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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1968, p. 2

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PGo 2, - PLAINDEALER - FR!., MAR. 29, 1968 .--:-- \ Announce Engagement Married In March .Iin.yn^ ..yji . I !)I| I _ XtiUstimodbcm^ Hold Science Fair At Harrison PTA Meeting .. y% PA # a ^ - •'. >£ jf'f, V. 1/* % ,,-J?^: ,*$-. ff-., : .W" ".-r" 4 .< "S ' ~ 4z\M-.* WWt "C'v^v Vfi" '« LILY M. BOYD Mrs. Edith Banks of 2903 Benjamin drive, Wonder Lake, announced the engagement of her daughter, Lily Marlene, to Pvt. Frank Visconti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Girolamo Visconti, Sr.,of 5012 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. Both young people are 1967 graduates of McHenry high school. Miss Boyd is employed by aRingwood firm and her fiance is stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Grandma Sez My Sakes Alive! Now they've come out with a pill that can give you religion. Well! I never in my life heard o* sech things. I don't think a body can catch it thet easy. You have to have it in the heart as well as in the head. But, I cain't really argue with the idee, 'cause it would be a real indication of progress, if - folks ..could .-jest swaller a pill and be lovinVand Christian-like^ If seoh be the case, it's a durned shame we haven't had sech advantages before. The way I heared it, a body has to be in a sort o* trance, fer this pill to work. Folks cain't practice Christianity, when they're asleep on their feet. Ya have to be wide-awake and on yer toes, 'cause there's temptations all around us and things needin' to be done to help other folks learn the Christian way. I cain't help thinkin*, though, that it would be a revelation, if we could feed all them Commies, who are so bent onkillin' and fightin', some pills that would bring out their lovin' instincts, and they'd all stop warrin' and turn peaceful. Sure would be somethin' to see, them layin' down their guns and throwin' their arms around each other. Seems like human bein's have been fighting since the beginnin' o' time, and I guess they ain't a never goin' ta stop. It's too bad, 'cause this is a mighty pretty world, and it's gettin* turrible mussed up. Speakin' o' that pill, though, it's downright shameful when man can't use the gift that God gave him, his brain, to live right in the short span thet he is livin' on this beautiful planet, so that he has to resort to some drug to cloud up his mind. Some folks ferget that man is bless- Susan Nowak Is Engaged To Wed Mr. and Mrs. George Nowak announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan, to Mr. Lenard Jump, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Jump of Kaneville. Miss Nowak is a graduate of MCHS, currently a senior at Northern Illinois University. Mr. Jump is employed in Aurora. The couple plans a mid-summer wedding. ed with a mind, in order to grow above the other animals. He can, if he wants to, reach high pinnacles of intelligence, but it all has to come from the heart too. Love is the most powerful force, and man has to learn to use it right. Grandma Radtke Harrison School's PTA meeting of April 9 will be a busy and important occasion. Chi that night, at 8 p.m., Harrison school will be the scene of a Science Fair, as well as the election of PTA officers for the '68- '69 school year. The Science Fair Will be the culmination of efforts which began in September. The sixth, Garden Clubs Install Lake New Officers Mrs. Elsie Ottoson, president of the Wonder Lake Garden club, opened the regular meeting of the club recently at the home of Mrs. Vltavsky,7616 Orchard road. The Flower show at the Amphitheatre was one of topics brought up at the meeting, along with the election of officers. The following mambers were nominated ancb elected to take office for the ensuing two years: Mrs. Vltavsky, president; Mrs. Ottoson, first vice-president; Mrs. Kopp, second vice-president; and Mrs. Graff, recording secretary. After the meeting, a surprise stork shower was given for a new member, Mrs. Rita Graff. Mr . and Mrs. Graff are the proud parents of a new son. DU'3 to the holy days next month, the meeting will be held on Thursday, April 4, at the home of Mrs. Charles Koj?p, 4317 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake. At this meeting, the club will install newly elected officers. Mrs. Kopp will act as our installing officer. Wed in Spring Grove C D OF A MEETING Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573 will combine a social and business meeting on Thursday, April 4. There will be no business meeting April 18 due to the open meeting of the McHenry deanery of the Rockford Diocesan Council of Catholic Women to be held at 8 p.m. in St. Peter's church hall, Spring Grove. Life is a garment we alter some every day, but it still never seems to fit perfectly. Remingti Q O aver tunc Is Coming April 10th •To Carey Appliance Inc. In T^he Green Street Mall 1241 N. Green St. ^ 385-5500 seventh and eighth grades have prepared individual projects for display. Earlier grades will present class projects. Many Miss Heidtke Lovely Bride Miss Christine Heidtke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Heidtke of Woodstock, became the lovely bride of Mr. Cameron Thomas Clark, son Of Mr. and Mrs. M.F. Clark of McHenry in a beautiful ceremony performed at St. Mary's Catholic church, Woodstock, Saturday, March 23. The bride was given in marriage by her father at the double ring ceremony performed at 11 o'clock in the morning by Rev. Fr. Joseph Egan. Joseph Grimm acted as soloist. Miss Heidtke selected a long white organza dress with reembroidered alenconlace,styled with fitted bodice of the same type lace. The skirt, in organza, fell into a gentle "A" line and the bodice featured short bridal sleeves and oval neckline. Her chapel length train was attached at the shoulder. On her head she wore a Dior rose of organza on a petal cluster of braided alencon attached to a three-tier elbow veil. Attending the bride were Miss Ellen Clark, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, Mrs. Mary O'LearyFarrell and Mrs. Erin Green Groden as bridesmaids. They were attired similarly in "A" line dresses of spring green, styled with long, fitted bodices. They carried basket arrangements of pink and white flowers. James A. Clark served his brother as best man and groomsmen were John Heidtke, brother of the bride and John Thomson, cousin of the groom. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Heidtke chose agreensilk suit and matching accessories. Mrs. Clark was attired in a pink sleeveless dress with matching long' coat and pink accessories. Both wore white orchid corsages. A reception followed the ceremony at the McHenry Country club. The bride is a graduate of Marian Central high school and received her BA degree from Rosary college, River Forest. She is presently teaching at McHenry high school. Mr. Clark is also a graduate of Marian high school. He received his Bachelor's degree from Spring Hill college, Mobile, Ala., and his Master's from Michigan State university. At present he is serving in the U.S. Army. On April 7 he will report to Fort Lewis, Wash., and from there he will be sent to Korea. The new Mrs. Clark will continue teaching at McHenry. LEONARD STUDIO PHOTO Mi?. AND MRS. ARNOLD ENGELS A wadding of local interest was solemnized Saturday March 23 at St. Peter's church in Spring Grove. Officiating at the ceremony was Father Kilduff, uniting in marriage Betty Maxsonof McHenry and Arnold Engels of Spring Grove. , The bride wore a lovely pale blue suit with matching blue accessories. Attending the bride and groom were the groom's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merilen Engels, of Genoa City, Wis. The matron of honor wore a lime green suit with a beige accessories. The bride's grandson, Steve Maxson, had the honor of serving the Mass. A reception was held later in the afternoon, at Andre's Steak house in Richmond. Out-of-town guests were from Wisconsin, Brookfield, Northbrook, Downers Grove, Chicago, Cary, Spring Grove and McHenry. AN AFFAIR? © When you want a PHOTOGRAPHER for any M ^ Home Portraits Wedding--Candids Banquets--Parties Store Interiors Picnics -- Parades & Family Reunions You call - we'll Window Displays & Accident Pictures ^ Legal Pictures Special Events I* Outdoor Events ^ Danccs --Proms come a - running Leonard Studi 902 N. River Road McHenry 385-5579 .*' < •' * _. --fitv of the projects are working models and show great ingenuity demonstrated by the students. This has been a tremendously educational experience which Ins given participating students concrete dealings with the principals of science. It has been said that if America is to keep up in the brains race, it is necessary for the younger generation to be interested in science. A Science Fair is one of the more stimulating ways to accomplish this. Harrison school's new science teacher is Dr. Yates. Dr. Yates comes from Berkley. Before entering the teaching profession, he was a dentist for twenty-five years. He received his degree from Iowa State university. Before adjourning to view the Science Fair, the PTA will hold its annual election of officers. Nominations from the floor will be accepted before the voting. The nominating committee has presented a slate headed by Mrs. Cecilia DeWerdt for president. The other nominees are Mrs. Phyllis Schuster for vice-president, Mrs. Sandra Quilty for secretary and Mrs. Janet O'Neill for treasurer. Refreshments will be served by the fifth grade room mothers. Williams Infant Baptized Sunday The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Williams was christened Robert Richard at a baptismal ceremony performed at 2 o'clock last Sunday in St. Mary's Catholic church by Rev. Fr. Rudden. The baby wore the same christening dress worn by his mother at her christening. Dinner was served later in the day at the home of the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Miller of McHenry. The paternal grandparent are Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Williams of Mylith Park, McHenry. MARCH31 Grand Opening - McHenry County Citizens' OgiM© Headquarters - 386 Virginia Street - Lake - Richard Ogilvie - 4-6 p.m. COOK'S MR. AND MRS. LENNY LEE BLADES Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church was the setting for a lovely wedding on March 9 when Miss Alice Mae Weirich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Weirich, Sr., of 1411 N. Chapel Hill road, McHenry became the bride of Mr. Lenny Lee Blades, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Blades of 238 W. Rand road, McHenry. Following a short wedding trip, the newlyweds are making their home at 5209 Frontier avenue, McCullom Lake. The former Miss Weirich is employed as a secretary at the Oaks in Crystal Lake. Her husband is studying electronics and engineering at Devry college, Chicago. mix % cup bread crumbs with salt and pepper. Save a small amount of the bread crumbs for topping. Cream butter and add garlic, chives, parsley , onion, Worcestershire sauce and crumb mixture. Wrap mixture in waxed paper and place in refrigerator until ready to use. Clean and prepare one pound fresh, shrimp. Melt butter in a skillet over a low flame, add the shrimp and cook over medium heat one or two minutes until shrimp are thoroughly heated and coated with butter. Remove the skillet from heat and arrange shrimp in four buttered clam shells or individual casseroles. Sprinkle shrimp with sherry. Remove DeJonghe butter from the refrigerator and cut into small pieces. Dot shrimp with butter and remaining bread crumbs. Bake casseroles at 400 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until crumbs are lightly browned. Yield: 4 servings. Public Invited To Fashion Show - A Fashion and Fabric show will be held on Thursday, April 4 at 8 p.m. at the Locust school, Locust street, Marengo. Demonstration and comments by Mrs. Mary Ellen Ruiz will highlight the evening as she drapes material on a live model. The Marengo Evening Homemakers unit will sponsor the show. Mrs. Richard Bauman, unit chairman of the Marengo Evening Homemakers, extends an invitation to the public. The 1960 census showed 46 million televisions, and only 42 million telephones - 1950 - 5 million television sets. CORNER Shrimp DeJonghe is an elegant dish to impress guests with or a prize dish to build ,a family meal around. Its hidden flavor assets include a hint of garlic and a savory base of butter and sherry wine. And it's delightfully easy to serve in individual clam shells or small casserole dishes. Here are a few tips for cooking shrimp: to test shrimp for freshness, see that they are dry and firm; devein before or after cooking using a small pointed, knife or the end of a toothpick; and never over cook shrimp. To. cook shrimp, drop them into boiling water, reduce the heat at once and simmer 3 to 4 minutes. Drain at once, to prevent curling' and ilisbf over-1 cooking. INGREDIENTS 1/3 cup dry bread crumbs 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup butter 1 clove garlic (crushed) l-Yi teaspoon chopped chives 1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley 1 teaspoon minced onion 1 pound fresh shrimp (cleaned, peeled and cooked) 1 tablespoon butter 1/4 cup sherry 1/4 teaspoon Worchestershire sauce. DIRECTIONS To make DeJonghe butter, APRIL 1 Altar & Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's - Regular Meeting - After 8 o'clock Mass. APRIL 2 Fox River Valley Camp 3251, R.N.A. - Monthly Meeting - Home of Mrs. Leslie Olsen, 808 N. Center Street - 8 p.m. APRIL 4 Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 -Catholic Daughters of America - Social Meeting - 8 p.m. Preceded by Business Meeting -7:30 p.m. - K. of C. Hall. APRIL 5-6 Job's Daughters - Rummage Sale - Masonic Temple - 1309 Court Street - April 5 - 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. -- April 6 - 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. APRIL 9 O.E.S. State Meeting, Initiation - Easter Program - Acacia Hall, 8 p.m. APRIL 16 Catholic Order of Forester Reunion with Editor of the Mystery Ranger, Father Paul Tuchlinsky - Open House - St. Mary's Gym - Ladies Invited. APRIL 17 Spring Salad Luncheon & Card Party - Sponsored by the Lakeland Park Woman's club - American Legion Hall - 12 noon. APRIL 23 O.EJS. Meeting - Friends Night - Acacia Hall - 8 p.m. GEM-MEETING MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Rock River Valley Gem and Mineral society will be held on Saturday evening, March 30, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Burpee Art Gallery, 737 North Main street, Rockford. The meeting will include an illustrated lecture, "Braggin* rock" session and refreshments. Visitors are cordially inyited to attend. GEORGE J, HEIMER A funeral. Mass for George J. Heiifter will be offered at 10 o'clock Friday morning in St. Mary's Catholic church with interment in the church cemetery. Mr. Heimer, 73, of 4320 Crestwood drive, McHenry, died Tuesday, March 26 in the Villa Nursing home. The deceased was born July 26, 1894, in McHenry, son of John and Helena Blake Heimer. He was a member of Mc- Henry's Legion Post, No. 491. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Annabel Aicher, and a brother, Leo, both of McHenry. His wife, Pearl, died in 1951. The body rests at the George R. Jus ten and Son chapel until the time of last rites. Over 400 million persons suffer from trachoma. For 10 cents UNICEF provides the antibiotics to save one of them from blindness. Look for the a i . < f a r > W*k\ />Lk • v THINK GAY.... THINK YOUNG.... THINK PRETTY.... Come see our "SPRING FASHIONS" Suits Dresses Costume Duos \ ? All apparel seen in Vogue New York Times & Seventeen Newest Miracle Fabrics Many wash and wear Darks, .vivid Pastels Stripes... Sizes 5 to 15 8 to 20 12 +to 22 + USE OUR LAVA WAY PLAN WE HONOR ALL MIDWEST BANK CHARGE CARDS Route 31 ( 1007 N. Front St. ) McHenFy, Illinois 385-7747 Daily to 5:30 Fri. "til 9 P.M. FREE PARKING X v * 4 i

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