PAGE 12, SECTION 2 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - NON/EMBER 24, 1966 \ LAKELAND PARK NEWS MB MM Clreh SU-18B5 UTTLE LEAGUE MEETS TO PLAN FUTURE PROJECTS Tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 23, is the last Little League meeting for this year. There will be no meeting in December. The meeting is at the Community house at 8 p.m. All fathers of Little Leaguers are invited to attend and see what goes on behind the scenes. You would think that once the actual season is over with, that that would be it till spring, but . 'taint so. This is the time that all the money making projects are worked out and held so the money will be available when it comes time to buy the necessary equipment. One of these money making projects which you will be hearing about is the roller skating party which will be held in February sometime. Come on out now and give these men your support. Girl Scout bvestttun The Girl Scouts of troop 320 will hold their investiture tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 23, having had to postpone it from last week because of the painters in the Community house. The Girl Scouts are to be at the Community house at 6:30 p.m. with the mothers coming at 7 p.m. for the program. The Brownie fly-ups have been looking forward to this day for they are to receive their Girl Scout pins. Couples BowliiS League Our couples boiling league had some real good series last week with Evelyn Kaminski and Maureen Johnson ® bowling most pins over their averages for the girls and Jim Wickenkamp and Jim Daurio for the'boys. Jim Daurio and Maureen Johnson also took over hi-series with handicap, Maureen with a 628 series and Jim with a 671 series. Ted Kaminski still is high with his 610 scratch series and Pat Butler with her 5 0 1 s c r a t c h s e r i e s . T h e Dreps are in first place with 17 wins, Famous 4 has 15 wins, the Jaw Breakers are a close third with 14^ wins, Warriors have 13% wins, Sinners and Saints both have 10 wins (now there's a combination for you). The Ramskels and Short Circuits both have 8 wins, Wino's have 7%, Bombers 6*4, 4 Pins have 6 and holding up the rear are the Jammers with only 4 wins. There are only two more bowling nights In this half of the iseason, Saturday, Nov. 26, and Dec. 10 (don't forget the Snowball dance on Dec. 3.) Then we start fresh so that everybody has a chance at the trophies, even the Jammers could get HOT, (you have to think positive you know). The lineup for Saturday is as follows; the Jammers vs. Bombers, Short Circuits vs. 4 Pins, Drep's vs. Sinners, Wino's vs. Famous 4, Warr i o r s v s . R a m s k e l s , a n d Saints vs. Jaw Breakers. Please be on time, we start at 9 p.m. sharp. • SyEnapcitay Our condolences to the Hickey family on the death of Mary's mother last week. Birthday WSalaes Nov. 25 has Mary Jane Hodges celebrating along with Rich Wohnrade. On Nov. 26, Clark Bierman will be 12 and Evelyn Osmon will add another candle. Nov. 27 has Don Humann celebrat i n g with Curtiss Trey who will be 2 years old. Dorothy will share Nov. 28 Trudy Lynn Koch who will be 5, Also Sill Chadwick and Tom and Edna Hountras will celebrate on Nov. 28. On Nov. 30. Tommy Creutz will have 4 candles on his cake. Happy AuivMuiry Happy anniversary to Eleanor and Clar Haerle who celebrate number twenty-one Nov. 24 and on Nov. 30 Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwetz will celebrate. Many happy rturns of the day to both couples and may they have many more years of happiness. Get-Weil Wtahes Old man Weather didn't disappoint any one this year because as always (or so it seems) with a season change just about everyone is down with some sort of rare ailment. That scourge of mothers. better known as Chicken Pox. has reared its ugly head and among the latest victims are Joey and Cathleen Johnson and DeeDee Dowell. Just keep laughin' but not scarchin' kids. Kevin Druml was down with the flu last week but should be bacK t o n o r m a l ( T ) b y n o w . B i l l Kamp underwent surgery on his proboscis (nose, that is) last Thursday. Can 1 say that I hope you're up to snuff by now? About this time Moms will be checking the supply of bicarbonate after turkey day. Dixon Drive • In case you didn't notice last week's column carried a story about a drive for Christmas gifts for Dixon. A collection of gift items such as soap, socks, mittens, simple games and puzzles, coloring books and even things like lipstocks or cigarettes for the older people and any other little thing is being made till the first week in December. A deadline has been drawn so that each gift will be app r o p r i a t e l y w r a p p e d a n d marked for each individual. Many of these people have not been home for Christmas for a good many years. The particular cottage that has been adopted this year houses women and girls of all ages and sizes. Christmas is the biggest event in their lives. Little things assume a great deal of importance and even a pair of outgrown boots would mean a lot to someone who has only one boot and that one in pretty bad shape. Not everyone who lives there is neglected by their families but some have been and we can help to make their lives a little bit happier by giving something, even if it's that old necklace that doesn't go .with any of this year's outfits. If you want to help please call and someone will be more than133 glad to pick up your gift. The phone numbers are 385-3796, 385- 1308, 385-3160 or 385-5334. Browmle Troop 4N The Brownies held their long awaited investiture last week and carried out the ceremony with much success. The girls and their leader, Mrs. Wickenkamp, and her co-leaders, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Wilkens, wlecomed the mothers to the ceremony. The second year girls held a flag •ceremony and the new little Brownies each gave the promise and received her pin and was then welcomed to the troop by each of the old members. After singing seveal songs the Brownies and their mothers were served refreshments. The new Brownies are Terry Beahler, Cindy Braun, Kathey Brooks, Diane Dargatz. Tammy Hafer, Mary Harper, Meg Humann, Linda Hulbert, Judy Johnson, Debbie Koczor, Cathy Lauer, Tammy Leone, Susie Wickenkamp and Tracy Wilkens. Congratulations to all the girls. Strolling Through the Park • With the aroma of pumpkin pie and turkey dressing wafting through the Park not too many people are concerned right now with outside activities but we drummed up a little news for this week. This seems to be a good season for weddings and engagements. Brenda McGue and Joseph Box did the old shoes and rice routine. They were married in Woodstock on Nov. 1 by Judg James Cooney. They are making their home on Bonner Drive. Betty and Bill Bockman have announced the engagement of their daughter. Susan, to John Mansfield of Hebron. A late summer wedding is being planned. Best wishes to all the happy couples. Mr. Bockman, Sr., the Junior Bockmans and the Wohrades attended a golden wedding anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bockman of Marengo at their daughter's home in Crystal Lake. The Johnsons and the Kochs made a big day of it and treated all their children to a day at the ice show. The kids were thiriled with their very first ice show and I'll bet the parents were pretty well hepped up about it too. The eighten of them found they had seats just in front of the Laursens. which just proves the old addage about a small world: Strolling Through the Park Wilma and Elwood Crane visited Linda at Bradley University over the Veteran's Day weekend. They had a good time and the weather was pretty darn nice which makes any outing a success. Ann Herzog has had a new "First" in her life. Last week was quite an experience for her when she found herself in the role of dogsitter at the dog's home while the rest of their famiy was on vacation. Hmmmm The Drum Is had lots of news from their sons in Viet Nam last week. Buddv wrote that he was able to take several pictures of President Johnson who passed within twenty feet of him while on his tour of Cam Rahn Bay where Buddy is stationed right now. Dave also wrote that he would be in Hong Kong for five days of rest and relaxation, which all the men get after a certain amount of time in the battle zone. Dave is stationed in DaNang which has appeared in the news quite a bit lately. According to the rate of mail delivery this should be about t he right time to wish you fellows and all of your buddies a very merry, Christmas and peace on earth. Johnny Hickey left on Monday after a furlough of several weeks. His destination is Viet Nam and our best wishes to him and his family. Les and Nedra Eckhart attended the music festival in Woodstock last week and were very impressed with the professional quality of the group of students from all over the county. Bill was a member of the group. The local card sharks are nursing blisters on their shuffling fingers after a whole day of tripoli and bridge. They began the marathon at the home of Edna Hountras with a hot game of tripoli. Her guests were Delia Julian, Ruth McMahon, Louise McEnery, and Ann Herzog. She served a wholesome luncheon to the gals to keep up their strength and Tom Hountras and Jim McEnery also partook of the sumptuoius repast. After a few hours out for recuperating the gals congregated at Lucille Dietz' for an evening of bridge. Ann Herzog, Ann Leigh. Ruth Chadwick, Ruth McMahon, Ruth Seaholm, Louise McEnery, Delia Julian and Gayle Laursen made up the two tables and prizes were awarded to Ruth Chadwick and Gayle Laursen. They ended the evening with a homemade cheesecake. Louise and Jim McEnery have moved into their lovely new home in Elk Grove Village. They have been staying with relatives since selling their home here and are busily getting settled. With another Thanksgiving Day upon us and the world still in a turmoil we can all stop and give thanks for the many blessings that God has given us in the past year w h e t h e r l a r g e o r s m a l l . Thanksgiving should mean more than a turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Shop h Mklettty This Week! How Can I ?1 wax polish on my furniture begins to take on a streaky appearance? A. Very likely lf» time to remove that old wax which has become mixed with dirt and has collected on the surface. Mild M»p aud lukewarm water will usually do the Job, but don't let fc soap remain on the furuitore apy length of time. Be sure oloo to polish or rewax the furniture immediately after washing it. Q. What can I do if some oil from my sewing machine has spotted the fabric on which I have been sewing? A. Goat the spot liberally at once wtffli talcum powder, let tills sSaffld for 15 to 20 minutes, then brush. Repeat the roettee. If accessary. .. . Q. How can I rc-whiten discolored handkerchiefs? A. By Immerslag them la cold water to which you've added a pinch of cream of tartar. • Q. How can I preserve leftover putty for a long time? A. Ball your putty into balls and drop these late a Jar half-full of water. Add eaough water to caver the putty, screw oa the top of lis® Jar, and your putty will ©Say to a workable coudltioa for mouth*. Wine® you prepare to use it agal®, pa* It dry with a cloth. • Q. How can I produce a hotter fire in my fireplace? A. Instead of removtag all the aahea from your open fireplace, leave gotne of them as a bed for yoor next fire. These leftover e&hes will retain a! great amount of heat aud give a quicker aad hotter fire. Q. How can I remove spots from hardwood floors? A. O'ten effective for this 1B a' eleia dampened In rub- Mag alcafes!, the? wiped over the spots. Follow with a good east of wax. Q. How can I treat a felt hat that has been spotted by rain? A. Tsy ratcMag fez oairfaice of fee gesfily wife oSe®I" wo®9 ess# ®s® Eaap to raSsed, aad this will often obliterate the spots. Maay other such Up ®a the care of feats, aad In general, are cou- •talDsd En my new paperback book. Q. The wallpaper in one of our rooms has lost its grip on one spot and formed an unsightly bulge on the wall. What can I do? A. SUt the bulge with a rasor Made aad thea, a knife. Insert library thinned to a creamy slstency. Smooth the thing out with a stiff aad tiie appearance of wall should be Improved. • Q. How can I improvise a hair shampoo when I find that I'm out of the real thing? A. Hubby's shaviag cream makes a very good lather for the hair. Q. How can I facilitate the drying of a sweater I've just washed? A. By rolling It la a' turkish towel, aad thea pre--lag out the excess water with a lag pla. Q. Any suggestions for better pie crust? A. Pie crust, In which a halfteaspoonful of bakiag powder has been added to every cup of flour, will be tastefully light and flu'fy. Familiar Christmas carols bring new hopes to patients in hospitals and nursing homes visited by the Salvation Army. TTirough i t s League of Mercy, the Salvation Army annually visits more than 3 million persons in some 10,000 institutions across the country. Many of these visits are made at Christmas time. 3§? RUBY BECKER'S KENNELS ' 1 MO* East at m&tm IIIH TM BOABOINa AMD TRAINING GAM. Politer Stud Service GRTOB1ING £ko0 Of Mi/tade, Food / 0^&kop Jewel -The? -Home? OfMuuuste Food T^ucea / Holiday firings At Jtwcl! NQW'S THI TIME TO ENJOY "MIRACLE PRICES" ON FINE OODS JR YOUR BIG HOLIDAY DINNER! w bist IN runnrTi • • - AU GRADE "A" QU4LITYI HOME OF ( "moraele Foo Prices9' Tm ia wUALITYJ »«rk. ""£r Wid* '•'•"'on f giving dinnor - ',1, ^b'9 Tha^«" They1** ° S 0 A G^e A' meatY and •endorm£.rf^/U""br*a,ted' •pect. And Jewel torkey, ofJ" ,n a variety of .j,.. ' cour*e, come Pounden to t rom ,or9© 24 Pricey, - J 'U,t for 4 pound ARMOUR STAR, WILSON CERTIFIED, ELLSWORTH BUTTERICH, LAND O' LAKES Jewel T urkeys JUDGE FOR YOURSELF EAGLE RIVES - WHOLE Cranberry Sauce CRANBERRY ORANGE Ocean Sprai? Relish AUNT NELLIE - WHOLE Picki@i S©ets MARY DUNBAQ Apvtet Nectar RUSTIC SPICED Apple Rings RUSTIC SPICED Crabapp0®§ RUSTIC SPICED - BED OB GREEN Kieffer P@ars DEMING King Crabmeat KING OSCAR Sirfisi^s GULFDELLE - JUMBO Deveiried! iiirimp HOFFMAN HOUSE SSirSisip Saise AUNT JANE iMgets ENTICING COLOSSAL Ripe Olives PRIDE OF SPAIN-STUFFED-THROWN [|&[iga)[iailla Olives LONDON LODGE fPokBstix LONDON LODGE Lizy Susan Pickles LONDON LODGE wMQif^ielon Pickles GKAMDEE PLAIN TUtoot Queen Olives PRIDE OF SPAIN - STUFFED . f hr@wi (Q^ifloen Olives WYANDOTTE - LARGE jtioe Fitted Olives 4H ox. Con oa Con CHECK AND COMPARE UNCLE BEN'S Wild Rice GREEN GIANT - WHOLE Asparagus Spears GREEN GIANT MustiTOoms CHERRY VALLEY Fruit Cocktail SPRUCE ©ranges CHERRY VALLEY - HALVES iairtlett OCEAN SPRAY - COCKTAIL . Cranberry iJuic©. CROSSE & BLACKWELL Date & KJnott Ml FAAQY DUMOAB titers Peaches LIDBY T@mato Juice CAMPBELLS SEVEN SEAS - CEJEAAflY ITALIAN OR RUSSIAN lnQacfi dressing SEVEN SEAS - GREEN GODDESS SsiOad Dressing wan Wrap Handi-Wipes Baggies Food Wrap enFFMEX iner Napkins .... BELL'S kishroom Soup MRS. CUBBISON-S Stuffing SPECIAL! ciF PECI Als "MIRACLE ' 18 to 26 LB. SIZE 15 ox. A SPECIAL rnmvr For Your Special DinnerJ JEWEL'S OWN Chef Cut Turkeys 79 ot Can 8 to 13 LB. SIZE 8 4 to 8 LB. SIZE 18 to 24 LB. Slit 8 to 13 LB Slit CENTER CUT 100 h POR PS Roll Choose Your rites . ELECTION! FROMlEVm'5 HiaiVEST FRES OCEAN SPRAY Fresh SNO WHITE tm\\- flower BONUS SPECIAL! RED • Delicious 1U FRESH let? ea. Stalk [X*T^-ft BONUS SPECIAL! BONIPS iiHUS SiPi€9AL! GOOD 7 HP(j WED NOV ;•-< PRICE oipqsn CAMPBELL'S CHERRY VALLEY Cranberry Jew&£- -f-/o*te Of Mi/tactie Ftxxt 7^i£om / JeumS- ~7k& -Home Of Food /