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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1966, p. 8

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PAGE 8, SECTION 1 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - DECEMBER 22, 1966 Mai® Help Wani©d Mala Help Wanled PRESTIGE POSITION Have openings for alert young ;nen with service organization of world's largest business machine company in its field. We will train you to service our complete line of equipment. K Need ambitious young $ien to work in Elgin and Woodstock areas. Alert and mechanically minded, looking for a rewarding future. * High School graduate or equivalent. Four increases first year, plus numerous fringe benefits. Advancement based strictly on >our ability and desire. For more information or interview: PHONE: 815-968-7588 -- OR WRITE: MR. GEORGE TROST, SERVICE MANAGER PITNEY - BOWES, INC. 830 FIRST AVENUE -- ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS Equal Opportunity Employer 12-22-29-66 Female Wmi&d Fomab GENERAL OFFICE Reli-able girl for diversified and interesting office work. Must 'be- good typist. IBM executive typewriter. Knowledge of shorthand . helpful but not necessary. Pleasant working conditions. Excellent company benefits. Major Corpoation 459-6300 12-15/12-22-66 HEAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE HAPPY HOLIDAYS BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois 12-22-66 Legals SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTUE OF Execution No. 65-499 issued out of the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of McHenry County and State of Illinois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgemen t recently obtained a g a i n s t J o s e p h L u n n i s s a n d Marguerite Lunniss in favor of Elizabeth Penkahn out of the .lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Joseph Lunniss and Marguerite Lunniss. I have levied on the following property, to wit: Lot 6 of the Plat of First Addition to Huemann's Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded June 26, 1924 as Document "No. P4189 in Book 5 of CHRISTMAS YES We H;t\ e Them Here Ice Cubes an c? Crushed Ice For Your Christmas Party OPKN !):00 a.m. to I :00 p.m. ( I I K I S T . M A S DAY HOLLY'S Texaco Service Station 3.'•ill7 West Flm Street Puppet Theatre Forms New Hobby For Retired McHenry Man j J**' ".In 1 t IL-wa Clyde Blackwell of 1319 N. Meadow lane, Lakeland Shores, is shown with his newly completed lighted puppet theatre which he sent this week to his six-year-old granddaughter in Florida for a Christmas gift. Except for the puppets, the retired McHenry man made the entire theatre and compact case to hold it. Plats, page 14: ALSO Lot 9 of the Plat of Third Addition to Huemann's Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of Section 24, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian according to the plat thereof recorded September 25, 1925 as document No. 70006 in Book 5 of Plats, page 43 in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as 2515-A North Orchard Beach Road, McHenry, Illinois. THEREFORE, according to said command. I shall expose for sale at Public Auction all the right, title and interest of the above named Joseph Lunniss and Marguerite Lunniss in and to the above described property, on Wednesday the 4th day of January, 1967 at ten (10:00) o'clock A.M. at the East front steps of the McHenry County Courthouse in Woodstock, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock this 5th day of December, 1966. *Sold subject to Homestead Rights. JOHN C. CARROLL Sheriff of McHenry County, HI. / ~S3G ce On Earth 2 6 1 1 NOV 66 M P 4 3 Long ago, three Wise Men followed a Star to 9 miracle. Today, that miracle lives on in the s p i r i t of peace and love born on 'hat ioyous day. We wish you a full measyre of blessings ANGELO'S SUNSET INN 1 Mile North of W'iuuondH oil Old Rt. 1'» k • ' Clyde Blackwell's talent with hammer and nail follows an interesting career resulting in aV hobby of photography whienvhe still persues. llisca reer in motion picture photography began back in 1914 when he made movies for .the Canadian Army while working for the All Red Feature Co. of Canada. During World War I he served with the U.S. Army in the photographic division and after the war remained in France for six months to shoot and direct three movies for the Community Motion Picture Bureau of New York. One of his assignments was shooting the inter-allied games played after the war. During the depression, he closed up his business in Toledo, Ohio, and moved to Chicago, where he worked for the DeVry corporation on sound movie cameras. Later, he was employed by a DesPlaines engineering firm, and developed an unusual camera that not only pictured an individual but also his fingerprints and other data and placed it all on one card at the same time. After the war he joined a surgical specialty company in Chicago, where he developed another special camera for internal photography. Retiring in 1955, his full time profession became a full time hobby which provides many hours of pleasant diversion to this day. Even the family trash can should merit some attention at Christmas time, for it s'.ould be kept handy and busy after gifts are unwrapped. The Institute for Safer Living says flammable wrappings and other household trash should be disposed of without delay. The flicker of a candle, a lighted match, or aglowing cigarette in a littered room may quickly turn joy into grief. Siffrar. She further states she is of legal age and is a single person. EMILY SHEA Petitioner's Attorney Herbert O. Krenz 17 Grant Street Crystal Lake, 111. Phone: 459-3020 (Pub. Dec. 8, 15, 22, 1966) 465 PARTICIPANTS CONCLUDE FALL "Y" AOWITSES The fall quarter activities of the Lake Region YMCA concluded last Saturday with 465 different participants. As 1966 draws to a conclusion, 1,761 persons have been members and or participants of the Lake Region YMCA during the year. During the fall quarter, active club programs include Indian Guides, Y's Men, and Tri-iii-Y, and the jxttential for a Young Adult, Hi-Y, and Gra- Y clubs. Eight teams were entered in the fall bowling league. Successful physical education classes were held for boys in C. 'stal Lake, McHenry and Algonquin, for girls in Crystal Lake, and for adults in Crystal Lake. Fifty-two youth were bussed each Saturday for swimming instruction at the Elgin academy indoor pool. Other activities which were successful include ballet for girls, seventh and eighth erade record dance, adult bridge class, and a charm school for teenage girls. The number of different participants in the Lake Region YMCA activities has steadily grown during the past three years. During 1964 there were 212 participants, during 1965 thrrc were 1.158 participants, and during 1966 there were 1.- 961. IN THE MATTER OF m THE PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF EMILY SHEA TO EMILY SIFFRAR. NOTICE Emily Shea, a resident of Algonquin, McHenry County, Illinois, and who has been a resident there for more than 10 y ears continuously preceeding this Notice, will make application to the Circuit Court of the 19th Judicial Circuit in Woodstock, Illinois on the 20th day of January, 1967 for change of her name to that of Emily Happy holiday wishes to you, our friends and patrons. We greatly appreciate your trust, and delight in serving you. . Mc HENRY SAVINGS AND LOAN A S S O C I A T I O N -jt 1*; ,;jr CC'DC'I* C* :i: 3611 W. EIfti S t r e e t / Mc H e n r y / 3 8 5- 3 0 00 Cybituarle5 FRANK MARESSO Frank L. Maresso, 5112 \V. Parkview, McCullom Lake, died in St. Luke's Presbyterian hospital Sunday, Dec. 18. on the sixty-first anniversary of his birth. He succumbed toa terminal illness. 0 Funeral Mass was recited at St. Joseph's Catholic i Wednesday i in o r n i n g and burial was in Queen of Heaven cemetery. Visitation was held at Richert and Son funeral home, Chicago. Mr. Maresso and his wife, Evelyn, who survives him, moved to McCullom Lake from the city about two years ago. He was employed by the city of Chicago and was a member of Local No. 1?, Sheet and Metal Workers. Other survivors include two daughters. Mrs. Joan Bell,, Evanston, and Mrs. Barbara Kuen, Chicago: one son. Frank. Jr., and twelve grandchildren, He also leaves four Brothers. Michael, Joseph. Nash and Leo and two sisters. Carmella and Theresa. HOWARD MATSON Funeral services were conducted in Palatine last week for Marine Lance Corporal Howard V. Matson, 19, nephew of Frank Gregory of McHenry. young serviceman was killed while serving with the First Marine division in Viet Nam on Dec. 4. Ho had spent thirt e c n months in that country and was awaiting transportation back to the States when a call for volunteers was issued as the Viet Cong surrounded the camp where he was located. Corp. Matson volunteered his services, and was fatally wounded by a sniper's bullet. Peoria, Susan, Debra, Cindy and Barbara at home: three sons, Michael, serving in Alaska with the Navy. Jack and Donald at home; three grandchildren: his father. Joseph P. Grens. Sr.. of Fox Lake: a sister. Mrs. William Barth. Jr.. of Johnsburg and a brother. Robert Grens. of Buffalo Grove. JOHN J. MASCARI John J. Mascari of 292.'! N. Shorewood, McHenry, died last weekend in a Chicago hospital. He was vice-president of Spiral Binding Co., Inc. Survivors are his wife, Mary Jane; three children, Mary Jane Penderghast, John M. arid Denise; several brothers and sisters, Charles, Mary Cedrone, Concetta. J a mes, Rose Soby, Marie Kulik. Salvatore and the Rev. Peter Mascari. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning in Notre Dame church, with Mass at 10 o'clock. Entombment will be in Queen of Heaven. Prior to the time of last rites, the body rests in the Granata Memorial chapels. 18- 57 N. Harlem avenue. Here and There In Business JOSEPH P. GRENS, JR. Last rites were conducted at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home Monday morning at 11 o'clock for Joseph Grens, Jr., of Bartonville, near Peoria, who died Friday, Dec. 16, in St. Francis hospital in Bartopville. He was 42 years of age. Burial was in St. John's cemetery, Johnsburg. Mr. Grens was born March 17, 1924, in Chicago. Before moving to Bartonville five years ago, the family resided in the McHenry and Lake county area, where he was employed as a truck driver. Survivors are a widow. Donna; five daughters, Mrs. Lawr e n c e ( C a r o l ) E v a n s o f HOSPITAL TO OFFER COU1SE IN PARENTHOOD Dates for the next free "Preparation for Parenthood" course at Memorial Hospital for McHenry County were announced by Mrs. Oliver Stratum, R.N. Mrs. StratVjn said she was announcin,. tlV dates Jan. 9 and Jan. 16 at this time so expectant mothers will have time to ask their doctors for a permit slip which is required. Both mothers and fathers-lube are urged to attend these sessions, Mrs. Stratton said. The permit slip is a routine part of the program to aid in advance registration and to coordinate attendance. The course is given three or four times yearly by staff members at Memorial hospital as a free service feature. Movies purchased by the woman's auxiliary add much to the presentations. The course includes lectures, movies and a question-and-answer period. Starting time is S p.m. both nights. For persons who can attend only one session, Mrs. Stratton says this is still quite worthwhile and suggests they plan to come when they ran. KALPII E. SMITH This past week, Raiph E. Smith of ?»612 W. Anne street, McHenry, was elected into the Illinois Socielv of Public Accountants, Mr. Smith, a native of McHenry, graduated from the local high school and attended DePaul university. He received his certificate from the University of Illinois as a certified public accountant at the awards dinner in the Palmer House on Oct. 27. He is employed by a Chicago C.P.A. firm. The local man and his wife, Helen, have two children, Cynthia and Ralph, Jr. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of McHenry named office manager and assistant secretary and in 196?, became the manager of the construction |pan department. During his career at Bell, Murray served three years with the Illinois National Guard and between 1940 and 1946 served in the U.S. Army. Mr. Murray resides with his family at 5200 West Maple Hill drive in McHenry. He is a member of the Illinois Police association, and secretary of Police Association of McHenry County. ^ ATTEND CONFERENCE Mark L O'Neill of 2907 N Regner road. McHenry, a - salesman of Grey-Rock brake linings and clutch facings, attended the company's national sales conference at Lancaster, Pa., recently. The week long meeting on the theme. Safety is Everybody's Business, reviewed advancements in brake and clutch materials, as well as sales programs. HOG PRODUCTION SURVEY Production practices in irae by 1,500 Illinois hog farmers make up a report entitled "Hog Production Practices" released by the Illinois Department of Agriculture. It is the first survey of its typo conducted in the state, according to Robert H. Moats, superintendent of the Division of Agricultural Statistics. Copies of the detailed hog production practices report, Bulletin 66-7, may be obtained free of charge from Robert H. Moats, P.O. Box 429, Springfield, 111. 62705. READ THE CLASSIFIEDS 1CARL 11. MURRAY Karl H. Murray has been ident at Bell Savings and Loan association. He joined Bell in 1937 and served in the loan division and accounting division. When Bell moved its offices to Monroe and Clark, Murray l»rame the building superintendent. In 1956 he was NOW AT NYE'S 50 Extra S & H stamps on any Midwest Bank charge over $2.00 till Dec. 25th. Town & Country Agent NYE DRUG 1325 N. Riverside Dr. Have SANTA come YOUR remise Tffis Christmas! Make Your Reservations _ NOW -- Dennis Huff -- Experienced Phone 385-4027 25 I 6 NOV 66 MP 4 4 Our merry l i t t l e Christmas mp is waiting up to carry our message of good cheer to an our friends. Your patron age is deeply appreciated TOYS & JUVENILE SHOP 3706 W. Elm Phone 385-2535 freunp gffi orchestra y NEW YEAR'S EVE! V.F.W. Post 4600 - McHenry MUSIC - FOOD - DANCING Music By BOS FiiUND & His 10 - pc. Orchestra • Y. D P.M. Til 2 AM. Admission by Reservation Only! - $5.00 per person PHONE ft

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