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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jun 1967, p. 11

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wr-» THE McHENfOT PLAINDEALER JUNE 29, 1967 - PLAINDEALER REAL ESTATE MCHENRY SHORES subdivision. Restricted residential lot, 70x140. Near park, pier and beach. By owner. $2,000 cash. Call 385-2852. -- 6-29/7-6-67 -sqc. PG. II FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM home on corner lot. Enclosed porch, basement, gas furnace. 7513 Cedar Dr. Wonder Center subdivision, Wonder Lake. Kent Acres For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom ranch home. • Modern Kitchon • Modern Bath ' • Full Basement • Gas Hent Priced for quick sale. 90% financing available to qualified applicants. Phone 312-741-3900 6-1-67TF FOE BENT :: ROOM OFFICE, 2nd floor, :a?5 W. Elm St., Phone 385- 0743. Dr. Goctschcl. 6-1-67TF OFFICE, 1212 N. Green St.. main floor. Air conditioned.. $52.50 (across"from McHenry Savings & Loan, new building) Call 385-1327. 6-l-67fF 1 BEDROOM modern apartment. Ideally locatel in Hill- ;view Shopping Center. Heat and hot water furnished. $95 per month. Call 815-678-3581. 6-8-67TF 3% ROOM furnished a p a r t ment for rent. Call 385-5497. 6-29-67 Male H»lp Wanted Female Holp Wanted 1 WANTED TO BENT , WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM ranch. McHenry area. Call Phillips at 653- 3957 evenings. 6-29-67 3 ROOM furnished apartment on river. Very clean and desirable, 2012 N. Orchard Beach Dr. phone 385-7571. 6-29-67TF 3 ROOM garage apartment on Fox river; gas heat. Call 385- 4864. 6-29-67 5 LARGE room house. 2% rooms partly furnished. Year round, water front. 4412 Riverdale Drive. Call 385-6125. 6-29-67 2 BEDROOM home. Newly decorated. Furnished. Garage. Fox River frontage. Call for appointment 385-7348. 6-29-67 LOVELY l'i BOOM Furnished Apartment on" the Fox River, near town, boat docking. Completely modern. Weekly, monthly or yearly renting. CALL 385-0297 6-29-6" 7 ROOM house, 2 baths, Ceiw trally located in McHenry.. $150 with 2 months in advance. Years lease. Available July 15. Call 385-^874. after 6 p.m. * 6-15-67TF FREE RENT - FREE UTILITIES In exchange for doing chores, average time 1 hour in the morning, 1 hour in evening plus half a day Saturday. This is worth approximately $200 a month. Small family of no more than two children or semi-retired couple or bachelor. Must be non-working wife. Farm located three miles south of McHenry. References required. Write to: M. L. MAGEE Westward Way Farms 415 Touhy Ave. Des Plaines, Illinois 60018 * ASSISTANT theatre' mlhager! COMPETENT woman to, care trainee wanted for McHenry I for 3 children in our home theatre. Part time work eve- ! on ^ occassional week-ends nings, 3 nights per week. Ex- i when we are out of town, perience helpful but not neces- j $10.00 per day. Personal insary. Should have working j terview required. Call 385- knowledge of simple math. 3885. 6-29-67 Ideal for second job. Prefer person 40 - 50 years old. Apply any evening at McHenry Theatre after 7:30 p.m. 6-29-67 HELP WANTED CARPENTER Experienced in remodeling and new home construction. D & L Enterprises. Call 385-4106. 6-29-67 DEPARTMENT HEAD C o m p 1 e t e knowledge of layout, lacing, shielding, j braiding of cable and harnesses, technical and electrical background. Salary plus other insentives. PREM CORP. JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS 6-22/6-29-67 : MAN over 21 with farm experience for tractor work on , Nursery in McHenry area, j Call 312-742-5030. 6-29-67 t • Experienced School Teacher. *St. Joseph's Church, Richmond | Illinois. Call 678-7421. 6-1-67TF HAIRDRESSER. Call 385-9717. full time. 6-1-67TF 1 OR 2 BEDROOM home in country with acreage plus farm buildings. Call 385-6478 after 5 p.m. 6-29-67 2 OR 3 BEDROOM furnished or semi-furnished house or apartment for July and August by visiting teacher and family. Excellent references available. Will pay for both months in advance. In the Cary aea. Call 312-639-3883. 6-29-67TF TEACHERS desire apartments ! ments. homes or room in pri-1 vate home with kitchen priv- j ledges. Located within 5 miles of Johnsburg starting Sept. 1, ' 1967. Call Johnsburg School, 385-3731. 6-22/6-29-67 , Judging July 31 --i-- < --• Kiwanis New Miss Peanut WANTED TO BUY 3 BEDROOM house or larger by teacher with 3 children. McHenry references furnished. Write to Box 474, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 6-29/7-13-67 HELP WANTED SHEET metal workers. ALthoff's. 903 N. Front, McHenry, 385-5700. 6-15-67TF Famal© Wanted BOOKKEEPER for Service organization. Full charge experience desirable. Age 25 to 40. Salary open. Call Mrs. Lueth, McHenry Medical Group, 385-1050. 6-29-67 Wcpnte'you for opportunities unlimited, I CHECK OUR ADVERTISEMEN SEC I PAGE 7 6-29-67 6-29-67 McHENRY MEDICAL Group needs receptionists and Doctors assistants. Permanent, full time positions. Will train. Typing helpful. Call Mrs. Lueth 385-1050. 6-29-67 EASY Part Time Job. Work from your home. $50 to $60 per week. 15 to 20 hours. Established customers. Call after 5 p.m. 678-3032. 6-29/7-6-67 Consisting Occupational Therapist To initiate Recreational Therapy Program for Geriatrics patients at McHenry" Hospital. Please Contact Administrator 385-2200 Extension 628 6-29-67 GOOD TYPIST. 6 hour working day. 5 days a week for small business. $1.75 per hour. Call 385-4051. 6-29-67 Male Help Wanted Male Help Wanted! WANTED - Stable help for Richmond 'horse farm. Would like experienced men but will train someone who has been around livestock. Top wages, •• wonderful living quarters and all meals furnished. Con- . tact Tom Moore Knolland Farm ' Richmond, Illinois Call 815-678-2261 6-1-67TF SALESMAN Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has a position open as a career salesman in the McHenry area. Over 400 established accounts. Income while training. No experience necessary. Excellent training program. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Call Jim Walsh at 812-662-2540 or Mr. Molldor at S12-K16- 1824 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 2740 W. Grand Ave. Wankegan, 111. 6-29/7-20-67 APPRENTICE -- Electrician. Year around employment. See or call A. N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond, Illinois. 815- 678-2861. 6-22-67TF EXPERIENCED night cook wanted. Apply in person. The Virginian Restaurant. 394 Virginia, Crystal Lake, 111. 6-8-67TF INSPECTOR Q.C. head up and organize inspection department. Full charge - responsible to management. Mechanical and electrical background desired. PREM CORP. Johnsburg, 111. 6-29-67 SECRETARY Personable young lady with typing ability. Shorthand desired but not necessary. Position has varied duties and responsibilities. Send Qualifications c/o McHenry Plaindealer BOX 475 6-29-67 WE NEED * Licensed Nurses * Hurses Aides * Housekeeping Aides No experience necessary. In service training. Contact WOODSTOCK RESIDENCE 809 McHenry Avenue WOODSTOCK Phone: 888-1700 6-29/7-6-67 WANTED to buy immediately from owner. 5 room ranch or bungalow, basement and garage unde $14,000. Call 653- 4925. 6-29-67 i this Who will be Kiwanis Little Miss Peanut this year? The McHenry Kiwanis club is looking for young ladies between the ages of 6 and 8 years to compete for the crown. Again year the response has GUNS--For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center. 3325 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF shown the continuing interest in this fine community endeavor. This is not a talent contest. All contestants will be judged on poise, pertness, and personality. Parents may enter their child by using the entry blank in this paper or contact Alan Meyer, Miss Peanut chairman, at the McHenry State Bank. Entries must be in by July 17. WANTED WILL DO ironing in my home $1.00 per hour. Free pick up and delivery. Call 385-1560. 6-22/6-29-67 FOR SALE ©g RENT FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 bedroom home. Immediate occupancy. Located Aqua Lane Estates. Call 338-2900 for appointment between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 5-4-67TF Fos Sal© Or Tmda UPBHESlii N O w CHECK SEC I PAGE 7 fcr Opportunities Unlimited 6-29-67 TRAVEL trailer for sale or trade as part payment on cottage or lot on Fox River or Pistakee Bay. Call 459- 1692. 6-29-67 PERSONALS Happy Anniversary Honey. Thank you for two beautiful children and five wonderful years. My love always, Joe 6-29-67 TO BE GIVEN AWAY PART German Shepherd puppies. 8 weeks old. Male. Call 385-0350. 6-29-67 6 - 8 W E E K o l d a d o r a b l e kittens, box trained. Call after 5:00 385-2559. 6-29-67 Female Help Wanted APPLIANCE SE1V2CE • WASHING MACHINES • INSTALLATION WORK • GENERAL REPAIRS Insurance -- Benefits Paid Vacation Pleasant Working Conditions PHONE 338-0722 6-29-67 ARE WE IN YOUR FUTURE? Read our Ad Qi Sec. I Page 7 THEN ANSWER THAT QUESTION 6-29-67 DIE SETTER Experienced set-up map to work second shift. MAINTENANCE MAN Must have good mechanical aptitude. fOUR FUTURE? Look for our Display Advertisement Oh Sec. I Page 7 of the Plaindealer HELP WANTED -- Apply in person -- AA DI MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 Miles North of McHenry on Rlngwood Road Ring wood, Illinois "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 6-29-67 GENERAL OFFICE Interesting Clerical work with some typing. Apply to: PERSONNEL MANAGER Claud S. Gordon Company Near Corner Rts. 173 & 12 Richmond, Illinois PHONE: (815) 678-2211 "An equal opportunity employer" 6-29-67 HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR 3 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. week days. 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Saturday to continue part time during school session. Light office duties Typing and short hand required. Legible hand writing. Must like figures. -- Apply to -- CAROL LEE A1 Collingbourne Buick-Olds 907 Front McHenry, Illinois 6-29-67 FULL OR PART TIME SALES PE1SON Get paid weekly. Sell nursery stock produced by Mc- KAY NURSERY COMPANY, Wisconsin's greatest Nursery established over 60 years. Nurseries of over 700 acres at Waterloo, Wis. No delivering. No investment required. Training provided by experienced landscape designers. Excellent opportunity for hard worker. WRITE: McKay Nursery Company WATERLOO, WISCONSIN 53594 MOTIC YOUH OWN STBAWBEHBIES at the V I N C E N T STRAWBERRY FARM 7:30 A.M. to 2 P.M. Daily Beginning around JUNE 17, 1967 3% miles north of Richmond, Illinois on highway P CALL 414-279-6691 PTOLIC 3MOT2CEU CMP OF THANES Thanks to all my friends and relatives for their visits, gifts, cards and other kindnesses extended to me during my recent stay in the Hospital. A special thanks to Father Rudden and Father Beauvais. I am indeed grateful and appreciate everything. Mrs. Rose T. Schmitt 6-29-67 Little Miss Peanut Contest Entry Blank Kiwanis Club of McHenry Contestants must reside in the McHenry High School District Phone Birthdate --------- Name of parent ___________________ Entry blanks must be received no later than July 17,1967 ENTRY BLANK SHOULD BE MAILED TO Kiwanis Little Miss Peanut Contest c/o Alan M. Meyer - McHenry State Bank CONTEST OFFICIALS John Flint - Peanut Day General Chairman Alan M. Meyer - Little Miss Peanut Chairman Tom Hansen - Man Power Chairman Ken Wise - Publicity Chairman Don Heldt - Underwriting I wish to thank relatives and friends for prayers, cards and flowers during the time I was in the hospital and at home. Bernard Tonyan 6-29-67 We wish to express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors, American Legion Post 1169 and Auxiliary, Veterans World War 1 Barracks 1315 McHenry, V.F.W. Post 4600 and Auxiliary and the Masonic Order Austin Lodge 850 who expressed their sympathy and helpfulness at the time of our sorrow. The family of Paul Kocan 6-29-67 JBLIC NOTICES HORSEMANSHIP instruction for beginning or advanced children and adult riders. All weather facilities. School of Horsemanship. Call 815-675- 2158, or 815-675-2200, ask for Jane Freeh. 6-29-67 RED CROSS swimming instructions at City Beach. July 10 - 21, August 7 - 19. Phone 385-4637. 6-29-67 LOST bright carpet colors -- restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 6-29-67 What Kind Of Pfut? He wants to run his own business. He wants to select his own doctor. He wants to make his own bargains. He wants to buy his own insurance. He wants to select his own reading matter. He wants to provide for his own old age. He wants to make his own contracts. He wants to select his own charities. He wants to educate his own children as he wishes. He wants to make his own investments. He wants to select his own friends. He wants to provide his own recreation. He wants to compete freely in the market place. He wants to grow by his own efforts. He wants to profit from his own errors. He wants to compete with ideas. He wants to be a man of good will. What kind of a nut is he? He's an American who understands and believes in the Declaration of Independence, that's what kind. Aren't you glad you are, too? And don't you wonder why so many of our fellow Americans are trying so hard to destroy the kind of life that has made us the aim and the envy of every other people on earth? Hie question is: What kind of nuts are they? I TWIN GORILLAS . . . These twin baby gorillas were born in the Frankfurt, Germany Zoo recently to Makula, an 11-year-old gorilla from Spanish Guinea. They were approximately four pounds each at birth. Both female, they are the first twin gorillas born in captivity. PUBLIC SECRETARIES We have several permanent positions in our Sales department for Secretaries with good typing and shorthand skills. Requires substantial telephone contact duties Full range of Company paid benefits including Profit- Sharing. - NOTICE - We are gathering information for the New McHenry City Directory. Your cooperation will be appreciated. Johnson Publishing Co., Inc. YOUNG MAN with experience in traffic, inventory control and purchasing desires employment. Resume available. Call 815-385-6583 or 815-385-7341. 6-29-67 WORK FOR YOU P08UCE NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES AMERICAN LEGION CARNIVAL Y June 30 - July 4 OPEN FOR YOUR PLEASURE 6-29-67 "CHICKEN BARBECUE Ringwood Church Sunday, July 9,1967 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. For advance reservations call 385-0527 6-29-67 0^ A oi OAK MANU RING €©o DIVISION OF OAK ELECTRO/NETICS COHP •ouGCU Cliin Str««t PLA@Ei© €£9-5000 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNE EMPLOYER 6-29-67 THE 3917 McHenry Phone ClASS Limited Number Adults Call now 1 further information -3815 6-29-67

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