AUTOS 1957 PONTIAC Chieftain. $150 Gall after 6 pjn. and weekends 385-1108. 6-22-67 1961 RAMBLER American. Good - shape. € cylinder with overdrive. $300. Call 385-4611. ~ 6-22-67 1957 CADILLAC 4 door sedan. Full power, air conditioned. lake new tires. Good conditio.!. Low mileage. $250. Call 335-2456. 6-22-67 1957 BUICK Super. Air conjditioned. 4 door hard top. Good tires. Good miming condition. Minor repairs. $150. Call 385- 3218 after 6 p.m. 6-22-67 We service moat fete; SOS W. Pearl, MeHany TOYOTA Ph<soS8S07OO AUTOS I960 RAMBLER. 4 door. 6 cylinder automatic. $59. Call 653-3792. 6-22-67 1961 'T* bird, air conditioned, new tires. Green with black vinyl top and interior. Good condition. Call 385-4136. 6-25-67 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT GOOD Used 4-Wheel Drive Jeep Vshicb We have a good selection of 4-wheel drive Wagoneers & Trucks. McHOfMY GARAGE SaJss ft Service 920 BJ. Fscnfc S15-©a©8 Replacement Parts For Cars %ccexsuries and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Btk. East cf the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 ajn. to 6 pjn. Sundays: 9 a-rn. to 1 p.m. 2-4-65-TF BUSINESS SERVICES I BUSINESS SERVICES •mmnfaadu J I I--• BUSINESS SERVICES 'fi&xjuptux Sales & Service James Van Fleet 2501 Martin fid., McHenrv Ul 385-6027 2-4-65-TF PAINTING & DECORATING Interior and exterior FREE ESTIMATES No job to small. Call 815-653-3424 6-22-67TF AUTOS 1964 DODGE 383. Good condition. Call WHARTON . Blacktop Paving • New Drives ; • Resurfacing • Seal Coating Call anytime for Free Estimate GRAYSLAKE 312-BA3-5634 6-1-67TF • HELIARC • BOAT PROPS REPAIRED • BOAT HOISTS • SEA W ALLS • PIERS New and Repairing All Types Welding FE5E Estimate* Phone »4929 or 385-5920 McHenry Welding Service Route 12) (% mile east of bridge across fromDog^Sdsy 4 speed. 385-2236. 6-22-67 i'u 2- -a Beat The Heat! Hits your car Air Conditioned now. Enjoy the cooL hash of Vortiada Air Conditioning installed in your present car. In any make jsr modeller only... •63 CORVETTE. Red, 2 Tps^ AM-/F.M-. 4 sp., W.W. and Pos. Mint condition. Call 385- 0124. 6-22-67 r JL_ I .in '249.00 femplrtr Call for an appointment 385-7220 48ld West Route 120 6-1-67TF McHenry Get an the Murphy - Beber RED 1961 Cadillac convertible, white top. Air conditioned. Power steering; and brakes. Full power. New tires. Red and white interior. Call S85- 3335. 6-22-67 1961 FORD Galaxie convertible. Radio, heater, white walls. Good shape inside and out. Best offer. Call 385-3046. ;-up, j - _ 4fipeed, $650. • 3S5-3703^ 38*2381. fv-22-€7 1966 CHEVY Impala Super Sport. Automatic transmission. Green with black vinyl top. Call 459-3098. 6-22-67 UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park SL McHenry- Illinois ARTS ' Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 DOHERTY Sand & Gravel • BLACK DIHT AND FILL • DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS Phone 815-385-3704 6-1-fflTT TONY'S Machine Shop Complete lawn mower repair Machine Shop Service sei< w. Bt. ist MdMsmj, IlllMis 1 block east of bridge 383-4962 6-1-67TF Business JDgjgortuniiijM INCREASE YOUR JPL J, HMSTfilG -- STO1E TRAFF® 1959 FORD./Runs good. $125. IR. Burns. Call 385-7325. 6-22-67 MNDWAG0N For tfe© Dsal of a 3 - DAY SALE Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. June 22,23,24, 1967 the Time VACATION • SPECIAL 1967 BUICK SPORTWAGON 11 to Choose from -- 6 with Air Conditioning 134 New 1967 Buicks available for immediate delivery. All colors, all models to choose from. YOU WOHT BELIEVE OUR D1 MUHPHY. BABE W [ . i t r n i u n jo^uss PAILYt-t SAtUROAT 9-5 CLOUD SUMPAYf - 19S5 FORD, new tires, runs good. Call 385-2395. 6-22-67 1961 VAUXHALL 385-4293 <75. CaU 6-22-67 1959 CHRYSLER 9 passenger station wagon. $75. Call 653- 37%. 6-22-67 with a bottled gas, dealer franchise. A good part timcj job for the man who is employed full time: or part time. Pick up truck necessary. Cylinders and equipment furnished. Name brand gas appliances available. For more details write: GREAT PLAINS GAS P.O. BOX 372 DE KALB, ILL. 6-15/6-22-67 AUTOS P®M McHenry McHenry Disposal Service , PHONE 385-2221 FOR DEPENDABLE SERVICE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED CONTAINER SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 54-65-TF BOATS AMP MOTORS EVERYTHING FOR THE BOATING ENTHUSIAST • New £ Used Boats % Motors • Custom made covers & tops • Inbd. & outbd. Motor repairs • All boats repaired ® All accessories • Painting & refinishing HAMim MMINE smvici Rawson Bridge North Bridge Cary. QL McHenry, HI. 312-639-7352 815-385-3360 ( 6-22/6-29-67 BUSINESS SERVICES BOATS AND MOTORS 14 Ft*. DUNPHY boat, trailer and Johnson 5% . h.p. motor. Call 385-5976 6-22/6-29-671 5 HJP. Johnson motor with clutch. Like new. Call 385- 1382. 6-22-67 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domesne. Klckert Electric. 48b Center St. Grayslake. UL Ph. BAldwln 3-8491. 2-4-65-TF WAYNE MEYERS mowing and roto-tilling service. Call 3854140. 6-1-67TF LAWN tog. C 0S0L • SERVICE, R. Foote. landscap- Call 385- 6-1-67TF McHENRY FENCE CO. Oall Fireplace Wood /Split ami delivered " $l&<K>faa OF ALL TYPES - 1007 N. River Road' JOE FLICEK Call 385-1469 6-1-67TF ATTEMHON! McHENRY BUSINESSMEN For pennies a day why miss those important calls. McHenry Telephone Answering Service 385-0258 2-9-67TF McHENRY BEAUTY SCHOOL Nationally ft State Accredited LiBMh Kd. * Charles St. ns-tm Shaping, Permanents, Set, Style, Coloring with New Color Martiinp. Wigs and All Typsz of Wig Care. Work dome exclusively fey students, under tfee cuttsi?- vision of skilled instructors. HOURS: TUES., WED. and FRL 9 AM. to 9 P-M. TfcURS. and SAT. 9 AM. to 5:20 P.M. -- Closed Mon. 646TTF JEPSEN Automotive Tire Center Wlieel Alignment Brakes Mufflers Shocks Accessories Gas for Less Complete Tire Line 14 FOOT FIBERGLASS boat motor and trailer. 30 H.P. Evtomde motor with electric starter. Call 653-7200 after 6. 548-67 WANTED TO BUY -- 20-24 ft. Houseboat. Outboard motor type preferred. Need not be in perfect condition. Phone 385-2718. 6-22-67 10 HP. MERCURY outboard motor, 1959. A-l condition. Call after 6 p.m. 385-4790 6-22-67 14 FT. fiberglass and wood speed boat with 18 h.p. Mercury motor and trailer. $275 or will trade for good aluminum fishing boat and motor. Call 385-3134. 6-22-67 UTM•NmU imviv • •• r•t?N•H UII A FAIR MM. - WITH 0uautv - miumn - umuapcv CHRYSLER Marin* Products Triton . . 1208 N.BtmsWe , ar, ' McBiaey • : "" PHONE ate-1076 bjroCrhft 6-1-67TF Passenger ft Truck 3331 W. ELM STREET 1-20-66TF ilHTOS UTOS Selected Pre-Owner Cars SE35 DODGE 440 2 dr. auto, trans., power stg. & brakes. 17,000 mi. on factory warrantee. $1695 ISM FORD Spt. Cpe., auto, trans., bucket seats, V8, a sharp little guaranteed by Sunnyside car. $1195 1965 DODGE 880 4 dr.. h.t., air cond., all power, 30,000 mi. factory warrantee. $2295 1966 DODGE Polara 500, 2 dr. h.t., bucket seats, console auto, trans, all power. Factory warrantee for 33,000 mi. Save $1030 See us for your next new car or truck. You'll always save money at "The Bs&g o Bsfs" SUNntSIDE DODGE Ogsois Sunday 4810 Wert Ri. im S&Hwy Pis, 385-7220 an***f«ZU'hBUckt -tea 0. _ ety n7 " ""elf*, r pster o®"" **.£*""'*10n' w"» its 1 Ptoces a/y *t„r to^nwenver<' Jmptltf tnd JiKiittt Commando' oro tradtmtrts of rohielot m$nuftciurotl bf, *nd only tf Kjummm |ny commomATioN You've got to drive it to believe it! See us for a test drive. McHEHiY GARAGE 9U Front St. Tel. Arsa 81^30^^40$ McKGj3i?y, IIL COPY DEADLINE Classified Display^-* \ Tuesday, Noon Regular Classified-- Tuesday, 4 p.m. Situations Wanted, Wanted) to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance, fhe FlaluSealer Is not responsible for errors in dudfled ads after the first insertion, CSseck your ad the first week said call our attention to any mistakes. CHILDREN'S picnic tallies, $4.00 and up. Child's teeter totter, $4.00. 4 beautiful maple chairs, 525.00. Maple couch bed and coffee table, $25.00. Maple chiffrobe $15.00. Chest of drawers, $10.00. Rotary lawn mower, 525.00. Long, low walnut bookcase, $25.00. Call 385-0233. 6-22^7 FOR SALE •>; Singer Slant-O-Matic SEWING MACHINE like new, guaranteed, in beautiful console cabinet. Take payment of $13.11 or discount for cash. Can be seen in this area. F< details, write: CREDIT MANAGER P.O. Box 8024 I, Rockford, V&tuA* 61104 ^ 6-22/6- BLACK DIRT % Stone Gravel Seeding Sodding Tree Removal J. JOHNSOIt 385-6441 m 6-22/7-13*67 iBO^SAMDMOTO|£ 16 FT. ALUMINUM boat Motor and trailer. 33 HP. Scdttatwater electric starter. Abut sell immediately. 5250. Maw be seen at McHenry Gun Center. 6-1-S1TF 14 FT. Mahogany boat. Good condition. Reasonable. Call" after 5 £m. 385-1578. S-22-67 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICE Silk Screen Process e d POSTERS! -- In McHenry -- Phone By 385-4111 "jinjer' 6-22-67 McHENRY MUSIC CENTER 3334 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-2251 WOLLENZAK TAPE RECORDERS CONN ORGANS -- KIMBALL PIANOS -- RECORDS ALBUMS -- SHEET MUSIC and BOOKS MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS Piano, Guitar, Organ, Accordion and Drum Rental Instruments Available 1-6-66TF WINDOW WASHING j Spring House Cleaning { Wash and Put Up Storms j Scrub Wax and Buff Floors 3 Wall Washing j Weekly or Monthly Services. « Janitorial Services j Free Estimates ? -- INSURED -- ! Phone 385-7710 day or night McHenry, Ml ROOFING BmUt Up Hot IMtng Shingles -- all types F!S ESTIMATES Call 3S5-7670 or 385-7462 O McHenry, I1L 6-1-67TF