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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1966, p. 15

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) News About Our Servicemen rial school, Fi. Gordon, Ga.. Dec. 9. D u r i n g < h e e i g h t - w e e k course. Smith was trained to operate the complex central office telephone switchboards used by the Army, He also learned the various communications systems of the Army • iiul u;is laui^iii to operate ni.iiiii;11 telephone oil ice sels. Army Specialist F o u rth Class Juergen H. Thode, 20, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert •J. Thode, 502 W. Sunrise drive, McHenry, graduated Dec. :: from the Noncommissioned Officer academy at Ft. Riley, Kan. \ Spec. Thode received five weeks of--|raipjng/in leadership responsibilities, exercise wl conimand, map reading and military teaching methods. Army Private Fir>l lioberi R. Kosick. 2.0, whose p,i)-eiits. Mr. and Mrs. lioberi V. Kusick. and wife. Bronchi, live at ::0S \V. Broadway, McHenry, arrived in /Qui Nho'n. VietNiun. Nov. -L'5 .with his •nit. the UNth Transportation ,;ialOoii. Tin- platoon, attached to Hie aSth Trans|X)itation company, was previously located at FI Campbell, Ky. A truck driver. Pvt. Kosick entered on active duty lasi February / KU',o sick is >i 1904 graduate o l •McHenry high school.. MAKK A. SMITH l'nvale Mark A. Smith, 17. whose mother. M r s. I)olores .1. Christmarin. lives ,i 190") S. Orchard lane, McHenry. completed a telephone ,wit< hljoard operation course , i the Army Southeastern Siglladioman Seaman Kenneth .1. Montrose, USN, son of Mr ind Mrs. Sam Montrose of 2508 S. Kenilworth avenue, McHenry, is off the coast of North Vietnam aboard the attack aire raft carrier t'SS Ticonderuga, patrolling in the Gulf-of Tonkin. HI Marking her third tour in Vietnamese waters, 1he "Ti" is serving as flagship for the Commander, Carrier Division Three. PHILLIP FERRIS Marine Private Phillip P. Ferris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Ferris of 5810 Woodland drive, McHenry, w a s g r a d u a t e d f r o m e i g h t weeks of recruit training at the Marine Corps Recruit depot, San Diego, Calif. He will now undergo about three weeks of individual combat training and then, af* ter leave at home, will report to this first Marine Corps assignment. V F. W. AUXILIARY NEWS The world lies hushed, remembering the miracle of the Holy Manger, May you always know the peare and joy that fills men's hearts on Christmas. THE KENT CORP. I.iI 1 N". Ki\erside Dr. 38.V3800 Seaman Recruit Gary L. Hunt, 18, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor O. Hunt, of 7!'>04 Hiawatha drive, Wonder Lake, has been graduate^ from nine weeks ol Navy basic training at the Naval Training center at Great Lakes. In the first weeks of his naval service he studied military subjects and lived and worked under conditions similar to those he will encounter on his first ship or al his first shore slalion. Kngineman Second Class Joseph K. McEvoy, USN, son of 5lr. and Mrs. Joseph K. McEvoy* of 421 f» Crystal Lake mad, McHenry, is participating in Atlantic Fleet Exervisc (LANTFLEXJ-66 as a memfter of Assault Craft. Unit Two embarked aboard the dock landing ship USS Linden wa Id. LANTFLEX-O'.i. which commenced Nov. 28 and will continue until Dec. 16, involves ninety-four .ships, nineteen naval air squadrons and 5.000 Marines. Included in the operation will be carrier striking force operations, mine and anti-submarine warfare, surveillance, m blockade and anti-sea infiltration operations, with a major amphibious landing exercise on Vieques Island near Puerto Rico. The purpose of the exercise is to sharpen the operating effectiveness ol fleet forces in all ; -peels ol naval warfare. Pvt. Robert M. Hiller is stationed in Viet Nam. His address is U.S. 54802029, 90 Repl. Bn., APO, San Francisco, Calif. 63907. By Gerry Breede The ladies' auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 held their Christmas party on Monday. Dec. 12, at the clubhouse. A short business meeting was held at 6:30 p.m., taking care of the business for the month. A delicious baked ham and sweet potato dinner was prep a r e d a n d b r o u g h t b y t h e man* for the kitchen. Many side dishes which were prepared anod br uhg yebtht m e m b e r s a t t e n d i n g , c o m pleted the meal. The tables were decorated in holiday style by June Schmunk, who was in charge of the decorations. Games planned by Genevieve Bradley completed the evening, which was enjoyed by the members nnd their guests. The members and guests who attended helped to make the holiday season more enjoyable for the less fortunate by bringing a cash donation to be used to purchase toys for the children of families receiving baskets of food. Canned goods were also brought to be used in the baskets. Members brought handkerchiefs* tooth paste, tooth brushes v .combs, sox and other items to be taken to the^/nen at Downey hospital to help make their Christmas party complete. Congratulations to the members who took time out of their busy schedules to make our Christmas party an enjoyable evening for all of us who attended. Our next regular meeting will be held on Monday, Jan. 9. Disappointed Hornsbj's still have complete selections of Christmas merchandise JUNIOR FIRE MARSHALS URGE SAFETY-FIRST Junior fire marshals of McHenry area schools have joined millions . of others throughout the nation in launching their annual campaign for safety first in the winter months. Endorsed by Fire Chief Ed Justen of McHenry, the local Junior Fire Marshal program is sponsored by Pollock Insurance Agency, Inc. McHenry agent for The Hartford Insurance Group. In helping launch the McHenry campaign, Chief Justen said, "Prevention of fires mainly comes with people forming good safe habits at home. The Junior Fire Marshal program is aimed at forming these good habits among the marshals themselves, their friends, and their parents." McHenry area schools are among some 15,000 schools cross the nation and in Canada participating in the program, Pollock said. Although the Junior Fire Marshal Program is concentrated at Christmas time in an e f f o r t t o p r e v e n t a c c i d e n t s from marripg the good-cheer season, the/ winter campaign extends throughout the cold DECEMBER 22, 1966 - MCHENRY PLA1NDEALER - PAGE 15, SECTION 1 WORLD'S BIGGEST GREETING GOES TO VIETNAM FORCES American men and women in uniform, particularly our fighting forces in Vietnam, will hear the "world's biggest Christmas greeting" aimed at then; on Dec. 25. The greeting will come from the Lake Region YMCA and 1800 other YMCA's and #heir five million members the United States, according lo James C. Zoelhck. the Y's executive director here. Cooperating to send the greeting will be the country's radio and lelevison. broadcasting industry. the Armed Forces Radio and Television network and the Voice of America. Dubbed "Operation Merry Christmas." the YMCA is furnishing W'CLR a special recording of the Christmas mes- >.ige to our lighting lorce>. Zoelhck ^aid. The record is going to every radio and television station in the U.S. as well as the Armed Forces network and the voice of Ameriica. lie added The record teatures special arrangements ol the traditional carols. "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Silent Night." together with\a greeting by George K Gullen. Jr.. nl I")etroll. pre-uh n! >>! the Y ~ National council. Stations here, and around the world are i>emu asked t * ' play the one-and-a-half minute recording at 1 p.m.. local time, on Christmas Day Washable Wool Sonic wool hlaixkcts now on the market arc specially treated to make them machine washable. Wash these blanket?, according to the instructions that come with them. NOW AT NYE'S 50 Extra S A II stamp* on any Midwest Bank charge over *2.00 till flee, i. Town & Country Agent YE DRUG Itiversiilc Dr. winter months because ol the particular safety hazards lowtemperatures create in the home. "Frigid temperatures create hot spots in the home," Chief Justen warned, "you get overloaded electric circuits from added appliances such as space heaters. Stoves and fireplaces also become a hazard when people put on too much fuel at one time." PRE - CHRISTMAS. SALE Junior Dresses Sizes 3 - 13 16.98 Reduced to 10.98 14.98 Reduced io £.98 12.98 Reduced to 7.98 10.98 Reduced to 6.98 8.98 Reduced to 5.98 TERRIFIC STYLES! WOOLS and KNITS! lliSBE RETAIL OUTLET 1402 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, III. Q of SCHROEDER Hunt I I I IF >*m' MEFALCRAFT r <>r unusual gift* from the far corners of the world In Iron, Bronze, Copper and Carved Wood. FIREPLACE SCREENS AND ACCESSORIES GREETING CARDS and BRIC-A-BRAC Open Daily--9 a.m. to 9 p.m Saturdays--9 a.m. to 5:S0 p-m Sundays--12 Noon to 6 p.m 1705 South Route 31 McHenry. I1L PHONE 385-0950 Festive lights reflect the happy spirit of the sea son. We wish that spirit bring every joy to you. ADAMS BROS Phone 385-0783 McHenry, I1L Next to V.F.W. S004 VV. Route 120 at your Because: neighborhood... Jim's FS Servfeo Your Hornsby s stores have daily deliveries from their warehouse. HO'KNSBY S 5c io $1.00 Stores 4002 W. Wauifcegan Rd. 'McHenry, Mltoois Phone: 885-2(840 B I SPIRITS . . . i s a l w a y s e n j o y e d ... hardly ever returned ... and always in good taste HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS ATTENDS INSTITUTE Jennie H. McDermott of the firm of Active Realty, is attending the Illinois Real Estate institute in Peoria this week for the third year. The institute, sponsored annually by the Illinois Association of Real Estate Boards, is in its third year of operation. Students attending this year's institute are being instructed and guided by some of the biggest names in real estate throughout the United States, including Robert W. Semenow, "Mr. Questions and Answers" of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Dr. Robert O. Harvey, dean ot the school of business administration, University of Connecticut; and Fred Palmer. nationally known sales cons u l t a n t f r o m W o r t h i n g t o n , Ohio. CH R1STM AS ^.EETlMCjS As the Three Wise Men brought gifts to the Manger, so may this holiday season bring to you peace and joy. T0MJHJEMANN WATER CONDITIONING SALES -- SERVICE -- RENTALS 2103 W. Church Phone 385-3093 The Henny Penny will be closed Dec. 25 10 Jan- 3rd- We wish to thank you for the patronage you -have given us last year. We all wish you a MERRY XMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. HENNY PENNY I. 8815 W. Elm .MelI«Hirv Imported MEWKYS CHERRY K Sweet or Dry /mS* Verm@ufii IMPORTED Danish WHISKEY Cherry Wine Drewrys Beer MR INI.ROB "Berft Boy 30-O7- Bottle of the Week" * CHERRY *ijma 24-12 OK. Bottles CESTBON Green or White Cr@m® a LBETS GFN 90 Proof 98 PAISANO MILLERS ^ J A Mellow Red TABLE WIME $179 g&L We at FOREMOST Liquors would like to wish you a very Happy Holiday season. We have enjoyed our association with yt>u and hope that we may serve you well in the coming New Year. Our most sincere thanks to you for your past patronage. 6 - 1 2 o z . Tlirow-AvMay Bottles Long Imported SCOTCH FIES RUM Light or Gold IMPORTS Canada Dry Ginger Ale CEST BON Whit® Oak 1 Pepsi-Cola PEPPBfMSWT SCHNA Kentucky Straight Bourbon 6 -12 oz Bottles 0 - 1 2 o z . b o t t l e s ' z Gallon See Our Tables Chocked Full of Beautiful Gift Ideas for Every Budget -- For Every Man Portable Coronet VSQ (witziout liquor) CORONET Brandy 'A so- Foremost Priced FOREMOST STORES AMERICA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF INDEPENDENT LIQUOR DEALERS Open Chris+ttias Da 9 a.m. to II p.m. & Everyday On Sale at This Store Only--Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. *

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