Edition THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LA KES REGION SINCE 1875" Now Twice Weekly VOL. 91 - No 23 Friday, November 24, 1967 16 Pages - 10$ Many Join Forces Flan Hospital Volunteer Expansion BOND ISSUE DISCUSSED A rU i ' k , * r * i f * > 9 fe? " if- "Expanding our volunteer program and working to make this as exciting and worthwhile a year as we can," is how Mrs. Elmer Stange, president of the woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital, described the new Pink Lady board. Those serving on the auxiliary board of directors are: (seated, left to right) Mrs. James Kenton, Mrs. Roland Herrmann, Mrs. Ralph Munson, Mrs. Stange, Mrs. Doiald Heldt, Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mrs. Russell Weyland, Mrs. Eugene Miller and Mrs. Willard Schultz, all of McHenry; (standing, left to right): Mrs. Wallace Ames, Lake Villa; Mrs. William Landin, Ingleside; Mrs. Richard Matt and Mrs. Peter Griesbach, McHenry; Mrs. Carl Mitchell, Woodstock; Mrs. Lawrence Heuvelman, Lake Geneva; Mrs. H. Martin Snyder, Mrs. Claude F. McDermott, McHenry; Mrs. Emil Wille, Crystal Lake; Mrs. Edward Pieroni, Mrs. Nicholas Gemell, Mrs. Earl Seepe, Mrs. Charles Spencer and Mrs. Otto Schmidt, McHenry „ Members not present for the picture are Mrs. Everett Hansen, Mrs. George Worts, Mrs. Benjamin Massouda, Mrs. Charles Curtis, Miss Magdalyn Woolfe and Mrs. Lilah Jourdan of McHenry; Mr. William Strout and Mrs. R.L. Rade, Crystal Lake; and Mrs. Robert Stanell, Ringwood. . „ ' ® DON PEASLEY PHOTO jMutin' and '• Meanderin' "There is hardly a person with telephone service in the home who hasn't at some time been bothered by an ill-timed sales call for a variety of items. The phone company has issued several suggestions which they deem appropriate, urging that we not allow our instinctive politeness to inconvenience us. They suggest that if the call is questionable, but we feel we may be interested in w!iat the caller is selling, just interrupt and ask that a letter or sales folder be sent. If we have no need for what the caller is selling , it is suggested we just cut in, say we aren't in the market for the product, thank them and say goodbye. If the caller is rude or per- (Continued on page 4) Scheduling a membership drive for early December, the board of directors o' the woman's auxiliary to the McHenry hospital, also set several important dates at their recent meeting. A special afternoon tea and OFFER PRIZES IN CITY'S HOME LIGHTING CONTEST Chairman Donald Howard of the C. of C. holiday home lighting contest announced this week that plans are going forward in anticipation of one of the city's finest decorating comoetitions. Again this year, displays will be entered in three categories, amusing, religious and original. First place winners in each classification will receive a $40 gift certificate and in addition there will be ten $5 honorable mention awards. Winners will receive attractive plaques in addition to the monetary award. Names of judges and the exact date and time of selecting the winners will be aonojnced later. program for members and guests will be held Jan. 9th, 1968. The spring fashion show will be May 1, and the annual Country Art Fair, June 21-22- and 23. "The membership drive will concentrate on reaching women in the community who are interested in becoming an active hospital volunteer," said Mrs. Donald Heldt, membership chairman. "With the new occupational therapy program and a bigger hospital, our volunteer services are more important than ever before." "We will be inviting all those who might enjoy auxiliary activities to small coffees scheduled next month," said Mrs. Heldt. "While auxiliary members will be contacting their friends and neighbors, there may be women who are interested whom we fail to contact. May I personally now extend an invitation to any newcomers to the area, or to other women who might be interested to telephone or drop me a note and I will see that they are included in one of the coffees/' McHENRY GIRL HEADS HOSPITAL NURSING CLASS Senior class officers have been elected at the Lutheran General and Deaconess Ijpspital School of Nursing, ^ark* Ridge. Margaret Karas, 212 S. Lily Lake road, McHenry, is the new president. The School of Nursing is a major educational program of the Institute of Human Ecology, an affiliate of the American Lutheran church. It is the only diploma school of nursing in the northwest area. MCHS To Hold College Night Representatives from twenty- one colleges and trade schools will be in McHenry Thursday evening, Nov. 30, to explain their school program when annual Col:ege Night is held at McHenry high school. The hours are 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Some of the fields of interest which will be discussed are electricity, secretarial training and business training. The representatives will answer any questions pertaining to their schools for students and their parents. A complete list of the schools will appear in next Tuesday's issue. Work Of Retarded y)Will Benefit By December Sale The McHenry County Association for Retarded Children auxiliary will sponsor a Christmas sale and bake sale on Dec. 1 and 2 in the hall in the rear or the McHenry Savings & Loan on Green street. The hours will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Proceeds will be usod for operation of the work activity center w'lich is located on Rt. 31 and Edge wood drive, formerly the T(; • a Cotta school. The public is invited to inspect the center at any time ana see what the young people accomplish. Thei;e are twelve enrolled at this time, ranging in age from 16 to adult. They are fortunate in having several contracts with manufacturers, performing services for the area firms. Robert Lambourn is director of the center. DR. GRIESBACH NAMED HEAD OF MEDICAL SOCIETY School Board Members Assist Advisory Council In Public Explanations K. of C. Party Nov. 25 Plan Anniversary DR. PETER GRIESBACH Dr. Peter Griesbach of McHenry was elected president of the McHenry County Medical society at the annual election meeting held Thursday, Nov. 16. Other newly elected officers are Dr. Jim Mijanovich, vicepresident; Dr. V.B. Potralin, secretary; and Dr. August Rossetti, treasurer. Marvin Birchfield of Crystal Lake, bonding consultant of School District 156, McHenry, was present at Tuesday evening's meeting to read a resolution calling for the $550,000 necessary to complete the new high school now under construction on the Crystal Lake blacktop. Voting will take place Saturday, Dec. 16, from rioon to 7 p.m. in six precincts. The board voted to increase the Dgjrnenttothe judges in each pretfthct because of increasing work. Formerly the pay per judge in precinct 1 was $15 compared to $10 for the smaller precincts. This was raised New Pastor At Alliance Bible Church Rebuilding And Relocation Among Plans For Future NAME COLLEGE PRESIDENT Forest D. Etheridge was named as first president of the McHenry County Junior college at Monday evening's meeting of the college board. At present, he is vice-president of the Rock Valley college, Rockford. Pictured above are somo of the comin'ttee members making plans for the 60thanniverzzry party for McHenry Council No. 1288, Kivghts of Columbus, to be held Saturday, Nov. 25, at the Wing 'N Fin club. Seated , left to right, are Mike McDonagh, Advertising; Frank Filler, program book; and Farl Walsh, publicity. Standing are Henry Nell, Jr., dinner; and Dave Vertr;', treasurer. * PLAINDEALER PHOTO City Works To Clarify Boundary Lines Council Acts To Correct Error On Signal Lights Far from the usual serious side, McHenry*s City Council opened the Monday night meeting on a different note or notes by singing "Happy Birthday" to City Clerk Earl Walsh. Over three hours later the meeting was still in progress and prospects of a proposed "proper" celebration grew dimmer. City Attorney Looze explained a mixup in titles and usage of the city's property at the site of the city hall and adjoining property of School District 15, the site of Landmark school. An old map and a record in the city minutes of the year 1925 showed a cooperative attempt at that time to clear the boundary lines. Current surveys indicate that each owner is using property belonging to the other. Proposed expansion of the city hall and the possible sale of the school property indicated to the council that a meeting with the school board should take place in the near future to clarify the problem. William R. North of Crystal Lake presented the annual audit report of city finances, explaining some of the intricacies of municipal accounting. The report met with approval by the council. Alderman Smith called attention to an error in placing new signal lights on present posts at the intersection of Riverside drive andFlmstreet, explaining the danger of injury to persons on the sidewalks. The problem was directed to the engineer for immediate correction and a portion of construction payment withheld until it could be determined if (Continued on page 4) Remember to contribute to the Blood Bank. k3© HOOPOE T® 0,(2)^5 m urJAS Plan Regional Public Hearing November 29 Recommended Goals For Future Growth Will Be Included A comprehensive plan including long range development goals and policies to guide future commercial, industrial and residential growth; transportation; natural resources and their preservation, and regional parks and open space in the six-county Northeastern Illinois area will be discussed at a public hearing held by the Northeastern Illinois area will be discussed at a public hearing held by the Northeastern Illinois Planning commission on Nov. 29, 1967. John W. Baird, president of the planning commission urged public attendance at the hearing to enable the commissioners to judge the public attitude toward the proposed plan. "In developing the final plan, we have worked closely with the Division of Highways and Chicago Area Transportation Study," said Matthew L. Rockwell, executive director of the Planning commission. "The result of this joint effort has been the first proposed comprehensive plan for northeastern Illinois. That plan contains recommended goals and policies (Continued on page 4) mm -f REV. GERALD ROBERTSON The Rev. Gerald L. Robertson has assumed the responsibilities as pastor of the Alliance Bible chutch at 3813 W. John street in McHenry. He becomes the first full time pastor to minister in the church. The Rev. Walter Woywot, who has been serving as interim pastor for the past year, will be resuming responsibilities in the Chicago area. His faithful service here has been much appreciated. ' Rev. Robertson has pastored two churches before coming to McHenry, one in Bakersfield, Calif., and one in Los Alamos, New Mexico. He also will be attending Wheaton College (Continued on page 4) to $20 in the first precinct and $15 in the others. Mr. Ward, who heads the citizens' advisory committee, was present to inform the board that speakers were being assembled to present the bond issue explanation At local meetings. In answer to his request that individual board members assist, most volunteered to speak before organizations which will be meeting within the next few Weeks. DELAY COSTLY There was general agreement that one important point to stress was the fact that ifthere had been no delay which resulted from defeat of the first bond issue for school construction, the present request would have been unnecessary. Board Member James Althoff recalled that construction costs increased 8% per cent the first year and 9 per cent the second. A discussion of the much debated frontage road also took place after an architect for the school appeared to set forth estimated costs submitted by Tonyan Construction Co., on curbing, filling in the ditch and culvert work in front of the school. The board expressed the opinion that the matter of the road is one for the city of McHenry and Ladd developers. Before turning to other business, the board suggested a meeting between Supt. of Public Works Fred Meyer, the architect and a board member. Lee & Ray Electric was awarded a contract as low bidder for extending heavy conduit through the building, replacing a large switch box which is considered dangerous. The work will be done during the approaching holiday season at a cost of $5,250. A resolution was passed to allow the employment of married couples in the high school. In recent years it had been a policy not to employ two in the same family. However they are still not allowed between teaching, administration or clerical staffs. Earl Conway was employed for custodial work at the administration building for two and a half hours daily. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Arvidson were employed for the laundry room in the high school and John Margel was employed as new custodian. The resignation of R.S. Swartzloff of the math department was accepted with regrets effective Jan. 2. Future board meetings will be held in the administration building. Scout Rededication Program Young Brownies of Troop 190 became Girl Scouts when a rededication ceremony was held last w ,iek at the Community Methodist church. Shown with the girls are their leaders, Mrs. Arthur J. Beck, left, and Mrs. Martin II. Ehlen, right. Front row: Laura Bailye, Debra Cross, Ma.-y Ann Elliott, Leslie Haggenjos, Kathryn Hignight, Sharon Kreimier and Kathryn Lammer'and. Second row: Ann Larkin, Patricia McMahon, Christine Mowrer, Cynthia M'.wrer, Rosemary Pintozzi, Cynthia Ramear, Judy Spirk, Judy Stoffel and Joni Flicek. X PLAINDEALER PHOTO **'