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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1968, p. 10

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SF FOR FIELD and office Write to-P.O. Box 302, •Woodstock, 'JB. 1-17/1-19-68 £ (Opportunity for young man to learn an interesting oc- £ cupation building boats. BOATS Cell 385434! JTOSTiER M&BME PRODUCTS 1-1JW58 Mel© H©1® Wag&tod WHERE can all around Journeyman Tool Room machinist earn up to $5.00 per hour locally? Retired or otherwise. Drop card with name and phone number, ;you will be contacted. Write Box #104, McHenry Plaindealer. 1-19/1-24-68 OLDER MAN for construction yard work. Full time. Experience desirable, but not necessary. See or call Arnold N. May, Builders, Inc., Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861. ' 1-10-68TF 1-2 M®I© Help Wasted Mai© Holp Wrm£©d • Profit-Sharing • Group Insurance • Good Starting Wages • Excellent Fringe benefits apply to personnel manager CLAUD S. GORDON COMPANY 5710 Kenoahc. StaaJt Plans 815-678-2211 Mctoaond, Hltoo!o "an equal opportunity employer" 1-17/1-19-68 PEODUCTIO! Essjp©?lehc©d m Trainees • DIE CAST . • ' • SCREW MACHINE • DRILL PRESS • GENERAL UTILITY • JANITOR 3 shift operation. Many benefits: shift premium, group insurance, paid holidays. APPLY IN FEBSON 11FCO EKTI1P1ISES Hi. 12 Richmond Illinois 1-12/1-19-68 GITAGO 0S00 DRUG STORES A gwwujg,adynamic company has a very attractive opportunity for an individual interested in a retailing career. Training will be both on the job training & formal instruction. Starting salary as high as $150 per week. Benefits inSlude Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance, profit sharing, tuition refund and many mare. If you are interested in a company., that offers exceptional rewards, self-satisfaction and challenge we request you call 385-7030 and arrange an interview with "CHJIMLES FULLER Manager 3720 w. Om McHenry. XH. 1-19/1-24-68 TIME STUDY Some experience or will train. Must be a high school graduate who likes math and has a mechanical aptitude. We offer an excellent opportunity for advancement, extensive training program, good starting salary and many other fringe benefits. -- APPLY IN PERSON -- AA O D I N 4 Miles North of McHenry on Ringwood Road Ringwood, Illinois "An Equal Opportunity Employer" 1-19-68 AUTOS AUTOS l ' KANE j Having rented my farm and moved to Milwaukee, I will { sell the following personal property at public auction on: Monday, January 22, 1968 at 1:00 p.m. .| LOCATION: 88Q9 North Solon Road, Solon Mills, 111. 2 miles south of Route 173 or 1 mile north of Route 12 at Solon Mills. 7 Hereford cows bred to a Pure Bred Polled Hereford bull for spring calving. 1 fall calf. - 4 bu. DeKalb seed corn. 630 Case tractor with cab and manure loader; DC Case tractor; mounted 3-14 Case plow w^j;h throw away shares; , JD< 3-14 plow with throw away sharesTCase 12 ft. hydraulie disc; new Case 4 row Corn Planter used one year; JD 5'10 ft. grain drill;'4 section drag'; 7 ton feed bin and a linger; wagon and rack; 36 ft. elevator; gas tank; New Idea mower; 4 row Case cultivator; hammermiil; 30 ft. belt; MC Igreen chopper. I----Mike Kane.Owner _ Mai© H@lp-Wasted ALL around general , man. Drive tow truck and pick-up parts. Must like cars. 6 days a week. Call 385-0444. McHenry Auto Body, 4704 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, 1-19-68 DESK MAN for police department. Rotating hours. Apply Chief of Police, 1111 N. Green St., McHenry, 111. 1-19-68TF1-2 MqIQ Bote WoMol SEMI-TRUCK driver.. Experienced necessary. 251-35 years old. Call 385-3497., 1-19-68 TORNADOES BATTER U.S. A total of 570 tornadoes hit the United Stated during 1966, according to the Insurance information Institute. They took a toll of 105 lives. Carpenters, Exp. only. Year around employment - vacation and other company benefits. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2861. 1-19-68TF1-2 EXPERIENCED body man. Weekly salary. 6 days a week. Call '385-0444. McHenry Auto Body, 4705 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, 111. 1-19-68 . TOOL AMD . DIE MAKERS We now have an opening for a man with the ability to construct and repair tools, dies and fixtures. As our ownly tool and die maker this job will be diversified, interesting and challenging. Excellent working conditions, good pay, fringe benefits and no commuting. Apply EMIy RAE MOTOR 5801 W. Bt 120 McHessFy, HL or CALL 385-4918 evenings 1-17/1-19-68 Auctioneer: Bob Brennan, Ringwood, HI. 815-653-9045 TERMS: CASH Not Responsible for Accidents Service News A new service making it possible for postal customers to get the new address for first class mail that is forwarded is now in effect. First class mail is forwarded aL no extra charge when the addressee has left a forwarding address, but in the past there has been no provision for supplying the sender the new address. , Under the new service the Post office will, when requested, supply the sender the corrected address upon payment of a 15-cent fee. To get the new service, senders of first class mail must write "Address Correction Requested" below the return address. Then, if the piece of mail is forwarded, a post office form showing the new address will be delivered to the sender and 15 cents collected. The charge for address corrections on all classes of mail will be 15 cents, yndeliverable third class mail marked "Return Postage Guaranteed" and not requesting ^'Address Correction" will be,returned to the sender endorsed "Undeliverable as Addressed. The return piece will not state why it was undeliverable nor will it list.the addressee's new address. The single piece third class rate - six cents for pieces weighing up to two ounces -- will be charged for the return service. Third class mailers who want the new address or the reason why the piece is undeliverable will have to mark their mail "Address Correction Requested". They will be furnished the new address or the reason the piece is undeliverable and the 15 cent fee will be collected upon delivery. Every post office is responsible for providing alien registration cards and turning the completed cards over to the Immigration and Naturalization service. The cards must be picked up personally by registrants and handed in to the post office when completed. Post offices will accept the cards only until the end of January. Machinist Mate Second Class Robert J. Wittinger, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wittinger of 7818 Highview drive, Wonder Lake, and husband of the former Miss Linda C. Kearney of 601 Belvidere st., Waukegan, 111., participated in "Bead Stringer" as a crew njember aboard the nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser USS Long Beach. "Bead Stringer" a U.S.First Fleet training exercise, was held off the coast of Southern California and lasted from Jan. 4 through the 13th. It was planned to prepare the twenty-three ships and nine air units that participated, for conditions prevailing in Southeast Asia. The exercise included advanced training in surface warfare tactics, anti-submarine, air and PT boat warfare operations, and shore bombardment. It was highlighted by surfaceto- air missies fired against drone aerial targets, live rocket and bombing attacks against targets.^in--the San Clemente 1-19-68 and/Chocolate Mountain impact rangers, surface gunnery and air ste&es to sink the target ship Ex-USS Abercrombie. SURETY BONDS Backstopping the building of almost all public works and commercial construction are surety bonds. In 1966, says tfte Insurance Information Institute, written premiums for surety bonds reached a record high of $310 million. Soil Conservation Meet Scheduled February 3 New York's harbor is larger than the next six largest harbors in U.S., all comfrinvU Pets That Need A Home OR ARE Looking For Their Master As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animak are to be given away to good homes without charge or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY VERY LOVING, friendly Shepherd and Collie mixture, 8 months old, house broken. Needs GOOD home. Call 385-6486. 1-19-68 FOUND FOUND FOUND: Large black dog, shaggy hair, friendly, looks like a poodle. Contact McHenry Police Station. 1-19-68 "Resource planning and selective use of land in Grafton township" will be one of the' featured topics at the annual meeting of the McHenry County Soil and Water Conservation district. The dinner meeting will be Saturday evening, Feb. 3, at the Huntley Congregational church, beginning at 7:30. All landowners and/or operators living outside the corporate limits of any town or village in McHenry county are encouraged to attend this annual meeting and hear of the district's accomplishments for the past year and its plans for the coming year. In April of 1967,Grafton township was selected as the initial county in the United States to be completely planned and mapped on a natural resource base. Co-operating in the program are the Soil and Water Conservation district, the McHenry County Plan commission, and the United States Soil Conservation service. Together, these three agencies have studied and evaluated the natural resources of Grafton township and have allocated them on the basis of agriculture and urban development. SHOW LAND USE Many McHenry citizens have seen the soil interpretive maps, which, when completed, will show the proper land use for every piece of land in McHenry "county. Previously these maps have been done for four soil interpretations. Now, as has been done in Grafton township, there will be only two interpretations: agriculture and urban development. Done this simply, it will now be easy to know, from these maps, the exact locations in McHenry county where one can make the most money farming. The study is based on the increase in population at present and the increase expected in the near future. There is still, in this county, more than enough space for farming, but the study indicates it should be done only in the areas just good for farming. Planners have comc to realize that with the wise use of land it can be possible to handle the tremendous population growth expected in this county by 1980. Ken Fiske, Woodstock, and chairman of the Soil and Water Conservation district's board of directors stated that "Your district directors, city and "county planning officials and the Soil Conservation service officials have been working extremely hard to plan for the population growth, the wise use of land and the use of a myriad of conservation techniques to make McHenry county the best place in which to live. Let's support these people by coming to the annual meeting and hearing of their accomplishments and the jobs yet to be done." RESOURCES PLAN : Also on th<3 agenda for the annual meeting is a Water Resources plan for McHenry county to be voted upon, a report by the board of district members on yearly conservation achievements in new youth programs, outdoor education, and a new USDA cost-sharing conservation program, report by the youth scholarship Winners on their experiences last summer and most importantly, an election for three directors to serve two-year periods. Directors whose terms expire are Myron Pihl, Harvard, Henry Markisson, Marengo and Art Hoppe, McHenry. Those remaining on the board are chairman Fiske and Howard Ruth, Huntley. Tickets and reservations for the dinner meeting are available at the Soil and Water Conservation office or from Extension Advisor, Lois Englebrecht. RECORD ANGUS AUCTION A record number of 243 head of purebred Angus cattle were scheduled for auction at the 13th annual show and sale of the Illinois Angus association held at the state fairgrounds, Springfield. Last year 18,750 purebred Angus calves were registered, setting the highest record for any beef breed in the state. The limelight in the open class and futurity show was taken by the champion winners, but the first and second place winners in the various classes frequently go on to other shows to take higher honors. Ai Collingbourne Buick & Olds Al Collingbourhe Buick & Olds DQNT PUSHED T WINTER! because of bad u/e&ther 1966 T© Wildcat Sport Coupe, 2-do«^ Hardtop model. Custom leather interior^ Fully powered, plus a brand new set of Goodyear whitewall tires. Warranteed, of course, and in showroom condition. Originally priced, $2195. PRICED FOR CLEARANCE S 1788 00 By Oldsmobile. When new, $5900. Has every option Oldsmobile makes, including fully powered and air-conditioned. Fantastic front when drive model, which ts being copied by all. SUNSET GOLD ^xterior, WHITE leather interior. PRICED TO MOVE FAST 1966 PONTIAC Bonneville 4-door Hardtop. Factory air conditioned. 13,000 miles. Full black interior plus fully powered. Spare never down and showroom condition. Only one like it. Originally priced Qfl $2495. Clearance priced • IOU 1966 CHEVROLET 1 Impala 9 passenger Station Wagon. Factory air conditioned, luggage rack, fully powered, powered window, premium rubber, "etc. Hard-to-get model when you're looking for it. Priced at less than 50% of its original cost. Only one like it. Originally priced $2495 Clearance priced ^ Free Coffsa & •j Dghnuts 1965 FORD Galaxie 500 Convertible. 7,000 mile automobile (locally owned). Has power, Cruise-O-Matic transmission, etc. Gold car with interior to match with a brand new white canvas roof. Only one like it. Originally priced $1695. Reduced to ?IMO 1965 CHRYSLER 2-door Hardtop. Most desirable Chrysler In the Chrysler line. Has every" option Chrysler offers. Locally owned by nearby medical man. Showroom^ shape in every respect. See it now; only one like it. Originally priced &1AOQ $2295; reduced ? IQOO 1964 OLDS "98" Holiday Sedan. Fully powered and factory air conditioned. Banker's black exterior, harmonizing maroon interior. Clear plastic seat covers, seats never sat on Fantastic buy for a car less than 3 years old. When new over $5600. CMOO Originally priced $1895. Clearance price • • "OO rt 1965 OLDS "98" Tow'ne Sedan. Has full power features. Plastic covers (seats never used) $1,000 additional extra features. Showroom fresh and will please the most discriminating buyer. Originally priced $1995. Drastically reduced 1964 CHEVROLET I Impala Super-Sport. One of the hottest cars on the used car market today. 283 H.P., Powerglide transmission, bucket seats, operating console, power steering plus many other popular Chevrolet features. Snow white exterior, black leather interior, plus like-new set of whitewall tires. Only one like it. Originally priced $1595. Clearance price uue une li. $e§8 1964 BUICK LeSabre Custom 4-door, Hardtop. Finest LeSabre we build. 36,000 mile automobile. Owner's name upon request. Fully powered. Fawn exterior, harmonized interior. Priced to sell fast; only one like it. Originally priced $1695. tl^QQ Clearance price ^ I £00 AL COLLINGBOURNE "u PHONE -385-720& Olds, Inc. Open weekdays from breakfast 'til bedtime OPEN'ALL DAY SUNDAY for your convenience AI tolling bo u rn-e Buick & Olds Al Colling bou rne B o ick & Olds

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