r-;; .. THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 2S^2S!EJSSJ£lii«JS22!S^J2JEJi£2^S£L *5f PAINTERS <9 MASONS * CEMENT MEN • LABORERS Year around employment. Vacation and other company benefits. See or call i ARNOLD N. MAY BUILDERS, INC. 10002 Main St., Richmond, 111. Call 815-678-2861 2-9-67TF LICENSED Plumber and electrician. Year round employment. Call AnMay Supply 815-675-2861. 2-2-67TF PART TIME man for delivery and pickups in Chicago. Must have knowledge of Chicago streets. Call Mr. Roalsen, Keyline Distributors. 385-1720. 2-23-67 INDUSTRIAL engineer for time and motion study. Apply in person, Triwec Transformer Co., Lakemoor. 2-23-67TF COIL SPRING SET UP An excellent opportunity in a fast growing new Company, for a man experienced in Set Up on either Tortron or Automatic. We will pay top wages for the right man. • Paid Vacation and Holidays • Excellent Hospital plan and Life Insurance For Information call 385-2418 after 6:00 p.m. Or Apply at the ELGILOY COMPANY 853 Dundee Avenue Elgin, Illinois 815-695-1900 2-23-67 INDUSTRIAL GUARDS FULL TIME AND WEEKENDS 4 p.m. to Midnight 12 Midnight to 8 a.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. 4 p.m. to 12 Midnight Age -- 21 to 67. Bondable. In Crystal Lake. Uniforms Furnished. Apply in person Thurs., Fri. and Sat. -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. " LAKE MANOR MOTEL Rtes. 14 & 31 Crystal Lake, Illinois HELP WANTED HELP WANTED DODGE, INC. WORLD'S LARGEST TROPHY MFG'RS. RTS. 14 & 31 -- CRYSTAL LAKE MME & FEMALE GENERAL FACTORY Apply In Person 8:00 to 4:30 P.M. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY "An Equal Opportunity Employer" Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted v . FEMALE . COIL AND TRANSFORMER WINDERS AND ASSEMBLERS • Experience desired but will train qualified applicants. • Day Shift 7:30 A.M. to 4 P.M. • Excellent working conditions - • All standard benefits TRIWEC TRANSFORMER CO. 519 W. SHERIDAN LAKEMOOR McHENRY, ILLINOIS ; y SRA BUILDING ^ B < ||| / 2-2-67TF __Malg_Helg_Wagdgd Malg_Help Wamftad y TURRET LATHE OPERATORS EXPERIENCE ESSENTIAL v. Miller Products SPRING GROVE ILLINOIS 815-675-2021 x 2-16/3-9-67 EXPANDING COMPANY Openings for inter-com installation and servicemen created due to promotion of present personnel. Electronic or telephone background helpful. V a c a t i o n , h o s p i t a l i z a t i o n , p e r i o d i c r a i s e s , a u t o allowances, other company benefits. SCAN-AM COMPANY 815-385-3499: after 7 P.M. 815-653-7321 2-23-67 LOST & FOUND LOST -- German Shep. puppy 5 mos. old. Vic. McCullom ^ake.. Call 385-0170 ask for Pat. ROUTE SALESMAN FOR LOCAL TERRITORY EARN MINIMUM OF $140 PER WEEK Set your own goal toward maximum earnings and further advancement. Paid vacation and pension plan. Excellent hospitalization for employee and family. Severance plan. LUDWIG MILK CO. , 1903 S. RT. 31 I McHENRY. ILLINOIS r 2-23-67 EXPERIENCED Dairy farm manager. Harvard - Hebron grade A modern equipment, housing, good wages. Reference. Start anytime. Write Box 398, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 7-21*66-tf IN CRYSTAL LAKE, preferably middle aged couple, woman to assist with general hotel work. No cooking, salary. Apartment including all utilities furnished. Husband can continue at present employment. Write Box 451 ^are .jof Plaindealer. ' 2-23-67 WAITRESS Apply in person. Angelo's Sunset Inn, Wauconda, 111. 2-23-67 GIRL, with ability to meet public,.for general office work. Pleasant working conditions. Five day week including Saturday. Write to box 449 care of McHenry Plaindealer. 2-23-67 Female Help SECRETARY-EXECUTIVE Position now open for a responsible person interested in assuming full secretarial duties. Need bright alert woman to handle variety of interesting duties. Accurate typing necessary. Dictaphone and shorthand experience helpful. Excellent working conditions, modern office, excellent fringe benefits. Apply to PERSONNEL MANAGER CLAUD S. GORDON CO. NEAR CORNER RTS. No. 173 and No. 12 RICHMOND, ILLINOIS PHONE: (815) 678-2211 "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 2-23-67 OAK SHOP IN McHENRY has Vnumber of permanent positions for women in our sales, purchasing, and credit union offices. SECRETARIES Requires good typing and short hand skills and ability to handle heavy telephone contact duties. TYPISTS Good typing speed, will also be doing general office duties, such as filing, etc. Bookkeeper - Machine Operator Will be using a Burroughs Sensimatic to post credit union accounts to employees records. If you qualify for any of these positions why not call or drop by our personnel office today? We offer many fine benefits, inc. • Free--Profit-Sharing • Hospital and life Insurance • Company paid education end training program HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED NOW HIRING! Manufacturing operations have already begun at our new plant facilities on N©rfh Industrial Drive behind the McHenry Market PlacS on Route 120. Second shift operations began Wednesday, February 22nd. - FEMALE - Machine Attendants MALE and FEMALE Precision Inspectors (Mechanical) These job opportunities are available on the 1st and 2nd shifts IKK) pjn. to 8:00 pjn. Thursday and Friday February 23 & 24 --and-- 9:00 ajm. to 2:00 pan. Saturday February 11th Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Our Working Hours Will Be 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. to 12 midnite K MANUFACTURING CO. (OSVIOIQM OP OAK ELECTRO/NETSOS COBP ••nth C2g0d OQOWT " PhlBI 4£39°S@©© flfll AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPyOvm 2-23-67 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED TELEPHONE SALES Part time. Pick your own hours. Days or evenings. Salary and commission. Selling leading Chicago newspaper. ^ CHICAGO DAILY NEWS 3909 W. MAIN McHENRY, ELL. Call 385-1070 2-23-6T MAN OR WOMAN to supply Rawleigh Products to consumers in Wonder Lake. Good time to start. No capital required. Write Rawleigh Dept. ILB-52-815, Freeport, 111. 61032 2-23-67 Part Time CASHIER r • Must Have Experience • Excellent working conditions • Top Pay Write to Box No. 450 McHenry Plaindealer 2-23-67TF • Cooks • Cashiers • Salad Girls • Bus Boys and • Dish Washer • Excellent openings in Company Cafeteria • Good Starting Rate '•/aII Benefits and Paid Holidays • Uniforms Furnished • Full or Part Time, 5 days a week. See or Call ART JOHNSON, Manager. Oak Manufacturing Cafeteria Crystal Lake 459-5000, extension 220 2-16/2-23-67 Female Help Wanted Female Help Wanted COOK Restaurant featuring home cooking desires woman cook to work evening shift Wonderful working conditions and opportunity. If interested call 815-459-0125 for an interview THE CZECHO LODGE Crystal Lake, Illinois 2-9-67TF TEACHERS aides. McHenry Elementary school. Interesting work. $2.00 per hour. Apply in person to Donald Heldt, Business Manager, 1012 N. Green, McHenry, 111. 2-23-67 WAITRESS WANTED. Apply in person at Virginian R e s t a u r a n t and C o c k t a i l lounge, 394 Virginia Street, Crystal Lake, 2-16/2-23-67 LITZIER COSMETICS CONSULTANTS WANTED IN THIS AREA Will train Call 385-1457 or 312-529-1473 2-16-67TF WOMAN for general offlce work. Permanent. Age 35-45 years old. No small children. No typing necessary. 5 day week. Call 815-459-1631. 2-967TF USE THE CLASSIFIEDS --1 Now, from American Motors, the car that wasn't there. AUTOMOTIVE CONTROLS CORP Phone 385-7633 Trailer or 385-7000 Plant This may well be the most important news to come out of Detroit this year. A major gap has developed in today's automobile market--a gap that no American-built car is filling. Because this gap exists, over 1,000,000 car buyers a year have not been able to get the car they wanted: a car for the American motorist at a list price competitive to foreign imports. Today, American Motors' new management and nearly 2,500 American Motors/Rambler Dealers are filling that gap. As of today, we are limiting future changes in our Rambler American line to essential changes that will further enhance the safety and reliability of these cars. This will save us millions of dollars-and we and our dealers are passing the savings along to you now. This means that the Rambler American 220 twodoor sedan that yesterday listed at $2,073 now lists at $ 1,839.° It means that today, your American Motors/Rambler Dealer has put new price stickers on all nine Rambler American models. For years, Rambler American has been the best value in an American automobile. Today, priced competitive to imported cars, it is the best automobile value in the world. This week on television, we pnftnised you exciting news from American Motors. This is only the beginning. MAKE SIMCA 1000 4-dr sedan J1639* VOLKSWAGEN 2-dr sedan $1639* OPEL KADETT 2-dr, sedan $1695* FORD CORTINA Model C 2-dr. sedan" $1815* RAMBLER AMERICAN 220 l df. sedan VALIANT 100 2-dr sedan FALCON Standard 2-dr. sedan CORVAtR S00 2-dr H T. CHEVY II 100 2-dr. sedan yf CURB WEIGHT (in pounds) 1609 1764 1614 1923 2669 2780 $2118" 2638 $2128b 2525 $2152" 2765 nmnignr iOTORS OVERALL LENGTH (in inches) 149.5 160.6 1616 168.0 181.0 188.4 184.3 183.3 183.0 OVERALL WIDTH (in inches) 58.5 60.6 61.9 64.9 70.8 71 1 732 69.7 71 3 WHEELBASE (in inches) 873 945 951 98.0 106.0 108.0 1110 1080 110.0 STANDARD HP. t NO Of CYLS. 52 hp / 4 cyl. 53 hp./ 4 cyl. 54 hp./ 4 cyl. 65 hp./ 4 cyl 128 hp./ 6 cyl 115 hp./ 6 cyl. 105 hp./ 6 cyl. 95 hp./ 6 cyl. 120 hp./ 6 cyl. AMBASSADOR MARLIN REBEL RAMBLER AMERICAN PASSENGER CAPACITY 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 5 6 ret«l price lor model nimed. Inderal taies included Stale 01 local S excise ta» included SJ^le 01 local lanes il any optional equipment eilra. b Manufacturer's suggested taies it any. destination charges, optional equipment eitr*. *. i,