Top federal officials in Chicago join the ^secretary of the Air Force's Mid-West office <of Information in celebrating the Air Force's ^twentieth anniversary as a separate service. 'The Honorable John S. Hasting, right, and Arnold J. Rauen, left, watch as Col. Ralph R. ^Springer cuts the anniversary cake. Judge Hastings is Chief Judge of the UJS. Court of Ap- ;peals' 7th Circuit. Mr. Rauen is chairman of Chicago's Federal Executive Board and is also chief of the Illinois U.S. Savings Bond Division of the Treasury department. Colonel Springer is chief, secretary of the Air Force's Mid-West Office of Information. More than 200 distinguished military and civilian guests visited the Chicago Office of Information during the open house celebration; ' Mr. Rauen resides at 2721 Regner road, McHenry. Personals ; • Mrs. Arnold Reinke has re- ' turned from a six weeks trip ' abroad where she visited a ! brother and sister in EastGer Sar lany, behind the iron curtain, tor three weeks and found con- : ditions much better than she ! expected. The other three were ; spent -with another sister in ; Stuttgart and while there she ; very much enjoyed a tour of < the Black Forest. The trip was • made by plane. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Richard Vycital | of Boise, Idaho, were in Chi- ; cago last week, where he at- • tended a medical convention. • While here they spent Sunday and Friday as guests of McHenry relatives and were hoi nored at a family get-together ! at the Arthur Hoppe home on I Friday evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Schoen- ; holtz have returned from a three < weeks visit with Milwaukee re- ! latives. ; Mrs. Carold Carolson and ; Mrs. Ronald Baldwin of Rock- ; ford visited their aunt, Miss ; Ann Frisby Thursday. ; Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Wi- • ater returned to their home in " Long Beach, Calif., Friday. ' Mrs. Wiater had spent the week ! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ; William Althoff and other rela- ; tives here while the doctor ; attended a meeting of the College of Surgeons in Chicago. Mesdames Gertrude Murphy, Mary Kantorski, Mabel Johnson • and Susan 01 sen of Fox River Valley Camp of the R.N.A,, Kathryn Worts, Alpha Pederj sen and Elizabeth Schoewer of ' River view Camp attended a meeting of the Past Oracles ; club held at the home of Mrs. C. Ormsby in Crystal Lake Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Marion McClure of Gurnee will entertain at the next meeting with Gladys McCarthy as assistant hostess. Mr. and Mrs. John Weideman and son, John, Jr., are spend- • ing a month with her parents, Mr. andMrs. Ralph Justen,and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thiel, in Streamwood. Mr. We- .aideman, who has been serving •\®t Randolph Air Force Base in ; San Antonio Texas, will then ; leave for Vietnam while she j and the baby will remain with • her parents. ! David Schaefer, son of Mr. • and Mrs. Donald Schaefer, left ! Saturday for Carthage, 111., where he will enter his fresh- ' man year at Robert Morris col- ; lege. • , Mrs. Florence Peterson of « Hastings, Minn., spent a few ' days in the Ben Miller home. ; Misses Edna and My r a Speak - • er of Richmond visited their i sister, Mrs. Leslie Olsen, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund visited relatives in Chippewa Falls, Wis., a few days last week. Miap Gerry Restivo and Miss Joan "Adams wer& Weekeftd guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Alfons Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger returned Friday from a two weeks trip to Hot Springs and Lake In The Ozarks. At the former place they spent a week with their friends,Mr.andMrs. J.W. Sprouse, who were enroute from Stanwood, Washington, to their winter home in Holiday, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Freund returned last week Monday from a two week trip to San Diego, Calif., where they visited their daughter, Patty, and husband, George Brownyard. They also did some sight seeing. Stormy Kramer and Curt Freund spent a recent week at Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada. Weekend guests at the home of Ernest Freund were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kozimar and family of Park Ridge and Mr.andMrs. Ken McCuster of San Diego, Calif. UGM NOTICE CLAIM DATE November 6, 1967 is the claim date in the estate.of Margaret Ellen a/k/a Margaret E., a/k/a Margaret Overton deceased, No. 67 P 207, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Paul R. Overton of 1112 N. Front St., McHenry, 111., is the Executor; William M. Carroll, Jr. of Woodstock, 111., is the attorney. (Pub. October 3,6,10,1967) OCTOBER 11, 1967 - PLAINDEALER - PG. 13 The world's highest known school is located al Climax, Colo., at 11,316 feet altitude. Pupils come from both sides of Continental Divide, often on snowshoes. Deep thinking: A researcher has just come up with the astounding news that 40,000 average sized barns could be painted with the lipstick used by American wymon each year. Spurgeons Store Manager * ' 4*' ft \ LEGAL NOTICE CLAIM DVTE December 4,1967 is the claim date in the estate of William Lawrence deceased, No. 67-P- 219, Circuit Court, McHenry County, Illinois. Loretta Freundj, of 4209 Crystal Lake Road* McHenry, 111. is the Executor; James M. Mclntee of 3436 W. Elm St., McHenry,<*®1. is the attorney. (Pub. Oct. 6, 11, 13, 1967) From The Farm Adviser's Desk FARM RECORDS The business world uses an adequate and informative system of records and accounts to evaluate management. There •is no substitute for these records when evaluating farm business management. Four basic resources employed by Agriculture and Land, Labor, Capital and Mmagement. Of these, Management is the most difficult to evaluate. Farm Management is the art, or applied science, of organizing and operating a farm firm to satisfy a farmer's goals and objectives. Farm records give production and operating plans, resources, projected financial and cash-flow requirements, credit requirements, debt - repay m?nt schedules. Farm records should also provide inventory and depreciation schedules. Good records will also show crop production, or yields, and pounds of meat, or milk produced or sold. Farm records are meaningful only if they are accurate. They are good only if they are used. Farm records provide the key to good management. NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the City of McHenry in the office of the City Clerk on or before October 16,1967 for furnishing a new police car with trade-in of one car now in use. Specifications may be secured in the office of the City Clerk. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informality in any bid and to accept any considered advantage to the city. CITY OF McHENRY EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk (Pub. Oct. 6, 11, 1967) EDDIE the EDUCATOR says GEOGRAPHY HISTORY GOVERNMENT Social studies develop dedicated future citiiens and friendly, understanding neighbors. 'ilinoli EduCjlion AiiOf.itltn READ THE CLASSIFIEDS T H E World f Of Pharmacy Robert Schultz, A1 Mapes, shown above at his desk, is the manager of the newly opened Spurgeons store located in the McHenry Market Place on W. Rt. 120. Mr. Mapes, a native of Clinton, 111., has been working with the company for two years, both in Pontiac and Clinton, 111., where he acted as assistant manager. Mr. Mapes, his wife, and two sons reside in Waukegan at the present time. Donald Doherty RJPh. ...PREVENTIVE MEDICINE... The term is self-explanatory. It's something we do when we are in good health to keep us well and ward off illness later. This concept has been well accepted where our children are concerned. The "WELL" baby is taken to the Pediatrician for periodic checkup and "shots" against what used to be the killing and crippling diseases of childhood. ADULTS however, for the most part give very little thought to the future, healthwise. Feeling well at the moment they take it for granted that good health will continue. THEN it happens. . .illness strikes and the long road to recovery and convalescence begins. Much illness can be prevented by using the same good sense in caring for ourselves as we do in the care of our children. See your family doctor for a check-up, annually. It's a great feeling to hear him say You're in good shape". Your good health is vital to you and to your family; protect it. Here at BOLGER'S DRUG STORE we never forget this. Let us help you keep well. Every prescription we fill is compounded with the greatest care. See your doctor, then see us for prescriptions and health needs. We're at 1259N.Green.. Dial 385-4500. Hlll/IIIM WINES and LIQUORS, Inc. Can Not Be Beat on Liquor Price PH. 459*4050 305 VIRGINIA STREET (Adjoining A&P Store Crystal Lake, HI. Monday thru Thursday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday# Saturday 9 sum. to 10 p.m.; Sunday 12 to 9 WE'LL MEET ALL CHICAGO PRICES Case 24 SCHLITZ 12-oz. bott„les MILLERS $^'9 HAMtMlC 4# c2) plus deposit OLD STYLE o PABST, BLATZ $>9 7 UP 12 oz. - 6 pak 55 plus dep. CIGARETTES All Popular Brands $089 mtm Cin. OLD FORESIER $A69 Vi Gal 0 ARISTOCRAT & PfFSI BRAM0Y $2= gj87 filth full qt. Old Sinai§§S@r USHER'S GREEN STRIP $y|39 Fifth If OLD HICKOftY Straight Bourbon Whiskey $039 3 (lAjjt O-- 5th lor IV-- Imported from Mexico « MOPl KAHLUA *m*' COFFEE LIQUEUR '4' Popular Brand GIN or VODKA '22 Full Qt. 5th $*>49 Perls & Tilford GIN ^ VODKA Full Quail *3= diii 6-Pak Throw-away Btls. IHWAUICIE ' 7Sc Socatern Comfort 5th'3= Kentucky Gentlemen full quart $ 32 House of Stuart SCOTCH y2 $©>79 gal. PHILADELPHIA >39 qt. ^77 V2 gal. Our Best Buy 8 Year Old Old Setter Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 86 Proof $®29 Fifth V 3 5ths 3 full qt. Sf.75i llli® MS Blended Whiskey full $^27 qt. FI1E - FREE WE HAVE FREE ICE CUBES WITH LIQUOR PURCHASE Bi ARDI V2 gal. rfj== Imported ROM qt. CiNTUCIY LADY 10 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey $•159 Vi Gal 7 HflMMS Throw Away 24-12 oz. btls. 89c $1155 6 pak 3 SCHENLEY Champion Bourbon $5.95 VALUE Now $*g39 or *|A°° 5th W 3 for IV CHRISTIAN BROS. iiAIMPY $€ Vz ^ C©CA GOi,A mm c®la 24 Bottles 10-oz. *|59 plus deposit COCA COLA WINK 8 pak. 16 oz. plus deposit « - 12 oz. btls. FRESCA 8 pak. .10 oz. 69c 39c 59c plus dep. Heineken Beer -- $1.97 pack jyicheioib 6 cans 16 oz. cans 19 6 pak I Tu^org Beer -- $1.59 6 pack Hamms -- 99c 6 pack cans Blatz $1.09 6 pack 16 oz. cans <> Puck Throwaway Bottles SCHLITZ - MILLERS BUD - OLD STYLE Utidech 6 pack 99c $1.39 FREE USE OF GLASSES and CHAMPAGNE FOUNTAIN For Weddinps and Parties with the purchase of Liquor at the Cardinal HALF GALLONS Excellent Kentucky Whiskey BURKE 8c BARRY Blend $C97 1/2 Gal. ©= Kentucky Gentlemen Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey »/2 Gal. *7= Straight Kentucky -or Blend Old Thompson -- Bourbon Supreme" -- Coronet Brandy -- ,97 39 .97 Hiram Walker's GIN or VODKA Glenmore GIN or VODKA >7 9 A