SUNNYSIDE ESTATES bloHa Von Oepen 358-1731 Lucille Lytle 385-1173 BROWNIES BEGIN MEETING AT KAISER HOME Brownie Troop 150 has begun their weekly Wednesday meetings. Brownie leader is Mrs. Fran Olsen, and co-leader is Pat Kaiser 7 who lives in Pistakee Terrace. The meetings are held in Pat Kaiser's home. Two of our girls, Kim Olsen and-Diane Williams, are in this troop. The troop is now full. J GOOD TURN DAY On Sunday, Steven Segerstrom and father, and Teddy Voight and father, went to the Mt. Hope Methodist church to help dig. Afterwards, the boys bobbed for apples. CUB SCOUTS At the Oct. 18, Pack meeting, thirty boys were inducted into Cub Scouts. George Seibel from Woodstock held an impressive ceremony entitled, "The Spirit of Scouting". It was a candlelight ceremony, each candle standing for a symbol. Those attending from Pack 452, Dan 5, were Sally Segerstrom, Den Mother and son, Steven, Teddy Voight and mom, Kenny Simmons and Dad, Ernie Olsen and family, Ray Jensen, Jr., and Mom and Dad, Steve Boomfield and Mom, HowieSiepman and Mom, and Ernie Von Oepen, Jr., and family. The three boys who became Bobcats were Teddy Voight, Ernie Von Oepen, Jr., and Ray Jensen. Kenny Simmons received his Denner Bar. Ernie Olsen was among fifteen boys that became Webelos. Five boys graduated from Webelos into Boy Scouts. They recited the Boy Scout promise and were awarded their diplomas by Bernie Kennebeck, former Webelo leader who now is a Scout Master for the Spring Grove troop. One of the three new Webelos leaders is Mel Simmons and his assistant- is Jerry Olsen. Cub Master, Mr. Decker, made the following announcements. On Sunday, Oct. 22, all Cub Scouts and Webelos and their fathers were asked to help lay tile for the Mount Hope Methodist church, which is their sponsor. It is their good deed for the day. They hope to have ice skating, in January, weather permitting. There has been no definite date set. The Blue and Gold Dinner is coming up in February. No definite date or place has yet been chosen. The colors were presented , and retrieved by Den 2. Refreshments were served by the Mothers of Den 5. FORESTERS. The Juvenile Girl Foresters held their annual Halloween party Monday night from seven to nine. Those who attended included, Casey Anderson, Darleen Gerke, Diane Voight, Debbie Fuqua, Cathy Gerstein, Patty Anderson, Patty Jo and Diane Williams. Everyone wore costumes, went through a spook house, had refreshments, and ended the evening with fun and games. WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING The Sunnyside Estates Women's Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mary Ellen Wickman. The business meeting was held, and plans were made for the club members' Christmas party. It will be held on Dec. 16 at a restaurant in Richmond. A toy party will be held at the home of Sally Segerstrom on Nov. 6, at eight o'clock. It is an open house for anyone interested in attending. After the business meeting was completed, all the girls had a ball trying to identify each others song titles that inspired their costumes. Dolores Hanahan and Pat Williams won first prize and Gloria Von Oepen won the booby prize in the guessing game. Refreshments were served afterwards. Our next meeting will beheld at the home of Delores Hana- * han on Nov. 29. Members and non-members are welcome to attend as we will be wrapping gifts for the children's party. Lists are being distributed to every family with children. We ask that they be completed . and turned in by Nov. 4 so that Santa can pack his bagproperly. HERE AND THERE Tom and Vi Williams and daughters went to visit Vi's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larson, who reside in Genoa City, on Sunday. They played games and enjoyed a delicious dinner. v Ernie and Gloria VonOepen Gloria's sister, Elaine, anil Mr. arid Mrs. J. Peloquin enjoyed a night out last Saturday. They had a delicious dinner and cocktails at a very nice restaurant in Richmond. It was a real treat. The Voight family went to the homecoming game last Friday night. Although the game was lost, there was a lot of effort put into it. Paul played in the sophomore game in spite of a hand injury. The parade was quite colorful, and the senior float, which Donny helped construct, won first prize. He was quite proud. June's mother, Mrs. Price, of Chicago, spent the weekend in the Estates. Sandy Fry came home from college on Friday night for homecoming. Her boyfriend, Bob Moore, was in on leave also. On Sunday, the Frys entertained Bob and his parents for dinner before Sandy had to return to school at Normal. Karen Schneider held a demonstration on Oct. 19. Those present were Ann Radtke, Ginger Boomfield, Eleanor Feidler and Pat Ansel from Sunnyside Beach. Cake and coffee were served afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. James Cadell from Chicago were at the P.J. Schneider home for dinner. After they ate they all went over to P.J.'s farm, where they enjoyed the fall colors of the trees. The Ed Wichman family went to the home of the Ed Wickman, Sr., for a family dinner. Those also enjoying the feast -were Ruth Wichman, the Art Eleston family, the Jack Waters family, the Walter Dews' and son Bill, who just completed his two years with "the-'UJS. Navy, and Lillian Jones. After the dishes weredonethe gals worked up another appetite, so they got everybody together and went to the newly completed home of the Eglestons. After the grand tour of their new home, a variety of desserts were served. Andy and Joann Eichornplayed cards and had an enjoyable visit with Andy's brother and sister-in-law, Jim and Mary Eichorn in Sunnyside. Bud Kennebeck acted as proxy godfather to his great nephew, Donald Raymond, Jr., in Joliet last Sunday. The proud parents, Donald and Carol Gaylord, furnished a delicious turkey din^ ner with all the trimmings. Barb Jesski and the two boys traveled to Amboy to the home of Barb's brother, John Dawidiak. There they all helped It EXPERT ( DOMING • BOARDING (Individual Kennels) • TEAMING • POODLE' TRAINING SPECIAL RATE Rudy letter's 1018 W. Lincoln ltd. McHenry Phone 385-2486 (1 mile East of the Skyline Drive-In) WATE SALiS FTENER SERVICE SA>IF. DAY SERVICE ON MOST MAKES • sorvicc * < l«'itiii«u Oil! • Repair * Ins(;ill.i(ion • 0\ erhaulinu * Removal • Roconilitioiiiim * Kebulldinn -ALL WORK GUARANTEED-- Phoot!®o 315-5566 SOFTENER _ SALES WATER SOFTENER SALES /SERVICE Mellrnry. Illinois Greg collect leaves for Ms leaf collection project. Walking through the woods and along the creek were enjoyable and profitable in leaves. The Chuck Caleys have been very busy these last few weeks. The weekend before 1^ Chuck's sister and brother-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Reddies, from Milwaukee, visited with them. Last weekend, they and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Russ Carr, camped out at the Chain 0*Lakes State Park. Suffice to say that they were a bit cold. Last Tuesday, Helen Caley held a demonstration in her home. Guests were Sandy Thompson from McHenry, Helen's mother, Mrs. Ann Hughes, daughter, Donna Carr, Mrs. Eleanor Rocheford, Mrs. Jackie Sclonti, Mrs. Virginia Phillips, Mrs. Barb Kierman, all from Wonder Lake. Mrs, Diane Skidmore, and Mrs. Ellen Holian came from Richmond. Her daughter-in-law, Pam, . came from Ingleside, and Cindy Knack came from Fox Lake. The party was a success. Mrs. Flo Jesski and Mrs. Helge Dettlow enjoyed a luncheon at Mrs. Kaufmann's horns on Wednesday. Lucy Lytle held a demonstration in her home last Friday evening. Guests from this area were Gloria Von Oepen, Vi Williamsjmd Sharon Mc- „. ler^SiFentvMr.and =Mrs/ Walter Gazda, and their neighbor, Mrs. Peg Strom, from Prairie View, also attended. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Jiimny William^ , whoturned eleven on Tuesday, celebrated his natal day with Ms family and grandmother, Mrs. Williams. Jimmy was quite surprised when he was presented with his new bike. On Saturday,, a party of six boys, including' DaVid ^fooah and Ernie Olsen,1 Jimmy's two sisters, little brother, Danny, and a cousin had a skating party at the rink. They all had a grand time, including mom who also did some skating, to the surprise of all the children. All returned to Jimmy's house where he opened his presents. Everyone then enjoyed ice cream and cake. Seventeen year old Mary Anderso n celebrated her birthday with Kathy Palmer, Elaine Fail, Judy Walczynski, Candy Kobus and other friends from the McHenry area. Liltiam Kelso had the usual family dinner celebration at home for her big day. She also enjoyed a pre-birthday dinner • out, with a friend. Mike Major, who is stationed at Fort Lee, Va., spoke to his family and fiancee,Mary Larkii\ Friday night. He had planned on being home for his birthday but was called to duty in Washington, for last weekend's marches. * HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy birthday to Tommy Fiedler, who will be twelve, and Bill KuecKel, Sr., and Cheryl Boomfield who will be seven on the third. Ann Sperl has her day on the fourth. Cliffor Sabby has her birthday on the sixtti, while Ted Bierchen and Betty Scarborough celebrate on the seventh. NOV. 1, 1967 - PLAINDEALEB - SEC. 2 - PC, 3 What Is It? Happ. ancrMc HAPPY ANNIVERSARY y Anniversary to James lona Eddy who are married nineteen years today. Karen and P.J. Schneider will have their ninth anniversary on the seventh. Congratulations to both couples. 6 whmwe a special. we always ham an ample supply but... I 1 ' ' Sometimes... not often, but sometimes, j ^ the special is more popular than we imagined So we do run out. But if we do, please ask the manager for a / , , Wnats Cooking? Savings on "Super Right Meats! A*P§ Super I Fully looked HAM Shank Portion 39 t lb. Butt Portion lb. 49c "KING of fht iOAf' SUP« Beef K RIGHT Rib Roast 4th & 5th Rib* 1st thru 3rd Ribs lb. 99c lb. 89 Super Right Beef Blade Cut Steak 49 Super Right Beef 6-Inch Cut lb. 99 A&P's Super Rights Fresh PORK BUTT ROAST Fresh Pork Steak -- lb. 49c At* to 6-lb. U JL Average^* Ik AQr Sliced Bacon AtP'i Allgood 2-lb. Pkg. $129 £ 65' Pork Sausage VIS 69' mil An A&P Rain Check entitles you to buy the item, at the same special price, the following week. 1 < I We try never to disappoint you ... 6 I / we always want to be fair. / Is this a good reason for shopping A&P? It's one of many. 6 i COPVAIGMT < IMt TMt UUT MlANTlC A WlCif« Fresh Spare Ribs Large Chunk Bologna Smoked Snisage Super Right 2 to 3-lb. Avg. Super Right A Real Value Eckrich Brand 59' 49' 79" Fruits & Vegetables Fancy Washington Red Delicious Firm Ripe PPLES See Below (or *100°° Extra Plaid Stamps MANAS 2 Ann Page Finest Quality Grape Jsim ^ Ife V Ann Pace Finest Quality Mayors (TQ^iise s59* Ann Page Finest Quality Elbow Macaroni ss 39° Ann Page Finest Qaality Tomato Ketchup 2.o, 90* btl. A # Ann Page Finest Quality A&P Non-Dairy Our Own A&P Instant Cream Drops- Coffee Creamer Tea issgs Coffee i v«-ib. A®® 8-ox. " pk. 59# 10-ot. Oil® x pkg. jar if u of 4B's # jar UU Maxwell House Hills Brothers Nabisco Butter Cookies Instant Coffee Instant Coffee Coffee Instant Coffee Coffee-Mate / X 29< Super , 20 Below 50-ft. roll l°r 89 10-oz. Freezer Wrap Niblets Corn Green Giant--Frozen pkg 59' 35' LeSeur Peas Spaghetti Dinner in Butter Sauce 10-oz Green Giant--Froxen pkg. 45< Realemon Lemon Juice Eau Claire Kraft Tangy 6-oz. Italian pkg. VW Whole Mushrooms STSST'lT 33' 27 Hills Brothers Reg., Pork A Elect. Grind Hills Brothers jar Mb. $| 39 can I T START YOUR DINNERWARE SET TODAY ALSO YOU CAN BUILD A HOME EDUCATION CENTER Tomato Paste Contadina Brand 6-oi. cans 29" Peeled Tomatoes Contadina N:„r 39- 6-ox. jar 89' PLAY Carnation Brand is-«. $| 19 jar I Kraft French Dressing 16-ox. btl. 49c $ Green Goddess 6-oz. bH. 45c Wishbone Italian 8-oz. btl. 39' s is Week's "FIXTURE" Is N0CH WEDGWOOD Cf yismiL) m "Countryside" ENGLISH DINNERWARE Only £A 29 With $3.00 or more in Purchaiei Dole Pineapple Juice Cut Yams Mixed Vegetables 46-oz. can in Syrup Jack O' Lantern Veg- All Chunk Tuna 15-oz. 39' 33"°x pkgs. vJ Eagle Brand Milk Royal Pudding Regular Lipton Noodle Soup«.^£l 37 Puffs Facial Tissue Win 5li To The giant 16-Secfion isnrs NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY D The famous 12-Section RAND MCNAIi mil: of Today's World 280-<t. pkg. 33' Eight O'Clock lb. Bag SAVE 18c $1 75 UAItt COUPON R • tE HAND ' ILLISTRATEII ATLAS Frozen Food Variety! Thrifty Dairy Buys! 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Southern Deligl BiSCUltS Reg or Butter Elsie Milk Shakes 3 r.' 35 A&P Dessert Topping "NEW" can 39 «S8S!!8S'SSSSS!SS! Jane Parker 4 20-ox. loaves or Angel Food Cako* Jane Parker J an* Cookies Jane Parker 89' 49' •n 39' SAVE PLAID STAMPS... SS u SB t S3 11 S The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. inc., These prices effective thru Nov. 4, 1967 ' jj SS !> 9 I H mm ii White Bread Custard Cinnamon Rolls Parker. of Sandwich Crerne "XT 45 E3; Q53 H 8" <3.^3 * 100 EMTRH | | with thi« coupon and the purthott ol $3-00 or 19 ^ 'M mo>« in FRCSH FRUITS * VCGCTABLKS at any AiP Food Sloroi thru Ntvimbir 4, If67 l •