wmm-' #±S±aSSSS$S^ I The Drivers Seat I,J*V • v £ msrnk*^ < " . McHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 MS West Elm Street Phone 8854170 McHenry, Illinois -- 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, 111. Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, TiHnnfo by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Land -- Publisher Adele Froehlfch, Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER «B!H?®W/-7Tm>- j |AS^5C0TI^ HEWSPAPEG ' isanmnaacnn 1 Year In McHenry and ^ Lake County Subscription Bates . • $7.50 1 Year $9.00 Outsitie McHenry and Lake County AIRPORT NEED CITED Conferences during the last highlighted the growing need for a new airport to serve the Es St. Louis - St. Louis metropolitan area. Businessman and city officials from an 11 county area attended the third such conference in Belleville. Feasibility studies and discussion of the proposal are bedlrected by Gov. Samuel H. Shapiro's assistants on intergovernmental affairs and the Department of Business and Economic Development. The state seeks to have the proposed airport built on an Illinois site. ADD DETAILS The outerwear look is accented with suburban details such as belts, mammoth pockets, hoods, big collars. What are some of the special problems of driving in the rain, and what can you do about them? Automobile hydroplaning: This dangerous situation, which usually occurs during a heavy rain, happens when tires skim across the surface of the water. Hydroplaning usually happens at 55 mph or more, hut may occur at lower speeds, ft is more likely to happen at lower speeds if the rear of the car ia heavily loaded. Experts advise all drivers to slow down in the rafau Bald tires, which have no grooves into which water from the roadway can be pushed and decrease the chances of hydroplaning, should be replaced by newooes. (If water can't be pushed out of the way, it stays under the tire. Then the tire slides on it. That's hydroplaning). . Reduced visibility: Rain usually reduces a driver's vision. If the rain is especially heavy, motorists are advised to pull off the road and wait until the rain . Traffic signs: A little - recognized problem related to rain is that it reduces the reflective qualities of some signs- But signs covered with a transparent, plastic coat, retain their reflective qualities even when wet. Failing to see the former type of sign on a dark, rainy night could be fatal* Experts advise motorists to let highway officials know about signs that can't he seen in the rain. . Road oil and grease: Roads accumulate a band of oil and grease down the center of each lane. The longer it is between rain storms, the more greftse and oil are likely to be on the roads. Rain floats this oil to the surface and causes "oil slick" accidents. Heavy rain may wash off the oU in 30 minutes, but a gentle one may preserve the oil slick lor as much as two hours. Reduced speed, especially when it begins to rain after a dry qcll, is the only solution tothe problem, experts advise. • Wet leaves and mud: Soaked with water, leaves and mud nay cause skids of accidents Urten a driver brakes on them. Since both offer little tractton, try to avoid braking on them and redfece your speed when you see these condtttons on the road, but do it before you get art them. Tj wo.? LT. RENARD BLUM Lts Rsnard Blum, 26» son of Mr. and Mrs. Retard W» Blum of Chicago, summer residents of McHenry for s&any years, dted in the hospital at Great Lakes Naval Training station Monday evQning, Aug. 19, following an illnsss of a month and a year of failing health. He was a graduate of Bradley university and was serving with the Navy when he fescama ill. Survivors are his parents; one brother, James, of McHenry; and one sister, Glean Wilms flt Morton Grove. Visitation will be at the Chasen cfcipel, 5766 W. Ifi^ins, Chicago, Wednesday afternoon and evening. AH feunans - regardless of ag@f> color, creed, occupation, or social status -- are bound together by the sa^se fears - the tear of loneliness, rejection, Inferiority, illness, death. read^ forth Decton Perma-Iron In three new colors. New Blue, New Gold & New Green, lounger point collars & French • Cuffs. Styled by Arrow Go to Hw head of the doss this school year with the latest hi styling ideas for the young man. Our back to school collection will outfit your every need. SPORT CHATS Blazier style in Hopsacking. Whisky & New Blue color. Sizes 36 to 42 DRESS SHIRTS Oxford cloth, Hopsacking made with B.D. collars. New. patterns in styles- & checks. on light & dark back grounds. Turtle neck, Nehru style, Button down collars & Mock. Sizes Small, Medium, Large & Ex - Large PANTS New styles & colors, 50% Fortrell & 50% Cotton. Long wearing, permanent press & no iron. Plain colors, checks & plaids. Made with belt loops & cuffs or continental style Waist sizes 27 to 36 SWEATERS New Fall Styles & Colors. Turtle neck, Pullovers & Cardigans. Plain colors & Fancy patterns. Small, Medium, Large & Ex - Large. 10 95 $2250" $150 Jockey Life Hose, Orion & Stretch Nylon. Black, Tah Heather, Birch Heather, Navy & Brown Heather uni-size 10 to 13 SHOES *14 99 Back to School Special Handsewn & Hard heel in Whisky Smooth. WHITE'S *«'« skop We Give S&H Green Stamps N. Gr<g(tn, MdKteoiry WED., AUG., 21, 1968 - PLAINDEALER ~ PG. 3 WWW? GREEN STREET MAIL 1219 N. Green St. McHenry, i m \ i SWEATERS: Ski, turtleneck fishermen and Vneck pullovers . . . wools and acrylics . . . sizes 34 to 40 .. . from $6. SLACKS: Solid and patterned junior ^c^iiy ^ wool . . . featuring the new 'Ellie' styli sizes 5 to 15 . . . from $7 SHOES: Buckles are in . . . square toes and stack heels make back to school fun . . . from $6.99.