!mmmm illllii HHHi .. • .. -•-r.^MBI » > \r% mmm calves in Minnesota, back up the British results as well as cr>mo' oarlior trials heire- FEEDERS BID EXTRA FOR VACCINATED CALVES A $2 investment brought oowcalf men $4.50 at a Baldwin, Mich,, feeder cattle sale this year. That's how much it cost to vaccinate calves for BVD and IBB, and how much more they averaged than unvaccinated calves, reports Terry Greathouse, Michigan State University beef specialist. , The vaccinated steers actually averaged $33.20 a cwt., compared with $31.95 for the unvaccinated. Vaccinated heifers went for $3.50 a head more than nonvaccinated. CALVES GAIN FINEONONCEA- DAY FEEDING Why feeid calves twice a day? They may do a little better, but probably not enough to pay for the trouble. British tests with 1000 calves showed that (Dairy Extra, August 1967). Now once-a-day SUCK WAY TO GET GOOD COW.MILKERS Bill Oliver doesn't own a ,cow# but gets the milk from 24 head. H. A. Hampton doesnt mite a cow, but owns 120. Together they make up a new kind of dairy team. Hampton, a seed grower in Todd County, Ky., gives Oliver 20% of the milk check to manage, milk, clean out and raise the calves. Oliver hires a man to help him get the job done. "Oliver takes Ml responsibility," says Hampton, who provides the cows, buildings, equipment and feed. OIL-ATRAZINE MIX BOOSTS CORN CROP 1967 was a banner year for post-emergence sprays of atrazine- and-oil, especially in the western Corn Belt. South Dakota State University agronomists estimate that farmers treated V2 million of South Dakota's 3% million acre* of corn with atrazine-oil last season. And because of wet fields and runaway weeds,probably half of this was applied by airplane. RE-BREEDING EARLY WEANS MORE PIGS You can expect a little lower conception rate and fewer pigs farrowed whgn you breed back sows on first heat after early, weaning. But the sows may wean more pigs per litter. Iowa researchers reported on tests at the Midwest sectional meeting of the American Society of Animal Science in Chicago. THESE FLY KILLERS PROVED TOPS IN OHIO Diazinon and dimethoate showed up | best among registered residual insecticides tested in 17 Wayne County,, Ohio, dairy barns last summer. Diazinon gave effective control 5 to 8 weeks in testis'. NEVER SEEN CORN SO GOOD, WfATHER SO BAD Good corn yields continue to come in. The latest one we've heard about is the 186-bu. average that Chas. Williams chalked up on 389 acres in Posey County, Ind. Which reminds us that our neighbor, somewhat given to the fruit of the vine, makes grognostications at the merest bend of the elbow. Water And Grazing Is In Abundance On Midwest Farms (Don Peasley Photo) Pure Group Elects New Officers Donald H. Chaplin, Rt. 1, Kingston, was re-electedpresident of Pure Milk Association district 5 at the district's annual meeting at Belvidere, Saturday night, Jan. 13. Other officers elected for the year ahead are: Vice - President, Harold W. Gustafson, Rt. 1, Belvidere; seeretary-treasurer, Maxwell H. Newport, Rt. 1, Poplar Grove; resolutions committeeman, Harry Kleive, Rt. 1, Capronj-re - districting committeeman, Robert E. Newport, Rt. 3, Belvidere; and inter- COoperative relations committeeman, Richard Williams, Rt. 1, Clinton (Wis.). District director Harold D. Malven of Rt. 1, Kingston, was elected last year to a two-year term. Walter C. Klrchner, treasurer of Pure Milk Association, said PMA is supporting the U.S. Department of Agriculture's recommended Chicago regional Federal milk market order with two exceptions. The first exception is that the minimum Class I price proposed by USDA is too low. The other is that the Northwestern Indiana market order area should not be included. He said PMA heartily approves the department of agriculture's inclusion of filled milk as a Class I product in the Chicago regional order, and its elimination of the supply-demand adjuster which had consistently lowered the producer Class I price by 24 cents per cwt. Fortunately for dairy farm- Improvement .ssodc -- McHENRY -- LAKE DHIA -- --Herds Averaging 1.2 Pounds or More of Fat Per Cow Per Day-- NAME ASSNi BREED NO.COWS MILK FAT Rrank Zarnstorff, Jr. 4 RH 48 35.4 1.41 *Charles & Richard Payne 1 GH 51 36.1 1.35 Burgett & Stanley 4 GH 40 , 34.0 1.33 NOVEMBER 1967 Avery Vose & Ed Larsen 4 GH 40 38.6 1.75 Herbert E. Renner 3 R&GH 44 44.6 1.68 Lawrence Schiller 2 R&GH 34 39.8 1.66 Lee Hennig 5 RH 43 40.5 1.59 frank Zarnstorff, Jr. 4 RH 49 40.3 1.53 Wm. Davidson & Sons 5 RH 114 38.7 1.49 Howard Perkins 2 R&GH 94 38.3 1.46 Mar-Ral Farm -- G. J. Page 3 RAYR 53 34.9 1.45 Clarence J. FYeund 4 R&GH 38 33.5 1.43 Alfred Ames 4 RH 46 34.5 1.42 Kenneth Pedersen 5 RH 20 33.0 1.42 Gelatin Co. Farm 3 RH 48 33.9 1.41 W. H. Williams & John H. Bingham 3 RH 39 34.6 1.40 Arthur T. Gait 2 R&GH 48 36.4 1.39 Alvian Smith 1 GH 51 35.5 1.39 Allied Mills, Inc. 3 RH 55 33.1 1.37 Carey Properties 4 GH 56 34.2 1.35 Leo Demeyer - Holiday Farm 3 R&GH 32 32.3 1.35 Alvin Tinberg 5 R&GH 92 33.8 1.34 Burgett & Stanley 4 GH 40 32.4 1.33 Erhardt Bauman & Son 5 RH 55 31.5 1.32 Robert Hunter -- Ravenglen Farm 3 RH 64 33.0 1.32 Lawrence Freeman 2 R&GH 53 31.7 1.31 •Lohmeyer Bros. 2 R&GH 103 33.0 1.31 Melvin Pass fie Id 2 R&GH 40 33:0 1.30 Charles Weingart 2 R&GH 39 30.8 1.30 Gary Williams 5 GH ,35 36.1 1.30 Orville Grever 3 R&GH 47 32.7 1.29 David Moritz 2 R&GH 28 31.6 1.29 John W. Schaeffer 1 GH 32 33.0 1.29 Herman Albrecht 5 RH 42 28.8 1.28 Lyle Matthews 4 R&GH 42 35.8 1.28 Harold Stilling 2 R&GH 66 33.2 1.28 William Beese 4 GH 36 34.1 1.27 Elm wood Farms, Inc. 3 RH 172 31.8 1.27 Robert Miller . 3 R&GH . 43 31.3 1.27 Earl M. Hughes & Ronald Vohs 2 R&GH * 75 30.2 1.26 Peter A. Arsenty 3 R&GH 28 34.0 1.25 Charles G. Modaff 5 RH . 43 32.0 1.25 Douglas Shanks 3 RH 50 29.0 1.25 Harry Tinberg & Sons 5 R&GH 76 33.2 1.25 Enfred & Myron Pihl 2 GH 29 32.4 1.24 St. Benedictine Abbey 4 RG 37 23.3 1.23 Maurice Stilling & Wolfe s 4 RH 65 31.3 1.23 Robert W. Gardner 4 RH 36 33.1 1.22 ers, he asserted, a strong marketing agency, Central Milk Sales Agency, has been established by Pure Milk Association and the Association of Operating Cooperatives to bargain for higher producer prices and sell milk through the PMA Chi>- cago market pool. The effectiveness of this agency has-released farmers from complete dependence on the politics of government pricing, he declared. CMSA, he emphasized, is in a strong bargaining position to improve producer p r i c e s , through superpool negotiations under a market order. He said this bargaining strength can be increased to the degree that dairy farmers throughout the recommended order area forget the differences whieh separated <them in the past and bargain together. Kirchner announced that the PMA Chicago Market Pool will contribute to a $1 million a year fund for expanding the advertising of fluid milk on the Chicago market. The program is scheduled to begin in February. He also pointed out that Pure Milk Association and Associated Dairymen are forming plans for a hearing to propose a Grade B or manufacturing milk marketing order to improve prices for Grade B producers. They're teaching hog raisers how to collect semen from their own boars and inseminate sows at Purdue University. It takes about two hours of instruction to learn the techniques. Richmond, Illinoi 678-»l UILDING SPECIALISTS W@ Have A Wide Range Of Buildings Such As Th is. 17 YEARS OF BUiiMNG EXPERIENCE ti«r Loose Housing and Dairy System GIVES YOU THESE BSG EXTRAS - LOW COST, ADAPTABLE, EXPANDABLE. GOOD LOOKING, LABOR SAVING. A MATERIALS, LOW MAINTENANCE STURDY CONSTRUCTION PLANNED FOR THE JOB. : lJOb C^/roduction rediL/SSocjation Problems Consolidate your debts with PC A and save! Faced with a mass of installment bills each month? Talk to PCA. We'll arrange a Consolidation Loan to pay off all your bills ... save you money because you pay only simple interest . . . save you grief with single payments scheduled to fit your income. See PCA right away. It's costing you money and grief every day you delay! Northeast Illinois Production Credit Association WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Just flip one simple lever into 'Jeep' 4-wheel drive. Mayfair Management Co. -- Moo Meadows Farm 2 RH 168 31.9 1.22 Velsicol Research Farm 1 R&GH 38 30.5 1.22 George & Marion FVuin 2 R&GH 50 31.0 " 1.21 Rollie Greif 5 GH 50 30.0 1.21 Walter J. Roney, Sr. 3 RH 101 32.4 1.21 GiestJke & Olbrich 5 GH 34 28.8 1.20 Stahlecker & £ardt 5 - RH 86 - 26.7 1.20 Stroner Farm 2 R&GH 29 31.0 1.20 Lawrence Worm 2 R&GH 45 30.6 1.20 •Indicates Bi-Monthly 0'i :t-e highway, this truck handles like a passenger car but when there's work to do, it really "digs m"! Shift into 'Jeep' 4-wheel drive, arid you\o- got twice the traction-on steep, gravel covered hills. Or mud. Or sand. Or deep snow. Twice the "grip" when roads turn wet and slippery. You can get 250 hp V-8 or Hi-Torque 6; standard or custom cab and trim; choice of colors, full width or bucket seats; 3 power takeoff points; 7 or 8-foot box; and GVW's 5000 to 7000 lbs.; 3 or 4 speed transmission with standard shift. Or Turbo Hydra-Matic*. Get the traction you need, with a 'Jeep' Gladiator. You've got to drive it to believe it! See us for a test drive. McHENRY GARAGE 926 Front St. Tel. Area 815-385-0403 ovemeii RED JA TOWN *N COUNTRY More ® 1 Water With New nks with floats Alleviates water logging Helps control^ iron ^ Doubles water useage For safe, clean good, drinking water The people who install the BEST WATER-WELLS »1 H I " I » l I THE BEST WATER SYSTEM INSTALLED IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS SALES AND SERVICE McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP 385-5252-Res, 385-0713 4913 W. MeCuUom Lk. Rd. "JEEP SALES & SERVICE" McHenry, III*