fc 4^'SK. I - PLAINDEALER - MAR. 30, I9<7 Hold Annual Bowlerama i Seated left to right is Bill Malik, Lois Pollock, Madeline Amour, and Bill Kirk. Standing is Fred Wahl and Jackie Kurschardt. The Wauconda Sportsmen's Club held their annual Bowlerama party at the Crystal Bowl in Crystal Lake on Saturday March 11. Members, wives and guests enjoyed an evening of fun, with a midnight snack after bowling, in the Yacht Club Room. Prizes and trophies were awarded tp the lucky winners. Had a chuckle out of a post card this week with an aerial view of a wine company in Lodi, California with a printed message - "Visitors always welcome. Wine tasting daily." "Somebody" wrote this message: It makes us think! It makes us laugh! To think You want our autograph. Frank Justin Alex J. Justen v Marian Whiting Justen Elvera? We are wondering if Frank and Marian are related. He signed his name "in" while hers was "en". Guess Elvera couldn't make up her mind. Thanks for the card and enjoy the daily tastings. Our Warrior baseball team opens the season here April 10th against Grant. Instead of printing the whole schedule, we are going to pick up all sports schedules under the Sports Calendar. Our observation is that readers forget to cut out schedules and save them. McHENRY RECREATION WEDNESDAY NITE MIXED Sis Wall win 166; Marge Axell 144; Carole Humann 133; Betty O'Brien 192; Don Humann 196- 190-556; Lucy Klienhans 148; Bill Long 204-537; Lee Bujak 157; Tee Bujak 170; Ray Bujack, Jr. 200-548; Teenie Morrison 145; Ray Morrison 167- 160; Vaughn Gamen 152; Frank Hannemann 196-198-538; Joe Kuna 213-567; Marion Nelson 155; Rose Klemm 138; JimMc- Nally 205-558. -V MONDAY NITE COMMERCIAL LEAGUE T. McGuine 558; V. Conrad 201-543; R. Schmuhl 203-561; T. Rebel 511; John McGee 518; Gene Freund 532; R. Garrelts 534; D. Mercure 518; R. Mercure 508; C. Behnke 203-516; G. Visconti 227-209-588; H. Hachmeister 516; R. Muerer 531; E. Osmon 544; T. Kaminski 532; E. Steinsdorfer 527; J.Reid 506; T. Oeffling 515; D. Humann 210-547; B. O'Brien 236-201- 628; J. Schaefer 223; V. Pakulla 562; E. Steadman 224-552; F. Matthesius 504; D. Baker 519. SO I HEAR By Earl Walsh Bill Malik, of Chicago and Lois Pollock of Wauconda wot individual high series. Madeline Amour of Island Lake and Bill Kirk of McHenry were awarded individual high game trophies. Fred Wahl and Jackie Kurschardt both of Wauconda, received novel trophies for their accomplishments. Bill Kirk was also the winner of the door prize - a unique bowling pin design transistor radio. Sights on Pistakee Bay! Some time back Don Blake bet Louis Pitzen a buck that he would go ice fishing on Pistakee on March 25. Hie temperature was high last Saturday when Louis looked out his window and said, "What the h--". Somebody was out there in Bermuda shorts. It was Don walking from Pink Harrison's over to Pitzen*s. Louie lost the bet and the fish scattered to other parts. Why didn't somebody tell us last week? Now it comes out that Betty Clark rolled a 98 game at McHenry Rec. There must be some explanation. Still think Ye OldePlaindealer should send us to Florida each spring to cover those training camps and games. The first thing we would do would be to have those White Sox trade two pitchers for one hitter. You could prefer your world series tickets right away. Northern Mini Bowmen News Northern mini Bowmen club shoot winners are: first to Phil Armstrong and Irene Trumble, seconds to Nels Gustafson and Jean Bird, thirds to Les Adams and Joan Copley. After just a year of shooting barebow, Phil Armstrong's first time around the range with a sight, upped his score from 244 to 349, over 100 points, winning the March Club shoot. Thirty archers_tromped thru the snow drifts while 15 more shot the breeze around the bonfire and weiner roast. The April 2nd Club Shoot should be much more pleasant shooting and everyone is welcome to shoot the outdoor range (Hi Draper Road a mile west of McHenry. Shooting registration will be from 9 to 1 pjn. Betty Houser will have tickets to the Northern Mini Bowmen Spring Fling dance to be held at the Fox Lake American Legion on April 22. This has been a bad week for losing old friends. We sent that "Mick", John McCarthy, his last St. Patrick's Day card.' Looking at him in his casket, we expected to hear him say, "Hello, Curly." Then came the call for Dick Jager's father. He loved to go to the bakery with Bertha sit on the bench, watch the activity and exchange greetings. Next it was Art Stuhlfeier. He was in to see us cm Thursday and said he would be back. On Friday Art got that last call. The world goes on, but those Old Timers will be missed. It didn't take the basketball rules makers long to make some changes at season's end. No more dunking the ball through the basket. That may be a good one. ft is too easy for a 7-footer to push the ball through the hoop. They can do it with about as much skill as it would take most of us to drop a penny in a wishing well at close range. Local Youths Win Swimming Awards In YMCA Program On a recent Saturday, youth participating in the Lake Region YMCA's Swim Instruction Program were tested for their swimming abilities. Many of the boys and girls progressed up the ladder of the YMCA's National Aquatic Program and were awarded badges and cards for their efforts. Participants who received awards were: McHenry: Minnow class-Lois Ruford, Bob Seaton, Scott Freund, Ann Seaton; Fish class- Jim Steinbach, Linnea Blomgren; Flying Fish class-Gerry Long, Tom Long, James O'Brien, Dermis O'Brien, Richard Freund. Wonder Lake: Minnow class- Connie Harrison, Kathy Pittman; Fish class-Billy Johnson, Ricky Perryman; Shark class-Chet Brandt. Wish they could find a way not to make such a fuss over those little patty-cake fouls. Too much whistle. ATHLETES AWAY From William Penn College in Oskaloosa, Iowa comes a "1967 Spring Sports Pressbook." We looked all through it and came to Golf Roster, ft was there we found Bill Jorgenson - Jr. - McHenry, Illinois. Our athletes do get around. Good luck and keep swingin*, Bill. ""homeowners. S«VE$$$$ Call Dennis Conway| II D.Wck«e 3815 W. Elm St. I policy Phone 885-7111 |{ Stats Farm fin I Casualty Company You baseball fans know that Pittsburg is favored in the National League. But, have you looked at that Atlanta Braves' lineif) lately? CRUISES I AIL CONTACT CHAIN -O-LARES SEEVtCE ~ JM05 W. Elm St. KTcHenry 0 Th» Great Outdoors by Jack Walsh Winners of the German Wirehaired Pointer .Club of Illinois field trial, held April 18 and 19 at the Wing 'N Fin Club are as follows: CERBYSTAKE 1. Tip Top Timber - GSP - O: Harold Brunke, H: Pete Kainz. 2. Moesgaard Madchen's Rufty - GSP - O: James Thomas H: Owner. 3. Andora v. Holkenborn - GSP - O: A1 & Doris Hoik, H: A1 Hoik. 4c Steg's Direct - GSP - O: John Steger, H: Owner. GUN DOG STAKE 1. Apache Lance - GSP - O: Carl Witt, H: Owner. 2. Tray tor's Grosser Hans - GSP - O: Tray lor, H; Pete Kainz. 3. FLD. CH. Haar Baron's Jo - GSP - O: L. & M. Rieckhoff, H: Lloyd Rieckhoff. 4. Withheld. OPEN ALL-AGE STAKE 1. Pam Barrons Shamrock - GSP - O: Roger Guidice, H: Ken Jellings. 2. Apache Lance - GSP - O: Carl Witt, H: Owner. 3. Fredrick von Grief - GSP - O: Paul Schfi^ffer, H: Pete Kainz. 4. Withheld. OPEN PUPPY STA1 1. Ansel von Niestetal - GSP' - O: Robert Brandenburg, H: Pete Kainz. 2. Country Boy von Wagger - GSP - O: David & Brian Shockley, H: Luther Shockley. 3. Creaney's Belfast Maiden - GSP - O: Art Creaney, H: Owner. 4. Rocky v. Kronnenmuhle - GSP - O: Ray Bauspies, H: Pete Kainz. We have talked with quite a few people in recent weeks, who have taken up the hobby of reloading shotshells. Fine! Reloading is a great hobby and usually enables the hunter or clay target enthusiast to shoot approximately three of his "refills" for the price of one factory load. One word for the experimenter -- DON'T! The powder and components companies provide charts listing tried, tested, and proven loads for every possible type of shooting, and to stray from these is to invite disaster. The German Wirehaired Pointe£j3ub of America, Inc. held their fifth annual A.K.C. licensed trial at the Wing 'N Fin Club grounds, March 25th and 26th. This field trial is open to German Wirehaired Pointers only, and the wimers were: OPEN GUN DOG 1. Herr SchmardFs von Gretel O: Joseph Zahn - H: Owner. 2. Ch. Haar Baron's Gretchen O: Clifford Faestel - H: Owner. 3. Herr Schmardt's Boy Yancey O: Virginia Gallagher - H: A1 Gallagher. 4. Vater Herman - O: Andrew Doser - H: Owner. OPEN PUPPY STAKE 1. Ulan vom Stoppelsberg - O: Ed Kalanke - H: Owner. 2. Lord Lux's Bro - O: Michael Wietor - H: Owner. 3. Backenbart Gypsy's Boy -O: Stanely Maiberger - H: Owner. 4. Haar Baron's U-Turn - O: Diane J. & James F. Martin H: J.,Martin. AMATEUR GUN DOG !. Ch. Haar Baron's Gretchen O: Clifford Faestel - H: Lloyd Rieckhoff. ^ & /// SPORTS Your Aging Home • with Doc Garvcy J. Reporter-Coach Bravely Bounces Back With Crystal Ball To Give Us Predictions On *67 Baseball Editor's Note: After sticking his neck way out to forecast the North Suburban basketball race, .Bert Hagemann dusts off his crystal ball this week to tell us howthe baseball race will end. At least he had the top team (North Chicago) picked correctly in basketball. Your sports editor now rates Bert an expert since he has learned to use the old reliable "IFS". By Bert Hagemann Well, with baiseball season just around the corner, here is the way I see the North Suburban conference shaping up for this coming season: 1. Libertyville 2. Barrington 3. North Chicago 4. Crystal Lake 5. McHenry 6. Zion-Benton 7. Dundee 8. Woodstock This should be the year for coach Jim Gorman's Cats as they feature returning lettermen at almost ever position, led by pitcher Craig Schwerman and shortstop Bruce Jordan. Their defense will be tough, pitching very steady, and offense adequate. They definitely are the team to beat. In the next three places, the standings could be very jumbled. Barring" ton also has a strong cast returning and this well coached outfit could prove to be a big winner. North Chicago is always dangerous, but their pitching could be a little thin. However, they will feature perhaps the best hitting outfit in the northern part of the state and this will make them dangerous. Coach Fred Tipps at Crystal Lake will have perhaps the outstanding hurler in the league in tempermental Glen Guss, plus numerous returning lettermen. However, on double header days, his pitching could be conceivably thin, and their offense might be on the dubious side. The lower division of the league could offer some real surprises, as each team boasts a few outstanding individuals. Dundee will have southpaw Roger MacKenzie to fill Ron Blanken's big pitching shoes, but graduation might have hurt them deeper than most people think. 2. 3. & 4. Withheld. OPEN DERBY 1. Haar Baron's Nasa - O: E.L.S. Arkema - H: Cliff Faestel. 2. Haar Baron's Gustama - O: Marianne Lennon - H: Jim Lennon. 3. Ch. Haar Baron's Wodan - O: John Hayden, M.D. - H: Cliff Faestel. 4. Dunchles Fierd von Mae - O. Anthony G. Apostoli - H: Owner. OPEN ALL AGE 1. Ch. Haar Baron's Zep - O: E.LjS. Arkema - H: Cliff Faestel. 2. Herr Schmardt's von Gretel O: Joseph Zahn - H: Owner. Night Sense Some snakes have small pits near the nostrils that act as infrared d e t e c t o r s . A r e p t i l e so equipped can seek out warm prey even in complete darkness. , This is the time of year when we get a terrific urge to sit out in the sun and watch people work in their yards. TIME CHANGE Elecf Me" and is too long!! VOTE PUBLICAN TUES. APRIL 4, 1967 Section 2 Page 5 ITS FOR A 20 years of "You "I'll elect You" CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL 60 RAILROAD ST. FEATURING FRESH POPPED CORN SERVED WITH HOT BUTTER Will Open For The Season SAT., APRIL 1ST -- HOURS -- SAT. - SUN. & HOLIDAYS 3 P.M. TO CLOSSWG TUES. - WED. - THUR. - FRI. OPEH EVENINGS MONDAYS - CLOSED I Ji Zion will boast an always powerful attack, but pitching could be spotty if Craig Hiatt doesn't find help. Woodstock has a real flamethrower in burly Johnson, but the supporting cast has some question marks. REMEMBER THE "IFS" Then there is McHenry. This ball club could climb as high as third, or plummet into the cellar, depending on the ifs mentioned in last weeks report. By Bill Bolger Now that the big registration is over the next date to remember is Sunday, April 16th. We will hold tryouts that day at the Little League Field. If there are still sane boys who wish to register, you can still do so at Ernie's Shorts Center; but you had better hurry because registration will be over as soon as we have enough players to fill out the team rosters. We have several new managers this year. Next week I will list the team managers and how their teams look for the coming year. See you next week. q v r • j. 2 • MiLLFW. HEATfcE OPENS FRIDAY, MARCH 31 ST NIGHTLY AT 7:30 * Saturday - Sunday Matinee WINDER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS METR0-G0LDWYN-MAYER PRESENTS A CARLO P0NTI PRODUCTION DAVID LEAN'S FILM OF BORIS PASTERNAKS ZH1V IN PANAVISION* AND ME7R0C0L0R A fellow up. the road a piece, name of "Slim" Smithfield, has , more trouble getting himself heard j than a zither player in a brass' band. Slim is all the time hollering about his wife and five daughters tying up the one bathroom in the house for hours on end, but no one seems to pay him much mind. "The bathroom dqor is closed more often than the gate to Fort Knox," Slim frets, "on account of somebody's always washing out The Warriors spent a coiqjle of things, doing their hair, or 'putting days over Easter vacation wal- on their face. Things got so bad, Slim reports, that he considered installing in his home a device that would issue numbered tickets Sike those used by some bakery shops to keep customers in an orderly line. Of course, Slim's morale didn't „ . . exactly soar 'when a neighbor, field Bruce Domoto will nave to wj,osc daughter had just married, find help from juniors George remarked, "I lost my girl, but I bathroom." lowing in the mud while working exclusively on hitting. Returning regulars Bill Keuchel, Dave Sard, Pat Camasta, and Jerry Glosson give me my infield back almost intact. Out- Piccolo, Chuck Reilly, Jim Laursen, or Jim Smith. Some other juniors who are out and who might be ready to shine could alter this picture in the next weeks work if-Mr. weather will co-operate. However, the keyto this ball club stands cm the mound, where rangy Kit Carstens is the only returning veteran. Somewhere help will have to be found, whether it be on his squad or on a lower level. The next ten days will tell a lot if the sunshine holds out. Fish Eggs About one of every thousand fish eggs laid in the ocean even-' tually develops into a mature fish. Most eggs are eaten by predators. Some oceanologists believe food-fish yields could be enormously increased by protecting young fish in enclosures until maturity. gained a But I saw Slim just the <fther day and he was as full of smiles as an insurance salesman. Seems, fikq he hired Charlie Briggs, the' remodeling contractor,, to install a bathroom in the little-used sewing room off the master bedroom. "Now me and the missus will have our own bathroom and the girls will have theirs," Slim gloated. The room that was just wasted space now boasts a built-in vanity, a new-fangled stall shower and a medicine chest big enough for all the patent medicines Slim has collected over the years. Chances are that if Slim does take up the zither, the first piece he'll learn to play will be, "Home Sweet Home.".- ITEM: Different brands of self-polishing wax have different formulas, and even the same brand changes from time to time as improvements are made. Because of these differences, never combine partially used cans of self-polishing wax. r EABLY PLANS FOR'87 COUNTY FAIR ANNOUNCED Plans for the 1967 McHenry County Fair moved forward in virtually all area last week at the regular meeting of the board of directors. Closing date for the premium book is this week, and most advertising and exhibition information copy is ready. The board actedto clarify open class age rules. The junior open class show will be for boys and girls 10-21 years of age. Recent changes by the 4-H has lowered the age for beginners to 9 years of age by the eligibility date. The board agreed that 4-H leaders should check open class entries of their members to make sure they meet the age requirements. Premium money offered by the 4-H home economics department will be raised, and the fair board agreed to underwrite the premium money shown in the fair book. Miss Sahron Zook, assistant home adviser, said the 4-H home economics girls will keep 4-H exhibits on the grounds until 6 p.m. in keeping with a request of the board. The fair is scheduled fen* Aug. 3-6, and it will feature the Miss McHenry County pageant opening night. First entries have come from some county communities. Connie Pedersen, 4-H representative, said the Federation is preparing ground beautification plans that will include a new flag and flagpole near the center of the grounds. sous... S/tLUTt rr> - mS / £itcr£J> 7»ne MIUOfifiAME, 7ke Mrs OlD fi/CXSY #ESPO/VS/Sl£ fiat - {i)&ee*rwG SHfOMi'S coim l/AGM£M*FSmm JAcmenM/ttgfif, 7WEM*/e*if4see'S fi/*$r/#<f£o em/*4rea. (2) Dtreioma Tff&ssMu. ME eeeoep nmommtif To fiemmrsw rae 2ot, * <?-«, - MDD/O 7MSS4*e WTH VtygPtPt&f in 7*/e wre wr e/j^irsb't. HE hw§ 4iso Aesro/waie AfMGfi &S46UE eXftMSWAf fw 8 Clues 7T> /o. ENRY THEME BT. OF. ffSj. 7 DAYS -- FRI - THURS. MARCH SI - APR. 6 Harry Palmer Is Back! Successful Sequel to "Ipcress File" Action • Suspense - Comedy 1. BOAT (piinert TECHNICOLOR ® PUUVISICO? r «nuumom mctmk Friday - Saturday 7-9 p.m. Sunday 5:15 - 7:30 Weekdays 8 p.m. SPECIAL MATINEE SUNDAY, APRIL 22 Jerry Le\vis 'THE BELLBOY" plus 4 carttons Doors open 2:30 p.m. 2. 3. CAMPING X 4. Travel Resorts 5. Hit Stage Show STARRING ALLEN & ROSSI and JANUARY JONES. MPHITHEATR