Student DAVID SCHAEFER David L. Schaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schaefer of 4315 W. Crystal Lake road, McHenry, has been included on the dean's list for superior academic achievement during the ftp: term at Robert Morris college, Carthage, 111. His average was 3.25. OIL AND GAS PERMITS * The Illinois Division of Oil and Gas issued 70 permits during January, Director L. Leon Ruff of the Department of Mines and Minerals reported last week. There were 44 oil well permits and 26 other permits, compared with 111 oil well permits and 81 other permits during January, 1967. YMCA FINANCE CAMPAIGN SEEKS GOAL OF $29,172 At the fifth annual meeting of the Lake Region YMCA, the official duties of President Alfred W. Selling came to a conclusion after having served two terms as president of the association. Louis Schairer, Fox River Grove, has assumed the reins as {'resident for the coming year. The Lake Region YMCA's finance campaign has a goal of $29,172 for the operating funds. The budget for 1968 is $53, & 700. "Program fees and membership dues are 45 percent of the 1968 operating income," he said. "The additional funds must come from the contributions of interested and concerned friends of our "Y". ft is hoped," he stated, "that the continued growth of service to the community by the YMCA and the constantly increasing participation by residents of the area will elicit continued financial support." Dr. Seiling commented on the goals for the coming year. "Service to communities will be expanded," he said, "beginning with the establishment of advancement committees in the McHenry area and the opening of a program center in McHenry. The high school club programs will continue to be promoted and other areas will be included in these programs. A local day camp center site Will be found and Indian Guides and swim instruction activities will continue to expand." In conclusion, he said, "The Lake Region YMCA exists to serve its members and the communities of its service area. As needs and requirements change, so will YMCA programs. Our future is dependent on the support of our members and friends. We are confident that our 1968 financial goal, although ambitious, can be met and that our program can continue to expand to fill the gaps in existing community activities." TWO LICENSES REVOKED; TWO ARE-SUSPENBED The office of Secretary of State Paul Powell has announced revocation of the driver li-^ censes of George Nally of 5302 Stillwell, Wonder Lake, and Lloyd R. Rush of Rt. 2, Harvard, both for three violations. Suspensions were ordered for Scott L. Satterfield of Algonquin for three violations and Elaine Piasecki of 2002 W. Sunset avenue^" McHenry for driving while license or permit was revoked or suspended. Probationary permits have been issued to Vincent J. Adams of 4006 W. Maple avenue, McHenry, David R. Blumhorst of Woodstock and James J„ Carucio of McHenry. News About Omr Servicemen Army Private Arnold H. Berry, 22, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Berry, 2718 N. Orchard drive, McHenry, has completed eight weeks of advanced infantry training at Ft. Dix, N.J. He received specialized instruction in small unit tactics and in firing such weapons as the M-14 rifle, the M-60 machine gun and the 3.5-inch rocket launcher. Berry received his B.S. degree in 1967 from Lewis college, Lockport, 111. His wife, Barbara, lives at 1721 N. Knoll avenue, McHenry. SHOP IN MCHENRY fWoNTGOMERV WARD WOODSTOCK STORE ONLY 3 DAYS'ONLY ...Thursday, Fridmf, Saturday Reg. $4.99 SALE MILAN TE i BLANKET Reg. $10.99 SALE $8 22 REG. 7QM TOfll SIZE MATTRESS Foam only. Box Springs Available SALE HOUSEWARES Kg©. S3® TEFL®* SKILLET 10 inch Hard Core SALE KIH©. 2.99 BAKU© POTATO TOVEH3 MSKITI Set of 12 SALE REG. 5.00 MOSAIC PATTERNS© CHERRYWOO© INDIVIDUAL SALAD BI .S Set of 4 SALE K£@. 57 CENTS PlOTtURE FRAHI Size 8x10 & 5x7 SALE PAPER MACHE BANKS Reg. 1.50 SAIE $3497 P $322 $222 $422 42c WARDS STYLE HOUSE HOME FURNISHIHGS REG. 12.95 BABY 31 KUU.EK SQ88 Plaid plastic covers .SALE ea. REG. 32.95 6 YiAlt CRIB Maple finish -- Early American, Double Drop Side SAIE *2488 REG. 24.95 WMLWT BOOK 3 Shelves 30" wide ILVES Salem Scg SALE ea re mm 20%,o30%OFF $l 22 REG. 149 -- 8 INCH Sqlare shank, heavy duty SALE REG. 2.69 ALUMINUM mm $H@vsi BABY PEE WEE DOLL Movable arms and legs and she drinks and wets SALE REG. 49.99 -- 7 PIECE Brass and black finish ; SALE REG. 2.69 -- 16 OZ. _ GRIP HAMMER $|00 $2°° *1 00 $3999 $2°° KEG 29.95 % HEAVY DUTY iUECTRIC PRILL 1000 R.P.M. at the touch of the trigger 25 LB. JUNIOR WEIiHT SET Reg. 10.99 SALE FOR ALL AGES DART BOARDS r With 12 Darts. Reg. 5.oy ... ----^^A^ * '00 $goo -4AQ0 ITO WHITE FLutw mm® $922 Full front. Reg. 5.29 SALE ^ Full rear. Reg. 3.99 SALE 2^ TRUUSC LID HOLDER Regular 69c SALE 22C @A1 BL&1ECET and BMIE _ ;q22 Regular 7.98 SALE ® BATTERY BOOSTER GABLES $9aa 12 foot. Reg. 3.59 SALE * AUTO EMERGENCY KIT Includes: Fuses, Fire Extinguisher, Warning Flasher, Warding Flag, Road $4^ Flares. Reg. 6.66 SALE 4 AMP. BATTERY CHARGER Regular 14.95 SALE * | 0 1.25 AMP. BATTERY OHARffilER iAJ2 Regular 6.95 SALE 4 ROYAL SEAT COVERS 10 seis only. Regular 17-95 SALE # GASOLINE DE-HSER- ' ° Regular 29c SALE 22C RIVERSIDE -- By BENELLI MOTOR CYCLE 125 CC. Regular 379,00 SALE WED., FEB. 21, 1968- PLAINDEALER- PG. Scouts Exchange Greetings Army First Lt. Robert H. Stromstedt, son of Mrs. Elsie Gamgen, McHenry, received his Bronze Star medal at Ft. Riley, Kan., Feb. 2. Lt. Stromstedt earned the award for outstanding meritorious service as,aircraft maintenance officer of the 162nd Assault Helicopter company during his last assignment in Vietnam. The lieutenant is commanding officer of the 306th Transportation company at Ft. Riley. Piiliii •mWi "Vx A.. wmm Feb. 22 is set aside as "Thinking Day" for Girl Scouts all over the world. This is the day when guides and Girl Scouts take time to remember other troops and exchange greetings. It is the joint birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-'Powell, who founded the Girl Scouts. Girl Scout troop 190, McHenry, is Evangelina Fraguela (right), girl guide them on that day. She is pictured above piper for the local troop. honored in having Miss^ from Argentina, to visitwith Elizabeth Pintozzi^* PLAINDEALER PHOTOC\ Washington s B irthday... George Washington, whose birthday we celebrate on February 22nd, was famed for his integrity, his qualities of leadership, his devotion to the ideals of freedom. We salute him as the father of our country. The same high principles which he brought to the leadership of a nation served him well in private life, too. A man of sound judgment and foresight, Washington early became an advocate of thrift. With his savings from his first job as a surveyor, he bought property, becominig a landowner at 16. One good way to observe Washington's Birthday, as he himself might have done: Open a Savings Account, soon. MH4ENPV SA\ INCiJ * LOAN 1209 N. Green St. 385-3000 * x ' ' • . . - • ' , / ' . u*/ m