joe Bender Thursday, Nov. 17. His five brothers, two sisters, Terry Meyer, Richard and Tom Schuerr helped him celebrate his thirteenth birthday. Many happy returns, Joey. Belated Birthday Greetings go to Lee Bassi who celebrated her big day Monday, Nov. 7. Birthday Greetings go to Marge Polinski who will celebrate her big day tomorrow, Nov. 18. Emil Weber became a young 93 Saturday, Nov. 12. A party was held for Emil at the home of his daughter and son-in-law. Elsie and Ed Spahr. Also helping him to celebrate his big day were his grandson. Gorden Cleveland, three granddaughters, Mrs. Cleveland, Mrs. Dick Michaels and Mrs. Bill Weber. Also his twenty great grandchildren. Man^ happy returns, Lee, Marge and Emil. ^ MI8i»M»Pl BUDGE State and federal highway officials are reviewing preliminary plans for a $17 mil- 1km four-lane interstate highway bridge to be constructed over the Mississippi river north of ^Cairo. The bridge will carry die insignia of Interstate *57 which extends from Chicago to Sikeston, Mo., where it connects with other routes on the Interstate system. The proposed bridge will have two 12-foot traffic lanes in each direction. Opposing lanes are to be divided by a median. Estimated cost of $17,000,000 for the bridge includes approaches on each side of the river. Location of the proposed bridge has been pinpointed in the preliminary plans at a point 7.5 miles north of the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers at the extreme wouthern tip of Illinois. Shop In Mcftsnry Dining Room open 4 to Closed Tues. Sandwiches served at all times. 3018 N. Hickory McCullom Lake 385-9873 WANTED Because they're ill-new for '67! SHOP in HEART of McHENRY S - Only Complete Shopping Area - 4. Ice Cream Parlor & Gift Shop 5. Optometrist 6. Variety Store 7. Shoe Store 8. Gift Shop I. Fteor Coverings 2. Children's Wear ^ 3. Beauty Salon • • • • I • I I » • • I L' ELM STREET 11. Shoe Repair 12. Hardware 9. Bakery 13. Barber Shop 10. Watch Repair l4- Op^etrisf 15. Record Shop & '8- Sporting Goods Music Instruction 19. Laundry & Cleaners 16. Ladies Apparel 17. Men's Wear 20. Theatre 21. Department Store 22. Restaurant & Lounge 23. Appliance Store 24. Men's Wear 25. Grocery Store 26. Loan Service 27. Drug Store 28. Furniture 29. Service Station 30. Savings & Loan 31. Post Office • • » • • • I • • • t I I » I All-New DELM0NT 88 Public Value No. l-Oldsnraisie's lowest priced, full-size 88! Trond-8e*t'n9 Toronado style • Regularor premium-fuel 330- or 425-cu.-in. Rocket V-8 © Proved 88 chassis, brakes and suspension • Availabilities like Stereo Tape Player or Climatic Combustion Control • No wonder Delmont tops the "most wanted" lists! All-New DELTA 88 Year's smoothed operator-armed to the teeth with luxury! Six sleek Toronado-inspired models, including two ultra-new Delta 88 Customs • 425-cu.-in. Super Rocket V-8 • Can £>e equipped with leather-grained-vinyl top, front disc brakes, UHV ignition • See your Oldsmobiie Dealer--the Man Who Has Everything! OBEY LAWS DRIVE SAFELY Olds thinks of your safety, too, with the GM-developed energyabsorbing steering column that can compress on severe impact up to 8% inches; passenger-guard door locks; backup lights; corrosion-resistant brake lines; dual-speed windshield wipers, plus many other safety futures - all standard. Engineered for excitement. .. Toronado-style! '67 OLDSMOBILE MARA 09 (ICCUIMCI COLLINSIIiiME BUICK - OLDS 907 N. Front St. (So. Rte. Si) McHenry, III. PHONE S85-7200

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