ft s g ft ft 9 (9 f? 9 • 9 * <9 . 9 9 9 5? 9 (9 (9 g <9 ft1 (9 ft 8 (9 g ft g (9 (9 g (9 <5 g (9 (9 g g !; .9 i 9 i9 ' 9 19' .9 9 9 • 9 9 Something to for CHRISTMAS If there's a MAN In your Christmas, you're sure to find here the gift that will be right on the target of his heart's desire. We've a wide selection of styles to suit his particular taste . . , and your particular budget! 0 S A Huaaer 8 8 . .8" « S 8 % 8 % Hugger Gloves !* ft Fine leathers with w a r m orlon, wool or fur lining. $5.95 to'$6.95 Fine Sweaters Jantzen or McGregor makes in fine wools, orlons and wool and mohair. Choose from smart cardigans, and pullover Gift Ties models. Select from a grand M $10.95 to $19.95 Soft wool gloves |? assortment of new if with deerskin leath- 5J patterns and colors Ja er PalmS' & f.r°m 0Ur tie bars' jg Sleeveless sweaters Ir $ $1.50 to $2.50 $ pullover or vest models Hook On Ties $ $5.95 \0 $7.95 $3.95 « CH $l.SO YMM Slacks Trimly tappered models in younc men's and men's models. Reverse weaves, sharkskins and fine worsteds are featured. $10.95 to $22.50 Sta Prest Pants WASH PANTS Levi Strauss make - Koratron process - Polevster and cotton, never needs ironing. Men's sizes. Black, Olive, Charcoal, Browns. $7 to $8 Youth's sizes Si to 17 8 CHAMP HATS $rr.95 to $13.95 FABRIC SPORT HATS Warm Jackets McGREGOR or WINDBREAKER jackets i n fine corduroy or heek suede with sherpa orlon pile lining. $24.95 to $35 Other jackets from $12/95 S n 'J Curlee Suits The gift that can't miss . . . give the man in your life the suit that gives the air of elegance at a moderate price. A complete selection of sizes, colors and patterns. $55.00 to $79.50 Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits from '89.95 |T i J* VAN APLl'S 1 a >t t«»n wash-and-wear shirts l»y VAN..HEUSEN SHIRTS VANOPRESS--the s h i r t t h a t n e v e r needs ironing. 65rr dacron 35rr cotton. C h o i c e o f c o l l a r styles, ^liff, button down, tab or evelet. $7 NEW ALL COTTON VANOPRESS Shirts by Van Heuii & Evans Slippers F i n e k i d s k i n l e a t h e r with soft padded soles. $6.95 to $8.95 Initial Hand- ^ kerchiefs In boxes of 3. Fine linen $2.25 Leather soles with rubber heels. $7.95 Freeman deerskin slippers. $11.95 / i Van Heusen Van Heusen Nobell Shirts Paiamas Wash & wear fine cottons in a great selection. Coat and middv stvles. a A s $4.25 to $6.95 « BUXTON Wallets Smart slim styles in « Select tromairemendous selection of new various fine leath- If patterns andcdJors. Most have re- Jrc So to $7 Cotton Velour shirt in V nect, turtle neck or henley collar featured in a varietv colors. $3.95 to $10 g $11 to $12.95 ers. movable pass oases with many windows for cards. Curlee Sport Coats Select a smart new coat in 2 button with side vents o r t r a d i t i o n a l 3 b u t t o n models with center vent. Warm glow tones in luxurious wool and mohair and wool and orlon. $35 to $45 Hart Schaffner & Marx sport coats from $165 Curlee slacks to blend with the new sport coats $17.50 to $22.50 Brookfield Sport Coats in Young Men's Styles 8 of $29.50 to $35 Nylon tricot wash & wear pajamas. $12.95 i» *; if ~ •" « **7.3U TO n\ Annm™,, ! f ABBm0NAl SUGGESTIONS I SWANK LINKS AND TIE TACS $2.95 to $7.95 FLORSHEIM SHOES jrom $I9<9S ADDITIONAL SUGGESTIONS JOCKEY, SHORTS $1.25 JOCKEY T SHIHTS $1.50 FREEMAN SHOES $11.95 to $19.95 TIE RACKS $1.50 io $5 'A PARIS LEATHER BELTS $2.00 to $12.50 SWANK JEWELRY BOXES $2.95 io $5.95 ZDPPO UGHTERS $3.50 IF YOU ARE STILL IN DOUBT, GIVE A GIFT CERTIFICATE IN ANY AMOUNT S I I fflcd#"*' Store for men CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS: Open Evenings Starling Dec. 7th CLOSED ON SUNDAYS We Honor Midwest Bank Charge Cards JADE EAST AFTER SHAVE $2.50 | JADE EAST COLOGNE $3.00 | WINDBREAKER WEATHER COATS J WITH OUT LINER $35.00 | GIFT PURCHASES BOXED AND WRAPPED 1 AT NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE" ft' ft' ft * ft' ft' ft' ft' ft' ft ft ft ft' ft ft ft' ft' i ft' ft ft ft fftt » ft ft' 4 4 ft ft ft ft ft ft ft' ft ft ft ft ft' ft' ft' ft' ft ft} ft ft ft' ft ft' fft t $ ft ft' ft' ft' ft ft} ft} ft} 4