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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1966, p. 4

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SALE BENEFITS THERAPY CEN SK&S-, TOWNSHIP GOVERN (This is the third in a series of articles on township government as it exists and operates in the state of Illinois. Hero the functions of this governmental process are examined, noting variations which exist, and observing^ what township administrations presently do, and what they are capable of doing to expand their services at local levels.) A few years ago, Macon county, 111. held an' interesting and vital referendum. A group of Decatur citizens stirred up a controversy about township government in their county, and put the question of township government versus county commission gov-% ernment to a vote. Township government won by a landslide. The preference for it was greater than Vk. to one. Why did township govern-, X J 1 Members of the Easter Seal women's auxiliary of McHenry county admire , the many items available at the resale held at the Therapy center last week. This was the first sale the organization conducted at the remodeled center. From left: Edna Gould, Marge Emery, Lois Peterson, Helen Williams, Mardell Swan son, auxiliary president from McHenry; Marge Dehliit, Edith Walrath, and Delores Koch. SflNMH SERMON THE HOME Someone has estimated that the ^average child, in the first ten years of life, spends 52,000 hours in the home. And, these hours do not count sleeping periods. Does it then become difficult Jo understand why it is so often said that home influence has so much to do with the way a child develops? Do parents have any right to expect church and school to provide all the guidance and instruction a child needs? The importance of the example set in the home, good or bad, cannot be over emphasized. It must follow that the child needs parents "at home" The child must have somewhere to turn for advice and counsel, for help and guidance. Life is made more difficult for the child whose parents are never home, or always "too busy" to meet their responsibilities as parents. Parents who are quick to complain if they feel their children are not receiving the education they require at school, who insist their children attend church regularly, should ask themselves what they are doing with 52,000 hours of valuable time. Businessmen s Luncheons Served Daily FINE ITALIAN FOODS AGED STEAKS LOBSTER TAILS FISH FRY FRIDAY BAR-B-O BACK RIBS Our Special liialta Spaghetti Sauce Carry-Qui JPrtvate Dining Rooms for Business Meeting's and Special Occasions Bmste 870-6617 Richmond. 111. ment win so big? Basically, political observers said, the people preferred to keep local township officials as administrators of their affairs, rather than turn over the job to a fewer number of county officials -- and„-substanially more appointed agents. Back in the early years of American settlement, the citizens of Massachusetts Bay Colony felt much the same way. They preferred rule by the electorate, as close to the people as possible, compared to more remote, more centralized government. The attitudes and desires that served the people then aire still good today. Same Officials In Illinois, eighty-five counties have township government, and this includes McHenry county. All have the same set of officials, who are elected every four years. The election to be held in most Illinois townships in the Spring of 1967 will elect highway commissioners and one half of the supervisors. The chief administrator in the township is the supervisor, who directs affairs, presides at meetings, and also functions as treasurer, overseer of health and welfare, and performs other duties. Some larger townships have assistant supervisors, but ,in most cases, he performs only one function along with the supervisor--that of sitting on the county board. MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED TO HELP MEET PRESENT AND FUTURE PRODUCTION SCHEDULES IN OUR EXPANDING OPERATIONS AT WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING A PROGRESSIVE AND GROWING INDUSTRY IMMEDIATE OPENINGS OFFERING FAR BETTER THAN AVERAGE PAY - FREE GROUP (Family) INSURANCE PLUS QUARTERLY COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS APPLY IN PERSON WOODSTOCK DIE CASTING WHEELER ST. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WO@BST©CK r I I I I • I • • In this capacity, the board members oversee tnK operation of county offices, and inter-relate the work of township functions, particularly in tax assessments and collections, and in building and maintaining local roads. With local township officials also serving at the county level, the inter-relationship is complete, and;is kept close to the people. ' Other officials in the township include the clerk, who is the initiator and custodian of township reports and records. The township assessor and collector handle all prperty tax matters as assigned within their county. The highway commissioner is responsible forall township roads. Three township auditors are elected, whose duties are to review and audit bills, as well as to approve or disapprove the performance of/township administrative officials. f Function Alike All township officials in Illinois function alike except in Cook county, which has a board of county commissioners superimposed over its thirty townships. In Cook county, township supervisors do not constitute the county board. Instead, this board is elected separately, with ten m e m b e r s r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e city of Chicago, and five representing the county surburban area. Tax matters are also handled differently in Cook county. Whereas in pther counties, the township assessor is responsible only for locating assessment changes, and reporting this to the county assessor's office. The township assessor does, however, handle all individual and commercial personal property tax matters. Another variation in Cook county relates to the township collector. In Cook, as well as in Madison. Peoria, Sangamon and Will counties, this official is an active member of the township administration, responsible for local collection of all real and personal property taxes. New Coacept In the Chicago area, cityc o u n t y g o v e r n m e n t s h a v e m o v e d i n t o w h a t o n c e w a s township jurisdiction. Recently, a group of "master planners" have begun promoting the concept of a metropoli t a n g o v e r n m e n t a l u n i t , which, in its intent, would absorb not only Cook county townships, but also every type of governmental body in nearby counties. Most all local elective offices would be abolished, and replaced by a few elected officials, plus hundreds of appointed underlings, all subject to centralized political control. Some day in the near future the Illinois state legislature will be called upon to vote on this issue. The people will not have this opportunity, except as they influence their legislators. At first, only the Chicago area will be affected, but if it happens here, the concept will ultimately be projected throughout the state. More on the subject of master planning for "metro government" will be covered in a future article. The present functions of township government, and the operational areas in which it can work, include a broad range of activities. These include taxation, health, welfare and poor relief, education, local improvements, and control of obnoxious conditions. In recent years, the state legislature authorized townships to set up youth commissions, and many townships NOVEMBER 24, 1966 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER , SECTION 1 1 I • l DRAFSTMAN PLANT LAYOUT • INVESTIGATE These Excellent Opportunities in Our Progressive and Expanding Industry . TIME STUDY M£\N SHIPPING RECE1VIN SUPERVISOR (Traffic) APPLY IN PERSON Woodstock Die Casting WHEELER ST AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER WOODSTOCK • I • » I now have highly successful, lowcost service programs to help control juvenile delinquency. A multi-community problem which townships can effectively help solve is the matter of refuse disposal. This is now undergoing intensive study. Other Activity a Another area of activity Jn which help is needed, and in which townships are beginning to help, is mental health. Frequently a cluster of communities can very efficiently organize a mental health center under township jurisdiction rather than attempt a "too-little" program on a single-community basis. It sometimes appears that governmental functions overlap from one governmental body to another, from township to village or city, to county, state and federal governments. Of course, the big trend has been for federal government agencies to move in, either via direct action or by financial control. Yet, most every function you might assign to your government relates locally -- and in many, cases, the township government is best constituted to administrate such local, int e r c o m m u n i t y a f f a i r s . T h i s r e p r e s e n t s d e m o c r a c y a n d self-government at its best, A prominent political scientist recently made a significant point about this. He said, "As in so many other phases of government, citizens have been willing to let an opportunity for self-government go by default, only to see transferred to more distant and more impersonal units many functions that need not have been relinquished locally." Such default could be fatal to the preservation of human rights and liberties. It takes interest and action on the part of the people to retain them. More on this subject will be presented in the next art i c l e . I t w i l l d i s c u s s t h e people's role in township government --what they can do, what they have not done, and where do they go from here. News About Oar Servicemen Marine Private Don aid Cerny, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Cerny of 3317 S. Riverdale road, McHenry, has completeed four weeks of individual combat training here. During the training period, he received more than 200 hours of instruction in guerrilla warfare, the use of infantry weapons, combat patrols, and squad tactics. m 'j NEW McHENRY BUSINESS Ann Varese and her husband, John Varese, center, are shown inside the attractive store which houses Ann's Gift Shop and Bressler's Ice Cream parlor at the corner of Green and Elm streets. Also shown is John Schlofner, who manages the ice cream parlor. \ Legals Harvey A. May, 21, sort of Mr. and Mrs. Edward May, 3916 Maylanc, Spring Grove, was promoted to Army specialist fourth class Oct. 16 in Dong Ba Thin, Vietnam, where he is serving with the 577th Engineer battalion. For pay purposes, his new t grade is equivalent to corporal. Spec. May, a supply specialist in Headquarters Company of the battalion, entered the Army in September 1965, was last assigned at Ft. Benning, Ga., and arrived overseas in July of this year. He is a 1963 graduate of Richmond high school. His wife, Theresa, lives at 6316 i\. Spring Grove road, McHenry. . NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry. Illinois, will receive sealed proposals at the office of the City Clerk, McHenry, Illinois, until 11:00 a.m., C.S.T., Saturday, December 3, 1966, for the following Improvements: STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS The contract documents including plans and specifications may be obtained from W. A. Rakow and Associates. Municipal and Civil Engineers, 165 North Spring St., Elgin, Illinois, upon payment of $20.00 for each set desired which amount is non-refundable. i 'AII proposals must be accompanied by a Bank Cashier's Check, Certified Check, or Bank Draft in an amount of not less than ten (10) percent of the amount of the bid. A bid bond will not be accepted &s a proposal guarantee. No bids will be withdrawn without the consent of the City for a period of 60 days after opening of bids. The contractors and subcontractors shall pay not less than the prevailing rate of wages as found by the City of McHenry, Department of Labor or as determined by the court on appeal, to all laborers, workmen and mechanics performing work under the contract. A contract bond to guarantee faithful performance of t h e c o n t r a c t i n c l u d i n g t h e above prevailing wage clause in the amount of 100 percent of the contract will be required. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities. CITY OF McHENRY, ILL. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk (Pub. Nov. 23. Dec. 1, 1966) NOTICE The Sheriffs Department of McHenry County will receive bids on thr^ee A3) 1967 4-Door S&lans per' Sheriff's Department specifications until 10:00 A.M. December 2, 1966. Specifications may be picked up at the Sheriffs Department any time between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. (Pub. Nov. 23, 19661 THANKS-FOR-GIVING Goodwill Industries of northwestern Illinois and southern Wisconsin is celebrating its tenth observance of Thanksfor- Giving month--an annual event designed to thank the [>eople of McHenry for their support of the Goodwill program. "The Thanks-for-Giving effort by Goodwill Industries is an attempt to explain to the community why Goodwill is thankful for donations it receives", Norman K. Dasenbrook, executive director, s a i d . " T h e c l o t h i n g , a n d housewares represent not only gifts of a material nature to the service agency, but they also become tools for training handicapped people in the work opportunity program Goodwill operates". Read the Classifieds Quality Radiator Repair By Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists Milk Prices Dairy farmers selling milk through Pure Milk associa- • tion's Chicago market pool j will be pai]d a blend price of • not less than $4.90 per hund- • redweight on all milk deliver- • ed in October to plants locat- j ed in the marketing area de- I fined in the former Chicago I Federal milk market order. I This was announced by J. L. I Cook, supervisor of the PMA • market pool, who reported • the October blend is 3 cents • p e r h u n d r e d w e i g h t h i g h e r j than in September, 20 cents • over August, and 50 cents • over July. • 12 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED For Your Added Protection. ALA, WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE Complete Stocf^ off ciinid] New Complete Stock of Original Eqeip. Heater Control Valves ADAMS mm. ilPAIR SER" ®xi to VJ\W. W. Route 120 Phone 385-071 McHenry, I 'Jeep' Gladiator with 4-wheel drive makes other pick-ups incomplete \ cH GARAGE JEEP SALES & SEE¥TSE 4 mm fine room - I Mil® Bfosilh WangQaia ©a SLUNCH 2 p.m. eewHTEoos service < Houle 12 Phone JA 6-2928

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