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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jul 1967, p. 7

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'"f JOHNSBURG NEWS BETTY HETTERMAXX 385-1296 JUNIOR FORESTER GIRLS ANNUAL PICNIC AUG0 2 , All junior members of St. Agatha court 777, includingpreschoolers, are invited to participate in the annual picnic on August 2. The groiq> will journey to Wilmot for the outing. Girls whov plan on attending are asked to pick up their permission slips from either LuAnn Smith or Joan Freund. They must be returned by July .30. The directors are taking care of the lunch again this year as they did last year for a small charge. All the instructions for the day are printed on the permission slips. Please pick them up and return as soon as possible. BALL PLAYERS WANT RtfbTERS A mother of a Little Leaguer called me this week to see if I could print something in this -column about better attendance of the parents at the Little League. She was saying that very, and I do mean very, few parents come to see these little fellows play ball. This can be quite disheartening for the players as well as the managers. To quote her, "it's almost like these men being glorified babysitters." This may not be true in all cases, but when you stop to think about it, one or the other parent should be able to make it once in awhile. So if you have a youngster playing in Little League, why not get out there and root him on. You will be surprised as to how much fun this can really be. As far as participation in any ballgame, little or big league, rooters are always needed. We have baseball in our vicinity just about every night. Give our teenage softball players, the regular softball team as well as our own Johnsburg Tigers a big boost }n morale by seeing a few of their games. HOSPITAL PATIENT Mrs. Janice Bartmann has been hospitalized thispastweek as a result of a car accident. She will remain there for awhile yet so why not give a sunshine shower of cards to let her know your thoughts are with her. Get well real soon, Jan. s RETURNS TO DUTY Dick Himplemann left by plane last Saturday to resume his duties with Uncle Sam's army in Korea. He has spent the past two weeks with his family and his friends. Dick pulled a real surprise on everyone by flying in from Korea unbeknown to his family. Can't you imagine their shocked faces. Needless to say his mother, Dorothy, and his sisters and brothers were very < happy with his surprise. PEOPLE ON THE GO Mrs. Mamie King is enjoying a week's vacation in Plum Lake, Wis. She made the trip with her son and his family, the Gene Kings of McHenry. Hie Carl Neiss family went up north for a family-type vacation. Ralph and Madeline Johnston along with their two children just returned from a nice trip which took them sightseeing through Colorado. The Sam Tomasellos are planning a short visit to Michigan next week to see their daughter-in law and grandson. Their son, Richard Greig, is stationed in Germany. His young family hopes to join him there in the near future. BELATED GREETINGS A little late, but still well meant are the happy birthday wishes to Barbara Himplemann. She celebrated her "Golden Birthday" on the fifteenth of July by turning fifteen. Mrs, Marie Kozie celebrated her "umpteenth" birthday again mi July 15. It was a wonderful day for her which came to a climax with two birthday cakes and all her loved ones around her. Thats it for this week. Please stay well and we will meet here next time, OK? Explosion Florida's estimated population will grow from 5.8 million in 1965 to 9.6 million by 1985 if interstate migration stays at its present rate and there is a substantial drop in f e r t i l i t y (number of live births per 1,000 women of child-bearing age) according to a Bureau of the Census .report . FOREMOST ^ '• v t R i C A' S L u f, G t S1 CHAIN OF INDEPENDENT LIQUOR DEALER! On Sale Sqf,, Suru 4512 W. Route 120 McHenry 385 -* 3200 abst Bbe Ribboi BEER 12-12 oz. cans FREE 4 ei. bottl* of Southern HOST 100 proof Liqueur with every fifth purchased COLLINS <5.96 I i Vale* . PERFECT I 'vr;v:« HOST CockGalB Mixes • AA/hisksy Sour • Margarita • Collins • Daiquiri Arid water, liquor, mix, and serve. AN ORDINANCE MAKING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1967- 1968 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of McHenry, Illinois: SECTION 1. That it is deemed necessary in ordeivto defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of said City for the fiscal year, that there be and there hereby is appropriated to provide for the general tax levy and other revenue for the current fiscal year, the aggregate sum of Fi ve Hundred Sixty- Two Thousand, Nine Hundred Ninety-Six and 71/100 ($562,- 996.71); that the object and purposes for which said appropriation is made arid the amounts appropriated for the • same are as follows, to wit: Debt Service: Streets and Alleys: Salaries Lighting Street lights and repairs Materials and supplies Constructionstreets Snow removal Labor on streets New equipment Gas, oil and expense Street signs Storage of equipment Miscellaneous 30,000.00 10,000.00 1,500.00 10,000.00 20,000.00 9,000.00 7,500.00 8,000.00 4,500.00 500.00 1,500.00 500.00 Off-Street Parking: Rental 3,500.00 Acquisition and maintenance 7,000.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 Library: Interest on Expansion 5,000.00 bonds $21,579.21 Salaries 12,000.00 Maturing bonds 35,000.00 Operation 7,000.00 Public Property: Loss and Costs Improvements 10,000.00 of Collecting Material and Taxes 15,000.00 supplies 1,500.00 Engineering 4,000.00 Labor and reCivil Defense 600.00 pairs 2,000.00 Planning ComTelephone 1,000.00 mission 4,650.00 Light, gas and heat 1,500.00 Administrative: Tree removal 2,000.00 Employee's Office rent 1,000.00 State RetireNew equipment 8,000.00 ment System 5,000.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 Sidewalks 3,000.00 6 Auditing and Police Department: accounting 900.00 Gas, oil and Special salaries expense 6,500.00 and wages 3,500.00 New equipment 7,000.00 Siqaplies 1,200.00 Pension fund Election ex1,200.00 transfers 3,500.00 pense 1,200.00 Sundry 2,000.00 insurance and bonds 8,500.00 Water and Sewer System: Census 3,000.00 Salaries 35,000.00 Contingent 3,000.00 Equipment pur5,000.00 Parking Meters: chases 5,000.00 Salaries 6,500.00 Equipment main5,000.00 Repairs and tenance 5,000.00 supplies 1,000.00 Labor and reNew meters 1,500.00 pairs 5,000.00 Motorcycle 1,000.00 Power 9,000.00 Miscellaneous 500,00 Meters 5,000.00 Billing services 2,000.00 $562,996.71 Auditing 1,000.00 Insurance 1,500.00 New construction 34,000.00 SECTION 2. All unexpended baEngineering 7,500.00 lances of any item or items of Supplies 6,000.00 any general appropriation made Sundry 2,500.00 by this Ordinance may be exInterest on pended in making up any insufbonds 6,767.50 ficiency in any items in the same Maturing bonds $10,000.00 general appropriation and for Legal fees and the same general purposes or in Court Costs 1,000.00 a like appropriation made by Employees State this Ordinance. Retirement 1,200.00 SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after Public Benefit 8,000.00 its passage, approval and pubLegal Fees and lications, according to law. Court Costs 7,500.00 Band 2,000.00 Passed this 3rd day of July, Printing and A.D., 1967 Publication 3,500.00 Approved this 3rd day of July, A.D., 1967 Salaries: Police 65,000.00 City Attorney 800.00 (Signed) Donald P. Doherty City Clerk 5,000.00 Mayor of the City of Mc- Zoning 1,000.00 Henry Mayor and Alder men 6,500.00 ATTEST: Treasurer 500.00 Supt. of Public Works 11,500.00 (Signed) Earl R. Walsh Board of City Clerk Health 100.00 Clerical 7,000.00 Published: July 20, 1967 C paekag* of ten Kentucky Beau 6 year old straight bourbon /M §0 Park & Til ford in or Vodka DIET PEPSI MILLER High Life BEER Girl Wflfchen Drink If you enjoy outdoor cooking- and picnics, we have wonderful variety of accessories for you. Browse at Milistream for your picnic supplies. Case of 24 12-Oz. Battles Foam 6-pack ICE CHEST 66c Blended Whiskey Best Buy of the week Foremost- Priced Sweet Wines 9 flavors 8720 W. Elm. St. Phone 885-7030 Jewel Shopping Plaza rioussaint m MC-32 AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE V OF CHAPTER 11 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF McHENRY WHEREAS, the Mayor of the City of McHenry has caused a survey of existing premises which have been issued retail Class A licenses for the sale of alcoholic liquors on the premises for consumption either on the premises or off the premises, and WHEREAS, the Mayor, as Liquor Control Commissioner, by and with the advice and Consent of the City Council, in its individual capacities as assistant liquor control commissioners, has determined that there is no necessity for eighteen (18) Class A license locations in the City of McHenry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City of McHenry that paragraph 44. (a) of Article V of Chapter 11, as amended by Municipal Ordinance No. MC-26, be and hereby is amended to read as follows: 44. (A) CLASS A LICENSE-- which shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic liquors on the premises for consumption either on the premises or off the premises. The annual fee for such licenses shall be Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. No more than seventeen (17) Class A licenses shall be in force in the City at any time. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption and publication, as by law provided. Passed and approved this 3rd day of July, 1967. s/Donald P. Doherty Mayor Attest: s/Earl R. Walsh City Clerk Voting Aye: Bolger, Etten, Hromec, Jackson, Pitzen, Rogers, Smith. Voting Nay: None. Absent: Huck, Wegener. (Pub. July 20, 1967) Hall until 2:00 P.M., C.D.S.T., August 4, 1967, and at that time publicly opened and read. 2. Description of Work. The proposed improvement consists of approximately 1700 lineal feet of 12-inch cast iron water main, including valves, hydrants, and connections to existing mains, and 866 lineal feet of 8-inch vitrified clay sanitary sewer, including manholes. 3. Instructions to Bidders. All pertinent documents may be examined at the office of the Superintendent of Public Works, McHenry, Illinois, or at the office of Baxter and Woodman, Civil and Sanitary Engineers, 72 North Williams Street, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Copies of plans, specifications, proposal, bond and contract forms may be obtained from the Engineers upon deposit of $10.00 per set. Upon return of the documents in good condition within fourteen (14) - days from date of bid opening, (Hie-half of the deposit will be refunded. The minimum wage scale to be paid to all workmen on said projects by the Contractor is on file in the office of the City Clerk. All Proposals must be accompanied by a Bidder's Bond, a Certified Check, a Bank Cashier's Check or Bank Draft payable to the Treasurer, City of McHenry, Illinois for ten 00%) percent of the amount of the bid as provided in the Instructions to Bidders. 4. Rejection of Bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all Proposals and to waive technicalities. Dated at McHenry, Hlinois this 17th day of July, 1967. Donald P. Doherty Mayor ^ Earl R. Walsh City Clerk (Pub. July 20, 27, 1967) JULY 20, 1967 - PLAINDEALER - SEC. I, PG. 7 required to account for Municipal Service Occupation Tax for the benefit of this municipality shall file, on or before the last day of each calendar month, the report to the State Department of Revenue required by Section Nine of the Service Occupation Tax Act. Section 3. At the time such report is filed, there shall be paid to the State Department of Revenue the amount of tax hereby imposes. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit to the State Department of Revenue a certified copy of this ordinance not later than five (5) days after the effective date of this ordinance. Section 5. This ordinance shall be published within ten (10) days, of its enactment as provided in Section 1-2-4 of the Illinois Municipal Code and shall be effective from and after the first day of the calendar month next following the „ expiration of the ten (10) day publication period. Section 6. The ordinance originally establishing the imposition of a Municipal Service Occupation Tax within the City of McHenry, as was passed and approved on the 18th day of September, 1961, is hereby repealed effective August 1, 1967. This ordinance shall take effect on the 1st day of August, 1967. PASSED this 17th day of July, A.D. 1967. s/Donald P. Doherty Mayor Attest: s/Earl B. Walsh City Clerk Voting Aye: Bolger, Etten Hromec, Huck, Jackson, Pitzen, Rogers, Smith and Wegener. Voting Nay: None. Absent: None. (Pub. July 20, 1967) Spring Grove Man Graduates From Roosevelt Bernard J. Schaitz of Spring Grove was among Roosevelt university graduates who heard Dr. Philip Hauser, professor of sociology at the University of Chicago, speak at commencement ceremonies recently in the the first time Roosevelt university used the Auditorium for commencement and marks, only the third time the nearly restored landmark has been utilized since the 1940's. First opened Dec. 9, 1889; it was later described by Frank Lloyd Wright as "the greatest room for music and opera in the world--bar none." CITY OF MCHENRY ILLINOIS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS 1. Time and Place of Opening Bids. Sealed Proposals for the Lillian Street Sewer and Water Main Extensions for the City of McHenry, Illinois, will be received by the Superintendent of Public Works of the City of McHenry at the City ORDINANCE MUNICIPAL SERVICE OCCUPATION TAX BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of McHenry that: Section 1. A tax is hereby imposed upon all persons engaged in this municipality in the business of making sales of service at the rate of three-quarters of one per cent of the gross receipts received from such business, in accordance with the provisions of Section 8-11-5 of the Illinois Municipal Code. Section 2. Every serviceman ON DEAN'S LIST Albert Blake of 724 Country Club drive, McHenry, has earned a place on the Bradley university academic dean's list, according to an announcement made by Dr. E. Russel Kuchel, vice-president for academic affairs at the university. To achieve this distinction, a student must achieve at least a 7.00 (A-minus) average on a perfect 8.0 scale while carrying at least 12 semester hours of study. A total of 271 of Bradley's 5,000 students achieved this distinction for their work during the recently completed second semester. r i • • i • • i • i a b For That Old Fashioned Flavor - Come To CHwnenmnn Sausage Company • 35 Varieties of Sausage • True German Style Flavors • Lean Hickory Smoked Bacon • Country Made Sausage • Delicious Hickory Smoketl Hams Phone 385-6260 Route 120 Just East of Rt. 12 Yolo, Illinois WHICH WAY SHOULD YOU GO? . . . i f y o u a r e h a v i n g t r o u b l e d e c i d i n g what to do with your future, call us today for a personal appointment. We have many career opportunities in our new plant in McHenry. CALL MR. PAXTON TODAY 385-7000 MALE PLANT ENGINEER (M. E. Degree) PRODUCT OR DESIGN TOOL ENGINEER JR TIME STUDY Predetermined time systems experience SET UP MEN Experience on turret lathes, multi spindais, etc., on ferrous and non-ferrous castings (2nd and 3rd shifts) SUPERVISORS (2nd and 3rd shifts) Experience supervisoring set up men, operators in machining shop. MAINTENANCE MACHINE REPAIRMEN '2nd and 3rd shifts> TOOL & CUTTER GRINDERS '2nd and 3rd shifts) PRECISION INSPECTORS '2nd and 3rd.shifts) AiTOIiOTIVE ^CONTROLS rp. 1600 N. Industrial Rd. McHenry PHONE 385-7000 FEMALE MACHINE ATTENDANTS (2nd shifts)

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