\ 4 PAGE 12, SECTION 1 - McHENRY PLAIN DEALER- FEBRUARY 9, 1967 •?¥?•"'QLAKELAND PARK NEWS Guoto HUUB - ay-nn WOMAN'S CLUB SPONSORS BAKE SALE FEBRUARY 11 A bake sale will be held on Saturday morning, Feb. 11, beginning at 9:30 in the National Food Store. The ladies of the Lakeland Park Woman's Club who are sponsoring the affair are very busily engaged in concocting all sorts of goodies for Saturdays sale. Baked goods are to be delivered to Chairman Vickey Bottari's home on Friday evening or before 8:30 a.m. Saturday. If no transportation is available, please call 385-2262 for someone to pick it up. Come early Saturday and give your sweet tooth a treat. • General Meeting Although this item has been mentioned before, it is of sufficient importance to be repeated again. The general meeting of the LPPOA will be held on Wednesday evening, Feb. 22, at 8 p.m. at thp community house. The Mayor and members of the City Council will be on hand to answer questions regarding our new status. At least one member of each family should be on hand to get their information first hand. Dog Tego and Vehicle Again we are repeating information but from the large amount of calls regarding this subject, it hasn't been cleared up as yet. Vehicle stickers are due now and can be purchased at the City Clerk's office at 3429 W. Elm Street. Truck fees vary according to weight and capacity, and motorcycles and motor bikes also require stickers. They must be displayed by March 1 and a penalty will be charged for each month's delay after that time. Dog tags will not be on sale till sometime in April. They $re due on May 1. Rates vary for male and female dogs and this information is available in the LPPOA Newsletter of February. We will be notified when the tags are available. Community House Schedule All bookings and cancellations for our Community House must be made through Mrs. Jo Rizzo at 385-2728. Please do not schedule meetings without contacting Mrs. Rizzo before-hand to make sure the hall is available. Saturday, Feb. 11 - Tri- County 5 Watters. Monday, Feb. 13, - Lakeland Park 4-H Club, 7.30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 14, - Boy Scouts, 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 15 - Girl Scouts, 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Regular Board meeting, 8 p.m. Lakeland Park Couples Bowling The standings in the couples bowling league are as follows: Ramskells with 7-1: Sinners with 6-2: Dreps with 6-2: Winos with 5-3: Warriors with 5-3: Short Circuits with 5-3: Jammers with 4-4: Bombers 4-4 : Saints 2-6: Famous 4 with 1-7 and the 4 Pins with 0-8. Shirley Koch is the pjroud possessor of the high series scratch score of 538.. Ted Kaminski is till holding BE MODERN WITH NEW SHOWER VALVE One handle does the work of two! Richard A. Garrells PM MBIKf. and HEATING LSOK N. Rinetvonil R«l. SK5-SXH COLLEGE INN NOW! MS . . THE TO[F ARTISTS& ACTS NIGHTLY DAVID KOMA1NE mod hit . CUdfo'i Fint Sapper di •hut j> gtH CBliiUli--mti bepto SHERMAN HOySS Ckffc * iiSaHc * Randolph • Ht 2-2JC3 flagrantly provocative piscstorul viands dinner, €®dktaifs coital O^Ss^dam and ceSeSbs-ities CEimric room TippSe at Chicago's longest bar SS®33:RjMLik,£T HOtJSEJ dark « Randolph » LaSalle For iwetvafitas PR 2-2100 on to his high series of 610. We goofed last week and published this week's lineup a little ahead of schedule, so just to catch up this is what we hope is, this week's lineup! Starting with lane 1 it's the Dreps vs. the Jammers, Sinners vs. Saints, Ramskels vs. 4 pins. Famous 4 vs. Warriors, Jaw-Breakers vs. Short Circuits, Winos vs. Bombers. Lots of luck and we can watch the Saints and the Sinners battle it out yet! Boy Scout Troop 459 Troop 459 is having a board of review on Feb. 28. At the meeting we divided into four patrols. During the meeting the boys were passing their requirements and studying the hand signals for the hike. Last Saturday six boys and our Scoutmaster, Joe Prazak and his assistant, Ray Rode went on a ten mile hike. The boys who went on this hike are Alan Meurer, Don Prazak, Mike Koch , Dave George, Mike Kraskiewicz, and Jerry Zalud. Even though Jerry is is a first class Scout he is working on a hiking merit badge. There will be another hike on Feb. 11 or 18 depending on the weather. Res p e c t f u l l y s u b m i t t e d , A l a n Meurer, Scribe. Girl Scoot Troop S20 T h e r e g u l a r m e e t i n g w a s held in spite of the weather last week. The girls checked badge requirements and decided that they would like to work for the Toymaker badge. They will need some help on some of the requirements and are looking for volunteers with some knowledge of toymaking or sewing. Even Scouts who have graduated but have worked on this badge during their active scouting years would be most welcome. A mother is also needed to act as cookie chairman for the forthcoming cookie sale to be held in M a r c h . T h e y f i n i s h e d t h e meeting with games and sang * songs. The girls would esp e c i a l l y l i k e t o t h a n k J i m Wickenkamp for the flag stands which he made for the troop. The addition of the flag stands which he made for the troop. The addition of the flag stands have improved their flag ceremonies quite a bit Brownie Troop 4M • The girls had a vacation from crafts at their last meeting and spent the afternoon playing games and singing scouting songs. They also made plans for their Valentine party to be held next week. Little Lesgae Writing Party Don't forget to get your tickets for the roller skating party sponsored by the Lakeland Park Boys Baseball Club. It will be held next Wednesday, Feb. 15 from 7:30 to 10 p.m. at the roller rink. TWs is a family affair and skaters of all ages are invited to come out and try their skill on wheels. OMISICDCSS Our deepest sympathy is extended to the Rizzo family on the sudden death last week of Jo's sister-in-law, Frances Geltner of Carpenters ville. Our sympathy is also exteafied to the Moll family on the passing of Bill's father, Will Moll, of Little Rock, Arkansas. Bill flew down for the services which were held on Tuesday in Little Rock. Birthday Oseetlogs Vickey Bottari is celebrating her birthday on Feb. 9. Jolyne Vanek is another year older on the tenth and the eleventh is a busy day with Rosemary Holas and John Zimny celebrating and Norbie Kwiatek also claims it for his natal day and chalks up 14 years. Richard Bierman will be five on the twelfth and Mike Kraskiewicz becomes a teen-ager on the same day. Bruce Okal will be 17 on the thirteenth and Carol Cynowa won't tell how many years she has accumulated. Kathie Becker becomes "Sweet Sixteen" on the fifteenth and Gerry Wagner will also cut her birthday cake that day. New Bride Georgia M a n n i n g c e l e b r a t e s h e r birthday on the sixteenth as does Wally Nuss who claims voting age and it's that terrific two birthday for Sherri Fernstrom, while Danny Duffy chalks up seven years. Happy birthday to each of you and many more happy days to come. . . Stork-Gram No. 1 A baby boy was born to Pat and David Grandt on Tuesday Jan. 31 at 1:15 a.m. at McHenry hospital. The little lad weighed in at 8 lbs. 14% oz. and measured 21 inches. He was named David Roy Grandt, Jr., and has the honor of'being the first child of the Grandts and also being the first grandchild and first great-grandchild on his mother's side of the family t r e e . H i s g r a n d p a r e n t s a r e Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bates of Shorehill Drive and his great-grandmother is Mrs. Gerher of Victor Drive. Hie baby's paternal grandmother is Mrs. John Grandt of McHenry. Our congratulations to the new family. Stork-Gram No. t The first baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ether' idge of Oabwcod Court on Jan. 25 at McHenry hospital. The baby boy was named Mark Allan and tipped the scales at 9 lb. 1 oz. He is the first grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Fuchs of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Etheridge, Jr., of Crystal Lake. Speed Limit The speed limit for our roads is 25 m.p.h. on posted roads and 30 m.p.h. on unposted roads. Tickets have been issued to speeders In the past month and let a word to the wise be sufficient. Strolling Haongh the Fart Only a few more months till spring and oh, boy, we can hardly wait! 'Nuff said. Happy to report that Earl Dowell is back home after a stay in McHenry hospital where he had ulcer surgery several weeks ago. Hope this cleared everything up. Nice to have an operation to discuss on those long winter evenings.- * The Qmowa family spent Saturday evening with Larry and Kathy Cynowa at their home in Cary. The occasion was a "Happy Everything" party for Carol and Ray in honor of their birthdays and anniversary. They practiced their pool game and really lived it up with a "Happy Everything" cake baked in their hosor. Jan. 28 was a popular wedding date as former resident, Vince Cina, took Kathy Thompson, formerly of McHenry, for his bride at ceremonies in Elgin. After a honeymoon trip to Florida the newlyweds will make their home in Elgin. Jan. 28 was also the date chosen for the marriage of Joy Wright, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs.LaMarr Wright of North Avenue, to Mr. Edward Schwabaur, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Schwabur of Eastwood Manor. Hie ceremony was psrformed at the Nativity Lutheran church of Wonder Lake by Reverand_ CARPETS - RUGS 9', 12', ad 15' Mis of ACtYLICS, NYLONS, Clearance Priced i--c $3.99 •IE Reresrassjf's - Roll Manees USlkJ (Trade-Ins) RUGS TIDY TS Wfi ©RBI CAFL & RUGS GZI CD E3 CJ HB P COUPOM I | BONUS COUPON | U0P | NO. DO MILE SA |II 15 (iKEKN STAMPS • O • I WITH THIS CO! PO|N yd. | O OX FEBRUARY | | ^ PURCHASES | | OFTEK EX PIKES | | FEBRUARY IS. 1967 | Ib-gul»r IfourH # A.M. to .> P.M. Tu«-*., Sat. -- 8 A.M. to # P.xM. Mon., Thur*.. Fri. ('lotted Sunday PHONE 845 -- 33H-IOOO S;inie Location and Mana|fi'in<*nt a* T»d\ MagikiM fiui; ('leanm -- 200 Waftnlnsfton S t r e e t -- J u n c t i o n I S t « " . 1 2 0 n n d B u s . I t . \\ imkKIoi U. Illinoio. Thomas Johnson. Their attendants were Richard Anderson of McHenry and Sherry Schiltz of Aurora, a cousin of the bride. They will reside in Eastwood Manor. Get-well washes to Margaret Beahler Who was in McHenry hospital for a brief stay. Also to Michael Burmann who is sporting•• the mumps. Jackie and Ron Creutz celebrated their wedding anniversary last Friday with Penny and Don Veenhuis who were guests at the Creutz home. Penny was also honored on the occasion of her upcoming birthday. They spent, the evening shuffling the cards and no bets on who won. The Veenhuis kids have been confined to quarters with a version of the ever lovin' virus. Penny shared some of theirs and all „,are hoping for spring. ' Jim Cole sprained his ankle last week and was laid low, for a while. Hope it mends in short order. The big gvent of the weekend was the marriage of Georgia Manning to Bob Boyle last Saturday at St. Patrick's church. They were attended by the bride's sister, Anna Mae Lezon, who was the matron of honor and by best man, Dennis Kozicki. Carol Knor, also a sister of the bride, and Mel Major were their attendants. After the nuptial Mass said by Father David Beauvais, a reception was held at McHenry Country Club for friends and relatives of the new bride and groom. Georgia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Manning of Rogers Avenue and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer of Rt. 120. A surprise birthday party was given for Candy North of Crystal Lake at the Daurio home last Saturday. The kids did a good job of raising the rafters doing the newest version of the frug. Mr. and Mrs. North were also guests at the wing-ding. Gerry and Lloyd Wagner attended a company retirement dinner for Gerry's dad, Gerald Harbaugh, last Saturday. Among the honored guests were his three daughters and their husbands. Rose and Ed Oswald were dinner guests at the home of their daughter, Blanche Gelshecker, in Evanston. They also paid a visit to Rose's brother, Bert Fischbach. Hope that Buddy Druml still fits into his uniform by the time his leave is up. He has been having £ terrific time eating his way through the.area! Stevie Wickenkamp had a b i r t h d a y l u n c h e o n w i t h friend, Mattie Rogers, and his mom, Dolores, last Tuesday. These two make. a celebration all by themselves! Bev Wickenkamp's sister and family, Karen and Earl Rokala and Kathy and Billy stopped by on their way . h o m e t o M i n n e a p o l i s l a s t Monday. The Rokalas came to Chicago to pick up. their children who spent. some time with Grandma Hjerkstadt after the fire in their home. They have since found a new home to replace the totally ruined one and thus a happy ending to the story. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Miscovic and son, Jim, went into Chicago for the christening of their first grandchild, John Robert, at St. Wences- •laus church. The baby's godmother was his great-aunt. Mrs. Helen Goehry, and the godfather was uncle Edward Miscovic. The baby's chriS' tening dress and bonnet; and jacket were made by the baby's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Roshay, from his' mother's wedding gown. His parents held open house for relatives and friends during the day. Hie recent March of Dimes drive held in the Lakeland Park section netted a total of $133. The volunteers Who gave of their time on the bad night of the drive were Nedra and Billy Eckhart, Mary and Kathy Hickey, Lorraine Arient, Betty Bockman, Dolore Belohlavy, Arlene Bartos, Vickey Bott a r i . B a r b a r a M e u r e r , Kay Druml, Alice Sullivan and d a u g h t e r s , B e t t y a n d A l i c e and Mike Daurio and Tony Koleno. They were served coffee and cookies afterwards at the Daurio home. Mary Daurio was the" chairman of the Lakeland Park drive. She and Jim would like to express their gratitude to the generous people who contributed to this worthy cause. We would like to welcome a new family to our community. Edwin and Lois Choate and their five sons, Edwin, 11; Kent, 9, Dennis, 8, Steven, T and Jimmy, 3 years old moved here from Chicago last week on either Tuesday or., Wednesday. There is a question as the movers didn't ar-; rive till almost midnight with ; their furniture. After a start at 9 o'clock in the snow •; packed city they finally got the truck Joaded late in the® afternoon Jind really made it . a full day of moving. Things ' can only be better. Ed is employed as the manager of a local store. FIND MAIL BOX A mail box belonging to Jeppe C. Jepsen.. of 4618 N.X Spring Grove road, Johns-. " burg, reported to the sheriff'R ' office as missing, was found/ in the chapel on Ringwopd * and Wilmot roads last week USSfHE CLASSIFIEDS For Your Savings Strength " In Reserves The strength of a financial institution is in the ratio of its reserves to total Savings. Our reserve fund is $2,012,483.00 strong - or 10.9% of savings. This exceptionally strong reserve position was created entirely for the benefit and protection of our savers. It is assurance that your association Is strong, and able to withstand economic storms with continued safety and profitable earnings for our Savers. Save at McHenry County's Oldest, Largest, Strongest Association Current Dividend Rate 50/0 On Passbook Savings On One Year Certificates Marengo Federal SAVINGS and LOAN Assn 102 North State St. TEL. 815-568-7256 MARENGO, ILLINOIS Total Assets Over $21,000,000.00 ; • • : •• • Uttr VINYL ASBESTOS ffll: 12" X12" Pre-Finished Paneling 4' X V as low as 4' X 8' as low as Embossed -- 19c ea. Piece 8' x 12 Room 8' x 12 Room only CEILING TILE 12" X 12 8' x 12 Room only and up ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424