With good reason, too! During the years we've watched you grow as a progressive, bustling county. You've kept pace with fast-changing trends, the expansion of cultural interests, and the needs of essential industry. Good government has produced benefits for all citizens. Through the years McHenry County residents have actively participated in improving their individual communities. That's why, McHenry, you're our kind of county. There's good living all around. Our employees have fine places to live, raise their children, shop and play. These things contribute to the growth of our company and have made McHenry County important in the role we play as the nation's leading producer and marketer of salt. There are many more reasons why we selected McHenry County for the Morton Research Center at Woodstock and the Morton Chemical Company plant at Ringwood, all of them important. Consequently, McHenry, you're our kind of county! Thanks for helping us grow. Success in the salt business provided a base for growth into chemicals for industry and agriculture, convenience foods, home and automotive maintenance aids, geothermal resources, industrial property and transportation. We now have seven operating divisions under our new corporate name, Morton International, Inc. The future is bright. Yours, McHenry County, and ours. Our relationship has been friendly and successful. Because, McHenry, you're our kind of county. DIVISIONS A MORTON SALT COMPANY A diverse group of salt products, services and systems for home, highway, industry and agriculture. MORTON CHEMICAL COMPANY Organic and inorganic chemicals, polymers and chemical formulations used by industry and agriculture. MORTON QUALITY PRODUCTS Condiments, sauces and seasonings, packaged as individual servings, for mass feeding operations. 8IMONIZ COMPANV Automotive, household and commercial waxes, polishes ang maintenance aids. IMPERIAL THERMAL PROOUCTS, INC. Pilot plant for steam generation of electrical power and for the extraction of minerals from geothermal resources. MORTON INDUSTRIES OF CANADA, LTD. Diverse activities in Canada, including salt, chemicals, industrial property, and water and rail transportation. MORTON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Salt and chemicals in Latin America, Europe and other points outside the United States and Canada.