f- ; PG* 8, SEC. 1 - PLAINDEALER- OCT, 20, 1967 . .. . . . V F W AUXILIARY NEWS The ladies' auxiliary to VFW Post 4600 held it s meeting on Monday, Oct. 9 with Ethel Groth presiding. At the membership kick-off dinner, Dorothy Diedrich was Welcomed into our organization. Betty Ann Heard, in the readbig of offical communications informed members present of the dinner honoring the department's new president. This dinner will be held on Saturday, Nov. 4, at the Sherman hotel in Chicago. Thank you notes were received and read from Jean Wiles, Renee Freund, Dora Krocker, and Helen and Elsie Anderson. Jean Wiles, three-year trustee, tendered her resignation due to ill health. Membership chairman June Schmunk reported that approximately 50% membership has been paid for 1968. Ladies, now is the time to pay your dues either in person at a meeting or they may be sent to Marge Moreth, treasurer. Genevieve Bradley, temporary Hospital chairman, reported on the Sept. 20 visit to Downey veterans' hospital. The men at Downey were served coffee, cupcakes, bananas, oranges and candy bars. Mildred Aherns' husband had given 300 golf balls to Downey hospital. R was decided to purchase canteen books for the men. This makes it possible for the patients to purchase items they need while being hospitalized. June Schmunk, Community Service chairman, reported on the hot lunch program which the auxiliary provides at the schools. Florence Tussey, Sunshine chairman, reported that she had sent get-well wishes to Jean Wiles, George Barbian, Teena Morrison and Lorraine Murphy. We hope they are all in better health at this time. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Lorraine Murphy and Rose Murphy on the loss of their husband and son. National Home chairman, Ha Hogan reported that she had sent one birthday card to a child at the National Home in Eatori Rapids. It was decided that the auxiliary would sponsor Cub Scout Pack 458 which holds meetings in Holiday Hills. Marge Moreth announced that she had received the candy that we are selling as aprofit-raising project. If you were not at this meeting you may still obtain candy to sell at the next meeting. On Oct. 25 the ladies' auxiliary will prepare and serve a lunch for the staff officers of the 5th district of the VFW, who will be holding their meeting at the clubhouse that evening. Dorothy Reinboldt was elected unanimously to fill the un- Seek Names For Korean Honor Roll As the result of great help from the newspapers of Mc- Henry county and their readers, the History of McHenry County project now has the names of 140 county residents who !dt>: their lives in World War IL This is up from a published list of 126 names that the history had on its first file. "We would have called it a very poor Honor roll job to have left out those fourteen names," commented the History editor. "We, certainly appreciate the halpl of the press and radio in this regard." Comes now the Korean War Honor Roll. The History has the names of the following persons who died in the Korean War, from June 30, 1950 to July 27, 1953, when the Korean armistice was signed. (Some of these men were buried in McHenry County as late as 1955 from Korean service- connected wounds): WOODSTOCK: Henry C. Becker Jr., William E. Britt, Charles E. Case, Eugene H. Kling, Richard Leonard, William J. Luedtke and Wilbur G. Nelson. CRYSTAL LAKE: Charles D. Kilroy, William, J. Sandstrom and Rovert R. WoDds. HARVARD: John E. Burney McHENRY: James R.-Gr-^en RINGWOOD; Mulvin H. Jon&s It is fairly obvious that this list is not complete, because of the inconsistency with Woodstock and the other towns. Persons having names to add tothe Korean War Honor Roll should drop a post card to Lowell Nye Harvard, 111. , or call him at 943-4404 or 943-4686. This data will be in an early chapter. PARENT COURSE AT HOSPITAL IS WELL ATTENDED Attendance at the fall "Preparation for Parenthood" course at Memorial hospital for MoHenry County was well attended, Mrs. Carolyn Stratton, R.N., coordinator for the program, said this week. The next of the programs is scheduled for January, when expectant parents can take advantage of the free informational two-session coui-se conducted by staff members as a community service. Movies provided by the women's auxiliary of Memorial hospital for McHenry County add much to the program which includes discussions by staff doctors and demonstrations by staff mpties. Yptf can help Illinois boys and girls develop into useful and purposeful citizens by volunteering as a 4-H Club leader. Your county extension adviser can tell you how. expired term of three-year trustee. One meeting a month, now. Our next regular meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 13. Ifs like being in a parade wearing TA NT 005 Everyday is a special day in soft but sturdy narrow-wale cotton corduroy boxers teamed with 2-ply combed cotton knit skirts. Some toddlers pants in patterns and stripes. The shirts come in all sorts of stripes and patterns. Washable, of course. Sizes: 2, 3, 4. Sizes: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 1219 N. Green McHenry 385-0182 * • M in V- W-; hhihsHM jF*r&hm'W\ "m «