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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jan 1968, p. 6

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PG. 6, - PLAINDEALER - JANUARY 19, 1968 WONDER LAKE cuul wiluams ANNUAL MEETING OF-iCONGREGATiON SUNDAY, JAN. 21 The annual congregational meeting will be held Sunday, Jail, 21 at 1 p.m. in .the fellowship hall. The annual meeting will follow a family potluck which will begin immediately after the 11 a.m. service of worship. If you cannot attend the pot-luck endeavor to attend the meeting. (/ The school of religion began last Wednesday, Jan. 17, and will continue thru Wednesday, Feb; 21. If you care to attend plcisise contact Pastors-Johnson. Cat's will leave Nativity at 7:10 p.m. for Fox take and will return to the Lake by 10 p.m. Senior choir members are needed, particularly altos. If yotti enjoy singing here is an opportunity - to serve your church. The choir will begin practicing for the Lenten season on Thursdays at 8 p.m. This also- includes any interested high school youth. '9 Midweek services will continue on Thursday evenings jjhrough the winter months at 7 P.m. ji \ TOPS CLUB I The TOPS club of Wonder Lake is looking for new members, there are ten vacancies, tliey meet on Wednesday nights |t Dean's hall. If you are interested, please iall Mrs. Mary Lou Hartog, 53-7176. BELATED BIRTHDAY it Happy belated birthday to Gregory Moore, son of theSenjr Jack Moore s, Wonder /oods, who blew out 8 candles Jan. 8. CEREBRAL PALSY VOLUNTEERS Hie volunteers, who collected ir the CP drive, Sunday, Jan. . from the Wonder Lake area icluded: Mrs. Gerald Raske, wnTyood Shores; Judy Grau- 653^5371 • .. Open 1968 Mond Drive me RCROSS Drug Store 1259 N. Green McHenry 385-4500 man, Lookout Point 1; Miss Jane Rice and Mrs. Conrad Rupp, Indian Ridge; Sunny Oaks, Green Hill Shores and Wonder View, Sandi Christiansen, Rae Johnson and Mrs. Clara Meyers; Deep Spring Woods, Miss Susan. Lichty; Wonder Woods, Jo-anne Gran; Highland Shores, Marian Hayes , Joyce Kotzya and Barbara Pattaglia; Hickory Falls, Mrs. William Bradley; Shore Hills, Betty Kreutz and Gail Williams; Wonder Center, Miss Debbie Mdo and Miss Karen Kiddell; Wooded Shores, Ethel Moore and Sandi Christiansen and Sunrise Ridge, Highland Shores Teen club and Mrs. Rita Bebber, CHRIST THE KING NEWS If you are interested in attending the performance of the Ice Capades being sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame on Feb. 26, you can pick up an order blank in the church vestibule. Marian Central Placement tests -- eighth grade students from Christ the King Pa "ish who yare planning to attend Marian Central high school in Woodstock next year or at this time are hoping to attend, but still . doubtful,. are required to take freshmen replacement tests. These tests are used by high schools in helping to place students in the courses which best meet their need§. Registration cards were given to those who attended CCD classes last Saturday. The test will be given at Marian Central in Woodstock from 9 to 12 a.m. next Saturday, Jah. 20. A series of Cana Conferences for married couples of Christ the King parish will be given by Father Andrew Plesa. The conferences are geared to help husband and wife face the difficulties of their vocation to marriage, especially today in this age of renewal. The first conference scheduled is for Sunday Jan. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the par-<-r ish hall. Father will give two talks followed by discussion and refreshments concluding at 10:15 p.m. SPANGLED Arnold J. Rauen of McHenry (center), state director U.S. Savings Bonds division, shows "Star Spangled Eagle'\ .-the symbol of the 1968 savings bond drive, to Robert W„Reneker,(left), President Swift & Company, this year's Chicago area drive chairman, and William J. Quinn, (right), President Burlington Lines, who was chairman for the past three }(ears. The three savings bonds leaders have just returned from a business leadership conference in Washington with Secretary of the Treasury Henry H. Fowler and businessmen and financiers fjrom across the nation. May celebrated her seventh birthday on Jan. 18, Karen Dusthiemer is celebrating her seventh birthday today, Jan. 19. Rose Robison turned 6 year old Jan. 11. Thank you for the calls, see you* next week. BIRTHDAYS Congratulations to Eddie The Portuguese explorer Albuquerque developed plans to ruin Egypt by diverting the upper Nile into the Red Sea. If he had been able to obtain the use of a few modern earthmovers and/or bulldozers, the idea might have worked, too. , B^addock who was,6 and Robert , # who tiafc 1 year old on ; * The arable land of the earth ilfee^rolynEhfedt whowai account? for on& $$ of the total 8.^ years old on Jan. 17, Beth surface. WATER-WELLS PUMPS o RED JACKET THE BEST WATER SYSTEM INSTALLED IS THE CHEAPEST WATER WELL SUBMERSIBLE DRILLING PUMPS SALES AND SERVICE McHENRY COUNTY WELL & PUMP OO. 385-5252-Res. 385-0713 4913 W. BfcCullom Rd. McHenry CARPETS I RUGS WAREHOUSE SALE OF AS DOUBLE S< Nylon plush for bedrooms or wallcovering Continuous filament nylon most colors. Reg. $4.95 .. Reg. $6.95 Polyester - newest fibersculptered patterns Reg. $9, REG HRS. 8 AM to 9 PM Mon. Thurs. Fri. 8 AM to 5 PM Tues. Wed. Sat. CLOSED SUNDAYS PHONE 815-338-1000 100,©00 SQUARE YARDS . IG FOR ME DiWf r OR FOR INSTAU.ATIONS * ©Stills STAMPS ©W PURCHASES MOOTH PROM SY@CK' Kitchen carpet -12' wide nylon, $7.95 hi-density foam back. Reg* $9.95 . Per"®<i- yard Surplus hand hooked and oval braided rugs 1/2 PB1CE Hundreds of roll balances and remnants up to 15'x21' Used (trade-in) rugs , $2.99 per sq. yard $3.99 per sq. yard $4.99 per sq. yard 95 $5.99 per sq. yard . W. CARPETS I RUGS i i i i i i i DOUBLE S&H I1EEN STAMPS J I I I l WITH THIS COUPON NO. ^UR ON JANUARY PURCHASES FRdM OUR WAREHOUSE STOCK ONLY OFFER EXPIRES, JAN. 31, 1968 NOT RETROACTIVE worth county, Wisconsin, Stanley Steagall, general manager, announced recently^ The invitation to assume the\FS responsibility in Walworth ^county was extended McHenry FS late last year by the Walworth county Farm Bureau board pf directors. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Jan. 19, 1928) The two basketball teams of the Junior high won two hotly contested games with visiting teams from Grayslake at the grade school gym. The boys who played on the first team were Floyd Covalt, Jack Purvey, BOb Peterson, Carl Rietesel and Eugene Saylor. The second team boys were Alvin Baur, Ed "Niatthews, Charles Peterson, Donald Granger arid^ Lloyd Lockwood. Phil Guinto of McHenr; been appointed to ^the-^gsition of state motorcycle^^lce. Mr. Guinto will be pr6rnf»tabered as the city motorcycle in McHenry during the summer of 1927. McHenry's growth last year as indicated by the number of new telephones installed was described by G.T. Wilburn, there was a net increase of twenty-nine telephones installed in McHenry during 1927 which was one of the greatest .in the history of the Illinois Bell telephone company as a whole. In McHenry today there are 881 telephones, compared with 420 telephones ten years ago. Mrs. Julie Huck, nee Huguelet, passed away at her home in Emerald Park Jan 11, being 80 years old. The members of the James B. Perry Fortress, Daughters of the G.A.R., held their first annual installation of officers at the M.W.A. hall. The fortress has completed a successful year and is now commencing its second year which promises to be em active and prosperous jone. The members of the Popular Twelve Card club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ted Kaelin. > The dreaded disease of Diphtheria seems to be spreading with three new cases now reported in town. The homes of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck and Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Frisby are quarantined with diphtheria and Mrs. Will Bishop is recovering from the disease with which she had been quarantined. TWENTY -- FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Jan. 21, 1943) Charles J. Bender passed away Jan. 19 in Illinois Central hospital Jn Chicago. For many years he had made his home in West McHenry. Ear muffs, fur coats, galoshes, shovels and car chains are among the most depleted stocks on local merchants' helves since a continuous snow all of several days was tagged by a howling wind which piled drifts many feet high. The blocked roads were not entirely unexpected. Though snow plows were able to keep highways fairly well open throughout the heavy fall of last weekend, the sides of the roads were so filled with snow that everyone knew that all that-was needed to block roads completely was a heavy wind. Their worst fears were realized when after a beautiful and gentle fall on Monday night, the mercury dropped far below the zero mark and a terrific wind accompanying it blew drifts in some places to six to ten feet high. At a* miscellaneous shower given by Miss Irene Fabian and Miss Marilyn Richter at the former's home in Elgin Wednesday evening the engagement ; of Miss Lourj&ine Bean of that city and PFC Richard Frett was made known. TEK YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Jan. 9, 1958)/ , An unidentified teenager narrowly escaped losing his life in the waters of Lily Lake on the last 4ay ,of the year. He was discover eel by two truck drivers about-three o'clock in the afternoon Struggling in the water and went] to his aid immediately. On Jan. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Donald/ Scftiavone of Lilymoor becamfe the parents of their first child Who was the first baby of 1958 born at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. Local schools are among those sharing in a total claim of $738,246.62 submitted by McHenrycounty institutions for state aid this year. It compares with a claim last year at this time of $757,257.41. The year 1957 was a busy one for the McHenry police depart- . merit as evidence in the annual report prepared by Chief Joseph Grobel. For the twelve month period there were 300 traffic tickets issued and 112 accidents investigated. There were no fatalities within the city. Wonder Lake's Christ the King church is losing its assistant pastor, Rev. Fr. Alfred P. Kruk, who has been transferred to Elgin where he will become assistant pastor of St. Joseph's Catholic church. McHenry friends learned with regret of the death of Mrs. Lilliam Kelter, 79, who passed away at the Villa Rest home, Jan. 7. FOUR - STATE WATER POLLUTION MEETING PLANNED Rep. John Henry Kleine, (R) 32nd District, Chairman of the Northern Illinois Water Resources and Conservation commission, has been invited by Stewart L. Udall, Secretary of the Interior, and Clarence Klassen, of the Illinois Sanitary Water board, to participate in the four-state conference on water pollution to be held in Chicago January 31. The commission will present views on the elimination of the pollution of. Lake Michigan.. The Northern Illinois Water Resources and Conservation Commission will hold a meeting on Friday, Jan, 26, at 9:30 a.m., in Room M-3, State house Springfield, relative to the Fox> River, Chain of Lakes watershed. Messrs. John Guillou, Clarence Klassen, and William Lodge will present their present position and future plans for this very important watershed. JOHN ALTMAN RETIRES John H. Altman, an engineering writer with Admiral corporation's government electronics division has retired after thirty years of service with the company. " Altman, who lives at 4320 West South avenue, in McHenry was feted at a retirement party at the Millionaire's club in Melrose Park. C.S. Rossate, operations vice president - electronics division, headed up the delegation of employees and friends who wished Altman well. Altman reported that his retirement will give him a chance to catch up on his reading and woodcarving. Mr. and Mrs. Altman have a son, Burt. WIDE DISTRIBUTION McHenry FS, farmer-owned cooperative serving farmers with feed, fertilizer, petroleum and other agricultural products, has assumed responsiblity of distributing FS products in Wal- Junc. Hwy. 120 and City 14 WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS tSUIiiigll k fiWm ^ amsim. /YEAR SURHWffiS NOW...winter tire safety and traction it a| low, moisei tow priced! Another NEW Goodyear long distance runner FOR $3.10 Fed. Ex. ax a 2 trade-In tires 6.00/&.50 x 13 tubeloss blachwall plus White walls just $2.50 more per tire i 3-T nylon cord construction • Deep iructor-lype cieots • Tuf$yn rubber tread for extra mJlMf* - Strung and durable - built deep to bile deep on <'fy or »no*-cov«rid roads SPECIAL-SAVE <f95 Precision Wheel Alignment Regular $7.50 Now during January... Any U. S. auto, plus parts. Add $2 for torsion bars Ch,ecl? frdnt springs, shock absorbersfand steering wheel assembly' align front-end: coyrecj camber, caster, toe-in- PRICE BREAK SPECIAL! All-purpose If linking Lantern Ideal for boating, camping I &|flshing--it floats! .v 99* Uses 4 standard "D" batteries. American maderugged New dfyal switch •design. Use in car or home. Best tire buy in its price ran©© for . " / quality and performance/ Contour shoulder to give positive control and stability Long-wearing Tufsyn rubber body and tread $ 44 14 6.50*13 tubeless blackball plus $1.80 Fed. Ei. Ta> and a trade-in tire Other sizes low pFSCBd too! BUY NOW ON OUR EASY PAY 1EE BATTERY CHICK WINTE 11 ARTIMG NEEDS WER BATTERY Get the size JMSTB MMZt your car needs iWi# WW I GOODYEAR BATTERY SALE I Mather" Special Battery tMay Credit Terms! ftte MafMint ®C 12 ¥ J Volt AW 2424C A popular size bafttery - Dry Charged and packed with power. Save now on GOPower from Goodyear! Goodyear Automotive and Appliance Center fr. 120, McHenry McHenry Market Place Q«g;-77nn Hrs. 8:30-5:30 'Fri. till 9:00 Saf. fill 4:30 ' L

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