*G. SEC. 3 - PLA1NDEALER - JUNE 8, 1967 D NEWS DOLORES BRENKAN , (S»4IMS SPENCER-WIRTZ NUPTIALS HELD SATURDAY AT HOME ' v"'-\ Sgsncer and Richard J4§Mrt3 were married in abeauti- *;%ul ceremony performed Ijy Rev. Ronald Anderson of theRingwood StiethodBst church in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Sherman Spencer, on Rii^yod Read, Donna «u dressed in a whit® silk coatdress ami carried a colonial of white sweetheart and white mums. The ceremony took place at 2 pan. <m Satarday. Attendants were ISgs .Fran Burritt and Mike Wirt550 ; Y .. Cs&e and punch were served -to fifty relatives and Mends following the ceremenjy. On Sunday a family dinner was served in honor of the new Mr. and Mrs. Rich Wirtz in the Spencer home. Guests were, Mr. and Mrs. Biyron Sowers, Mr. and Mrs. Berg of Crystal Lake, thegrndparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gem Garrison and family of Kebron, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Spencer and son, Charlie Sowers and guest, Ann Sullivan^ Fran Burritt, Doraia Milter and Fred Wirtz. HOUSEWARMING SHOWER % FOR HOGANS Ajlarge group of Mends honored John and Ila Hogan at a shower In the church basemert which was given by Mends. Itasr were presented with many lovely and very useful gifts for their new tome. Hie Hogans lost thsir home and all possessions in a fire in March. Cake, sandwiches, pcmch and coffee were served to alL | GRADUATION PARTY I FOR JERRY HOGAN £ combination graduation pasty was held in the Jotai Hoganhome to honor Jeriy Hogan and Jack Schoenboltz, who both gnAoi^i from N.I.U., De- Kalb, on Saturday. Attemlms wete the honored boys and Jetty's wife, Ruth Ann, Mr0 and Schoenholfz, Mr. and Mirs. Stanley Freundj Mr. and Mrs. Lores Erewd, Mr. and: Mrs. Ajrt Jackson, Mr. and, MS3. Bsa Freund, -Mr. andMirs. •' Charlie Rizzo, Mr. aid Mrs. Dick Aherns, Mr. and Mrs. Rotnie Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Tola Parsley, Mr. and Mrs. Bii& Thompsc®, Mr. aid Mrs. Hng»mJ Mr. and Mr s. Leonard Adsermn, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ackeraaa, Mr. and Mrs. Rag Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Bauer, Harry Kcgan and ; Georgia Blabs. called during the afternoon and evening. GRADUATION PARTY FOR NOREEN BAUER Ncreen Bauer graduated from St. Mary's school on Friday evening and was honored at a family dinner held by her folks, Georgia and Reg Bauer, in their home cm Sunday. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Schmitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. D&mis Schmitt and family, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Schmitt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dob Wagner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Condon and family, Gary Schmitt, Uncle Ben Killer, Mrs. Olivia Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Bauer, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bauer and family,/ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith ana" family, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miller Jr., and family. Her grandmother, Mrs. Frances Schmitt was unable to attend' as she was in Iowa attending a ftmeraL The Bauers family attended the graduation dher brother, Gary Schmitt, on Sunday at Marian Central Catholic high school in Woodstock. ^ HONOR ROGER TONYAN Roger Toqyan graduated from St. John's school in Johnsburg on Tuesday. His family, the Jerry Tanyans, honored Mm at IPARTY HONORS SAVE AND DON KLAPPERICH Dave Klapperich was honored at ia party held in honor of his graduation from McBemy high ca SsMay in the home of Ms parents the John Klapperichs. It was also a party held to honor Don Kkqgperich, who has recently returned from service in Viet Mam. A large groti) of their Mends and FGIESVSS and neighbors OVERWEIGHT Available to you without ; doctor's prescription, our produet called Odrinex You must loss uigly fat or your mousy baeis. Odrinex is a tiny tablet ani easily swallowed. Get rid of excess fat and and live long' er. Odrinex costs $3.00 audi is sold on this guarantee: If not satisfied for any reason, just return the package to your druggist and get your full money back. No questions asked. Odrinex is sold with t h i s g u a r a n t e e b y : B o l g e r Drug Store, 1259 N. Green Street a family doner and supper 1 in their home onSunday. Attending were Mrs. Ben Tonyan (Grandpa Ben was unable to attend since he has been in Woodstock hospital undergoing surgery), Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tonyan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Klaubude of Mundeletn, Mrs Elizabeth Lenzen and Miss Josephine Lenzen of F^reemont Center. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ton- , yan and family of Grayslake were also sqpper guests. 1 COMMUNITY CLUB PICNIC SUCCESS The family-community picnic w$s held on a beautiful sumy day on Sunday on the school grounds with a large turnout The men and boys got into a ball game after a dinner of sandwiches and pot-luck. President John Lanway aid Phyllis O'Halleran and Dorothy Betts, outgoing officers, wishto thank all who helped in any way to make the picnic the success that it was. John informed me that a great deal of thanks are due to persons who donated towards the picnic, including the rolls and cupcakes, potato chips, and the pop which was donated by local businesses and individuals. The club furnished the ice cream for all. This is the finale of the 1966-67 school year affairs, and thanks to alL HIGH SCHOOL AND ADULTS WANTED FOR BASEBALL Darrell Barker ami John Lanway are trying to get upagroqp of adults and high school age bays toplay 16" ball every other John has several of the mett lined 19, btrt is in needofmbM^ Here's your chance to get tof gether on Sundays and have /a ball game, Mth to in mind. No league, just group fun. Interested hoys and men are asked to contact .either John Lanway at 653-9014 or DarreUBarker at 653-9316. xj> : ?V ' ** • • • ' ; • BIRTHDAYS • -•/&' Happy birthday to Ida WaOdngton on the ninth, and $6 my Mom, Mrs. Joe Schmitt, on the tenth. Also to Harold Lee Jepson on the eleventh as well as to Clara Klapperlch and Allen Spencer, and also on the eleventh to my niece, Diane Schmitt. Anniversary wishes to the Roy E. Dodds and. the Chuck Ackermans, Jr./ and Sr., on the eleventh. H&pgy birthday to Ch&ncey and Frank Harrison and to my Aunt, Mary; ffiller all on the twelfth and;:" to Fred«iy Wegener on the thirteenth. Happy birthday to Jerry Vogel on the fourteenth. Rose and Ben mil celebrate 52 years of marriage on June 16. Congratulations! HOSPITAL NOTES Ben Tonyan came home Monday after undergoing surgery in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock last week. He's coming along just fine. Arnold Harvey underwent surgery on Friday - and is expected to remain in the hos-, pital in Woodstock for the remainder of tins week. How aboisfc dropping Mm a card to passthe time more quickly? surgery on Thursday in Memorial hospital in Woodstock.' Best of get-well quick wishes to our ailing neighbors! HIT BY TRAIN SATURDAY Ed Frett of Johnsburg escaped serious injury on Saturday morning when his brakes - failed as he was approaching the 6:50 ajn. train which had stopped for passengers. He only suffered a cut nose, and went on to work atModirie.wherehewas going. The train was delayed until 7:35, a total of 45 minutes, due to thelongwaitfor^sher-, iff to arrive for clearing. Meanwhile the second train was waiting for the first, making a lot of persons late for work onthat day. On Monday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Swanson of Omaha, Nebr.s called on Mr. and Mrs. i L. Es Hawley. My pop, Joe Schmitt cf McHenry, and my Aia*t„ Nina, from Ohio eal!ed<?n us Monday. On Thursday, Mrs. Ruby Shepard was a dfums? guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page in McHenry. Saturday visitors in the Wolf Shadle home were Mr. and Mrs. Edward JSummerfield and Mrs. Dorothy Larsson of Chicago, also Mrs. Violet Rilling, a sister-in-law from San Francisco, Calif. That's about all for this weds, see you next? USE THE CLASSIFIEDS Spring cleanup. Buy new electric irange am the wiring free. (If you buy one with a self-deaning oven u a CM oat for year appfiaaee store. Takcae to yw telcr. (HeV get the It's a hard deal to beat. You buy a new electric range--the necessary wiring will be installed free. This offer can save you over $100. (And you can add other heavy-duty appliances later.) Make your new range one with a selfcleaning oven (if you want) and save even more. Because the new self-cleaning oven does a better job with about 8 worth of electricity than you could with a whole can of oven cleaner. Not to mention the savings in time and scrubbing. So if you like saving money, see the modern electric ranges at your dealer's now. And take a particular look at the self-cleaning oven. Commonwealth Edison Company FREE IHSTALLATI0H CFFEE7. fitra you vm install a nsa c'zitlfcc-3£:1 tia raingfrea. Thl*o lor a BmitciJ timo only, to a stostod oiling instillation lor a cos reap ia cny cngMaofily dmSag or, aS mm clztiiit ratgas Li a too or U-jea-cpatnent building covzS try Ccn:rncr,;vci:Ui Ed!am. UTKFACTMM 6U/UUNTEE0.1( «ttWn GO tfay* yw «• Ml CMptaMy aiUM Willi yor am «taWe CoMMrnnmi Elton tmrnOm fidl rifmd of jmr psrehaw prte. Sm jrsw Mr for MTFT. The bright new M< are OVERBOARD ... I^o "accident, this backward fl[ip into the water, but a pu rposer ^ ful demonstration of the ,6. merits of a Norwegian made, full flotation life-coat which the manufacturer says will keep a man afloat for days ; if necessary. "BATTERED CfflLD^* LAW ^ Reports of suspected cases of child abuse since enactment of the Illinois "battered child" law on July 1, 1965, will top the 1,C90 mark sometimethissumns ®rr Cyril H. Widdng, director of the Department of Children and Family Service, said* Winking said hospitals and physicians continue to report an average of nearly 40 cases per month, a pattern established early in the department's administration of the law. During the 10-month period ending April 30, 384 cases were reported. There were 405 during the same period the previous year. A sharp decline was noted in the number of reported deaths. Twenty-four deaths reported tor the 10-month period, compare to 43 deaths in the same time span the previous year. Wlnnws of two fellowships worth $2,000 each fof study in« niinols historyduringthel967- % 1968 academic year were announced by Clyde C. Walton, ' state historian, on behalf of the Illinois State Historical Socity and the Illinois Sesquicenteimial commission. Hie State Historical society fellowship went to Ralph W. Scharnau, of 2007 East "B" St., Belleville, an assistant professor of. history at McKendree College, -\ Lebanon, The Sesquicentennial commission fellowship waswon by John D. Haeger, 1411 it. M- $g^Af^:FATALmES • v,, fatalities in totaled 103 during the first days of Mayt according to provisional reports released the Division of Highways and the State Highway Folice. This waifc an increase of twroperceirtover the 101 traffic deaths rep< during the same period inl The 1967 provisional C now stands at 783, an eight per cent decrease from the 855/ traffic deaths reported during the same period a yeiar ago. 9.3a 1.00 p.m. I, I T I ' N M i ' c c l S l i o p p i r i i i \ f c a © C. E. Co. , 9 J ^ swtm-qway... 1 6each u/ear Mioses' and Women's 32-38 Women's 32 to 38 SWIMMING SUITS $7-$12 • OmmklTwoPhemSt9h»l Double knit stretch nylon flatters your figure, fits smoothly, comfortably. TANK SP • A Vmrhty of Stylo*/ 'They fit.. . they flatter... they're double-knit stretch nylon. See our collection. QM*' 8-14 • Qo-lvrywhtr* Stfh! Handsome double-knit stretch will wear and wear. Red, royal, orange or black. Girls' 8-14 SWIMMING SUITS • Doub/o-Knit Strotch Exciting colors make these suits a favorite of sis . . . and mom, too! Jl SWAM SUITS FOR THE ENTIRE TOTS-GIRLS BOYS-TillMS FAMILY MOM-POP1 Ben Franklin open daily 9-6 Fri 9-9 Sun 9:30-1 Allen Hgttoi MAmto ftttnd fuiiy n# Craters UMdi WaJfer Hetboeko Ron Niootol Slnforo Scntllll John Goitfidn Shoron Klcpoerlch Gtrold 01 Lvm farm Vidtf MHIm f.