f ( « h 1 • | ^ c ( > » . , .' ' ^ g j * ~ * ~ * , r • •• *&• ik - PLAINDf ALER - DECEMBER 29, 1967 mr^j #», ^ ^ ^ m ^ V;Mnr^ y, '*) 1 4,1 * 4,tfv ' ' 3 *-, } $v . *•v '/" z: =7,,; FORTY YEARS AGO (lfcken from the files of Dec. 29, 1927) , Arthur Cornue of Hebron, a termer, met death by accident on Tuesday. He was on his way home, driving a team of horses, ti* horn# become frightened JUKI ho WfiM Ihrown from the wagon onto tlw HI ound. Mi'. Cornue Win wt»ll Ijmiwit In McHenry county aihI *w* a prominent tfllr.v IHUHI A VIM ,* r"oMy weddlnfi occurred at the htintc of Mr, and Mrs. Clayton r. HAil'lAon on.C'hriBt- IBhM ttftpriitioh when their jrouiifimit dRUHlitor, Ella Elaine, btififfao the bride of Mr. James Stanley Thomas. Mrs. Gertrude Kunz, 32years old, died at her home on Riverside drive, Dec. 22, after a shortillness of bronchial pneumo^ ir^ Her death furred less than a year after rhat of her husband who passed away (Mi Jan. 28. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 31, 1942) At the last regular meeting the "Sunday Nighters" group of the Methodist church installed new officers. John Looze was elected chairman; Howard Collins, vice-chairman and Mrs. Phillip Nimtz, secretary and treasurer. Plan^ for the coming year were discussed and the first subject has become a drive for increased membership. The Mothers' club entertained at a lovely party at the U.S.O. in Waukegan Sunday afternoon and early evening. Fifty- five dozen sandwiches and ten large cakes, enough to serve . between 600 and 700 men were brought over by the ladies. Mrs. Weber entertained throughout the afternoon and evening on the piano and her selections were so popular with the ggien that she was kept at the piano almost continuously. Miss Dorothy Lay of Spring Grove arid Sgt. Joseph Himpleman of Chicago were married Nov. 15 by Chaplain Kenne (Lt. Colonel) at the Presidio in San Francisco, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Charles, who reside near Woodstock, became the parents of their first child, a girl, Wednesday, of last week. Mrs. Charles was the former Yvonne Benwell. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 19,1957) More than 300,000 Illinois motorists took advantage of the state's re-assignment law to retain their 1957 automobile license numbers for 1958. Impressive installation rites for Job's Daughters took place Saturday evening at the Masonic temple. e New officers named for the next six months included Joan Hansen honored queen. Friends and relatives were happy to learn that Howard V. Phalin, a former local resident, was one ot{ two employees of Field Enterprises Educational Corp. to be named executive vice-president. He joined the publishing firm in 1933 as a division Sales manager. PFC Walter Larsen, Jr., is enjoying a ten day furlough with his parents, the senior Walter Larsens. McHenry friends learned with regret of the death of Catherine Saunders, a summer resident of this area for many years. Among the many attractive Chicago area girls' seeking the title of Miss Photo Flash of 1958 sponsored by the Chicago Press Photographers' Association will be pretty 20 year old Judy Freund,, Center street, McHenry. MAKE YOUR OWN TV TEST !. Granny of "The Beverly Hillbillies." Ann Landers Bobbie Gentry Irene Ryan 2. S ta r of "E I i z a b e t h the Queen." Bette Davis Rosalind Russell Peggy Lee 3. Haney,'of "Green Acres." Lee Marvin Bill Cosby Pat Buttram 4. Tram pas*, of "The Virginian." Bill Lodd Ernie Smith Doug McClure 5. Had long run as "The Fugitive." • Ben Gazzara Don Knotts David Janss^n uoj ou -- I ' j a A3 A|pjDl| -- '2 A aainaujos-- £ ,'jdLpjDM jusnb -ajj - p 'jjadxa - g :i)|ODS usssuof SjnQDyy 'luojung •SIAOQ uoAy SMiMSNV Wishfes you the merriest of Christmas seasons ... And reminds you to make all EXCHANGES before " December 31, 1967 Thank you Be Wise Shop In McHenry' The directors of McHenry Savings and Loan Association are pleased to announce a new all-time high level of assests. On November 30,1967 we passed the nine million dollars in total assests. We would like to thank everyone who has helped to make this possible, and pledge all our efforts into making McHenry Savings the leading financial institution in the area. During the past year, McHenry Savings has been able to help more than 85 families either purchase or remodel their homes, and at the same time show a gain of 7% in total assests. We at McHenry Savings are prou<J of this record and we are looking forword tb an even bigger year in 1968. YOUR DIRECTORS During the summer we completed our new building and moved into our new facilities in May. Our new home provides our customers and friends with the most modern services available anywhere. Perhaps during the coming year we can help you and your family on the road to "future financial security". May we extend our Best Wishes for a Happy New Year. 'mm /ypnold Rauen Chairman Richard Freund Bud Adams William Nye LeRoy Olsen •W: We bid hello to a brand New Year, with thanks to you for your loyal patronage! Best wishes for a year full of joy 1307 N. Riverside Dr. 385-2801 Roger Cdilins * President As customers of McHenry Savings and Loan, you can be proud of the men who serve on your board of directors. They are men of the highest professional ability and personal integrity, who represent every phase of McHenry's community life. These men have the responsiblity of using your money to finance the mortgages or improvements on your neighbor's homes. So in a sense you are helping to improve your community by investing your money in a financial insitution that will in turn, help your neighbors and friends. y . John Flint Vice-President of November 30, 1967 \ ,\i I ,1 „• £ v '• • v ^ "THHKRy t LOAN 1209 N. Green Si. McHenny >