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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1967, p. 8

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I - PUtNDEALER - AUu, 1967 THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER FOR SALE libols, lawn mower, ladders, commercial vice, misc. Call 385- 4296. ~ 8-3-67 37 yards* tTwide, outdoor, indoor carpeting, green, newmildew and_ shrunk p r o.o f, $335 sq. yd. Refrigerator, $10, good running condition. 1SS2 Chevy Nova convertible, $625.. Call Wonder Lake 653- 3611. 8-3-67 2 - 4 ft. flourescent fixtures, double bulb, $15. Call 3850551 8-3-67 Beautiful 30" Gas range, 3 years old, (70.00. Refrigerator with freezer, double door, $ 7 0 . 0 0 . A u t o m a t i c w a s h e r , works good, $20.00. Redwood picnic table, separate benches, seats 12, $12.00. 1962 Bel Air Chevrolet, V-8 stick with overdrive, $375 Call 335-0233. 8-3-67 MOVING OUT OF STATE: Beautiful 3 piece bedroom set, 9 x 12 rug, end tables, lamps, swivel rocker, bed spreads, etc. CaD 385-0459. 8-3-67 SALES -- 2 Nelson Sails for "C" Boats. Reasonable -- Call 385-1895. 8-3-67 4 room General Electric air c o n d i t i o n e r . 3 s e a s o n s o l d , half price. Call 312-497-3050. 8-3-67 HOTPOINT Air Conditioner, 15,000 b.t.u. With metal cover, used very little. 3 year waranty, cost $260 -- Sell $140. Call 497-3224 8-3-67 KITCHEN SINK DRAIN STOPPED? Use FIREWATER The liquid Drain Opener created for you- Buy it today at: Ruck's Hardware, 3902 W. Main, McHenry, 385- 0334. 8-3-67 (22" ROTARY lawn mower. Good condition. $15. Call 385- 7693. 8-3-67 IF carpet beauty doesn't show? C l e a n i t r i g h t and watch it glow. Use Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ben Franklin. 8-3-67 NAXON WASHING machine. Electric wringer. Apartment size, 4 months old. $45-00. Saturday, Sunday & Monday only call 385-5026. 8-3-67 HERBIE MY DRAINS ARE CLOGGED AGAIN! B r i n g home a bottle of FIREWATER the Liquid Drain Opener. Mary. Buy it at: Ace Hardware, 3729 W. Elm, McHenry. 385-0722. 8-3-67 SINGER Slant-O-Matic sewing machine, like new, guaranteed, in beautiful console cabinet. Take payments of $13.11 or discount for cash. Can be seen in this area. For details, write Credit Manager. ,P. O Box 3024, Rockford, Illinois 61104 8-3/8-10-67 12 CU. FT. General Electric refrigerator. Magnetic Door. -Good condition. $60. Call 497- 3337 after 6:00 p.m. 8-3-67 GARAGE SALE: Saturday and Sunday, August 5 and 6. from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p-m Garden tools, furniture, tools miscellaneous articles. 1917 N. Eastern Avenue, Lalcelanrl Park. 8-3-6' GERMAN SHEPHERD pup pies, AKC registered, A Is c some grown stock. Call 815 385-7648. 8/3-8/31/67 TWO large store refrigerators. Cash register, and trailer. Best offer. Call 385-5291. 8-3-67TF LAKES YORKIES -- Stud Service. Son of a Champion. Dandy Boy. Puppies available. Call 815-385-3926. ' 7-27/8-3-67 GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE! ;• • -on- - AUGUST 4th & 6th from 9 till 5 . . a t - • 415 N. Mineral Sprgs- Dr. {Vt mile so. of Snug Harbor) Roll - away bed, refrigator, sewing machine, barbecue, grill. and lots of new & used items in good condition. Some tools. COME & SEE SWIM POOL CHEMICALS R. O. ANDREW CO. i- 300 E. Jackson Woodstock, Illinois 815-338-4200 7-27/8-17-67 REAL ESTATE McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year Round Homes, Seasonal Homes. Farms Vacant Home Sites. Income Properties. JOE NISCHAN REAL ESTATE In Johnsburg 2301 Johnsburg Rd k McHenry, 111. Ph 385-0037 2-4-65-TF •d FRETT BUILPERS;& REALTY CUSTOM BUILT HQMES $1600 Down Near Grammer School City Sewer & Water 3 Bedroom home Separate Dining Area Large Family Room 1% Baths Attached Garage Storm Windows & Screens Concrete Drive Edgebrook Heights 4 Bedrooms Tri-level Family Kitchen with Tappan Range & Double Oven Separate Dining Room Family Room 1% Baths Basement Attached Garage $26,100 $5,300 Down Edgebrook Heights Exterior of Brick & Aluminum Construction Concrete Drive 2 car garage with additional Storage Space Family Kitchen Separate Dining Room Large Family Room Master Bedroom Suite with Private Bath 2 Additional Bedrooms Foyer entry with slate floor 2% Baths $29,300 LOT OWNERS We will build a. home on your lot Your choice of one of our many plans Financing To suit you. REAL ESTATE ROOMY 3 Bedroom ranch. Family room and panelled porch. Nice landscape. SACRIFICE $22,900. Call 385- 6325. 8-3-67 REAL ESTATE 2 year old; 3 bedroom ranch, w i t h b u i l t - i n o v e n , r a n g e . Hardwood floor. $15.b00. 1312 Meadow Lane Call 385-0576. 8-3-67 LAND Wooded and vacant a c r e a g e b e t w e e n M c H e n r y and Crystal Lake. Each piece has several good building sites For Price and Terms CALL RALPH BRUNS 459-2239 8/3-8/31/67 Island Lake 3 bedroom home 60 x 135. Gas FA heat, low taxes, city water .near lake $6,800 -- $500 down Wonder Lake 5 bedroom summer home. % block to beach, 100 x 125 lot, Abasement. Only $10,000 -- terms Crystal Lake 3 bedroom homes, large lots. $8,750 t<? $12,800. $500 down. Bellm Realty, Inc. 815-653-9400 7516 Hancock Drive Wonder Lake, 111. 8-3-67 FRETT BuTLuERS & REALTY CUSTOM BUILT HOMES 4 Crystal Lake Plaza Crystal Lake Phone 459-1939 AFTER 6:00 p.m. 459-2970 8-3-67 McHENRY Large Home on Large Lot in McHenry. TOP SHELF 7 year old Ranch. Newly carpeted 12x19 living room, 10x24 panelled Rec room with tile floor. Kitchen & dining area 8x24, gas range, oven & fan. Hardwood floors in 3 large bedrooms. Gas auto. heat. Att a c h e d g a r a g e . Young f r u i t t r e e s , f e n c e d y a r d . FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED AT $18,000 In Egdebtfook Heights Split-Level 5 room home with large Rec room & basement. A delightfully different home (*i a nice lot close to town. . $19500. RICHMOND FOR THE LARGE FAMILY! Older rambling home with 5 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, large k i t c h e n , summer p o r c h p l u s front & side porches. New roof. Needs some work, but has great possibilities of being a real show place. Large lot. City water & sewer. Gas heat. OPEN FOR OFFER T. P. MATHEWS REALTORS Wonder Lake, HI. Ph. 815-653-2061 815-385-6341 Nites - Hud Vogel Ph.: 815-648-3933 BRAND NEW custom built 3 bedroom Ranch, 1M lile baths, living room, dining a r e a , c a b i n e t k i t c h e n , f u l l basement and garage. Can be seen at 3208 Hunter's Path, McHenry Shores, or phone 459-3543. Asking $17,900. 8-3/8-10-67 SPRING GROVE, ILLINOIS 4 BEDROOM, brick, 1% baths, full basement, oil hot water heat, deep well and soft water to fixtures. City gas available, 2 car garage. Lot 73 x 152' .large oak trees. Walk to railroad station and Post Office. Estate selling at best offer -- Asking 20,000.00 J. Teutemacher, Broker, Box 282, B a r r i n g t o n , I l l i n o i s P h o n e 312- 438-2253. 8-3-67 AWNING & shade installer. Experience not necessary. Year around interesting work. Good starting pay -- fringe benefits. Apply in person -- T. Williams & Son, 211 N. Northwest Hwy., Barrington; 8-3-67 2 Bedroom house with attached garage. $1,000 down. Call 385-3497. 8-3-67 CHOICE b u s i n e s s l o t on Green Street for sale. Between theatre & creek. 62 ft. frontage. Call Chuck Coles. 815-385-0312. 8-3-67 WOHBER LAKE FOOT SEASON LOO CABIN Knotty Pine Interior, 12x17 living room & 12x20 kitchendining area. Closet area galore. Stove, refrigerator, barbecue on Patio. Garage. Priv a t e B e a c h . Low T a x e s . 51,900 dn. Total $10,600. A LITTLE FIXDr that's all this 3 bedroom needs to be in " t i p - t o p " s h a p e . F u l l b a s e ment, 20' living room. Available Now! MAKE AN OFFER! APPROVED FOR GOOD HOUS] PING This immaculate 6 room Ranch Home has a built-in cabinet kitchen; pleasant bedrooms with double closets, beautiful hardwood floors, carpeted living room, 1% baths & 2 car garage. A park-like yard adds to the ease of maintenance. $1,900 dn.--$117 mo. -- $19,250 T.P.mTHEWS* REALTORS Wonder Lake, HI." Ph. : 815-653-2061 815-385-6341 OPEN 7 DAYS WEEK TIL DARK 8-3-67 8-3-67 POTOC AUCTZQH PUBLIC AUCT10W RESX ESTATE MICTION. SUNDAY, AUGUST 6 - 2 p.m. 2901 Idle Dell Rd., McHenry Ideal summer or year around home situated on one of the nicest sections of the Fox River just south of McHenry. This four room home with two car garage and large screened in porch is completely paneled for easy maintenance. Well landscaped lot with 70 ft. of river frontage, excellent frame boat lift, excellent sea wall, and gas heat are just a few more fine features of this home. Taxes are $242. OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY, JULY 30 1-4 p.m. or by appointment. TERMS: 10o/® down day of Sale balance on deliver^ of guaranteed policy. Financing available to qualified buyer. ESTATE OF VIRGINIA M. STUMPF, deceased First National Bank of Elgin, executor Sale price subject to approval of Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court, Probate Division. Dunning's Auction Service Elgin 312-741-3483 7-27/3-3-67 Kent Acres For Sale By Owner 3 bedroom ranch home. • Modern Kitchen • Modern Bath • Full Basement • Gas Heat Priced for quick sale. 90% financing available to ed applicants. Phone 312-741-39] 8-; BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS LET US SHOW YOU THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES S Bedrooms, extra large bath, p l e a s a n t l i v i n g r o o m , f u l l basement, and 1% car garage. Coppertone built-in oven range and refrigerator. Priced $14700. 3 Bedrooms, large well equipped kitchen, with good sized eating area, living room with a view, garage, black-topped d r i v e w a y , a l u m i n u m s i d i n g for low maintenance, awnings, and all on well landscaped lot -- for only $16,500 Situated on 1 Vi wooded acres living room with natural fireplace, dining room, worksaving kitchen, 2 bedrooms with family room, or 3rd bedroom (all paneled and parq u e t f l o o r i n g ) g a r a g e and partial basement. Priced $ 2 0 , 9 0 0 . A d j o i n i n g a c r e a g e available. NOK I I I I K\ I ! I INOIS REALTY SLRVIlI 3412 West Elm Street McHenry 460 Virginia Street Crystal Lake 385-2340 459-5487 REAL ESTATE BEAL ESTATE (NEAR McHENRY) , (RETIREMENT SPECIAL) 2 bedroom home only 200' from rivet with river rights, has separate dining room, garage -- washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator, air conditioner. All included in sale price. This house is exceptionally dean, owner moving back to city. ......Only $15,900. (ON FOX RIVER) 2 Bedroom summer home, completely furnished. Only $11,760. (IN McHENRY) 5 Bedroom,\2 story older home in good condition- Basement, 2 car garage. .$21,500. (NEAR McHENRY) 2 Bedroom summer home, completely furnished with river rights. Only $10,000. -- VACANT LAND -- 4 Beautifully wooded acres in Bull Valley, in exclusive section of Valley. Now priced at only $10,250. THE KENT CORPORATION 3322 W. Elm St. - New Location Phone 385-3800 Since 1923 8-3-67 Uliness requires immedidate sale of this clean 2 -- 12 x 13 bedroom home on 152 x 131 corner lot in Whispering Hills. 12 x 20 1/r, 11 x 11 Built-in Gas kitchen. 11 x 8 utility. Attached garage. Blacktop driveway. $16,000 Bay Road. Exceptionable 2 large b/r brick ranch on 144 x 169 corner, well landscaped lot. Basement completely finished with 2 family rooms and shower.. Large 2 car attached garage. Water rights- $32,500 Call OTTO P. HEINEN After 6 call 385-2527 BAIRD & WARNER 414 Virginia Crystal Lake, 111. 815-459-1855 8-3-67 RETIREMENT OR FIRST HOME Two bdrm. home with full basement on almost an acre of land with creek- H.W. basebd. heat, alum, stms./scrns. Outdoor entrance to basement. Attic semi-finished. Low taxes. $10,000 COUNTRY CLUB AREA Two bdrm. home on two lots. Alum, siding, triple track alum, windows; plastered walls, hardwd. firs., carpeting, drapes. All large rooms. Water rights. 2 car garage. $18,750 mLL TOP PUBfACY 3 bedrm. redwd./brick modem home. Beamed cathedral ceiling with skylights, thermopane windows with breathtaking view, open stairway to rec. rm. Two fireplaces. 2 car gar., blacktop drive. Landscaped. Very original. $35,000 McHENRY REALTY 3818 W. Main St 385-5922 days Bertha and Elmer Stange 385-4071 eves. Harriet Johnston 385-2664 eves. 7-27-67 -- LET US SELL YOUR HOUSE -- Glenn Draper Real Estate 4410 W. Rt. 120 McHenry, 111. Call 385-5661 IN McHENRY Lot 132 x 134. 2 Bedroom home, walking distance to stores and schools. $16,500.00 2 Bedroom ranch, garage. $10,500.00 Corner 3 Bedroom, garage, double lot. $12,900.00 3 Bedroom, 2% car garage. 90" lot. $15,900.00 FACE BRICK--INCOME PROPERTY Modern 5 rooms and large enclosed porch. 3 room furnished appartment, $120.00 per month. Gas h. wbeat, 2 oar garage. $23,750.00 8-3-67 DREAM HOUSE--COUNTRY STYLE--NEAR TOWN Chances are you'U find everything you want in this home -- 3 large bedrooms, 19 x 13 living room, separate dining area and a huge basement. Hardwood floors, brick exterior and '2 acre of land. This lovely home is selling at -- $24,000. SEASONAL HOME $8500.00 will got you a neat Seasonal home in quiet area Extra lot included. Water rights. EARL R. WALSH REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE BY OWNER: 2 bedroom face brick ranch home. Attached garage, landscaped. Gas heat. Includes washer, dryer, stove, carpeting and drapes. Call 385-0198. 7-27/8-3-67 2 BEDROOM home. Furnace gas heat, basement, garage. 5307 W. Lane, McCullom Lake. Call 385-1609. 7-27/8-3-67 INCOME PROPERTY IN town. 7 room house including 1% room apartment. Full basement. Separate 2 car garage. $17,500. Call 385- 1874 after 6:00 p.m. & v 8-3-67TF FOR SALE: Older large home in McHenry. Excellent location, near shopping area. Large lot with fruit trees. Full basement, detached garage. Call Mr. Bolger, 815- 385-1040, ext. 28. 7-20/8-3-67 3Y OWNER: 3 Bedroom lannon stone & frame split level. 12x22' carpeted living rm., arge kitchen, ceramic tiled "jath. panelled 12x42' recreation room, utility room, water softener, 1% car garage. Fully landscaped. $18,000. Call "••85-3752. 8-3-67TF 'VOODED acreage between Crystal Lake and McHenry. Each parcel has excellent ' uilding sites. Terms available. Ralph Bruns. 459-2239. 7-20/8-10-67 CMIPSOriHMTO •YE WISH TO THANK everyone who helped make our 2 5th Wedding Anniversary such a memorable occasion. Ted and Lorraine Pitzen 8-3-67 The Family of Barry Bottino acknowledges with sincere appreciation your kind expression of sympathy. To all of Barry's friends. 8-3-67 I don't know your address so a special thanks to Barry's little sisters for your big brother. Barry's mother. 8-3-67 LOST ft FOUND LOST: Reddish brown, medium size dog. Answers to the name "Lady". Call JU7-2220. 3-3-67 PUBLIC NOTICES •>.r •?- -let**'.?'-? TM MM 1 SWEET DMCE Thursday* zltsguat 10th fsC0 p.m. Chock Wagon Memorial Bud at "THE VAGABOND'S HOUSES'* On Roberts Rood, 1 Block Sooth of Hwy. 176 Island Lake, I1L Admission $1.00 8-3-67 VELL kept carpets show the results of regular Blue Lus- 1 re spot cleaning. Rent eleci- ic shampooer $1. Ace Hard- * "are. 8-3-67 Sing Along Shirley Smith Popular Singer Starting Friday Evening August 4th FOR RENT OFFICE, 1212 N. Green St., ^ main floor. Air conditioned... vi $52.50 (across from McHenry >t Savings & Loan, new building) > * Call 385-1327. 8-3-67TF v: 5 ROOM apartment available for not more than 3 in family. $100 per month. Call " 385-3435 or 385-5855, 8-3-67TF ' STORE located on Route 120. 775 sq. ft. space. Phone 385- 5291. , 8-3-67TF MODERN OFFICE space available. A i r conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385-0184. 8-3-67TF BUSINESS building, 7,000 sq. ft. located in McHenry. Will remodel to conform. Call 385-0157 or 385-5225. 7-20/8-3-67 EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS *- 3801 W. Anne St 3 Bedroom. 1% b a t h s , 2 c a r g a r a g e $145.00. Will decorate to Suit or give liberal allowance. See Tuesday, August 8, 3:00 to 7:00 p.m., or phone 312-528- 3696. 8-3-67 Furnished house, $65 mo., plus utilities. Sept. to June. T e a c h e r s p r e f e r r e d . Can be seen after 6:00 p.m at 5204 Parkview West, McCullom Lake. ^ ^ 8-3-67 INDUSTRIAL two 4,000 sq. ft. buildings. All or part 3 phase -- coil baking oven. Heavy c o n c r e t e f l o o r . C a l l 385-3093. 8-3-67 ROOM for lease or rent to professional lady, near Fox Lake and McHenryl Call 497- 3121. 8-3-67 4 ROOM APARTMENT in McHenry. Heat and hot water furnished. Couple preferred. No pets. Call 385-1716 3 ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT -- Very desirable, weekly rental. 2012 N. Orchard Beach, on river. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER $12,000- $15,000 Design - develop - direct- 1 modify and fabricate test equipment. Prepare technical papers. Instruct others in same. Production Sales Manager $11,509 • $1S,6S3 Assistant Personnel Manager $50®-$7§8 Mo. Personnel Secretary $400 - $503 Mo. Junior Accountants $115 - $15® Wk. Cost Accountants $10,0-511,000 ' Junior Coat Accountants $450 - 0233 Mo. Job Cost Estimator ' $500-$650 Mo. I Auditors $<00 - $100 Mo. I General Office Trainees ! $75 - $92 Wk. Sunday Afternoons -- Coma As You Art Sing Along with Shirley Smith Ray Verest at the Piano Dancing every Saturday nite at "The Vagabond's House" on Roberts Road, r Block South of Hwy. 176 Island Lake, Illinois 8-3-67 MECHANICAL ENGINEER *13,000- $19,000 Take over R&D Ds || p ailment, look for net? a p p l i c a t i o n s and r e« design present products. Design testing equipment for product testing. Draftsmen $500-$80GMo. Industrial Engineers $763 - $G4® Mo. Punch Press Foremen $125 - $175 Wk. Project Engineer $10,633 - $12,000 Laboratory Technicians $100 • $135 Wk. Production Control Trainee $400 - $459 Mo. Shipping and Receiving Clerks $100 Wk. Foremen $550 - $<50 Mo. Tool Designers $120-$170 Wk. 815-338-3200 or 312-23g-5S43 pmsoHHa, m. 2t3 W. Banson St. Wecfiotock, IU. Open 0 aa. - 5 p.m. Thusc3ap' G FsMay 'Ml 7 0-12 385-3300 3429 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois -m THE 385-4434 8-3-61 McHenry Phone 67TF t> * fc

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