MS?/ fG. SEC.2 - PLAIN DEALER - APR. 6, 1967 LAKELAND PARK NEWS Carole Humana WOMAN'S CLUB HOLDS ELECTION OF OFFICERS Election of officers will take place tonight (Thursday) at the meeting of the Lakeland Park Woman's Club. The meeting ..will begin promptly at 8:30 p.m. fMS usual and refreshments will be served by the committee. The voting wil; be presided over by Helen Strandquist, chairman of, the nominating committee. A social hour will follow the election. Most of the members of the Woman's Club have been contacted to provide a salad for the forthcoming spring salad luncheon to be held on April 19 at the new American Legion Home on Ringwood road. Serving will begin at 11:30 a.m. and will continue till all have been served. Reserved tables can be arranged by cailling Vickey Bottari at 385-2262. Business people who cannot remain for the cards to follow the luncheon will be served promptly and can insure returning to their place of business on time 'by making a reservation with Mrs. Bottari. Tickets are available now through members of the Woman's Club can be purchased at the door. COMMUNITY HOUSE SCHEDULE All bookings and cancellations for the community house are to be made through Jo Rizzo by calling 385-2728. Wednesday, April 5 - Girl Scout meeting, 6:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, April 6 - Lakeland Park Woman's Club meeting, election of officers - 8:30 p.m. Saturday, April 8 - Tri-County Five Waiters, 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 10 - Lakeland Park 4-H Club, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 11 - Boy Scout meeting, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 - Girl Scout meeting, 6:30 to 8 pjn. LPPOA NOTES Don't forget to mark your calendar for the annual general meeting to be held on April 19 at the community house. This Wednesday meeting will begin promptly at 8 p.m. in order to finish all items on the agenda. 881.1603 Of prime importance is the election of board members to be held that evening. The following men have been nominated and have accepted the nominations; Elmer Hagemann, BillGlosson, Rich Wohnrade, Les Eckhart, Everett Fleming, and Elwood Crane. These names show the continuing high calibre of people who are interested in the advancement of our community. Absentee ballots can be obtained'by people who will be out of town on April 19 from Helen Strandquist. They will be available on Saturday, April 15 from noon to 6 p.m. and must be returned in a sealed envelope no later than Monday, April 17. GIRL SCOUT TROOP 320 We began our meeting with the flag ceremony and we sang ^'America, the Beautiful." Next we discussed things about the Father and Daughter Banquet, ft will be held on Wednesday, April 26 at 6:45 p.m. at the Johnsburg Community Club. Reservations are to be turned in. to our leader by April 5 with the money. For the Girl Scout birthday, we received the badges for our admission. Then we got into patrols and collected dues. Also each patrol had to choose a design for their fathers' place mats for the banquet. Then the whole troop voted on one design. We then had treats. Our hostesses were Darlene Licastro, Nancy Christy, Mary Humann and Dee Dee Dowell. Patti Laursen also brought treats because it was her birthday. We had cookies, licorice, candy rolls and koolaid. We closed our meeting with the flag ceremor^y, friendship circle and we sang Taps. Then we received slips and booklets on Day Camp and Father and Daughter Banquet. •Respectfully submitted, Donna Humann, Scribe. BROWNIE TROOP 464 At the last meeting the Brownies elected new officers. They are Diane Dargatz, secretary and Beth Koch, Treasurer. Four girl scouts from troop 320 came to teach the Brownies some scouting songs. Jim Martin's SAVINGS on top quality PAINTS I N S I D E P A I N T S < SPRING SAVINGS Super Latex 6.95 Qualify $3« Our Price 5.95 Quality Our price ie Latex ALEXANDER Lumber Co. Phone 385-1424 909 N. Front St. McHenry, III. The girls were Veronica Bierman, Debbie Foszcz, Mary Granath and Doris Dowell. Kathy Lauer was the hostess and brought cupcakes fortreats. The meeting was closed with the magic tunnel. Note: Permission slips for the birthday party will be sent home with the Brownies at the meeting of April 4. They are to be filled out and returned at th<* next meeting. BOY SCOUT TROOP 459 Troop 459 is having their Bring-a-Friend week. All Scouts are supposed to bring a friend. It is not necessary that he join. The meeting on April 4 was calledioff because of the township election held at the community house. Also the, cook-out was called off last Sunday because of the rain. At this meet the second class boys were to have passed their cooking trailing, tracking, and stalking. The First class boys were to have passed cooking. Respectfully submitted, Alan Meurer, Scribe. LITTLE LEAGUE Because of the rain last weekend the Little League try-outs will be held this Saturday, April 8, weather permitting. They will be held at the minor league field on Shore Drive and Central at 1 p.m. The boys are to bring their mitts. Any questions needing advance answers can be answered by calling Jim Wickenkamp at 385-3069. BOWLING NEWS The standings weren't available at the time the column was sent in so check the paper next week to see how the individual teams ended the year. ANNIVERSARY WALTZ It will be the nineteenth wedding anniversary on April 10 for Len and Vickey Bottari. Congratulations to you two and here's to nineteen more. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Many happy returns of the day and all that jazz to this week's collection of birthday people. Thursday, April 6, is the big day for Jimmy Moore who will celebrate his eighth birthday. Sharing the same big day are .Bob Moore and Jim Daurio who won't tell. There are more secrets on the seventh when J&e Parisi and Marge Gray chalk up another year. Ron Miyaki reigns as king on his birthday, April 8. There's a traffic jam on the ninth with Mary Beth Dowell turning a next to ancient 15 years old! Rhonda Koczor will have four candles on her cake and Kris Flannigan admits to fourteen. Scott Belohlavy will'be eleven on that day and George Piccolo will be a birthday boy too. Last but hardly least Kay Druml marks off one more number, how young can you get? Paul Schwegel, Sr., celebrates on the tenth as does Billy Barwig who will be 14 years old. Lynn Cygan reaches that special realm of the teen on the 11th as she becomes 13. Jamie Fernstrom will be eleven on that day and Dolores Belohlavy will also be a birthday gal. Congratulations to all of you and to the secret birthday people who won't even tell the date! STORK-GRAM A lovely baby daughter was born to Art and Slarge Webber on Easter Sunday, March 26 at McHenry hospital. The pretty little miss was named Marci Marie by her proud parentis and she weighed a diminuative 5 lbs. 8 oz. and was measured at 18 inches. She arrived home on Saturday and was greeted by brother, Mark. ANOTHER STORK-GRAM Bob and Shirley Hutt are the happy parents of their third child and second son, named Stephen Joseph, who was born on March 29 at Memorial hospital in Woodstock. The young lad arrived at 1:56 a.m. and weighed 7 lbs. 6%oz. and is 20 inches long. He has a brother, Bob, who is 6 and a sister, Gail who is 3 years old. AND STILL ANOTHER STORK-GRAM Number four son was born to Rudy and Dorothy Lense on Sunday afternoon, April 2, at 1:10 p.m. The bouncing baby boy weighed 8 lbs. 8 oz. at birth and was 21 inches long. At this time the little guy's folks haven't decided for sure on his name so we'll tell that later. His brothers, Ernie, Karl, and Jeffrey are eagerly waiting his arrival home. Grandma Lense is holding down the fort till mom gets back home. Congratulations to all the happy families on their new arrivals. STROLLING THROUGH THE PARK That was some wet and soggy weekend we had. The favorite sport of many people besides griping about the roads was road-watching to see how many cars would get stuck in any given spot before the day was over. Spring has really spring, all over the place. Can sure tell that Easter is over for another year with all the college kids back on the campus after the holiday. Linda Davis, Bob Townsend, and Linda Crane were just a few of the kids who were home Barbara Murphy is spending her vacation in Florida and should come home with a good start on the summer's tan. We bid farewell to the Kujaks who have moved to Eastwood Manor. This is only the other side of town so should be seeing them pretty often around and about. Rose and Ed Oswald spent the weekend in Decatur visiting with Eld's sister, Dora who i^ still hospitalized there. This seems to be the week of the pip or something. So many names are on the sick list. So get-well wishes to Mr. Boruta who is in Downey hospital, to Mary Barle who had oral surgery at McHenry hospital, but is back hone and hopefully well by now. Former resident, Charlene Wimmer, had an appendectomy at McHenry hospital last week. She also returned home on Saturday. Jim Daurio* s mom is in the hospital in California where she is suffering from a stroke and a bout with pneumonia. Charlene Glosson was struck by flying glass at school last week, but luckily only had a small amount of cuts aiid a bump on the headr*"~fefcitharts one evening last week There was plenty of excitement at the Beahler home on Easter Sunday. Their brand new grandson, Will Hogers, was dedicated that morning at the Calvary Assembly of God church in Crystal Lake. The ceremony was a very Impressive one in which his parents also participated. His father was presented with a fully opened red rose signifying his role as head of the family, his mother received an open white rose signifying the purity of motherhood and little Will was given a tiny red rosebud to signify the beginning of a new life. Besides his parents, Lorry and Bud Rogers a large contingent ofbeamingrelationswason hand to share in his shining hour. His great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hatch of Eau Claire, Wis., were there as were his grgat-uncle, Norman Hatch, and Debbie and Mary Kay of Wisconsin Rapids, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Beahler and aunt Terri, aunt and uncle,Mr. and Mrs. Rich* ard Beahler of Woodstock, cousins Ronald and Barbara Hatch of Arlington Heights and Kathy Droesser and Melvin Radloff. A dinner was served at the Beahler home later in the day. The baby's mother is the form* er Lorry Beahler. Robbie Quast is sporting a cast cm her arm after breaking it in a fall. Hope it doesn't start a new fad. Can never tell what'11 catch on these days. Pat Spoto is spending a few days in McHenry hospital and should be home by now and back on the road to recovery. Joe Leone has been under the weather with a severe case of bronchitis. The Wimmer boys and their dad were dinner guests at the while Charlene was in the hospital. " Thirteen month old Elizabeth Brooks was a patient at McHenry hospital and had an appendectomy on Hoi)' Thursday. She was a pretty sick little girl for a while but returned home last Wednesday and is beginning to be her old self again. That was some tummyache. Bob and Jessie Matthews are back home again after a trip to Washington, D.C. to inspect their hew locale. They are in the process of house-hunting and will be moving there soon as Bob has been transferred by his company. Won't be the same around here without those two and their offspring. The Viscounts and Knownames were in Pittsburgh over the weekend for a contest and among the group were the Osman family and the Kaminskis who went along to rubberneck,, Jolyne Vanek participated as did the Osman girls and Donna Kaminski. Hank Kawa spent eight days in the hospital with six of them in traction after slipping a disc. He is back at work again and feeling a lot better. Having finally come to the conclusion as to why everything looks so great in the spring when the grass greens up. This is probably the only time of the year that everyone has their grass at the same height and none of it needs cutting--yet! Dat's all. V. F. W. AUXILIARY NEWS By Gerry Breede The March 27 meeting «f the ladies' auxiliary to YFW Post 4600 was called to order by President Jean Wiles. In the reading of official correspondence by Dorothy Reinbo ldt, secretary, we were informed of the 1967-YFW convention. Aug. 18 to 25 in New Orleans are the dates and location for the convention and headquarters will be at the Royal Orleans hotel. There will be more- information on this at a later date. A tea will be held on Sunday, April 16, for Shirley Mc- Murchie, president of 5th district. This function will be held at VFW in Carpentersvilie. Genevieve Bradley, hospital chairman, reported on the March 15 visit to Downey Veterans hospital and thanked those who took , their time to accompany her. Sunshine chairman Florence Tussey reported on the illness of several memt>ers and said she had sent cards to them. We were sorry to hear that Ha Hogan was ill again, Myrtle Larsen and Stella Rortvet are ill and we all wish them a speedy recovery. We were also very sorry to hear that some of our members had lost a loved one. Our deepest sympathy goes to Evelyn Hay, Georgiana Godina and Bertha Jager. The first meeting in April will be nomination and election of officers for the 1967- 1968 auxiliary year. All members are urged to attend this meeting and elect the members into office who they feel are suited for these positions. Our next regular meeting will be on Monday, April 10, at the clubhouse. STUDENT TEACHER Sandra Krumme of 2805 S. River road, McHenry, is among 300 Illinois State university students starting their practice teaching throughout Illinois.She has been assigned to teach mathematics in East high school, Joliet. USE THE CLASSIFIES! For ThaS Old Fashioned Flavor-Come To SratiAage • ;*> Varieties of Sausage • True (iermuii Style Flavor* * Lean Hickory Smoked Bacon * Country Mud** Sausage Delicious Hickory Smoked llams Route 120. >1 list K»sl of HI. I? Volo. Illinois Phone 385 6260 * * * i * i * t i * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * CARPETS - OVERSTOCK RUGS SPECIAL LIMITED TIME ONLY Continuous Filament Nylon Carpet installed with pad for only 20-Year Wear Guaranteed Nylon Carpet installed over sponge gk, rubber pad for yd. Small extra charge for stair halls and over Less your trade-in. cement All brands of indoor-outdoor carpets for'^3.60 per sq.*yd. cash and carry OVER 500 ROLLS AND 1000 RUGS-EVERY SIZE AND COLOR. Used Rugs, Rolls, Remnants- Choose your carpet or rug from full 9* x 12' Samples in our Warehouse Showroom. Phone 815-338-1M Buy for less, Buy for Cash and Receive S & H Green Stamps Regular Hours: jS 8 AM. to S P.M. - Tue*.. Wed., Sat. & RUGS 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. - Mori., Thurs., Fri. Closed Sundays TIDY CARE 200 Washington Street, Woodstock, June. Rts. 120 and City 14 * i * * t * * * * * * t * i * * * * i t * * * * * i * * * * * * * * * t * * * VELA UJJ Tuesday MDR 18, 1967 POLLING PLACE Lakemoor Volunteer Fire Department Building Pacita R. Morrison CLERK SPECIMEN BALLOT O PEOPLE'S CHOICE • • • For Village Trustees (Vote for Three) HERBERT (HERB) BR0SSMAN HARRY J. BRADY • • For Village Trustees (Vote for Three) MARSTON WRUBLEWSKI • • • • For Village Trustees (Vote for Three) JOSEPHINE TURNER ft