- ":.v " •. "?v- • 5^ • 4 1 & IV „6 * $ . vr ^ CARDS OF THANKS j CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank everyone for t h e i r v i s i t s , card s , flowers and prayers during my recent illness in the hospital A special thanks to all the clergymen, v Joe H. Weber 54-67 I wish to express my thanks to all who visited me, sent cards,, flowers and prayers while I was confined to' the hospital and since returning home. , Your kindness will always be remembered. Pena May 5-4-67 I would like to thank all my friends and neighbors of McHenry for the cards and flowers I received while in the hospital. A special thanks to Father Guzzardo and Father Beativais. Mrs. Rose Sheehan 5-4-67 I wish to . express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all who sent flowers, cards and gifts and to all who visited me during my r e c e n t i l l n e s s atd McHenry h o s p i t a l . S p e c i a l ] thanks to the nurses and Fat h e r s Baumhofer, Rudden, Guzzardo and Beauvais. Sam Marsella 5-4-67 PUBLIC NOTICES Formerly: MARY CONNOR'S on Route 31 - Richmond Rd. North of McHenry UNDER NEW - MANAGEMENT NOW OPEN ALMARS TAP OWNERS: Alfred & Margaret Born 5-4-67 TO BE GIVEN AWAY 5 adorable kittens from a Persian mother. Pan trained. Call 385-6339. 5-4-67 1 Ms YEAR OLD Collie. Registered. Call 385-3497. 5-4-67 An on-the-run quickie breakflast doesn't help keep you in the best of health. Take a few minutes more to . eat nourishing food. Protein-rich foods, such as eggs or. cereal and milk, make a fine choice for thie first mCal of the day. £S9e2SZ£SSS^SSSSSL Ministers Of Church Central Conference To Meet Locally PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLICE HOTICES n THE Open 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. nmcMEH 3917 W. Mnin St. McHenry Phone 386-1530 5-4-67TF M^talurnical Kn>;iiu'«T $10,000 - $13,000 Process Engineer $11,000 - $13,000 Klectrlcal Engineer •SI2,000 - $15,000 Project Engineer gliMHH) • Drafting Engineer $625 < $700 Ass't Controller $10,000 $12,000 Cost Accountant $11,000 • $14,000 Junior Accountant SI 35 $150 Credit Manager $!>;000 • $11,000 Ass't. Personnel Mgr. $600 - $750 Programmer $8,000 • $13,000 Assembly Foreman $500 - $<0« I. ih. Tech. Trainees $375 • $400 CALL 815-338-3200 WIDE gcAp* PERSONNEL. INC 235 Benton Street Woodstock, 111. Hrs. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri 9 • 5 Thurs.. 9 - 7 Sat., 9 - 12 THE VAGABOND'S HOUSE Starting First Two Weeks In May Every Friday night from 9 p.m. Every Saturday night from 10 p.m. Pancing to the UNPREDICTABLES CONTINUOUS ENTERTAINMENT 'We Specialize in ' Sea Food, Steaks, and Chops ~ -- SPECIALS -- Wednesday Chicken Dinner • Friday -- Fish Fry Buffet Special Sunday starting at noon Two Floor Shows 10:00 p.m. and 12 p.m. >;6,; Nancy <iardin«-r SHIRLEY SMJTH We cater to Wedding Receptions Banquets and Private Parties Winnie Noble DR. KARL OLSSON The opening session of the annual meeting of the Minister* s association of the Central Conference of Covenant Churches will be held at the recently completed Chain 0'Lakes Covenant church on Wilmot road Thursday night, May 4, 7:30 p.m. The service will be open to the public, with the principal address given by Dr. Karl A. Olsson, president of North Park College and Theological seminary in Chicago. The Rev. Erick I. Gustafson of Villa Park, president of the association, will be in charge of the service. Another feature of the service will be the presentation of a check for $11,200 to the congregation, to be used for paying some of the building costs. The gift represents contributions to a unique organization called Frontier Friends, to which people across the whole United States and Canada contribute $1 per appeal to assist new congregations in their building programs. The Rev. Robert L. Erickson, superintendent of the Central Conference of Covenant Churches, will make the presentation. The Central Conference of Covenant Churches consists of ninety churches scattered throughout Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The ministers' meeting is a part of the annual meeting of the conference which will be held at Covenant Harbor Bible camp, Lake Geneva, Wis., on Friday and Saturday. The Bible camp is owned and operated by the conference. The conference al-» so operates a Bible camp in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and a Children's home at Princeton, Ill<^ The Chain 'O'Lakes Covenant Church is a new church extension project of the Central conference. For several years, the group met at Grant high school. In the fall of 1964, property was purchased on Wilmot road, directly across from Whispering Hills Estates, and services since then have been held in the farm home on the property. Several weeks ago, the congregation moved into the new church which is unique in that it was remodelled from the barn on the property. The church preserves some of the old timbers which have been sandblasted and give a warm texture to the interior. The silo will be used for office space on the first floor, a pastor's study on second floor and the boiler room in the basement level. Dedication services of the new facility will be held on Sunday, May 14.' MAY 4, 1967 - PLAIN DEALER - SEC. I, PG. 9 ITEM: When you top a pie with meringue, be sure to cool pie filling first. This will help prevent wateriness. ITEM: Makers of frozen fruit juice concentrates emphasize the importance of heartily shaking the container -of juice and water mixture to aerate and combine the ingredients. PUBLIC MTICES PUBLICE HOTICES NOW McHENRV FRIDAY--X to 10p.m. SATURDAY 4 SVn|aY -- f to 10 p.m. l' McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butler of Ingle side announce the birth of a daughter April 24. On April 27 a daughter was bora to Mr", and Mrs. Arthur Morris of Crystal Lake. A Round Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larson, are parents of a son April 26. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dennis ' became parents of a daughter April 26. A daughter was born April 26 to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cashmore. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walters are parents of a son April 26. A son was born April 26 to Mr., and Mrs. Chester Majewski of Fox Lake. On April 27 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Billy Summers of Wauconda. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lazzarotto, became parents of a son April 27. * Mr. and Mrs. Donald Behnke of Grayslake are parents of a daughter April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bennett announce the tbirth of a daughter April 28. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL On April 26 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Loser. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindwall of Wonder Lake are parents of a son April 26. A son was born April 28 to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jame Head announce the birth of a son Anril 30. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiles are parents of twin sons, Donald Patrick and Dennis Allan, born May 1 in Burlington hospital, Burlington, Wis. Home ' waiting to greet their new brothers are Debbie, 3, and David, 1. Mrs. Wiles is the former Mary Ann Mayfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schroeder of Warrenville. Mrs. Thomas Wiles is the paternal grandmother. JUNIOR HIGH STATE CONTEST WINNERS NAMED Members of the McHenry Junior high school band participated in the state final solo and ensemble contest at Round Lake, Saturday, April 29, and received eleven first (superior) awards and eleven second (exr cellent) awards. Following are the entries and their ratings: Ronnie Chappell, clarinet; Paul Dethlfeson. bass horn; Fred Dolby, alto saxophone; Del Gerstad, trombone; Jean Guettler, alto saxophone; Debbie Stepanovic, flute; Flute trio; Debbie Walter. Sue Reihansperger and Debbie Stepanovic; Clarinet duet. Ed Anderson and Kenneth Congdon; Clarinet duet, Luella Ficek and Ronnie Chappell; Trombone duet, Del Gerstad and John Cassell; and Baritone horn duet, Bruce Eternick and Tim Van Fleet. Additional contest informa- • tion will appear in next week's issue. CIVIL DEFENSE LOOKS FOR "HAM" RADIO OPERATORS McHenry Civil Defense, for the purpose of registration, hopes to find all owners of ham radio "gear and citizens band radio equipment. According to John J. Shay, director of McHenry Civil Defense, it may be necessary to use equipment such as this in the event of a disaster in the area. Any person interested in assisting the local Civil Defense Corps is requested to contact the director by phone or by writing McHenry Civil Defense, P.O. 114, McHenry, for additional information. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS AWARD WINNER Richard Peterson of Richard's Cleaners, 1208 N. Green St., McHenry, was honored this week for his professional drycleaning skill. Mr. Peterson accepted the challenge of Drycleaning World magazine and successfully removed a difficult Mystery Spot on a swatch of material affixed to a magazine page. Drycleaning World dared its 32.000 readers to clean the spot without damaging the material. Mr. Peterson was one of the drycleaners in this area who did a perfect .job. The "Spotting & Finishing Award", which is now prominently displayed in his store, reads: "To Richard's Cleaners in recognition of professional drycleaning skill demonstrated by actual test performance." COMPANY EARNINGS Norman A. Stepelton, president, National Tea Co.,announced that sales for the twelve weeks ended March 25. 1967, were $255,608,654. Adjusting prior year sales to reflect tine disposition of sixty-two Detroit area stores sold in 1966, this represented a decrease of 4.5 percent. ITEM: A cheese topper for broiled meat can be made by blending one part crumbled blue cheese with two parts softened butter, dash of Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice. Spread on lamb, chops, steaks or hamburgers the last minute or two of broiling. HOLD CONFERENCE The McHenry County Council for Exceptional Children is sponsoring a conference for the students in their junior and senior years in high school to encourage any who are interested in special education. The conference this year will be held May 6 in Northwood School in Woodstock. The registration will start at 9, to be followed by a keynote address by Director of Special Education of McHenry County Fred Rozum. This will be followed by workshops directed by the teachers in the various fields of special education. There are ten sections available. THE HOUSE OF PRESTIGE AND ATMOSPHERE Lo<>itlon on Roberts Rd., 1 Block South of Highway 176 Island Lake, 111. Call for Reservation 312-JA6-2100 Special Rates on Cljfb and Party Dates Corner of Lincoln aip Chapel Hill Road Phone 385-9736 or 385-1994 CHARLES STILLING 4-27/5-4-67 4 FINAL Spring Clearance OF DRESS and COAT ENSEMBLES SUITS PASTIEIL WOOL SLACKS 1 1 Ofher Choice Items y enevieue 5 1315 N. Riverside Phone* 385-0238 ttTfH+Tti i } •ixirtr^'vakirkirirk-k'k'k^- v RElbRT OF CONDITIOlC Or MCHENRY SEMI BANK of McHenry, III. 60050, ;i member of the Federal Reserve System, at the elosc of business on April 25, 1967, published in accordance with a call made by the Federal Reserve Bank of this district pursuant to the provisions of the. Federal Reserve Act. • ' " f " ' A S S E T S 1. Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection $ 1,067,115.62 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 8,884,881.64 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions 4. Securities of Federal agencies and corporations not guaranteed by United States 1,175,027.18 5. Other securities (including $36,000.00 corporate stocks) 36,000.00 6. Federal funds sold 1,100,000.00 14,940,918.61 1,252,224.44 w JPLANT NOW FOR BEAUT )f Wide selection of choice trees and shrubs to enhance and beautify your home and grounds. We feature locally grown nursery stock--always your safest buy for landscaping. Let our experienced specialists help you choose the best value! CO fit your plans and budget, STOP IN TODAY . . . SEE THESE SPRINGTIME SPECIALS* 590,245.49 1.00 18,099.02 76,526.80 1,015,383.05 532,914.54 YOUR ASSURANCE OF RELlABIUfY Dwarf Crimson Pygmy Barberry -- $3.75 Makes a colorful showing in fronit of shrub planting Korean Azalea -- $4.95 Lavender flowers in May Bridal Wreath - Spirea -- $4.95 Cascades of dainty white flowers in May (Many other varieties of shrubs available balled and burlapped for guaranteed planting results.) We have a large selection of Beautiful Flowering Crab Apples, (ready to bloom) for beauty all summer long $7.50, $15.00 and up • 292,50^.76 owefwoo j ROUTE 14 AT 176 PHONE 459-6200 -- WE DELIVER Open Daily 8 - 5:30; Sundays 9-5 ••••••••••••••••••• 7. Other loans and discounts 8. Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises • • 9. Real estate owned other than bank premises 11. Other assets 12. TOTAL ASSETS , $29,064,513.00 L I A B I L I T I E S 13. Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 7,785,268.39 14. Time and savings deposits of individuals; partnerships, and corporations 16,989,926.34 15. Deposits of United States Government 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions 19. Certified and officers' checks, etc. 20. TOTAL DEPOSITS (items 13 to 19) $26,400,019.12 (a I Total demand deposits 8,910,092.7.8 (b) Total time and savings deposits $17,489,926.34 24. Other liabilities (including $ NONE mortgages and other liens on bank premises and other real estate* 25. TOTAL LIABILITIES $26,692,524.88 C A P I T A L A C C O U N T S 26. (c) Common stock--total par value $ 400,000.00 No. shares authorized 4000 No. shares outstanding 4000 27. Surplus 800,000.00 28. Undivided profits 421,988.12 29. Reserve for contingencies -and other capital reserves 750,000 00 30. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 2,371,988.12 31. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $29,064,513.00 M E M O R A N D A 3. Ix>ans as shown in "Assets" nre after deduc- < tion of valuation reserves of ^ 361,210.96 I. Thomas F. Bolger. Cashier, of the above-named nk do hereby declare that this report of condition is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOMAS F. BOLGER We, the undersigned directors. , attest the correctness of this report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. W. A. NYE. MD. GERALD J. CAREY RICHARD J. ZIEMAN Directors. (Pub. May 4, 1967) V