PO. 8, SEC. 1 - PLAIN DEALER - JULY 6, 1967 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB FOR SALE 1 - 3 y e a r o l d G e l d i n g , b r o k e n , part Arabian. 1 Yearling Filly, part Arabian. For information call 385-0923. 6-22-67TF BRAND NEW electric guitar $125. Call 385-1463. 5-25-67TF TOY COLLIE puppies. $5.00. Call 815-385-4271. 6-29/7-6-67 BEAUTIFUL all mirrored wall shadow box size 47%x36 Bell & Howell 16 mm magazine camera 200. Call 385- 4451. , 7-6-67 1966 HONDA 250 Dream $450 firm. Moss % midget no motor $150. Pool table 4'x7' slate $275. Call 385-5384. 7-6-67 12 FT. screened house all aluminum. AH new screening, $125, pair of folding room dividers 8'xl2\ $25, 5 . steel casement windows with storm and Screens, ranch type, $15 each. Small bathroom sink, $5. Call 385-3560. 7-6-67 • 2 DOWNY c u s h i o n l i v i n g room arm chairs, reclining chair (Barcalounger) comer tables. Excellent condition. Will sacrafice $140. Call 815- 385-7637.. 7-6-67 GERMAN Shepherd puppies. A.K.C. registered. All colors to choose from. Call 815-385- 7648. 7-6/7-27-67 3 CAST IRON hot water radiators. Call 385-6578. 7-6-67 GARAGE SALE Saturday & Sunday, July 8th and 9th. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 7220 E. Northwood Dr., Oakwood Shores, Wonder Lake, 111. 7-6-67 BLONDE Heywood Wakefield student desk, 4 drawer dresser with mirror. Double bed complete with modern brass headboard. Call 385-3579. 7-6-67 BLACK DIRT • Stone • Gravel • Seeding • Sodding • Tree Removal J. JOHNSON 385-6441 SINK DRAINS SLOW? Use EWATER he Liquid Drain ier created for Women. ady to use. Buy it at: Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, Mc- Henry 385-0722. 7-6-67 MINIATURE Schnauzer puppies. 5 weeks old. A.K.C. registered. Call 385-2832. 7-6-67 THE RESALE SHOP 3911 W. MAIN ST. USED CLOTHING AT 10c PER GARMENT HOURS: 12 Noon 'till 6 P.M. 7 Days LOTS OF GOODIES CHERRY LOGS cut out of our own woods. 1x6 boards, 12 ft. average. Clean cut, rough finish. Have about 100 on hand. •25c a foot. Call 815-675-2064 6-29/7-6-67 You Call We Haul CHOICE BLACK DIRT Delivered in small quantities Vi ton $6.00 Call 815-675-2064 6-29/7-6-67 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BABY bassinet, travel bed, 5 ROOM HOUSE, full baseswing- o-matic. small chest of drawers, Playtex nurser kit. Like new. $20. Call 385-3174. 7-6-67 F I R E W A T E R - C O N V E N IENCE PERSONIFIED. Created for Women - You can now open your stopped up sink drains quickly and easily - no fuss - no mess. Buy it today at: Ruck's Hardware, 3902 W. Main. McHenry, 385-0334. 7-6-67 FOLDING Cot on wheels. Call 385-0330. 7-6-67 DIAMONDS arc a girl's best friend -- until she finds Blue Lustre for cleaning carpets. Rent electric shanfipooer $1. Ben Franklin. 7-6-67 FOB BENT GOOD going gas station with repair shop. Very reasonable rent. Immediate possession. Call Marengo 568-8678. 7-6-67 ment, gas heat. Nearly 2 acres land. Variety of trees. Whispering Hills area. For information 'Call 385-0224. 7-6-67 BY OWNER. A t t r a c t i v e 2 bedroom home, yellow brick. Plastered wails, carpeting, full basement, gas heat, water softner, outdoor fireplace, 1J,2 car attached garage. Lake rights. Call 385-6532. 7-6/7-13-67 3 ROOM OFFICE. 2nd floor, 3325 \V. I'.lm St.. Phone 385- 0743. Dr. Gortschel. 6-1-67TF OFFICE, 1212 N. Green St., main floor. Air conditioned.. $52.50 (across from McHenry Savings & Loan, new building) Call 385-1327. 6-1-67TF 1 BEDROOM modern apartment. Ideally locatel in Hillview Shopping Center. Heat and hot water furnished. $95 per month. Call 815-678-3581. 6-8-67TF 7 ROOM house, 2 baths, Ceiw trally located in McHenry.. $150 with 2 months in advance. Years lease. Available July 15. Call 385-4874. after 6 p.m. 6-15-67TF HEAL ESTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year Round Horafs, Seasonal Homes, Farms Vacant. Home Sites. Income Properties JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In J ohnsburg '2301 J ohnsburg Rd McHenry, HI. Ph 385-0037 2-4-65-TF 120 ACRES of good Productive Farm La|id, 100 ACRES in corn, 20 ACRES of Spring Fed Pasture. EXCELLENT BUY! $500 per acre. RICHMOND, ILL. -- MR. HANDYMAN 5 room home on corner lot in town needs help. City water , & sewer. Part basement. You can have this home for very little investment. $1,000 dn. $50 mo. - $5,500. T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Wonder Lake, 111. Ph.: 815-653-2061 Nites - Hud Vogel Ph.: 815-648-3933 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK 'TILL DARK 7-6-67 Kent Acres For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom ranch home. • Modern Kitchen • Modern Bath • Full Basement • Ga= Heat Priced for quick sale. 90% financing available to qualified applicants. Phone 312-741-3900 6-1-67TF LAKE FRONT HOME. 2 bedroom frame. Gas heat, 2 car parage. Many extras. Very clean. Call 385-6494. 7-6-67 PUBLIC NOTICES CHICKEN BARBECUE Ring wood Church Sunday, July 9,1967 FOR SALE Crystal Lake Area 3 Bedroom full basement on 96x150 lot $11,000. $500 dwn. 3 Bedroom home secluded area at only $8,750 with $500 down. McHenry Area 3 Bedroom home, full basement must be sold to satisfy est. WATER FRONT -- 66 ft. on Fox river above dam, summer cottage large, lot, shade trees $7,500 Wonder Lake For those who want the best Lake front Executive type 100 ft. water front x 160 ft. 3 baths 2 car garage Boat house. Summer home, shade trees, lot size 100x285 ft. Fish, skee. boat, swim, live. All this for $9,800.00. BELLM REALTY 815-^53-9400 7516 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake 7-6-67 WONDER LAKE BUDGET SPECIAL - Compact 3 bedroom home with heat, bath, shower, part b a s e m e n t , 1 - c a r g a r a g e , Storage or extra sleeping room in attic. On quiet, paved street. Level, landscaped yard. Ready to move in. $1,000 dn. $45 mo. - $4,500 SUNRISE RIDGE - Short block from beach. Modern 3 room home with guest house. Enclosed back yard. Utmost privacy. Shade trees. Easy to maintain. $8,700 LAKE FRONT--Well constructed 5 room home with basement & garage. Wooded site with sweeping view of lake. Includes pier & sea wall. Fireplace, plastered walls, gas heat, cement drive. $19,950. REAL ESTATE BY OWNER: 3 Bedroom lannon stone & frame split level. 12x22' carpeted living rm., large kitchen, -ceramic tiled bath, panelled 12x42' recreation room, utility room, water softener, 1% car garage. Fully landscaped. $18,000. Call 385-3752. 5-25-67TF REAL ESTATE SUNNYSIDE ESTATE. 2 bedroom ranch with attached garage, on wooded landscaped 70 x 112 ft. lot. Aluminum storms and screens, gas heat, tile bath and 18 x 20' patio. $11,000. Call 385-4977. 6-22/7-13-67 Doctor - Dentist - Beauty Shop - Barber Good location, 3 bedroom home and business place. All for $22,500. Clean cozy home and garage. Automatic heat. Good location. $10,200. Many other bargains. -- LET US SELL YOUR HOUSE -- Glenn Draper Real Estate 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. " Call 385-5661 7-6-67 |T£LI IL(V^L -/"V"-"" L"' > "-1 DOUBLE HEADER -- BOTH WINNERS Open house Saturday," July 8th - 2 to 4 p.m. at 2614 N. Shorewood (Huemann's Subd.) Lovely river front location. $19,500 On Sunday, July 9th - 2 to 4 p.m. open house at 4320 W. Prairie (Lakeland Park). 2 bedroom home with sliding glass doors to lovely yard. $12,900 We have many fine homes listed for sale. Earl R. Walsh Real Estate 385-3300 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-4434 INCOME PROPERTY Well built brick 3 apt. bldg. Beach rights. Alum, stms/ scrns., stoves, refrigerators incl.; individual heating units. $230 month income. $25,000 HANDY MAN'S SPECIAL In town. 2 bedrm. house .plastered walls, full basement. Extra lot for garden. City sewer and water. Estate asking $10,750. CAPE COD COTTAGE Two bedims, (room for two more), Full bath, attached garage with half bath. Aluminum siding makes for easy work and insulation. Summer home could be used year around. Water rights. Four lots with many trees and shrubs give lots of privacy. $12,500 McHENRY REALTY 3918 W. Main St. McHenry 385-5922 days Elmer & Bertha Stange 385-4071 eves. Harriet Johnston 385-2664 eves. 7-6-67 COMBINATION WINDOWS BRAND NEW AIL30 USED Combination DOOMS CHUCK'S 4304 W. SoBtfe Street Cooney MeSghto ' . PHONE gSS-SMO MOVING Garage Sale JULY 8, 1967 9 tun. to 3 p.m. Household and misc. items CASH ONLY 8119 Lake View Dr. Wooded Shores Wonder Lake, Illinois 7-6-67 REAL ESTATE INCOME PROPERTY': 8 room Duplex, double garage, beach rights, lot size 140x112. 1712 W. Grandview, Sunnyside Estates, Call 385-1256. 7-6-67TF EXECUTIVE STYLE Ranch. 3 large bedrooms, 2 full baths. Special features make this a tremendous value. Quick possession. $23,900. Call 385-6325 7-6-67 McHENRY SHORES subdivision. Restricted residential lot, 70x140. Near park, pier and beach. By owner. $2,000 cash. Call 312-362-2852. 7-6/7-13-67 DUE TO ILLNESS. New 5 year round ranch, % acre on Wilmot Road. Large picture window, custom, kitchen, bath, attached garage, paved drive, landscaped, aluminum storms, screens, gas heat. Asking $14,- 500. Call 497-3686 week days after 7:30 p.m. 7-6/7-20-67 3 VACANT lots, 160x125. Corner and 2 adjacent. Will separate. Sewer and gas. 4th and Elm, Silver Lake, Wise. T.A. Voight, 1620 W. Oakleaf Dr., McHenry. Call 385-2850. 6-15/7-6-67 2 BEDROOM, river rights,summer cottage. 3 houses from beach. Handyman's dream. Trailer priced $3995. Offers considered. Call 385-0169. 6-15-67TF A VARIETY OF HOME VALUES IN EXCELLENT LOCATIONS 3 Bedroom ranch with many custom features on a quiet country lane. Ideal for the small family. Ready to move into for only $15,900. 2 story - 3 bedroom Cape Cod, with 1 full and 2 half baths. Wall to wall carpetin living room, dining room, kitchen, and full bath. Natural fireplace in newly panelled living room overlooking the lake. Priced $19,500. Model 2 bedroom home, with new wall to wall carpeting in living room and hall. Beautiful kitchen witih built in Caloric oven and range, situated on large lot. Perfect for the small family, or retired couple $17,500. \ < ) u I i l l K\ I ! I [ M i l s REALTY SERVICE ^^^ltuallo^Wanted^^ HIGH SCHOOL graduate wishes summer work. Including tutoring. Call 385-1635. 7-6-67 WANTED TO BUY GUNS--For Cash $$$. McHenry Gun Center. 3325 W. Elm Street Phone 385-7320. 3-25-65-TF ^^MaleJJelpWanted^ COOK for weekends. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Call 385-1488. 7-6-67 SHEET metal workers. Althoff's. 903. N. Front, McHenry, 385-5700. 6-15-67TF WANTED Stable help for Richmond horse farm. Would like experienced men but will train someone who has been around livestock. Top wages^ wonderful living quarters and all meals furnished. Contact Tom Moore Knolland Farm Richmond, Illinois Call 815-678-2261 6-1-67TF SALESMAN Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. has a position open as a career, salesman in the McHenry area. Over 400 established accounts. Income while training. No experience necessary. Excellent training program. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Call Jim Walsh at 312-662-2540 or Mr. Molldor at 312-K16- 1824 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 2740 W. Grand Ave. Waukegan. ID. 6-29/7-20-67 Male Help Wanted WANTED experienced farmer married for large farm and beef cattle operation. Must be able to operate modern farm machinery. Good house, top salary with added insentive to the right party. Small family, clean habits. Singing Hills Farm, Grayslake, Ml. Call 312-526-2751. 7-6/7-13-67 SHARP high school sophomore or junior for good paying part time work. Must give good appearance and be willing to work. Apply Harry Dean, Ben Franklin, McHenry, 111. 7-6/7-13-67 EXPERIENCED night cobk wanted. Apply in person. The Virginian Restaurant, 394 Virginia, Crystal Lake, HI. APPRENTICE -- Electrician. Year around employment.- See or call A; N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond, Illinois. 815- 678-2861. 8-22-67TF SCHOOL CUSTODIAN Prefer person under 60 years of age. Year around employment. School Days -- Working 'Hours: 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Retirement Plan & Insurance Program provided. Write: BOX 476 c/o PLAINDEALER stating age, experience, references, address end phone. 7-6/7-13-67 • PAINTERS . • MASONS "!• • CEMENT MEN : • CARPENTERS : • IRONWORKERS; Year around employment Vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. 10002 Main St., Richmond,HL CAUL 816-678-2861 7-6-67TF you for opportunities unlimited.... CHECK OUR ADVERTISEMENT CHECK'SECT PAGE 3 7-6-67 3412 W. Elm. St. McHenry, 111. 460 Virginia, Crystal Lake, HI. 385-2340 459-4440 7-6-67 FOR SALE of RENT FOR RENT OR SALE: 3 bedroom home. Immediate occupancy. Located Aqua Lane Estates. Call 338-2900 for appointment between 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 5-4-67TF WAHTED TO BEHT DOCTOR and his family require 3 bedroom house within 4 miles of Hospital. Call 385-0823. 7-6-67 T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Wonder Lake, 111. Ph.: 815-653-2061 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK •TIL DARK 7--67 11:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m RAIN OR SHINE 7-6-67 KEEP your carpets beautiful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Get Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 7-6-67 THE SEDGEWICK PRICED AT $18,250 Plus Site Limited Number Adults Call now for further information L®M_WLHeLm_ -,3CS!F Discover tho rharr i of this three.bedroom mid-level hdme, including a large family room, one and one half baths, oak floors, storm windows, screens, and concrcte drive If you do not own your building site, wr have many that you may clvx.se from. $900 down or the efjui alent equity in your lot may he all the down payment required G.I. Conventional and F.H.A. financing availabh 3-4 & 5 BEDROOM HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM Open 11 A. M. to 8 P. M. 4 ( rystaJ kc Pla/ Crystal Lake Phone 459-1939 7-6-67 8017 W. Mjiin St. McMesiry Phone 386-1530 7-6-67 3 BEDROOM house or larger by teacher with 3 children. McHenry references furnished. Write to Box 474, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 6-29/7-13-67 _ CARD OF THAMS_ WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sincere thanks to friends and neighbors, members of Zion Lutheran Congregation, Peter M. Justen Funeral Home, neighboring pastors for all time donated and deeds of kindness extended for flowers and memorials and" all who expressed their sympathy and helpfulness at the time of our sorrow. The Family of Rev. C. A. Lobitz 7-6-67 I WISH TO THANK all my friends, relatives and neighbors for all the cards and kindness during my recent stay at the hospital. Mrs. Ronald Sommers 7-6-67 LOST & FOtJTO LOST : BOYS' 26" bicycle. A.M.F. Big handle bars and banana seat. Call 385-3526. 7-6-67 WALLET LOST or taken at the American Legion Carnival Sunday evening. Please return papers. Call Wonder Lake 653-378G. 7-6-67 DIE SETTER V:. Experienced set-up man to work second shift. MAINTENANCE MAN Must have good mechanical aptitude. -- Apply in person -- AA MANUFACTURING COMPANY 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road Ringwood, Illinois "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 7-6-67 LIKE TO BE ON YOUR OWN? Large, well-known feed manufacturer has opening in McHenry County for sales and service representative. Definitely not high pressure sales work. Full-time work. Home every night. Personal on-the-job training. Backing by one of the finest research departments. Very best employee benefits. Will require mature person who is Interested in and capable of successfully operating own feed business. Can arrange confidential evening Interviews. Contact: L. D BEVER Rt. 3, Box 605, Anttoch, 111. Call 812-895-2055 7-6/7-13-67 Electrical Assembly Foreman Capable of testing control systems. Excellent company benefits. \ MAJOR CORPORATION Rt. 14 & 31 Crystal Lake, Illinois Call 815-459-6300 7-6-67 FARMHAND WANTED IMMEDIATELY for full time employment for farm in McHenry County. Tenant house and all utilities furnished. Person we are looking for must have farm background and experience. For more information and comppllee%fe^^tta ils write 477^ c/o Mc£f@E?y Plaiadealer giving references, experience, age and family status.