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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Dec 1966, p. 22

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PAGE 6. SECTION 2 - MCHENRY PLAINDEALER - DECEMBER 22, 1966 SURRYSIDE ESTATES Sally Segerstrom--386-0964 Marlene Berg--385 3418 SANTA VISITS CHILDREN DURING ANNUAL PARTY The Johnsburg Community Club was the scene of a very merry group on Sunday, Dec. 11. The Lucky Ladies Club sponsored the annual children's Christmas party for one hundred and thirty children from infancy thru eighth grade along with their parents, who enjoyed a most entertaining afternoon. To get everyone in the * Christmas mood, carols were played by Irene May on the piano. Mary Farley, Mary Anderson, Candy Kobus and Cathy Palmer wrote and directed a play called "The Magnificent Gift". This play was the most! The girls were very well organized and efficieno from painting of scenes to rehearsal schedules and managing eighteen children. The cast was as follows: Brian Kobus as Papa; Kathy Farley as Mama; Pam DeFrancisco as Maria; Larry Palmer as Juan; Ernie Olson as Peter;, Marty Palmer as Pedro; Don Dettlow as Davy; Rose Marie May as Mary; Robin Radtke as Julie; Helen Farley as Anna; Patty Anderson as the first Nobelman; Also Kathy Gerstein as the second nobelman; Steven Segerstrom as the third nobelman; Kasey Anderson as the fourth nobelman; Karen Hanahan and Kim Olsen were angels; Dave Kuechel as a monk nnd Terry Radtke was the narrator. For that added effect the children were in full costume made by the parents. The cast took their final bows one by one and with a little coaxing our four girls took a bow and were -presented with a fift. P R 0 F E ^ I 0 n « L 3IRECT0RV EARL R. WAILOH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm d life In. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Too Need Inmruoe off An? Kind Fhone ~-- S85-SS00 or 385-09M 3429 W. Elm Sk, MoHenry, HL - DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist i 1260 N. Green Street Office Phone: 885-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6181 Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. & FrL Evenings 6:80 to 9 pan. Closed All Day Wednesday Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 1-67 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 1308 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues^ Than. St FrL 4:00 pan. to 6 pan. Tues^ Thurs^ ft FrL Eve 7:00 pan. to 9:00 pan. Sat^rSO aan. to 8:00 pan. No Hours on Wednesday Contact lhsn@@s Phone S8&-31M If No Aaawsc? Phone A hush fell over the room as the lights were dimmed and the sounds of ^leigh bells were heard. In came Santa with a Ho-Ho-Ho. Fran Olsen called out the family names and as they came up, Santa gave each child a toy picked especially for their age. We know how busy Santa is this time of year so needless to say how much his visit was appreciated. Then came the goodies. The Lucky Ladies served chocolate milk, ice cream, cookies and coffee to all. More carols were played by Irene May and some of the youngsters led the sing along over the microphone. One young boy found the music so southing he fell asleep on Dad's lap. Much of the credit goes to the hard working committee. They were Carol Kennebeck, Marlene Berg, Pat Williams, Dolores Hanahan and Ginger Roomfield and of course, the othtr club members willingly pitched in to help. As the children left they were given a balloon and candy cane. Incidently, Loretta Mikkelsen and her vacuum are credited with blowing up 150 ballloons at home. They were transported to the party in their station wagon. It was a grand afternoon! Christening Dec. 11, in St. Patrick's church in McHenry at 1:45 p.m., Jerri Dowe, new daughter of Gerald and Janet Dowe, was baptized having as her godparents, Karen Hay and Cene Dowe. Following the ceremony some twenty-one guests gathered at the Dowe residence for a buffet supper. . Special Request The county road department has asked all residents to please remove parked cars from the roads now before it snows. Not only is it difficult to dodge parked cars when plowing but they are not responsible for any damage done to them. If we expect our highway department to be efficient in plowing our roads - let us help them make the job easier. Birthday Jubilations Carol Kennebeck spent a "very enjoyable day on her?? birthday. She started by shopping most of the afternoon and then she and her family ate a very special meal with her parents in the village. The Eichhorn home was the seen# of much activity Dec. ~13, with a double celebration. Theresa shared her birthday with Grandma Eichhorn. Joanne prepared a dinner for the occasion with Grandpa also there to help celebrate. Later on in the week Theresa will be celebrating again with her other grandparents. Mike Tillich, Jr., Enjoyed the company of friends on his birthday Dec. 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Adams joined the Tilliches in the evening for cake and conversation. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maloney of Crystal Lake visited Steve and Lorraine Major oh Saturday evening. The occasion was Steve's birthday. What fun they had playing cards to the wee hours of the morning. On Sunday Steve's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Andreasen of Woodale, were there along with Stevie and Margaret Major, Jr.. and UNUSUA! FQilMeiS... We can screen them/ thpir four children. They had a nut cracking time. Steve's sister from Florid^ sent a 201b. bag of walnuts. Eric Kanter had his special day on Dec. 7, v^hen he became two years old. A dinner was prepared in his honor with the ice cream* and cake to follow. Early in the day he was given a present atfhfch he played with the entire day being very good. A birthday that was celebrated early was not forgotten when the special day actually came. Kim Bute had celebrated her birthday early this year at the home of her brother, Ken, in Palatine. There w e r e f o u r t e e n g u e . < t s w h o gathered to help make this birthday special. Now, even though. Kim had already celebrated, when Dec. 12, came along, Mother prepared her favorite meal and made a delicious cake. So now you might say Kim enjoyed two birthdays this year. Double Treat Tony and Mildred Senkerik celebrated their twenty-third wedding anniversary on Dec. 4 at an elegant restaurant near Waukegan. Kathy and David also went. David's birthday was only two days away so it was a double celebraton. Anniversary Dinner The Davises, Red and Mary, went to a local restaurant for a most delicious meal in honor of their nineteenth wedding anniversary. Sympathy We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Joe and Kasyle Cina and their two children. Joe Cina, Sr., father of Joe, suddenly passed away Sunday, Dec. 11. There was visitation at the Miller funeral home in Dundee and on Wednesday Mr. Cina was laid to rest from St. Catherine's C a t h o 1 ic church, also in Dundee. There are so few words that can soften the blow of something so sudden but God works in strange ways. Christmas Party Cub Scout Pack 452 gathered at the Johnsburg school on Tuesday evening for the annual family Christmas party. Those attending from here were the Boomfields, the Olsens, the Kanters, the Williamses, the Segerstroms and the Hanahans. The new Cub Scouts were inducted at this time and made official Bob Cats. Among them were Steven Boomfield and Steven Segerstrom. They took the oath along with their parents. The pack leader placed the scarf on each boy. Then they were presented with a pin which each p^ent pinned on them up side down. When they have done a good deed they may wear them right side up. While the group sang songs, the boys took turns placing the ornament they made on the tree. Then Santa made his appearance giving every child a bag of candy. Afterwards pop and cplfee and a assortment of cookies were served. Wedding Dinner The DeFranciscos went to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sterba in Des Plaines for dinner on Saturday evening. Fifteen friends were there to toast the Sterbas' daughter and her new husband who were married a few months ago. Birthday Greetings Paul Voight will be fifteen on Dec. 23 along with John Fiedler and Norma Gunn. On Christmas day two year old Davd Schneider was the special gift his Mom received as was Sylvester Kobus. Mary M^nn has her day on Dec. 27. bright and happy day is /being wished to each of you *nd may its joy continue unti\ the next birthday is due! Sick List La\Verne Noah entered Mc- Henmjiospital on Dec. 12 for "on Tuesday a.m. She will be there for a week, so take advantage of the rest, La Verne. We hope you will be feeling fine very soon. Road Assessment Mri Segerstrom has received word from Calvin Skinner, our county treasurer. Even though Mr. Skinner has only been in office a few short weeks he has completely settled the matter of the high rate of interest we were paying. Our interest will be 6 per cent of the unpaid balance each year. The bills that will be coming out in the near future will be corrected and the overpayment of interest from last year will be deducted from this years interest. I am sure this will be good news to most of you. Anniversary Greetings "Crystals" to Jim and Dorothy Stoffel who share fifteen years on Dec. 26. May the happiness of the past follow you in the future. We hope to have our phones ringing off the hook with your holiday news. At the closing of the last Home and School meeting, the parting thought was "Let us put Christ back into Christum as "Christmas is so commercialized these days ,it is difficult for us and our children to realize the true meaning. Here is wishing all of you a very merry and holy Christmas. NORTHERN PUMP ENTERED SHOW The registered homed Hereford herd of Northern Pump Co., McHenry, has entered ten top animals in competition at the National Western Stock Show's Register of Merit Hereford show to be held in Denver Jan. 13 to 21. Over 100 of the nation's top Hereford herds representing twenty-three states have entered nearly 650 head in this event often termed the "World Series' of the Hereford breed. These breeders will be competing for $17,500 in prize money and for the coveted Register of Merit points. Judging of the Register of Merit Herford breeding show will be on Monday, Jan. 16 for bulls, and Wednesday, Jan. 18 for females. GREEN CHRISTMAS Some stores °in the United States and Canada depend on Christmas shoppers for a fifth of the sales they make during the entire year. 0 O A K SCHROEDER METALCRAFT For Home and Garden . Wrought Iron Railings Patio Furniture Antiques 1705 So. Rt. 81 PHONE 885-0900 8-66 Watch, Clock A Jewelry Repair Our Specialty STEFFANS 7 WATCH REPAIR SHOP 1286 Nr Green Bt. McHenry, OL 5-66 DR. JOHN F. KELLY Optometrist At 1224 N. Green Street,. McHenry (Closed Wednesday) Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Hrs: Dally 9:80 aan. to 5 pan. Friday Evenings 8:80 pan. * Evenings by Appointment PHONE 885-0452 - 7-66 Whatever its size or shapo, w# can supply custom built screens for your firspiace. Wids selection of styles . and finishes. 100K FOR /£•&:'• AD Bring your finscTMn problems to ut... . OS. REPAIR SERVICE 3004 W. Rt. 120 (Next to V.F.W.) Phone 385-0783 Is Lookit For MACHINE DESIGNER SENIOR Oak Manufacturing Company is currently seeking several qualified individuals to perform machine design duties in its mechanization department. Individuals should possess thorough knowledge of small parts handling, as well as mechanical, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic design,experience. Will be involved in both in-plant design and construction as well as outside source evaluation. Openings also exist for intermediate and junior men. MANUFACTURING ENGINEER 3-5 years experience in providing new manufacturing techniques, equipment, tooling and facilities as related to introduction of new pro- /,/ ducts." Full range of modem company paid benefits in-* eluding profit sharing and educational assistance. Reply in full confidence, starting salary requirements to: Personnel Director Come in ff@lk With Us About Our Exc®lhfll? Bmefit Program IlISIiKllIL OFFICE ©PIN Mei^ay Friday b A.M. to 4:39 P.M. AK jaara®PAe,D'eDB0B3« co. A OMUON OP OAK ELECTRO/WETICS CQRP Sovflu IHsSe]) 0ftE?OQt PCa©GQO €39-5000 ®VQ'i7A0, LAKI, IL[LQCJ©QU AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER SCHOOL HEAD SELECTED FOR EDUCATION TOUR Suprt. M. F. Thomas has been selected to participate in {» three-week comparat i v e education study tour of European and Asian countries next fall. The tour is the seventh of a series sponsored jointly by the Comparative Education society, Phie Delta Kappa, an honorary educational solioty: National School Board association and Kent • State university, Kent, Ohio. Thomas, who has been Harrison school district superintendent for thirtetn years, has been invited by Kent State university, along with some 100 other educators in the Lnitod States, lo study school facilities in five European and Asian countries. The educators will leave New York City Nov. 1 to visit Dubrovnik .Yougoslavia; Athens, Greece; Moscow, U.S. S.R.-; Warsaw, Poland, East Berlin, East Germany. All schools will be operating in November so the group can visit both city and rural establishments. Because of the widespread interest in education under .communism in contrast with non-communist education in Europe, and the^ many current references to these contrasts in the popular press o f t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , t h e sponsors believe that public and private school administrators and their local lay boards of education will benefit from a series of seminars and field studies designed specifically for them. The goal of the main sponsoring organization, the International Comparitive Education society, is to encourage comparative and international studies in education. Seminars and field studies are conducted with the goal of improving education facilities and techniques. The tour will afford Thomas the opportunity to study f o r e i g n s c h o o l s y s t e m f o r practices and techniques. The tour will afford Thomas the opportunity to study foreign school systems^ for practices and techniques which could be used to -further broaden and enrich the educational program at Harrison school. COMPLETES COURSE William N. Perry, senior counselor at McHenry Community high school, announces that Linda Pierce, a 1966 graduatoXcrf the school, has just completed her training course at the Manpower Business Training institute in Milwaukee, Wis. Linda has a full tuition scholarship on a competitive basis, and she is looking forward to a promising business career upon graduating from the Manpower "Business Training institute. Shop In McHenry 1011 lo Best Wishes 2605 NOV'66 M.P. 43 $ Our spirits soar with the joys of this wondrous Christmastide. Many good things to you and yours, for the holidays. FIEUND'S DAIRY. Inc. McHenry, III. Businessmen a Luncheons Served Daily at • FINE ITALIAN POODS AGED STEAKS LOBSTEH TAILS • FISH FEY FMS3DAY * BAR-B-O BACK RIBS * Our Speck! Italian Spaghetti Sauce Carrv*Out private Dining Rooms for Businew Me** tin if* and Special Occasion* Richmond, I1& Is <4 Stock Handlers Screw Machine Operators PiSISESSBED • A( PUNC I j PRE OliRATOR (Day or Nfet Ski I ^.M. to 4:3© IP.ML 5 P.M. to Machine Repairman' Day Shift 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. _ Exc®Il®nt Company !@a®Sta Indie!" kg: Free lasiraae® - 8 PaM !S@Sid& S's - ProfMkadag - .Law £©st Cafeteria and nwe... ' Plli©!iit OFF0IE OPii 8A.MI.lo 4»$§Wi. Monday through Friday OAK MANUPA€7l0imi0 CO. A OIVISION op OAK ELECTRo/NETlCa COHP •••Hi KaaOcD OOi7©©t Pfe©oo <3@©oS000 iiaici, omoca®Q© -M AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

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