SKORBERGS FABULOUS FURNITURE MC Supplement to the HENRY PLAIN DEALER November 16, 1966 i READ THIS FIRST THE AB©VE HEADLINE TILLS THE STORY -- TONS OF MERCHANDISE MUST Bi SOLO -- WE PURCHASE FROM THE FURNITURE MART ON Mi LAKE SHORE DRIVE -- THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF EXCELLENT 9UALITY = 1st 9UALIW SAMPLES AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVIN9S--WE'RE PASSIM* THESE SAVINOS ON Tf> YOU. LJ/ 4.. PP^r/' f Hi REG NOW $39.95 Whlnut trim shadow box $14.95 $39.95 12 X 12 Tweed rug $18.95 $14.95 Browntone dinette chairs $4.95 $14.95 Maple finish wall rack $7.95 $59.95 Walnut corner desk $14.95 $49.95 Full size bookcase headboard $19.95 $12.95 Walnut finish coffee table $3.95 $29.95 Oak Coffee table $14.95 $29.95 Formica top walnut step table $6.95 $24.95 Walnut dining room chair $7,95 $29.95 Gold ottoman $14.95 $59.95 Italian Provincial commode table $12.95 $19.95 Brass flower pot stand - 3 pots $4.95 $19.95 Maple finish Spinning wheel $9.95 $69.95 Milk can floor lamp $29.95 $39.95 Walnut formica top end table $6.95 $59.95 AM - FM phiico radio $24.95 $39.95 Blue ottoman $14.95 $69.95 Round walnut dinette table formica top $29.95 Odd lamp shades 29* ON FINE SOFAS All Sofas of BED ROOM SUITES t W SbOt*Jk» All Suitis /2r© As Is F imples ML NYLON CARPET Rec 9.< fftMr F»§ Sofa & Chair Reg 279 99 Hurry if you €##110 want this at jfklkjj this low price i foSttf-VV Mr i Mrs Chair ittwnan Give yourself '65.99 w a Christmas gift and save! H i© ilidern Sofi A buy of a * R®g lifetime so hurry over! OHt Y& S&cc-. 3pc Bedroom Suite Keg 249.99 It's yours for thi s low price. V >0// Hurry & save! O/ Out TO Excellent Dfct&pss® Suit© Reg 249.99 Now is the time to get your new dining set. e^i To Hutdi or Tobl® I 4 Choirs Reg 169.99 Buy both and CATfift double your )lf f 00 savings today! CHARS Of AU. KINDS FAMOUS BRAND MATmStS 5. e! Fam s Brand Innerspring Mattresses *10 *15 $19 H© Money @@wn A FfcUJ T& S*uJ ERE WE : EASY is a o • C£V£rAL LAKE \ L A9, mMMY /tiro CJtgSY